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What do you think of Crown Store Random boxes/Lottery box?

Just want to hear what you folks think heres a link of what they are going to do in update 12 just so you can see for yourself what to possibly expect
Please add Fangs to Vampires.

What do you think of Crown Store Random boxes/Lottery box? 1416 votes

Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
highfivelaurajfElloaSlayerSyrenaAnthony_ArndtFlorialstephkisten_ESOwayfarerxFat_Cat45vailjohn_ESOchimneyswift_ESOold_mufasaTaiaJHawkkKintonicArmitasbigscoothb14_ESOcwolfe702b14_ESODaveMoeDeeEddyrod2k10b14_ESO 412 votes
No I dislike the random crown store boxes, to much of a gamble
NestorSoleyadriosketchMorbashWulfyk9mouseXexpoSlurgdrwookieb14_ESOSteveCampsOutDrazekmissjackieb14_ESOmilkboxsoyhodonJargoErik_DarksingerPeraganPhilhypeFaulgorTaonnor 224 votes
Yes I would not mind Lock box system even if its pay to win
ThymosTonnopescedennissomb16_ESOPotenzaAhPook_Is_HereC0L0SSUSHowlingMoney515CamoPrincessSSlargxerasiaSirGabenOfSteamiakylewwefanJollyGhostalexkdd99CaligulaaDracobotSimonsez871LadyGamerluvR4GEASAURUS_REX 19 votes
Yes but I just want it to be pay to win items, plus cosmetics
GilvothCranCatjlxsolutionseb17_ESOGraydonCh4mpTWRastoricJamilaRajMrCray78AveniasundefeatdgaulmakeumragenotimetocareChelisterjeremiah911LightninvashJailbirdyLegendaryArcherInsanelyfamousRayzar71 19 votes
No, don't ever add these into the game.
Tarrtaruskewltclark_ESONobleNerdBenefactorEQBallzzrowdy45_ESODermestesRohneDenidilmurtrem_ESOTsuteIagoAtaraxsilvereyesstrutz.2_ESOLeiloniDeandraMoloch1514Lexosceles 742 votes
  • MaddPowered
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    Anything for me to have a chance at that snow bear mount!
    World's First Planesbreaker
    World's First Bugged Planesbreaker
    World's First Dawnbringer
    World's Third Godslayer
    World's Second Immortal Redeemer
    World's Third Gryphon Heart

    Top scores :
    vAA - 4D (PC NA) - 154,068 - 8:31 Greymoor
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    vKA - 4D (PC NA) - 247,292 - 16:19 Greymoor
    vRG - Calamity (PC NA) - 301,438 - 24:21 Blackwood
  • Wow
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Dont ever bring that here. I played Blade and Soul NA a bit, then they decided to sell those RNG Boxes, I uninstalled the game the next day.

    It's kinda predatory practice. People would end up spending so much more money just to get the desired item rather than selling the item normally on the Crown Store.

    In Blade and Soul they put the most popular costume (black padded coat) behind RNG Boxes as the only way to obtaining it. If you are very very lucky you can get it from 10 boxes, but some people have spent over $300 and haven't got what they want....

    Adding to my previous post:

    I'm against this. There's many way to generate income for the game. How about selling some real good contents in crown shops? How about putting extra sweats in designing real good costumes, pets, or mounts? (You know the stuffs that make you goes like OMG that is very sexy on my toon I must get those!) If it's not enough put them behind Premium cosmetics price, if it's not enough put them behind bundle pack or something. Not enough? Put them behind time limit.

    But instead we are getting Crown RNG Boxes.

    In B&S they had this. Not only once, but many times each come with their own costumes, and they even also put upgrading stones as one of their rewards, I forgot what was it called but it is equivalent to Tempering Alloys/Dreugh Wax/Rosin. Yeah sure sure cosmetic only, but how can you be so sure about what is going to happen in the future?

    I've also bring the topics on my Traders guild, most of them were indifferent.

    "Well then if you don't want it, just don't buy it!"
    "No one forces you to buy such thing!"
    "Well, maybe I'll buy some of the boxes like $20 and see how the loot like, hehe"
    "It's their money, up to them what they want to spend it on is not your business. gtfo!! lol"

    But my friend, let me tell you, not everyone are the same like you. Some of them are rather weak to this kind of gambling stuffs. Gambling addiction is a real thing http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/compulsive-gambling/basics/definition/con-20023242 Are you sure you want to support them in this gambling boxes thingy?

    Lot of stories out there if you are willing to see.
    A father who stole his children's college fund to support his rng boxes gambling compulsion.
    A lady who, when the company whose game she played bought her a plane ticket to come to a convention to meet the team that built it couldn't go because she couldn't afford the train ticket to the airport. As she had spent literally every cent she had on the rng boxes.
    These are all real stories.

    Stories that have been shared by us by the people in the industry or stories we've heard first hand.
    Sometimes brave individual developers will quit or walk away from those companies but systemically... Nothing.

    So are you sure you want ZoS to be financially depends on ability to prey on just such people?

    If you say "Yes", may Stendarr have mercy on you.

    Another add to my previous post:

    First they said No plans for RNG Boxes.

    Now they had plans for RNG Boxes.

    First they said cosmetic and convenience items only.

    Later in the future you can tell it by Yourself

    Sure they said Lootboxes cosmetics only. That is their as for now. But you can't tell what is going happen in the future. The existence of Lootboxes itself is a step towards Pay to win. It has happened with past games in similar fashion, with same exact initial promises. What make you think it would be any different here?

    Call me doom prophet or whatever you want. I'm just saying based on experience I had from past other MMORPG.
    Edited by Wow on August 24, 2016 5:01AM
    I'm a Godot Engine and GameMaker enthusiast from the most populated island on earth, Java, Indonesia. Coffee is my staple fuel, and durian is my favourite fruit. I'm currently building a Godot Community site.
  • Abeille
    No I dislike the random crown store boxes, to much of a gamble
    I dislike the overall idea, but my biggest problem is the fear that there will be some items that will be exclusive to the boxes, never being available through direct purchase.

    Someone on Reddit vented the possibility of new mounts like the Ice Wolf being added solely through the boxes. I can't express how much I would hate that if that happened.

    If only for retired Crown Store items, then I don't hate it that much. But even if upon release they only contain retired Crown Store items, for how long will them stay this way? How long until they add exclusives to the boxes?

    And how will these even work? If I already have a Crown Store collectible unlocked, is it possible for the boxes to drop it again for me? If not, then does that increase the chance of me getting other collectibles or will I just have more chances of getting junk? Too many questions I'd like to see being answered...

    And on top of that, I just really dislike the overall idea of gambling. Already too much RNG in the game.
    Edited by Abeille on August 20, 2016 3:06AM
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • Pandorii
    My question: If you already have limited items, will you possibly get them again? Thus, spending 400 crowns on nothing? Think scamp from molag bal.

    That would be lame. I hope that if you have the item already, it's removed from the loot table.
  •  Panda_iMunch
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    As long as stuff that is meant for the sub only population stays exclusive to them and that only cosmetic items are in the boxes, I have no issue with the boxes. It's a great idea to bring in more money so more content can be made!
    Yeetus that fetus

    Youtube: Pandalius (Panda)
    Twitch: Pandalius
    Beam: Pandalius
    Twitter: Pandalius
  • starkerealm
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    As someone who lived through the implmentation of lockboxes in Star Trek Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, and (basically) The Secret World... I can firmly say, *blurk*

    If it's only retired crown store items with a mix of random consumables (like XP scrolls, mimic stones, crown pots, and crown food)... okay. I can live with that.
  • bebynnag
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    although it really depends how its implemented;

    if they introduce a mount box, a costume box, a pet box & an accessory box (each box priced around what those items usually cost) thats fine, imho

    but assuming mystery boxes will be about 2,500 (typical price of a mount) for a box in the hope of getting the ice horse lands me with a 200 crown hat that i could of bought, didnt buy cause i didnt like it & have no regrets about missing out on will be disheartening to say the least!
  • Thevampirenight
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    As someone who lived through the implmentation of lockboxes in Star Trek Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, and (basically) The Secret World... I can firmly say, *blurk*

    If it's only retired crown store items with a mix of random consumables (like XP scrolls, mimic stones, crown pots, and crown food)... okay. I can live with that.

    The lockbox system is the most horible thing they could possibly add, one major thing I don't like about crytic is how greedy they are. They will only really add new things that people would want in zen store or lockboxes and the lockboxes have very horrible rng the worst. Zenimax should never go down that path.

    I am fine with random boxes so long as they give a crown store outfit each time. But I rather they don't and just add them in previous crown store removed items that are outfits or mounts into the crown store for good some point down the road. I think the crown store should have every outfit returned to it plus the new ones. Its better giving people choices, they will get more money I believe by doing this.
    Edited by Thevampirenight on August 20, 2016 3:15AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Abeille
    No I dislike the random crown store boxes, to much of a gamble
    As someone who lived through the implmentation of lockboxes in Star Trek Online, Champions Online, DC Universe Online, and (basically) The Secret World... I can firmly say, *blurk*

    If it's only retired crown store items with a mix of random consumables (like XP scrolls, mimic stones, crown pots, and crown food)... okay. I can live with that.

    Right now, this is what people who were at the ESO tavern are saying the boxes are.
    I, too, can live with that. But I'll live with the nagging fear that they will eventually add exclusives to it.
    Edited by Abeille on August 20, 2016 3:13AM
    Just so that everyone knows, my Altmer still can't have black hair. About a dozen of Altmer NPCs in the game have black hair. Just saying.

    Meet my characters:
    Command: Do the thing.

    Zadarri, Khajiit Fist of Thalmor: The thing was done, as commanded.
    Durza gra-Maghul, Orc blacksmith: The thing was done perfectly, in the most efficient way.
    Tegwen, Bosmer troublemaker: You can't prove I didn't do the thing.
    Sings-Many-Songs, Argonian fisher: Sure, I'll do the thing... Eventually. Maybe.
    Aerindel, Altmer stormcaller: After extensive research, I've come to the conclusion that doing the thing would be a waste of resources.
    Liliel, Dunmer pyromancer: Aerindel said I shouldn't do the thing. Something about "resources".
    Gyda Snowcaller, Nord cryomancer: I will find a way to do it that won't waste resources and make Aerindel proud of me.
    Beatrice Leoriane, Breton vampire: I persuaded someone else into doing the thing. You are welcome, dear.
    Sahima, Redguard performer: Doing the thing sounds awfully unpleasant and really not my problem.
    Ellaria Valerius, Imperial priestess: I'll pray to the Eight for the thing to be done, if it is Their will.
  • wayfarerx
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    As long as they:
    • Only contain cosmetic stuff
    • Never contain exclusive items
    • Never contain the tiger mount

    then I don't really care. I won't ever buy one but I won't begrudge anyone who wants to gamble for an old limited-time cosmetic.
    @wayfarerx - PC / North America / Aldmeri Dominion
  • cdobratz
    Get your gambling addiction on another platform pls
    Calamity Ganon - DC Magic Sorc
    Escape Velocity - DC Stam NB
    Bears Beets Battlestár - DC Stamplar
    Bears Beets Battlestar - DC Stam DK
    Dr. John Dorian - DC Magic DK
    Kojima's Revenge - EP Magic Sorc
    dafack - AD Magic NB
  • danno8
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Gambling doesn't belong in an mmo. The way they (as in mmo's in general) get around the gambling label, by having you always "win" something is an illusion of fairness.

    The house always wins. Gambling is a losing game. The longer you play the more you lose.
  • Mojmir
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    I live in Vegas,the odds always favor the house. Do you not see how bad the RNG already in this game?
  • NewBlacksmurf
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Even after reading NO

    This is getting to the point where all they are developing is ways to spend money vs making a freaking game to play.

    It's a sign for sure...time to run while we are using our brains.
    Here's another thing!

    So if I already own most of the cosmetic stuff then what....did I literally just waste real money to randomly get what I already paid real money for. Who in the hell came up with this and didn't get fired ?

    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on August 20, 2016 6:28AM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • NewBlacksmurf
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    although it really depends how its implemented;

    if they introduce a mount box, a costume box, a pet box & an accessory box (each box priced around what those items usually cost) thats fine, imho

    but assuming mystery boxes will be about 2,500 (typical price of a mount) for a box in the hope of getting the ice horse lands me with a 200 crown hat that i could of bought, didnt buy cause i didnt like it & have no regrets about missing out on will be disheartening to say the least!

    Folks.....how in the hell does any of this make any sense?
    (FYI I'm not attacking you but I'd like to use your response in my feedback to ZOS)

    What happens if the random item is already owned?
    -Is it then 100% removed from chance?

    What happens if I own almost all costumes and mounts?
    -iS the chance increased that I'll get the better stuff?

    Why not just bring the actual items back for sale on a rotation?
    -That makes a helluva lot more sense
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Cazzy
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Crown Store: There will be "purely cosmetic" Loot Crates for about 400 crowns each. The chance to get items from the crates is based on how expensive/rare the items were/are. So lower chance for rare items and a chance you'll only get crap.

    All items that can be in there were or will be in the crown store before they get into the boxes. No exclusive items in there.
    Items (potions/upgrades/xp scrolls etc.)

    Costumes/Personalities (Current ones/new ones and old limited time ones)

    Mounts and Pets (new ones that are currently in the store and old limited time ones even the ones that never have been in the crown store on console, they can also have mounts/pets from digital collectors editons. Excluded: Imperial Edition and eso sub reward mount/costume)
  • starkerealm
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Cazzy wrote: »
    Crown Store: There will be "purely cosmetic" Loot Crates for about 400 crowns each. The chance to get items from the crates is based on how expensive/rare the items were/are. So lower chance for rare items and a chance you'll only get crap.

    All items that can be in there were or will be in the crown store before they get into the boxes. No exclusive items in there.
    Items (potions/upgrades/xp scrolls etc.)

    Costumes/Personalities (Current ones/new ones and old limited time ones)

    Mounts and Pets (new ones that are currently in the store and old limited time ones even the ones that never have been in the crown store on console, they can also have mounts/pets from digital collectors editons. Excluded: Imperial Edition and eso sub reward mount/costume)

    That's not, accurate, though.

    They're adding a special "tier" of mounts that will be unique to the gamble bags.
  • Cazzy
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Cazzy wrote: »
    Crown Store: There will be "purely cosmetic" Loot Crates for about 400 crowns each. The chance to get items from the crates is based on how expensive/rare the items were/are. So lower chance for rare items and a chance you'll only get crap.

    All items that can be in there were or will be in the crown store before they get into the boxes. No exclusive items in there.
    Items (potions/upgrades/xp scrolls etc.)

    Costumes/Personalities (Current ones/new ones and old limited time ones)

    Mounts and Pets (new ones that are currently in the store and old limited time ones even the ones that never have been in the crown store on console, they can also have mounts/pets from digital collectors editons. Excluded: Imperial Edition and eso sub reward mount/costume)

    That's not, accurate, though.

    They're adding a special "tier" of mounts that will be unique to the gamble bags.

    Still, exclusive items in bags of crap :tongue: I want to know what I'm getting and having my ability to choose what I buy is going to be taken away :disappointed:
  • starkerealm
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    Yeah, I'm not amused either @Cazzy.
  • AzraelKrieg
    While it seems to be only stuff that has already been in the crown store or will only appear in the boxes after it hits the crown store, I still would like more info before making a choice. Reading the two reddit posts, ZOS are aware of what happened to BDO so want to stay the hell away from that road.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • BlueViolet
    No, don't ever add these into the game.

    I never thought they would stoop to the level of putting this kind if crap in the game.
    Even if it's just cosmetic, there is always going to be the temptation to add other items that can only be received by using these stupid boxes.

    There isn't much point in flailing over it though. They're just going to ignore the feedback like they ignored barber shop and enchanting rework feedback, and just do what they want to do anyway.
    EU / NA / PC
  • starkerealm
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    @AzraelKrieg you might want to check Abielle's video link, which I also shared. It's Matt Firor talking about special mounts being Lockbox/GrabBag/Luckybag/whateverbag exclusives.
  • jedtb16_ESO
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    haven't voted because there isn't a 'if zos want to add this as an additional revenue stream and people want to buy them i'm fine with that' option.

    not something i would bother with...
  • bareheiny
    No I dislike the random crown store boxes, to much of a gamble
    DCUO has these. Some folk love them, and drop insane amounts of cash to get the exclusive aura they're chasing....other's hate them.

    I don't like them personally....they smell like a cash grab.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    haven't voted because there isn't a 'if zos want to add this as an additional revenue stream and people want to buy them i'm fine with that' option.

    not something i would bother with...

    I think you're missing the issue.

    Regardless of whether you want to buy or not there will be exclusive brand new items that can only be obtained via buying a special loot crate.
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Jade1986
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    SWTOR did this, and it is absolutely ***. They should never introduce something to do the store that you dont KNOW exactly what you are getting.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    I'd prefer them to not add this, but in any case, nobody is forced to buy, so no big deal. Don't want it ? Don't buy it.

  • jedtb16_ESO
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    haven't voted because there isn't a 'if zos want to add this as an additional revenue stream and people want to buy them i'm fine with that' option.

    not something i would bother with...

    I think you're missing the issue.

    Regardless of whether you want to buy or not there will be exclusive brand new items that can only be obtained via buying a special loot crate.

    and as i said i'm fine with that.... since the likelihood of it being anything that would give material advantage in game is remote it really doesn't matter. if people want to spend their money chasing cosmetic items let them.

    it comes down to this - will zos put p2w items in? i don't think so. so what is the problem?
    Edited by jedtb16_ESO on August 20, 2016 8:15AM
  • NewBlacksmurf
    No, don't ever add these into the game.
    haven't voted because there isn't a 'if zos want to add this as an additional revenue stream and people want to buy them i'm fine with that' option.

    not something i would bother with...

    I think you're missing the issue.

    Regardless of whether you want to buy or not there will be exclusive brand new items that can only be obtained via buying a special loot crate.

    and as i said i'm fine with that.... since the likelihood of it being anything that would give material advantage in game is remote it really doesn't matter. if people want to spend their money chasing cosmetic items let them.

    It's not just purely cosmetic tho.

    Watch the video

    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • MarkusLiberty
    Yes I like the random boxes idea so Long as they only have cosmetics
    I would like this, there are several mounts I've been wanting to get which I never got originally, and I dont mind spending some money for a second chance at these.

    I just have one request, please make it so that I cant get the same mount twice, it sucks having to spend money and get nothing in return.

    If I counted correctly, there have been 17 time limited mounts available in the crown store. If already purchased mounts don't count, then the number of available mounts would degrees.

    Which would mean that I have a 3 out of 15 chance of getting one of the mounts that I want. I can live with that.
    *Special Snowflake*

This discussion has been closed.