Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »Not really anything amusing to say. But I'll indulge
Sunday night the emperor-ship of a guild mate was threatened in Haderus. I sent out the call to tell him to get out of the Sewers and come back up top to defend the last 4 remaining keeps. By the time he got there, blues gained momentum and pushed really hard towards Alessia where their scroll was. Red was pushing to bottle neck us at Alessia at the same time. So now we're at the last Emp keep.
I had to /yell out enemy sightings quite often in those 3 hours. We had multiple blue 20+ man ball groups stack up on Alessia farm. Thankfully I had experience in this kind of fight. To explain, Alessia's back walls facing the farm are tricky to defend, the blues would stand on top of that hill and fire down siege. I had to coordinate our forces using /yell to help guide them where they needed to repair, since they can hit the 3 walls and flag the keep for their massive army to move in. We had attempts to push up the hill and flank it on the Westside, but those pushes rarely ever work going up those steep hills, you just get burned alive by projectiles. So the best thing to do here, was to repair the walls and harass them the best we could since an all out assault up that hill is suicide.
If you have a huge zerg you're fighting uphill against, you first don't want to let them in. So when they had a big push and broke one wall down I had to call for my group to immediately put up oils 2 on each side of the breach. A group mate and I ran oils on opposite side and we had men standing in the breach shooting arrows, anti-personnel siege, and magic at them through the breach. This fight went out for about 20 minutes and I call for our guys to take care of the guys manning the siege close to the back of where Alessa's Farm ends. The emperor himself pushed out hard, taking out the siege and the rest of AD followed and wiped them out. We had a couple more Skirmishes til well past 12am EST, but when I woke up next morning we still had Emperor.
It felt pretty good to help coordinate that fight, even though I wasn't technically crown or that someone who usually calls the shots. I know from experience just how hard it is to defend Alessia on that side and just knew it was the right time to help out coordinating the effort to keep Emperor. I saw our Emperors Alliance Rank yesterday and I think he got Grand Overlord thanks to keeping Alessia last night. So grats to him.
@Takes-No-Prisoner ...thanks for the feedback and for sharing that Alessia battle - much appreciated ...
the cool thing about reading it - is that it's very easy to visualize the whole layout of Alessia (a lot of times to get that keep you have to attack from at least two different sides)...after 30 minutes or so in a single fight, it feels like I've been there forever (was playing EP last night and we stayed in Chapman keep with one of the side door walls down for about 15 - 20 minutes - we finally were able to clear the keep)...I can imagine 3 hours of plugging holes must have been crazy...whew...
@Takes-No-Prisoner ...dang - you're like a war correspondent (it definitely helps that you write so well)...I love it!!!...I'm glad there are folks like yourself in this campaign...
you mentioned sneaking around a few times - what type character are you playing?
Oh yeah - almost forgot...there's an argonian merchant in the DC IC base named 'Licks-His-Claws'...yeah so, there it is
who would go to work and pay taxes if red/yellow started playing off hours?
Do you enjoy mic’ing up while in random groups (outside of guild channels)?
Not at all. I'll do it to listen to the group leader but I can't stand the music players, loud chewers, whiners, the constant use of the word f*g and its derivatives. It's 2016, do we still need to talk like that all the time?
Do you enjoy mic’ing up while in random groups (outside of guild channels)?
Not at all. I'll do it to listen to the group leader but I can't stand the music players, loud chewers, whiners, the constant use of the word f*g and its derivatives. It's 2016, do we still need to talk like that all the time?
It's every alliance...the last time I mic'd up in group (DC) there was this guy who started off complaining about no one asking him to group - after about 5 minutes of listening to him - i could understand why
man @Takes-No-Prisoner we were sure getting our AD butts handed to us last night...I know it's gonna be a tough night when I'm fighting at one of the starting zone gates...
I'm an over-50 gamer rolling with slow reflexes and a somewhat squishy stam nightblade
Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »I heard from AD last night that certain people are switching DC, EP and sometimes AD during this campaign so they can continuously get AP and push everyone's keeps. Is that why red is leading? Hard to say, but night capping is helping their score.
I honestly don't know why a guild would flip flop. I mean I guess if you want to be hated by everyone, sure why not
honestly, there have been a few times at the end of the campaign where i was shocked to see DC come in first - it seems like most of the time I'm on, EP is hammering everyone...was totally shocked to see them come in third last month...
one of the things this thread has taught me is to be sensitive to how others feel about alliance swapping - i went ahead and dyed all my characters equipment in their alliance colors...just so there's no question which side I'm fighting on
of course I had to keep my orc in black and silver (got him the furious personality too)...he just looks so freakin cool now (god I'm such a geek)...
Do you enjoy mic’ing up while in random groups (outside of guild channels)?
I only use the mic in group/guild chat. I'm not interested in listening to a dog bark or a family discussing their dinner plans.