One week of no Cp is an insult to my CP rank. It better not be permanent. 2 years of cp grind gone. I don't even PVE. Guess I'll go buy another game hopefully I won't like it and come back. Unless that change stays. Then I'll find something else
hoaxburnrwb17_ESO wrote: »This is great, i use to go into the CP campaign and pretty much got rekt all the time. I'm CP 260, so i decided to go into the non CP campaign to improve my PvP skillz. When i got there i was suprised that i killed someoneNot only that i survived alot longer than i do in the CP campaing.
I would love to see all these op CP 600 PvP without their precious CP, they wont be as good as they think they are. Their magicka, Stamina will be alot lower and the recovery time is reduce. In fact it will be like the old days lv 50, and VR 14, then Vr 16. Before the dark times, before the CP.
The other day i saw a cp 600+ vet in the non CP camapaign trying to 1v6, he kited (which was the only thing he is good at) but once 5 of us Rookies got at him he didnt last long. LMAO at the Pk and PKK without their precious champion points and will now have to rely on gear sets to be good.
good luck...
hoaxburnrwb17_ESO wrote: »This is great, i use to go into the CP campaign and pretty much got rekt all the time. I'm CP 260, so i decided to go into the non CP campaign to improve my PvP skillz. When i got there i was suprised that i killed someoneNot only that i survived alot longer than i do in the CP campaing.
I would love to see all these op CP 600 PvP without their precious CP, they wont be as good as they think they are. Their magicka, Stamina will be alot lower and the recovery time is reduce. In fact it will be like the old days lv 50, and VR 14, then Vr 16. Before the dark times, before the CP.
The other day i saw a cp 600+ vet in the non CP camapaign trying to 1v6, he kited (which was the only thing he is good at) but once 5 of us Rookies got at him he didnt last long. LMAO at the Pk and PKK without their precious champion points and will now have to rely on gear sets to be good.
good luck...
hoaxburnrwb17_ESO wrote: »
lol i never said anything about Xv1ing someone, i said i was surpised i killed someone in a non cp campaing, and that a cp 600+ wast trying to 1vX but couldnt. all he was good at was kiting for a few minutes. Learn to comprehend reading.
MyNameIsElias wrote: »brian, are you aware of the outpost flipping people are doing to gain easy 6k ap?
So what, resources and outposts should give significant AP. It gets the cheaters off the leaderboard, moves the map and spreads players out. You don't like the outpost flipped, defend it. AP has been unbalanced since the the game dropped. I've watched the cheaters set up camps so their other alliance buddies can bomb them. This new meta is awesome for people that like to run the map.
leepalmer95 wrote: »
What does cp have to do with cheating?
Are you serious?
'If they kill me it's because they have more cp and therefore are cheating'
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »@MyNameIsElias We are aware of that behavior and will be adjusting values of Outposts, Resources and Keeps after the event.
lllNutterlll wrote: »
I agree that AP for flipping keeps and resources should be worth more. I think the issue he is referring to however is where you have two groups farming AP by flipping a keep, stepping out and letting their friends take it. They keep doing this and farming AP. I've seen this already in thornblade. I don't think anyone disagrees with keep flips getting more AP but maybe have an extended cool down before it's worth that 6k AP again? Just needs adjusted is where I think those complaints are coming from.
lllNutterlll wrote: »
I agree that AP for flipping keeps and resources should be worth more. I think the issue he is referring to however is where you have two groups farming AP by flipping a keep, stepping out and letting their friends take it. They keep doing this and farming AP. I've seen this already in thornblade. I don't think anyone disagrees with keep flips getting more AP but maybe have an extended cool down before it's worth that 6k AP again? Just needs adjusted is where I think those complaints are coming from.
The AP farming cheaters have been blowing up their buddies for 10k AP bombs for ever so what's the difference? If you look at the scourge PS4 leader boards they are filled with cross alliance players that bomb each other for AP. At least this way any player that works the map can get AP and play the game the way it was meant to be played.
lllNutterlll wrote: »Lol if all campaigns go no CP that's millions of gold wasted on multiple builds I have for CP campaigns that simply won't work anymore and even more hours, days and weeks that I've grinded gear I won't use anymore. I do play blackwater also and enjoy the no CP however your builds are completely different and the style you play is different. To kill CP though... It's just a waste to my current builds, time and gold... Why not give more incentive to the no CP campaigns? Draw more people to dead campaigns. Don't throw away my time and gold I've already spent.
Gear has been at CP160 for awhile now. It always gets adjusted but my point is intact valid until they either eliminate CP or increase the CP level of gear from 160 to higher.bowmanz607 wrote: »
Gear lol will be raised at some point anyway making your gear worthless regardless. Sort of an invalid point in the end.
Well so one week of not pvping because i´m not going to craft a template for that bullcrap? Nice - do i get my subscription refunded for that time period?
Edit: Do you really think anyone who has a template balanced for CP is going to continue to play? That´s moronic.
All of these people who aren't going to pvp this week probably started during the time cp was around so they wouldn't know how no cp pvp was like in 1.4(talkin about the console players who only had cp). This is a great change, just remove the cost poisons and it'll be great.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »@ZOS_BrianWheeler
Will there be a No-CP version of Battle grounds? I'd really like to play Battlegrounds with No-CP if that's going to be possible.
hoaxburnrwb17_ESO wrote: »
lol i never said anything about Xv1ing someone, i said i was surpised i killed someone in a non cp campaing, and that a cp 600+ wast trying to 1vX but couldnt. all he was good at was kiting for a few minutes. Learn to comprehend reading.
I cannot see how CP points could be impacting performance more than any other game mechanic. I would think it more likely to be a volume issue: more people in one place means more checks and counter checks between entities. Azura's Star just has lower volume.
Look at it this way:
4 people means 16 interactions
8 people means 64 interactions
12 people means 144 interactions
16 people means 256 interactions
20 people means 400 interactions
100 people means 10,000 interactions
This is kind of obvious so I fail to see how the developers are ignorant of it. This suggests that it is not something that can really be fixed, so the only alternative is to reduce the size of each interaction. Removing CP is one quick way of reducing the size of the interaction, with the added benefit that many long time PvPers feel CP imbalances PvP anyway, so perhaps no-one would miss it.
I'm all for it. I think PvP needs much more to fix it properly, but I doubt CP will be missed except in terms of knee-jerk reactions.
RinaldoGandolphi wrote: »
Playing in Azura i found players who make mistakes(not able to manage resources properly, casting heals when they shouldn't, shielding when they shouldn't, gap close spamming) would die to yours truly pretty quickly...i found i could take on 3 max level CP 600(CP don't matter in Azura) and as long as i didn't make mistakes and they button mashed i'd win and kill them 7 out of 10 times. The only folks i had issues against were ones using resource draining poisons, which sadly quickly became thing in every encounter.
in non-CP it forces you to invest more into sustain.
This trends damage down, which in turn trends TTK up which is a good thing.
Viper hits for about 2.7k in Azura and hits for 5-6k in TF with CP...just to give you an idea of the damage difference. Investing in flat out damage in No-CP will quickly find you out of smack against a competent opponent and killed. Which IMO is fair. Resource management should matter, resource management was this games version of cooldowns.
I don't want them to remove CP completely though, as long as they have a no-cp campaign i can play on, i careless about TF having CP. im a big proponent of choice, and folks should have choices.
ZOS_BrianWheeler wrote: »
- Campaign durations and leaderboards will not be adjusted during this week