Special mention for ADs since they had the largest player base in PvP and literally just zerg crouches no matter what the circumstance is but yeah it's a game mechanic but i think it's time to take a look of its downside.
- With a huge zerg group at disposal it's easy to swarm a players/keep but instead people still prefers stealth before attacking. I propose that crouching near each other should have increased detection radius per player in a radius of a player that chains around until it hits the increased detection radius cap but don't fret because a concept like this won't ruin PvP crouch, instead it will motivate people to think even more strategically than just zerg around.
Sample A: Large Group
- To avoid the zerg crouch debuff players must ride separately and meet at a rendezvous point instead of just charging in a keep for a surprise attack while crouching all together, after splitting the large group into 2s or 3s the captain then will set a rendezvous point and that's when they'll execute the surprise attack.
Sample B: Solo
- We've seen players running solo and just crouch along side a group while it awaits for its prey, it's a pretty cheap move i'd say. With zerg crouch debuffs instead of just tagging along and waiting for a prey, the solo player will instead find a more strategic position at the same time avoiding a bigger enemy group who might be crouching as well because with the help of zcd the player can see the large group from far away before they do thus avoid it instead of walking into the swarm unwillingly.
Sample C: Gankers
- Now this is the annoying part when gankers comes in 2s or 3s or even more. Instead of waiting to jump to your prey easily these gankers will instead need to spread out to avoid the increased detection radius thus does not alert its prey from far away, this will introduced a more strategic approach.
Penalty should also be deducted depending on class [Skill line mobility]
Descending order:
- Nightblade
- Sorcerer
- Dragon Knight
- Templar
TL:DR This will balance a smaller group vs a larger group/solo vs a large group.
"Monsters doesn't exist, we create them"