Curragraigue wrote: »Players for Hire
Ganks are Us
No Emp Push Here
Spies for All
Fruit Salad
Black Alliance (all three colours)
It is hard to find people that are accepting of players playing for other Alliances. I was in a PC guild that was but it was an accepted rule that we had a main faction and we played together in that faction on one campaign and no one should play another faction in that campaign. The guild campaign was never the competitive campaign equivalent of Scourge. It was always accepted that Scourge equivalent was a free for all.
The campaigns are extremely competitive, and people do spy. But that isn't the main reason playing multiple alliances in a campaign is so repugnant.
The campaigns are extremely competitive, and people do spy. But that isn't the main reason playing multiple alliances in a campaign is so repugnant.
wait - wtf, did you just use the word repugnant...that's a bit hostile terminology...why'd you direct that at @Curragraigue ...they were just being cool and replying to me...
what's up with all the hard feelings - competition in of itself not quite enough...the whole one tamriel hasn't warmed your heart to your nord and breton brethren...
DC has been protecting ad.
what up @Drdeath20 ...thanks so much for kicking in...
too funny ...i have a feeling you triggered a few of us with that comment...
I'm not sure stuff is all that "organized" within any of the alliances...i know some of the larger pvp guilds do in fact have a substantial impact on the balance and gameplay within our map though...
for myself - when i'm playing DC and glademist is the furthest keep east - for whatever reason - the ride just seems shorter to aleswell than to for some reason - it just seems more natural to push, ash with those fields of view that go on forever can be a tough nut to crack...aleswell much more vulnerable a keep.....also while playing yesterday I got a notification that Rusty had abdicated. I thought he was either passing emp to OJ or switching to EP. Whilst playing on AD later I learned he lost a bet in a duel and had to switch to EP. I watched the video of the duel, Rusty is not the easiest guy to take down in group play let alone in a 1v1. It's hard to catch him with his shields down.
see - that is the kind of inside "stuff" i would never know without you all ...thanks @Maff ...i had checked the leaderboards and couldn't figure out what the heck happened to rusty (i had seen him on his AD toon a couple of days ago)...
I dont mean to offend. If DC pushes east and backs ep up to the tri towers thats life. Its just too many times DC helps protect AD at the bridge @alessia. Ad could have all the scrolls and be emperor and DC will have a group of 20@ the bridge protecting ad
20 DC at bridge is just magplars farming. By no means is that a large DC group. Lulz. It's funny to look back and hear people talking about DC protecting us. Check the scoreboard.
AD is honestly more annoyed that EP seems to have just given up an accepted an over 1000-point gap behind us and DC.
Curragraigue wrote: »Players for Hire
Ganks are Us
No Emp Push Here
Spies for All
Fruit Salad
Black Alliance (all three colours)
It is hard to find people that are accepting of players playing for other Alliances. I was in a PC guild that was but it was an accepted rule that we had a main faction and we played together in that faction on one campaign and no one should play another faction in that campaign. The guild campaign was never the competitive campaign equivalent of Scourge. It was always accepted that Scourge equivalent was a free for all.
10 DC characters to 1 AD will generally make us unaccepting of you. We keep track of who plays where.
The campaigns are extremely competitive, and people do spy. But that isn't the main reason playing multiple alliances in a campaign is so repugnant. A lot of the people with the one-Alliance mindset are those rare birds who actually care about points, evals, and winning a 30-day endeavor. Doing so takes a lot of time and coordination between leaders willing not only to lead groups, but to work together and make sacrifices like stay on guard duty. If you're just going to be a flip-flopper, there's no point in bothering to work with you since you can just be a liability later. If that's something that bothers you, I would find a more casual PvP experience.
Besides, everyone has one alliance to which they really belong. Watch their login, not their words.
There are some EP leaders who are taking a break, I just hope it's not permanent. I logged in Saturday AM to see 3 bars AD, one bar DC and EP and the map mostly yellow. Night-capping is great for points, but it's not beneficial for the overall health of a campaign. It's difficult at those times to have a positive attitude.AD is honestly more annoyed that EP seems to have just given up an accepted an over 1000-point gap behind us and DC.
Curragraigue wrote: »Players for Hire
Ganks are Us
No Emp Push Here
Spies for All
Fruit Salad
Black Alliance (all three colours)
It is hard to find people that are accepting of players playing for other Alliances. I was in a PC guild that was but it was an accepted rule that we had a main faction and we played together in that faction on one campaign and no one should play another faction in that campaign. The guild campaign was never the competitive campaign equivalent of Scourge. It was always accepted that Scourge equivalent was a free for all.
10 DC characters to 1 AD will generally make us unaccepting of you. We keep track of who plays where.
The campaigns are extremely competitive, and people do spy. But that isn't the main reason playing multiple alliances in a campaign is so repugnant. A lot of the people with the one-Alliance mindset are those rare birds who actually care about points, evals, and winning a 30-day endeavor. Doing so takes a lot of time and coordination between leaders willing not only to lead groups, but to work together and make sacrifices like stay on guard duty. If you're just going to be a flip-flopper, there's no point in bothering to work with you since you can just be a liability later. If that's something that bothers you, I would find a more casual PvP experience.
Besides, everyone has one alliance to which they really belong. Watch their login, not their words.
Played last night for a bit Red was doing great but it also felt like the other alliances werent on. I tried to run some imperial city solo but ran into zero enemies.
Blue tried yo go around us and take arrius and brk but were quickly flipped back.
Some of the pvp crowns I occasionally run with were doing other things, most people are just not interested right now and would rather get ready to buy their house.
PhxOldGamer68 wrote: »EP has only won the 30 day campaign 3 times at best since launch. Once it was Azura Star before it was nerfed and everyone went to Scourge. DC controlled Scourge pretty much all of last year with their night crew. Could it be the DC night crew changed to AD night crew recently? Seems like it.
Although Chillrend and Thornblade are mostly emp runs, I'm excited to see the population balance change in Scourge, Haderus and Skull when they close both of them next week.
Playing my DC toon this morning, we were backed up to the gate keeps and kept failing to take back Glade from AD. And then everyone disappeared. But then Sejanus was taken and then Alessia by DC. Oh no not again. And shortly thereafter, the DC scrolls were taken.
Kinda like playing on any alliance with 3 bars and getting backed up to the gate keeps because a lot of players are in IC.
PhxOldGamer68 wrote: »Although Chillrend and Thornblade are mostly emp runs, I'm excited to see the population balance change in Scourge, Haderus and Skull when they close both of them next week.
Playing my DC toon this morning, we were backed up to the gate keeps and kept failing to take back Glade from AD. And then everyone disappeared. But then Sejanus was taken and then Alessia by DC. Oh no not again. And shortly thereafter, the DC scrolls were taken.
The ideas behind IC being its own server is because the popluation counts towards the alliance population, but has no impact on the war itself. Because its DLC and not everyone has access itd be hard to make it count in the campaign. Additionally people specifically pick low pop servers to farm stones, when obviously it was intended to have more pvp role then to be rigged into a more pve experience.
The ideas behind IC being its own server is because the popluation counts towards the alliance population, but has no impact on the war itself. Because its DLC and not everyone has access itd be hard to make it count in the campaign. Additionally people specifically pick low pop servers to farm stones, when obviously it was intended to have more pvp role then to be rigged into a more pve experience.
Yeah I get why IC is on it's own cluster, and I'm glad, since it saves the Scourge hardware a fair amount of load. I don't understand why it counts towards alliance pop given that it is on its own hardware and given that you can queue for it independently from the Alliance War itself.
hey @t3hdubzy ...I guess I kind of just wish there were more players there to "maybe" help even things out a bit...
it's actually a pretty fun pve zone - but, I'm personally not a big fan of ganging up on folks or getting ganged up happens, but...
I've probably asked everybody this same question a hundred times - but, did you ever get a chance to play in the arena district prior to zos instituting the flag system in IC...
it was glorious, mindless, continous AvAvA melee and chaos...
Curragraigue wrote: »It is what I'm hoping battlefields is going to be like with hopefully less lag than arena had at times.