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Rip Nightblades (assuming they were alive at one point)

@ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Quote by Eric Wrobel ESO live April 28th 2017 : "In PVP they have a very distictive style where they are kinda hard to track down. They are teleporting around, they are being very slippery... But in PVE you don't really have that distinction as much, because you're standing there just kinda stabbin the boss just like everyone else is. So getting a more kinda sorta stealthy feel to the PVE rotation is a longer term goal for nightblades." AIGHT GUYS, I GOT A SUGGESTION. CAN WE GET A BACKSTAB ABILITY OR WHAT? A nice single target spammable that does solid damage if you are behind the boss/mob... Honestly, this could be a massive help in fixing what Wrobel was talking about. If you are looking for an ability to drop out to make room for backstab, I would suggest agony. That ability is so rare, I have never even heard of anyone using it. Twisting Path (Path of Darkness morph): Increased the damage of this morph by approximately 11%. Very good start, considering theres usually 4-5 threads on the main page of general discussion about how little damage nightblades do. I do have to say though, there are a ton of people asking for a stamina morph of this skill. It is so hard to try and compete as a stam dps, especially in aoe situations. Giving a stam morph of path would help greatly I am sure. One of the cloak morphs needs to be stam. Also possibly fixing siphoning strikes... Skill is still horrible, the one thing nightblades had was sustain. Really didn't matter at all because every class had unlimited resources. Now, as soon as resources become important, siphoning strikes gets DESTROYED. It also costs stamina now? Relentless and siphoning should both cost magicka!!! Stamblades for PVE have 10 skills with not a single one using magicka. Magicka pool stays at a neutral 10k and never moves... As of now, it is not even worth running siphoning strikes on your bar.

@f047ys3v3n Has a very good post in the closed beta forums. Thing is, it contains nothing that would break the NDA. I have asked him to put it in the general discussion forums, for everyone to see. That hasn't happened, so I am going to copy paste it so everyone can look at it. It is a good read. @f047ys3v3n If you would like me to delete, or are not in approval of my copy paste, please let me know and I will delete it. Until then, lets try and get this dev team to start giving a sheet about nightblades...

I finished up watching the ESO live from 4-28. During this Wrobel made some comments about what NB is and what they envision it doing that both got me thinking and also, to a degree, put me in a Picard facepalm. What Wrobel says is that in PVP NB is sneaky, hard to pin down, and can teleport all around. He than states that in PVE this all, of course, does not work because you just go up to the boss and hit him in the face. This isn't very NB like and they are working on making it more sneeky or something to that effect. I thought, as a guy who has mained NB at various times in the games history and is pretty good at it (I have been in the #1NA leaderboard slot at major resets, done vMA flawless, etc.) I would give my thoughts on what NB has been at times and how this has worked at least partially because I think misunderstanding of this has largely left NB just a bad sorc and that it has become a more and more broken and useless class.

PVP, beyond ganking, or no longer even ganking

First I will actually start with PVP (though I only occasionally play this). There was a time, various times actually, when NB's were really that unique and well tuned solo gank type thing. They, of course, have a singular ability in cloak that allows them to escape and sneak better than all others. This used to be supplemented with great attack from hidden passives and actives as well as a solo purge attached to cloak. They were solo survivable and a NB attacking from stealth almost always was lethal. None of this is really the case anymore. These attacks, and passives, have been nerfed or removed and few people die to gank attacks. Similarly, the removal of the solo purge from cloak made a NB really need a group just like anybody else if they are going to operate near any enemy siege. NB now has little more uniqueness in PVP than being able to chicken *** out and put up a camp when a group is getting wiped. I believe the cause of the removal of this uniqueness is primarily that vicious death was too game changing a proc set which, when used by NB, annoyed people. Basically, what made whole class unique, and fun, was removed to save an item set that mostly annoys people and does not actually do so well at breaking up zergs (removal of AOE caps, siege buff, and the addition of range to the fire ring destro ability have been far more instrumental in this).

PVE the group buffing utility player that no longer group buffs or has utility..

In PvE NB (and we will talk solely about mNB here as sNB has never been anything more than a stack and whack trials dps and has mostly sucked at that) was also a very unique being which had a variety of abilities that compensated for it's never actually being a top dps to make it an important part of some of the very best groups. First, there was a time that you needed damage mitigation for phases in trials. Veil is the longest duration and by far most cost efficient mitigation. This, in a rough way, gave NB a role in trials before it was decided that dynamic ulti-gen, and therefore ulimates being a meaningful part of PVE, was for cheat engine users only. This change hurt NB's a lot as it didn't just take a dps skill from them but actually the group utility skill that was primary reason they were in trials groups.

In more recent times though, NB has offered a variety of usefulness to a trials group. First off, the NB spamable, funnel health, is actually a pretty strong passive heal. It is strong not just because it provides a good bit of healing, but also because the heals target the lowest health player like a breath. They therefore over-heal less and save more deaths. Even with only one funnel heal going out (used to heal 2x + double crit whereas now it's 1x and single crit) it still manages between 8 and 11% of groups heals with these heals being more valuable than the average heal because of the targeted nature. All told, the overall group utility from this spamable is the highest of any spamable in the game. It is true that that utility is redundant for probably 3 guilds in the entire game but I assure you. For most guilds completing trials it was very beneficial. The heal from funnel could also be combined with a less targeted HOT from refreshing path. With the combined heals of funnel and refreshing, or even with just funnel alone, a NB was a very meaningful contributor to group heals and took a lot of pressure of healers during the, most of the time, when they are applying buffs instead of directly healing.

Secondly, mNB retains more dps, survivability, and sustainability while ranged and doing utility roles than any other class. The reasons for this are many fold. First, mNB has the only skill redundant with combat prayer. Combat prayers are very important to DPS but rarely are applied outside of the stack. mNB had the advantage that this was not an issue as they have a redundant buff in relentless that they keep up. This allows them to keep more DPS apart from group. NB's also maintain their survivability when outside the stack because their funnel continues to provide them robust passive HOT's in similar strength to healing springs. This, in concert with the shield magica toons run, allows for very good outside survivability. Survivability is also, in no small way, buffed by the fact that though cripple NB's have major expedition at all times during combat. This is big kiting meteors, avoiding exploding adds, etc. Lastly, doing a role outside of the stack means you get few healing springs, orbs, and shards for resources. NB had the easiest time with this because it had both the best actively managed resource return in siphoning and the lowest average ability cost. This resource return was balanced such that without siphoning you slowly went down in resources and with it you went up at almost exactly the same rate. For most of the history of the game mNB has been the first toon out of the stack so to speak for doing any particular utility role.

My judgment of the sum of all this was that for most of the last year it was of benefit to have about 2 mNB's in an ideal group and that it was even worth sacrificing some DPS for this provided that dps was not to great in magnitude. With the latest buffs to sorc the tradeoff is demonstrably not worthwhile today, in the homestead patch, but this is mostly a sorc problem. Sorc is now doing more dps ranged than any melee even so you can see how far out of whack that has gotten. That is all a sorc ballance issue though. It did not mean that NB wasn't working. It meant that sorc needed a nerf, pretty badly, as they had literally replaced all DPS's in many groups.

How about now, in Morrowind?

So, in morrowind, in PVP you have not much in changes to relative NB usefulness. It is still just a chicken *** stack dweller. Maybe it will be able to sneak up to the flag in battlegrounds. I really haven't though much about it.

In PVE though, the NB not only retains the title of lowest dps, but also looses much of its utility because it's 2 main utility abilities are directly broken or no longer fit the new meta. Funnel is the source main of the mNB's group utility healing. However, it is a low damage spamable and, with resource changes, therefore isn't really a meaningful part of the rotation any more. You just won't do much in the way of group heals any more because you won't cast it much any more as you will be channeling heavies. This was not a direct nerf it was simply an unforsean side effect of a systemic resource management change that breaks all current builds and ushers in a new meta.

A direct skill nerf, or obliteration in this case, is siphoning strikes. This skill allowed NB's to sustain solo in a way others could not. For all intents and purposes it is gone. It will return 10% or so of it's current return and come out to something like 360 regen equivalent if it is well kept up. It won't be though as the full heavy / DOT meta obviates any need for it even if it were strong. This is a binary thing. Resource manage and light or medium weave or full heavy and DOT. There are really no half or 1/10th measures.

Going forward

Going forward, for me, simply means paying other games. I unsubbed and canceled my preorder. I listened to what Wrobel and Lambert had to say about picking your moment to do burst damage and heavy attacking to get back resources. Ultimately, I just don't want to play that, slower, less responsive, still riddled with cheat engine, game. I could also go into why I don't really think any of that vision will be how things actually end up working or how I see overall balance effected by the unintended consequences. I have talked about all that in other posts. This post is neither for that nor for suggestions about NB improvements. This post is to talk about how NB, specifically mNB, actually uniquely worked. It was really fun to play and because of that I continued to play it several patches after sorcs started to really crush my dps numbers. It was odd that I did given how I had switched from Sorc, to NB, to DK, to Templar, and back to NB again in the past. The stuff just all worked together so smoothly it was hard to let it go just because the number at the end was less than stellar. This was especially true when it seemed like the magnitude of Sorc dps couldn't be on purpose, or for long. Anyhow, Worbel seemed to want to know how it was that NB uniquely did PVE stuff. That is all the special sauce I know and it was really pretty neat. If Deltia can bury his Templar before he leaves the game I guess I feel like I should get to bury my NB. We all had something we loved.


I have mained a stamblade since march 2014. Nightblades are at the bottom of the dps barrel. Stamina dps are much weaker than magicka toons. Not exactly an awesome situation for my main. I am very much looking forward to the cloak fix attempt #846 though. The amount of abilities and dots that incorrectly pull you out of cloak in PVP is downright disgusting. In all honesty, siphoning attacks was the only great thing nightblades had. When I saw the patch notes for the first time I was actually pretty stoked looking at all the sustain nerfs. YESSS! NIGHTBLADES MIGHT BE VIABLE. The one thing they could do, sustain with siphoning strikes, is going to be exactly what they need to be competitive again! I mean stamina is still horrible in pve, whatever, I can just play my magblade. That happiness lasted about 4 minutes. I got down to the siphoning strikes decapitation... I was stunned. Then I thought to myself, I wonder how hard sorcs got hit? I mean they can pull the best single target, cleave and aoe damage in the game. Doing it all from ranged, making melee toons look like fools when trying parse well. Then I saw the sorc nerf, dark exchange. After 8 months without a drink, there was only 1 thing left to do.

Seriously ZOS, even completely reverting the siphoning strikes "nerf" would not be enough to put nightblades back into this game. Please fix this class... I am going to end this post with some quotes from a post by @Asmael. He has some very good threads, and I love his material.

This deserves a wall of text. I had high hopes for nightblades to make a comeback with Morrowind since sustain was their forte, but this is downright murder right here.

Ok, DKs are known for being very good tanks, templars for being very good healers, sorcerers for being very good DDs. And NBs? Nothing. Nada. Niet.

Why? Because nightblades had very good sustain due to Siphoning strikes, it allowed them to sustain the Kena set pretty easily, or sustain their rotation even without Elemental drain, but this is unnecessary in a competitive environment in the current patch due to how strong group support is.

Nerfing their sustain to this level removed the last incentive to ever bring a NB in a trial. There is absolutely 0 point bringing one compared to the existing classes. Your have less single target, AoE and cleave damage, less survivability and less sustain. The new siphoning strikes is a joke, and the resource return - taking into account that it now costs stamina - means this ability's use is only to get a very bad healing on light / heavy attacks.

I have no issue with nerfing the sustain from Siphoning strikes, I have an issue with turning this ability in the miserable thing it currently is. Revert it to cost magicka, and make it return twice the amount of both resources, even if it means no healing. NBs were good at one (useless) thing back then, at the very least, being able to sustain themselves more than other classes and actually use class abilities for more than the passive would be a very needed change.

Until then, I'll call stamina nightblades simply "blades", because they have become glorified weapon skills users.
Edited by Shadzilla on June 19, 2017 9:29AM
  • t3hdubzy
    Great post. Sucks i have 3 charachters and 2 are nightblades. Im looking forward to change, as its needed, but i will certainly be playing the underdog.
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Ok now say all of that as a stamblade
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
  • leepalmer95
    Stamblades are fine in pvp.

    They'll still be fine in pvp.

    Snares basically kill magblades in pvp. Magicka sorc's are just better.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • max_only
    Leave Siphoning Attacks alone ZOS.

    Relevant demonstration on how important Siphoning Attacks is starts at 34 minutes.

    Stamblades and Magblades need this skill to be left alone. Maybe improved but certainly not nerfed
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Silver_Strider
    Ok now say all of that as a stamblade

    I tried but ran out of stamina :D
    Argonian forever
  • Wrecking_Blow_Spam
    I agree for NBs to be buffed in PVE:

    ZOS vision is something like:
    Templar: Healer
    Dk: Tank
    Nightblade: DPS
    Sorc: DPS

    All stam DPS are same roughly. So nb and sorc are the 2 main pure DPS classes, yet magnb is nowhere near them.

    Mag Dk DPS very strong currently (better than mgnb) and they are also the best tanks.

    Templar: DPS not amazing as sorc n Dk but they are main healer.

    Nightblade: purely built class as DPS and they are bottom of the magdps, Logic?
    Xbox one EU
    8 Flawless conquerors on all class specs (4 stam, 4 magicka)
    Doesn't stand in red
  • Rohamad_Ali
    <pause for typing resources>

    <Getting ready for burst reply>

    <Died before post>

    So much fun !

  • mb10
    Agree with everything written. I was a NB on Ps4 since day 1 and maybe even the first NB empower as I did it on the second week.

    Seeing them deteriorate slowly after every patch was really sad and I really squeezed the towel dry in the homestead patch to make a decently viable pvp build but with the light armour nerfs and sustain nerfs, it's over.

    I hate to be THAT person but I have unsubned and quit now. I see no reason to play as it won't be fun. I have a DK, Stam sorc and Templar but NB was my fav and it's a genuinely useless class now.

    ZOS made such a big decision without a whisper to its fan base and they've let them down.

    Sucks because I did really like the game tbh
  • gediv2
    Get a clue SOS. Bump
  • zuto40
    RIP nightblades, ive already moved onto another game, 0/10 would not pay for anything eso again
    Stamblade- Legate
    Tank/Heals Templar- Sergeant
    Magic DK- Corporal
    Stam DK- Sergeant
    Stamplar- Corporal

  • getemshauna
    You have my agree.
    Founder of Call of the Undaunted
    Youtube Channel
  • squinceybones
    Is there a valid reason to play a nightblade in PvE? I'll wait.
  • GiuEliN0
    Is there a valid reason to play a nightblade in PvE? I'll wait.

    No, :D zow knows It and will do nothing for 6 months.
    Beta-tester January 2014
    PC EU
    Most Important Character:
    Elsewin, DC, Bosmer Stamblade PVE cp 1100+ Flawless Conqueror
  • HuawaSepp
    GiuEliN0 wrote: »
    Is there a valid reason to play a nightblade in PvE? I'll wait.

    No, :D zow knows It and will do nothing for 6 months.

    No I can't see a reason to change NB in the future. With Siphoning Attacks the last unique PVE skill for NBs gets nerfed to Nemesis so they are finally how ZOS wants them to be.
    Maybe another nerf to cloak in 6 months?
  • Koensol
    I honestly have to puke at those wrobel quotes. "We are working on making NB's more viable by making PvE endgame more sneaky..." I mean what the hell Wrobel? What kind of dumb unrealistic goal is that?

    This game company and it's stupid idealism of "we want them to be X" and "we want to have a similar playstyle for PvE and PvP". This idealism will *** kill you game ZOS. You better start listening to players and acting on common sense, and start implementing changes to bring class balance back in line. The difference in viability between sorc and nb is just ridiculous. Unacceptable. The class balance at this point is even worse than Warhammer Online at launch!

    Just stop thinking only about what YOU want to do with a class. Remember that it is the players that play these classes to have fun. Listen to what they want, they are your paying customers. Sticking to your stubborn idealism will not get you any more players. And just seeing all of the unique aspects of classes being gutted is simply not fun anymore.
  • wolfxspice
    the change to to cloak from a purge to... whatever it is now made counter play in pvp as a nightblade almost impossible. i agree with everything you said, but this one skill, its clearly broken and doesn't work they need to revert it back to the way it used to work.
    I'm a casual now
  • RoninDerRote
    I know the future isn't bright for my stamblade, hell, the past was already darker than dark.
    But no one will bring down my "kiteblade"
    - memento mori -
  • LadyDestiny
    My primary character, my khajiit nightblade will become a permanent interior decorator....
  • F7sus4
    HuawaSepp wrote: »
    No I can't see a reason to change NB in the future. With Siphoning Attacks the last unique PVE skill for NBs gets nerfed to Nemesis so they are finally how ZOS wants them to be.
    Maybe another nerf to cloak in 6 months?
    Of course. Coming up shortly:

    Dark Cloak (rev. 2018):
    (cost: 6550 Magicka)
    Temporarily blink for 0.5 seconds. You get Major Defile for 10 seconds.

    Shadowy Disguise (rev. 2018):
    (cost: 6550 Stamina)
    Temporarily blink for 0.5 seconds. -10% Crit damage on your next attack.

    And people still brainfarting at the forums that this is too powerful for NBs to have.
    Edited by F7sus4 on May 7, 2017 9:46AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    The share number of threads about "not nerfing" NB even further shows us how big the problem is.
    btw. NB is nerfed so much that ZOS is running out of ideas and start to nerf "global" stealth DMG mechanics....

    I will be really surprised if after this nerfs ZOS will find something to nerf about NB since there will be nothing left to nerf.... :#
  • olsborg
    Nbs need better selfheals and more ways to protect themself then simply dodging, becasue dodging isnt what it used to be and while the stacking cost is something you can work with, the fact that cloak is broken and stamnbs have no good ways to heal(other then vigor) and selfbuff their defence is a big problem for them.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • t3hdubzy
    The share number of threads about "not nerfing" NB even further shows us how big the problem is.
    btw. NB is nerfed so much that ZOS is running out of ideas and start to nerf "global" stealth DMG mechanics....

    I will be really surprised if after this nerfs ZOS will find something to nerf about NB since there will be nothing left to nerf.... :#

    Fear can be cut in half.... rofl
  • Smmokkee
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    The share number of threads about "not nerfing" NB even further shows us how big the problem is.
    btw. NB is nerfed so much that ZOS is running out of ideas and start to nerf "global" stealth DMG mechanics....

    I will be really surprised if after this nerfs ZOS will find something to nerf about NB since there will be nothing left to nerf.... :#

    Fear can be cut in half.... rofl

    Lol would not be surprised.
  • Shadzilla
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    The share number of threads about "not nerfing" NB even further shows us how big the problem is.
    btw. NB is nerfed so much that ZOS is running out of ideas and start to nerf "global" stealth DMG mechanics....

    I will be really surprised if after this nerfs ZOS will find something to nerf about NB since there will be nothing left to nerf.... :#

    Fear can be cut in half.... rofl

    Not even funny, wouldn't put it past this dev team...
  • Gargath
    My main in stamina nightblade khajiit thief and it likes to do pve a lot. No resource issues, vigor for healing, passives for stealing and a cool armor. No complaints from this one.
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Shadzilla
    Gargath wrote: »
    My main in stamina nightblade khajiit thief and it likes to do pve a lot. No resource issues, vigor for healing, passives for stealing and a cool armor. No complaints from this one.

    No resource issues? Go into the PTS... Also check out the stealth damage nerf while your there.

    No pve complaints? You obviously don't do any sort of end game dps like trials or dsa. Most of us do, which is why there are currently 4 threads on the front page of general discussion describing how bad nightblades are.
  • ParaNostram
    Ya'll mistake being anything less than the absolute best according to the meta as dead. Seriously. I've played on the PTS, it's fine, from a magicka perspective I never enjoyed stamina so I'm honestly just rubbish at that. However, my magblade still dominates in PvE and PvP.

    Remember this bit of wisdom... Mastery of a class > flavor of the patch builds.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • Volrion
    As a solo pvper, my only option if I'm not role playing as a gank blade is to....

    uninstall ESO.
  • Shardan4968
    I play as stamblade and I never won any duel. If I'm not in the zerg then I die in five seconds in Cyrodill. I don't play trials, because everyone will just kick me out. I don't want stupid wardens, I wan't better stamblades! I want to have a chance to defeat dragonknight! I want to survive endgame!
  • bloodthirstyvampire
    Shadzilla wrote: »
    Gargath wrote: »
    My main in stamina nightblade khajiit thief and it likes to do pve a lot. No resource issues, vigor for healing, passives for stealing and a cool armor. No complaints from this one.

    No resource issues? Go into the PTS... Also check out the stealth damage nerf while your there.

    No pve complaints? You obviously don't do any sort of end game dps like trials or dsa. Most of us do, which is why there are currently 4 threads on the front page of general discussion describing how bad nightblades are.

    And you obviously Don't anything about his build
    Self-proclaimed Vampire Lord, or in this case, Blood Sion. º,...,º
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