I've already fresh installed a couple of times since my early access and couldn't notice any improvements.zerosingularity wrote: »I will also note that I have never done a fresh install from a recent downloaded installer. [...] I wonder if this can be a factor.
Martinus72 wrote: »It is still particle leak.
It appears to hit fps after particle heavy periods of time like world bosses Zerg in Wrothgar, after each of them I have to relog for reloadui won't fix this fps drop.
I'm playing on powerful laptop with 4GHz i76700K, 980M 8gb vram and 16gb of fast ram so expect this game to perform, I've got particle effects with its distance on minimum but this doesn't help.
Please fix this leak, it takes way too long.
ZOS_AlexTardif wrote: »
To be clear, there is no longer a particle leak. We can provide technical details as to why:
Prior the game world even loading, we create a block of memory of "X" size that particles can live in, based on your settings for how many particle systems you allow. When we run out of that memory, we stop creating new particles until other particles are freed up (it has no capability to create particles otherwise). This is how the particle system has always existed. Prior to Thieves Guild, which brought in the overhauled particle system, particles would leak. Many of you know this, because during Trials, heavy PvP, or long dungeons, you would eventually stop seeing new particle effects spawn. That was because it was hitting the particle memory limit and never freeing up the old particles. The fact that this doesn't happen anymore is clear evidence that the particle leak no longer occurs.
On the flip side, because particles no longer leak, most (or all) of you are likely seeing many more particles than before in your heavy fight situations. For some of you, it may be helpful to reduce that setting, as @Taonnor pointed out, in order to maintain the frame rates you had before, or to reduce the particle distance setting in the menus.
A number of you (like @GeertKarel) have mentioned that /reloadui fixes the issue for you. In your cases, we would strongly recommend you uninstall your add-ons, as /reloadui does exactly what it sounds like it does - it reloads your UI, which includes add-ons. From there, you can try reinstalling add-ons one at a time and see which one is causing issues. If you have completely uninstalled all your add-ons, and you're still having the frame-rate issue that is fixed with /reloadui, or you are still receiving the memory warnings from LUA, then please let us know either here, or through a support ticket, and we can have the UI team investigate that as a bug.
For everyone else, do keep an eye on upcoming patches, as we'll have some additional performance improvements on the way. Thanks all for your feedback!
Martinus72 wrote: »Well I'm glad to hear if particles aren't causing this fps drop but something still is. I can play solo for hours with perfect frames rate but after joining graphically heavy fight with many players involved fps goes down and all of sudden smooth experience becomes choppy, than I have to relog each time to fix it so it definitely looks like leak, doesn't it.
ZOS_AlexTardif wrote: »A number of you (like @GeertKarel) have mentioned that /reloadui fixes the issue for you. In your cases, we would strongly recommend you uninstall your add-ons, as /reloadui does exactly what it sounds like it does - it reloads your UI, which includes add-ons. From there, you can try reinstalling add-ons one at a time and see which one is causing issues. If you have completely uninstalled all your add-ons, and you're still having the frame-rate issue that is fixed with /reloadui, or you are still receiving the memory warnings from LUA, then please let us know either here, or through a support ticket, and we can have the UI team investigate that as a bug.
Martinus72 wrote: »Just a heads up for 64bit client after 2.4.6 patch - while sound issues seem to be finally fixed (good job), the memory leak still exists, nothing has changed here and game still needs relogging after every graphic effects heavy fight.
Do you use any addons? If yes back up them, remove them, clear the cache and try again.
Martinus72 wrote: »
I'm not using any memory eaters like minimap, master merchant or harvesting data base, besides as its been mentioned here before, if it would be an addon just reloadui would reset it but in this case only relog brings fps back up so it indicates memory leak on 64bit client side.
As @ZOS_AlexTardif said, often the addons relates in FPS drops. At my gameplay sessions i have always an eye on my LUA memory and several addons have memory leaks. For example FTC. The leaks are very small and this results that the FPS drops starts in long gameplay sessions sonner or later. If you have large fights between the leaks hitting harder and you have much early FPS drops.
At my system the FPS drops related by Addons starts in the 32bit client on around 150MB LUA. In the 64bit client i did not see any problems with higher LUA MB and FPS drops over time. But at 250MB and upside i choice to reloadui or relogg. I hit this at around äh 3hours unstopping playing... So a short pause is not bad hehe
@Taonnor, Is there a specific addon you use to track your addon memory usage?
I use my own debug addon.
ZOS_AlexTardif wrote: »To be clear, there is no longer a particle leak. We can provide technical details as to why: