Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
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Cheating and Exploits

  • darjobuno
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?

    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    "Whether it provides an advantage or not, utilizing macros do fall under this category and are prohibited."

    Okay so that leads me to my next questions:

    Why am I still getting killed by people using macros performing 5 plus actions in under 2 seconds, especially considering that that response was dated from almost 2 years ago?

    What is being done to insure that those who are breaking the rules learn their lesson not to do so anymore?

    If the answer is that I have to report the people who are cheating then I better start getting a rebate on my subscription for having to do the work of the people I am paying money too for a service.

    Why have I heard over and over again that these people are getting one week slaps on the wrist and being allowed to keep their accounts and to keep ruining the spirit of competition in PvP?
    No longer swimming upstream
  • Idinuse

    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance. I spent $3000.00 F'ing dollars to see just who was cheating and how it was happening. First for all those nay sayers before....
    I run at 130 mbp down and 5 mbp up.
    I am running at 100 FPS on a regular basis.
    I am running a 32 gig, GTX 1080 system with hard component drive for processing and separate drive for gaming.
    I have NO lag issues what so ever so if even one of you macro using cheating yahoos try to tell me its my system you can eat it.

    Next now that I officially see everything in real freaking time. No-one and I mean No-one I don't care if you have 5000 cp can come out of a castle door and kill 6 vets in less than 2 seconds. Yet alone complete 5 separate actions in that time.
    Which leads me to my one question that I want answered.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?
    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    PvP is a realm for competition and in competition there has to be rules that are followed and adhered to. If no one is going to enforce the rules then everyone is going to break the rules. Pure and simple logic.

    Peace be with you. :wink:

    They are not. They are against the ToS. Here are two other Zos quotes:
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • darjobuno
    Haderus RIght Now

    The EP are not giving up any control what so ever of the whole map. It has been that way for I don't know how long. There are people coming back into zone chat asking if the "cheaters" are still in game.

    Whole armies are getting ran over by just a few people. I have bug reported the events several times in the last hour.

    Doing the work of the people I pay for the service of.

    ZoS you can't tell me that you can't place about 10 lines of code inside the game that monitors the speed of actions of players, and if they exceed the realms of human capability that you could freeze all their actions instantly.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • Elsonso
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay so that leads me to my next questions:

    Why am I still getting killed by people using macros performing 5 plus actions in under 2 seconds, especially considering that that response was dated from almost 2 years ago?

    What is being done to insure that those who are breaking the rules learn their lesson not to do so anymore?

    If the answer is that I have to report the people who are cheating then I better start getting a rebate on my subscription for having to do the work of the people I am paying money too for a service.

    Why have I heard over and over again that these people are getting one week slaps on the wrist and being allowed to keep their accounts and to keep ruining the spirit of competition in PvP?

    Few know for sure what the truth is about ZOS punishment duration. I hear the stories, but without some sort of corroboration, it is just a story.

    My story is that ZOS only has one ToS person, and they ran off with the barista from the nearby Starbucks 2 years ago. I keep telling ZOS they need to go check the office. See for themselves. Sadly, they seem to be too busy.

    At least, this is the way it seems.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • darjobuno
    I hope they fix this with the Morrowind update. If they don't then there is no reason to play any PvP function including the new 4 vs 4 cause it will be the same shite different day.

    They did make one change. You can no longer /report for a quick connect to report a player.

    You have to go to ?
    Then go to "ask a question"
    Then select Report a Player.

    Hmmm why would you make it harder to report a person in the game?

    I am still seriously considering coming up with my own macros.

    In the course of 4 or 5 hours I created 3 or 4 bug reports to ZoS telling them about the team of macro users in EP that are doing nothing but running roughshod over every other group in the game.

    I reported the player that killed me in 16 seconds. That I had the jump on. When I am running A CP 504 Templar Healer with a starting HP of 27,000 wearing a 16,000 damage, damage shield. With a Spell Resistance of 21,500 and a Physical Resistance of 18,600, Utilizing heals. I normally hold off 2 and 3 good players with this character, I have taken out vet pledge bosses single handedly, I can solo just about every world boss single handedly, and I die in 16 seconds? My previous DPS before I faced him was 5400 and after I faced him it was 312?

    Welcome to ESO PvP.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • NBrookus
    If people are reporting players for "cheating" every time they get rekt, there's no way ZOS can keep up with the reports. :D

    The pertinent question is why this thread was unstickied without an official statement or response why? Is the topic suppose to quietly slide into history?
    Because while "I got pwnd; must be cheater" is a lot more comment than actual cheaters, they certainly aren't gone. The sheer number of bot trains alone show clearly that ZOS is not taking any effective action at policing their game.
  • Voltranox
    Some player actions are obviously suspect (like the 'macros' series of hits that happen with NO cool-down), so it's apparent that there's cheating still going on.

    And yes, because of that, everyone is under suspicion. That is the most insidious aspect of it. You just don't know, and it taints the fun of the whole competition.

    I was hoping the developers would have this sorted out last patch. Am I willing to gamble another $60 plus ongoing subscription fees to see if they sort it out with the next patch? With no official statement, I'm thinking not unfortunately.
  • Elsonso
    NBrookus wrote: »

    The pertinent question is why this thread was unstickied without an official statement or response why? Is the topic suppose to quietly slide into history?

    This thread has not been unpinned. It is right there at the top.

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • NBrookus
    NBrookus wrote: »

    The pertinent question is why this thread was unstickied without an official statement or response why? Is the topic suppose to quietly slide into history?

    This thread has not been unpinned. It is right there at the top.

    Hmmm. Wasn't for me last night.
  • ManwithBeard9
    Thread is still pinned at the top in the General ESO Discussion section
  • Glamdring
    Im not sure i read this correctly, the guy above claims ppl are cheating cause his healbot he can solo worldbosses with got rekt in 16 sec !?!?! oh lord, its going downhill.....
  • ProbablePaul
    darjobuno wrote: »

    Okay so that leads me to my next questions:

    Why am I still getting killed by people using macros performing 5 plus actions in under 2 seconds, especially considering that that response was dated from almost 2 years ago?

    What is being done to insure that those who are breaking the rules learn their lesson not to do so anymore?

    I know it's hard to imagine that it's possible, but I've seen people who play fighting games, or games like guitar hero and dance dance revolution hit buttons faster than I imagined possible. I guess that makes me wonder, are any of the actions performed Heavy Attacks? With some animation cancelling skills, it's not impossible to pull off a 4 hit combo that looks like a single ability. E.g. Heavy attack > ability > switch bars > light attack > ability ... and it wouldn't be too hard to throw another ability with a light attack in there to have a 6 attack combo in less than two seconds.
    Bosmer Melee Magicka Nightblade
  • KingMagaw
    Z0$ have proven incapable of dealing with the cheating so.... ESO isn't competitive nor can it be if cheating and exploiting arent enforced with transparency. In ESO you can cheat with immunity because anyone mentions your name with video or screenshot and THEY get suspended for naming and shaming cheating/exploiting actions.

    Closing down PvP campaigns that were almost always empty is a shrewd move to cover up less people in the game. Even with levelling a new character, doing quests in all zones, playtime from 5pm-midnight PCEU, i see hardly anyone around.

    Morrowind didn't sell good?, even with Warden - Add in early access to try and sell some more copies when Morrowind and Battlegrounds is buggy and untested content that i am sure is full of exploits. Players cant even get a game atm queue system is not so surprisingly broken.

    Trueflame Cp campaign is pop-locked most nights with the overspill going to Haderus 7 day CP. What does Z0$ do?, close Haderus and have nothing in its place putting more pressure and more queue time to get into Trueflame. With the additional SpellBreaker and EbonyBlade closures service is getting worse not better and its not a good sign when a company deletes products that are still being used and has no solution in place.

    Making the new ticket system more awkward to report players is shameful.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno - Care to surprise us with a reply to these stupid decesions being made above - Or to answer the player, which you said you would, who posted in this forum months ago that you disregarded.

  • necronomniconb14_ESO
    This is how a development team who actually cares about game integrity handles it.

    They actually don't give second chances, unlike ZOS.

    lmao, which one SOE or TheyBreakGames? "cares about a game" roflmfao
  • Gorthax
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?

    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    "Whether it provides an advantage or not, utilizing macros do fall under this category and are prohibited."

    And yet nothing is ever done about it. Sooooooooo
  • Elsonso
    Gorthax wrote: »
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?

    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    "Whether it provides an advantage or not, utilizing macros do fall under this category and are prohibited."

    And yet nothing is ever done about it. Sooooooooo

    Yup. Certainly looks that way, doesn't it?

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Gorthax
    Gorthax wrote: »
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?

    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    "Whether it provides an advantage or not, utilizing macros do fall under this category and are prohibited."

    And yet nothing is ever done about it. Sooooooooo

    Yup. Certainly looks that way, doesn't it?

    Very much looks that way indeed. Wish they were more transparent about it.
  • darjobuno
    If they are not going to try to keep the cheats out I wish they would just come out and say....

    "Uh guys we uh tried to get rid of the cheaters and well it's just too hard to do. So our new stance is whatever you want to do in PvP goes".

    So the rest of us who would really like to be able to get the accomplishments done in PvP can do so with our own cheats and hacks and not have to worry about losing our accounts.

    The ones abusing PvP with cheats right now really don't care. They don't like the game yet alone love the game. They are just out their stroking there egos with self rewarding behavior. They could care less if they were banned from the game they would just move onto the next game and abuse it.

    I just want to be able to play PvP and get the achievements then move on. Hell if it were a fair contest I might even play in PvP more often.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • GreenhaloX
    Maybe I'm missing something here. Was watching some consecutive, multiple duels with the same tank dude, with a 65K hp build, beating his opponents in each successive duels. I have a tank and I surely know by plusing up with the higher hp you get, you are sacrificing the other attributes; very low stam and majicka, as well as dps. Thus, I keep mine around 40kish to be able to also have good stam pool in the mid-to-higher 30s, plus have a decent, well-rounded max weapon damage. Hey, I tried it and pushed my tank to the 60k hp, but like I said, all my other attributes and dps are practically nothing. So, I understand the tougher-to-kill factor in dueling against a tank with 60k something hp, but seeing that tank taking a huge swat of hp away from the other opponents, at times.. that is what is puzzling me. Anyways, if any of you guys had dueled him or hear his repetitive calling for all comers to try to kill him and he will reward those who can, with a couple hundred thousand gold. Haaa, kind of fishy of a build to me.. Again, perhaps, I'm wrong and may be something legitimate about it. Hmmm..
    Edited by GreenhaloX on May 24, 2017 5:38PM
  • leem1988
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing something here. Was watching some consecutive, multiple duels with the same tank dude, with a 65K hp build, beating his opponents in each successive duels. I have a tank and I surely know by plusing up with the higher hp you get, you are sacrificing the other attributes; very low stam and majicka, as well as dps. Thus, I keep mine around 40kish to be able to also have good stam pool in the mid-to-higher 30s, plus have a decent, well-rounded max weapon damage. Hey, I tried it and pushed my tank to the 60k hp, but like I said, all my other attributes and dps are practically nothing. So, I understand the tougher-to-kill factor in dueling against a tank with 60k something hp, but seeing that tank taking a huge swat of hp away from the other opponents, at times.. that is what is puzzling me. Anyways, if any of you guys had dueled him or hear his repetitive calling for all comers to try to kill him and he will reward those who can, with a couple hundred thousand gold. Haaa, kind of fishy of a build to me.. Again, perhaps, I'm wrong and may be something legitimate about it. Hmmm..

    hmm maybe hes stacking oblivion damage... Is he doing alot of heavy attacks?
  • QuebraRegra
    This is how a development team who actually cares about game integrity handles it.

    They actually don't give second chances, unlike ZOS.

    I actually turned the sound up for that... it's pure F@#@ gold!!!! Brilliant! :)
  • darjobuno
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing something here. Was watching some consecutive, multiple duels with the same tank dude, with a 65K hp build, beating his opponents in each successive duels. I have a tank and I surely know by plusing up with the higher hp you get, you are sacrificing the other attributes; very low stam and majicka, as well as dps. Thus, I keep mine around 40kish to be able to also have good stam pool in the mid-to-higher 30s, plus have a decent, well-rounded max weapon damage. Hey, I tried it and pushed my tank to the 60k hp, but like I said, all my other attributes and dps are practically nothing. So, I understand the tougher-to-kill factor in dueling against a tank with 60k something hp, but seeing that tank taking a huge swat of hp away from the other opponents, at times.. that is what is puzzling me. Anyways, if any of you guys had dueled him or hear his repetitive calling for all comers to try to kill him and he will reward those who can, with a couple hundred thousand gold. Haaa, kind of fishy of a build to me.. Again, perhaps, I'm wrong and may be something legitimate about it. Hmmm..

    There is an armor set I read somewhere that returns damage equal to half your health. I don't remember the set but that is probably what he is doing.
    No longer swimming upstream
  • Anunakis
    ive sent so many files and reports to zos , im not usre im alone but cheaters still playing eso with no harassment, how many of you saw a guy with 2500+ cp ? or went into fight where almost 1 hundred people couldnt kill immortal zos supporter?

    and for the rest of normal players :

    cyrodil cp was deleted because cp are the cause for lags not damn $hitheads on cheatengine with gazilion of recource and regen

    zos is on the path of star wars galaxy fall , they want to grab much cash as possible but for what? why zos is baning players reporting cheaters?
  • Turelus
    Seeing as I was just in another thread where people were saying how they plan to exploit something until it's fixed (only a minor node spawn but still) can we have an actual security and GM team to work against this now ZOS?

    I'll sit here and defend how wonderful all the games developers are for days, I will enjoy the game regardless of balance issues or minor bugs, but come on... it's three years in and we still have everyone laughing at how bad you are at any kind of rules enforcement.

    Do you have in house (at your main office) security staff?
    Do you have a head of security who can go on ESO Live?
    Do you have a contact email we can report exploits faster than the normal game bug reports? (which never seem to amount to anything)

    I'm tired of exploits sitting in your game even when reported, those abusing them getting ahead of everyone else and the only time you act is because a big stick is made on the forums.

    You are literally the worst company I have ever seen in regards to enforcement of your ToS. I have played much smaller MMO games, some not even in the mainstream or AAA bracket and they've done a better job than you.

    Can we please make year three of ESO the year we clean the game up?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Elsonso
    Turelus wrote: »
    Seeing as I was just in another thread where people were saying how they plan to exploit something until it's fixed (only a minor node spawn but still) can we have an actual security and GM team to work against this now ZOS?

    I'll sit here and defend how wonderful all the games developers are for days, I will enjoy the game regardless of balance issues or minor bugs, but come on... it's three years in and we still have everyone laughing at how bad you are at any kind of rules enforcement.

    Do you have in house (at your main office) security staff?
    Do you have a head of security who can go on ESO Live?
    Do you have a contact email we can report exploits faster than the normal game bug reports? (which never seem to amount to anything)

    I'm tired of exploits sitting in your game even when reported, those abusing them getting ahead of everyone else and the only time you act is because a big stick is made on the forums.

    You are literally the worst company I have ever seen in regards to enforcement of your ToS. I have played much smaller MMO games, some not even in the mainstream or AAA bracket and they've done a better job than you.

    Can we please make year three of ESO the year we clean the game up?

    Ultimately, it is either the person in charge of Live Services, or the person in charge of Customer Support. Both are huddled down, safely out of the light, in a part of ZOS that they never talk about.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • GreenhaloX
    leem1988 wrote: »
    GreenhaloX wrote: »
    Maybe I'm missing something here. Was watching some consecutive, multiple duels with the same tank dude, with a 65K hp build, beating his opponents in each successive duels. I have a tank and I surely know by plusing up with the higher hp you get, you are sacrificing the other attributes; very low stam and majicka, as well as dps. Thus, I keep mine around 40kish to be able to also have good stam pool in the mid-to-higher 30s, plus have a decent, well-rounded max weapon damage. Hey, I tried it and pushed my tank to the 60k hp, but like I said, all my other attributes and dps are practically nothing. So, I understand the tougher-to-kill factor in dueling against a tank with 60k something hp, but seeing that tank taking a huge swat of hp away from the other opponents, at times.. that is what is puzzling me. Anyways, if any of you guys had dueled him or hear his repetitive calling for all comers to try to kill him and he will reward those who can, with a couple hundred thousand gold. Haaa, kind of fishy of a build to me.. Again, perhaps, I'm wrong and may be something legitimate about it. Hmmm..

    hmm maybe hes stacking oblivion damage... Is he doing alot of heavy attacks?

    Even if he was heavy attacking.. for a toon with so high of health (which should have very low weapon damage rating), the damage output shouldn't be that much at all either.
    darjobuno wrote: »

    There is an armor set I read somewhere that returns damage equal to half your health. I don't remember the set but that is probably what he is doing.

    Yes, there is a set that does throws back a % of damage to the target.. I don't recall off the top of my head what the name of it is. Even then, it's not that much. It will show you the amount of damage on the info screen of the armor that will be thrown back at the attacker. With a standard hp of 22-24k, I believe only around 1200-1500 will be thrown back, and the tick time.. I think it's around every 30ish seconds, maybe longer. I didn't pay too much attention to the set because the damage output ratio wasn't much at all or attracting enough. However, there is no way there is a set that will push out a % of half the health of a toon. Then everybody will be talking about it, running it or grinding mad to get it and other people would be whining mad about it and surely ZOS/devs would have nerfed it multi-times already. You're talking about, for a 65k tank, that will be about 33k damage being thrown back at the attacker. No toon, especially, with the average hp of 18-20k, will ever survive that, with whatever sick damage shield or health regen juice they would have. Ha ha.

    I recall a thread posted sometime during the last few weeks about someone asking about an unkillable tank build in PvP, and he was inquiring about what that entails because he wanted to build one just for giggles and grins for PvE. Maybe he did figured it out and was testing it. However, if so, it is still unusual for a tank with that high hp to deal so much damage in a short period of time. No way.. What tank in PvE land has anybody ever seen doing damage or dishing dps comparable or better than a normal dps?

    I actually have two tank builds. One is a hybrid tank/dps. This DK one is the 40k hp with 35k stam and around 2200 max weapon dam (with rally, it goes up close to 2400/2500). So, soloing against world bosses and whatnot is quite decent. It is a tank, but can add good dps when needed. Surely it does, because in PvE land, there are just so many that do not know how to dps or do rotations. Ha ha. My other tank is the for show tank. With Plaque Doc and another HA-based set and everything hp focused, enchanted into, I'm hitting the 60k hp, but all other attributes are crap. Stam is in the low teens and weapon damage is scrub nothing 1kish. So yeah, I don't know what's up with that tank. Haven't seen it or his gloating on text chat for few now, though.
  • GreenhaloX
    darjobuno wrote: »
    darjobuno wrote: »
    Okay I am back and with a vengeance.

    Are any form of "Macros" real, imagined, software or hardware legal?

    I will assume that if this question goes unanswered for more than a month by the ZoS/Bethesda team that they are legal and I will begin using my own macro system in PvP.

    "Whether it provides an advantage or not, utilizing macros do fall under this category and are prohibited."

    Okay so that leads me to my next questions:

    Why am I still getting killed by people using macros performing 5 plus actions in under 2 seconds, especially considering that that response was dated from almost 2 years ago?

    What is being done to insure that those who are breaking the rules learn their lesson not to do so anymore?

    If the answer is that I have to report the people who are cheating then I better start getting a rebate on my subscription for having to do the work of the people I am paying money too for a service.

    Why have I heard over and over again that these people are getting one week slaps on the wrist and being allowed to keep their accounts and to keep ruining the spirit of competition in PvP?

    So yes, when I first went into PvP with my first toon (yes, noob then. damn, how's long ago was that.. what, almost a couple of years ago?) when it was the V16 and as a 2H StamDK, I was getting wrecked by some toons with only a couple shots. I was like, what the hell?! My was DK had 35k hp in PvP at the time and wearing all HA (and one medium for the undaunted.) How the hell I was getting killed so fast and easy. I was even killed by a non-V level 23 dude. I recall that vividly because it was so shameful. My death cap showed numbers from 5500 to 12k per hit. I was like, how the hell a toon at that level can dish out so much damages and take out a V16 HA DK with 35hp?! Just a couple months ago, I took a couple other new toons in PvP and was still experiencing same. Ha ha.. only in PvP!

  • Anunakis
    Turelus wrote: »
    Seeing as I was just in another thread where people were saying how they plan to exploit something until it's fixed (only a minor node spawn but still) can we have an actual security and GM team to work against this now ZOS?

    I'll sit here and defend how wonderful all the games developers are for days, I will enjoy the game regardless of balance issues or minor bugs, but come on... it's three years in and we still have everyone laughing at how bad you are at any kind of rules enforcement.

    Do you have in house (at your main office) security staff?
    Do you have a head of security who can go on ESO Live?
    Do you have a contact email we can report exploits faster than the normal game bug reports? (which never seem to amount to anything)

    I'm tired of exploits sitting in your game even when reported, those abusing them getting ahead of everyone else and the only time you act is because a big stick is made on the forums.

    You are literally the worst company I have ever seen in regards to enforcement of your ToS. I have played much smaller MMO games, some not even in the mainstream or AAA bracket and they've done a better job than you.

    Can we please make year three of ESO the year we clean the game up?

    in other mmos that i played support were dealing with cheaters fast and permanently, i.e funcom ccp and the company behind everquest , even sometimes they gave to players who catch cheaters some kind of rewards , here in reward u can go baned (SOCIAL BAN or perma ban - sick!), open pvp system is good for killing boters too
  • Elsonso
    Anunakis wrote: »
    in other mmos that i played support were dealing with cheaters fast and permanently, i.e funcom ccp and the company behind everquest , even sometimes they gave to players who catch cheaters some kind of rewards , here in reward u can go baned (SOCIAL BAN or perma ban - sick!), open pvp system is good for killing boters too

    As time goes on, I think that ZOS feels that cheating (botting and macros) is just an alternative play style, to be cherished and nurtured. :unamused:

    They seem really concerned about chat content, though.
    Edited by Elsonso on May 25, 2017 1:37PM
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Anunakis
    now all the botters are in delves/public dungeons , and there is no way to kill them :/
    Edited by Anunakis on May 26, 2017 3:57PM
This discussion has been closed.