LadyLethalla wrote: »Can I ask, what is the purpose of Bind On Pickup? Or, for that matter, binding armour once you dye it. Why can't I sell gear I've outranked, just because I dyed it?
Coolio_Wolfus wrote: »
Bind on Pickup:
These are supposed to be limited items as a reward and as such they are meant to be untradeable, binding them to the account is one way of locking them to this.
Bind on DYE:
Because the DYES used are achievement based, so for example something dyed Coldharbor Ash Black (Defeat Molag Bal) shouldn't be available to a player that hasn't achieved that or you open up a gold for colours situation and reduce the added value of several achievements.
Note: You can dye bind equipment you then bank for an alt to pick up and that is allowed, as the dye colours are unlocked per account.
Seeing a lower level character in gear that colour lets me know at least one of their alts has beaten Molag Bal, maxed a craft skill or similar, it's easier to recognise once you figure out which achievement unlocks which colour.
SantieClaws wrote: »Khajiit would like to enquire if you have any plans to allow more cross alliance questing? Hopefully maybe one day doing away with the alliance thing altogether outside of Cyrodiil?
Santie she has many friends and a lovely guild but it is troublesome to arrange guild events - even small ones - when so many friends are unable to meet up. The dungeon runs they are fun yes but not everyone wants to run the dungeons always - sometimes friends just like to go fishing together.
This question also has nothing to do with the fact Khajiit may have accidentally hired her new apprentice Spiny Tim in the wrong alliance.
Yours with paws
Santie Claws
SilentFox22 wrote: »Where is the post where these questions are answered?
Also, when is the next ESO Live episode???
Maybe one for when Brian is next on the show.
Q: Are there any plans currently or even in the thought stage to address the proliferation of rival faction alts running scrolls for their own side. This is an issue because characters in your faction are immune to your own damage and there is no counter (bar rolling a rival faction alt yourself) to this.
can you add the ability to donate to beggars ??
can you add equipable backpacks/ bags similar to bag you pull out when shown to others as looking through your inventory? (possible cosmetic DLC where you can change the skin/appearance of the bag)
can you make the throwing knife impale animation actually look like a throwing knife? as well as the lotus fan skill displaying actual thrown knives
can you fix that annoying sound bug with random ear piercing sounds randomly happening for no reason?
can you make a 1 handed fencer or kendo fighting style, that is mostly stamina? like a weapon master only role, with blocks and parries with the sword itself
Can you allow us to disable XP buff or scale XP down, so we don't overlevel early game content? every continent i go to, I am overleveled for because of XP buff and how you've sped up the leveling process. I want to level slower, take my time with the game.
Drinking / Drunk effects plz
ZOS, why is it not possible to use Blade of Woe on innocents? I would love to use this executioner on NPCs or Monsters!!!