Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • altemriel
    Are we ever going to get the 32 bit laucher and 64 bit launcher integrated in one application, where all the patch updating will go and where we will be able to choose between 32 bit/64bit launch?
  • Krainor1974
    Can you give us a idea of player housing such as within this year, next year etc?
  • Sethro_27
    Will we ever see the community lend their voice acting talents to characters around Nirn? Will we ever get racial based emotes like taunts and boasts?
    I *** slap harder than you punch.
  • Forgebreaker
    Could you increase the number of improvement materials recovered from deconstruction? Spending 8 Tempering Alloy and having a chance to get 1 back hurts the soul.
  • Zombiehunter7X
    Q to the art team could we have a character body upgrade like separated toes as i feel that would bring a bit more life to our characters,also it would be neat to see a drench effect on our characters body,armor and weapons whenever it rains or we enter water.

    Argonian dragonknight tank V16
    Ebonheart Pact
    Free WW&V bite community helper
  • Kas
    Why do you unban obvious cheaters?
    And, as usual, any ETA on pvp arenas / supported duels? Any plans to incorporate MMR-style matchmaking?
    @bbu - AD/EU
    Kasiia - Templar (AR46)
    Kasiir Aberion - Sorc (AR38)
    Dr Kastafari - Warden (~AR31)
    + many others
  • SilentFox22
    Unwelcomed werewolf sex-change... >.<
    lol Any chance in the future that female characters will transform into female werewolves?
    o.0 I mean, look at the size of my... eh hem. It's quite unsettling! =P
    P.s. Thanks for the werewolf changes with the Dark Brotherhood DLC.
  • Braddec
    With Tamriel One coming would it be possible to change Alliegence? (for PVP) Maybe an NPC in the captiol that we could pledge alliegence to? Heck even have a quest to allow us to change factions.
  • Semner
    I've had such a hard time looking for answers around the forums, and maybe this question belongs in a different sub-forum but my question is relatively simple.... Will we ever have new classes?

    Most of the reason I waited to ask until now is because for the longest time I was telling people: "Look at your log-in screen, there is easily room for 4 more characters on that screen. I guarantee you we will eventually be able to buy up to four additional character slots"... Then lo and behold, I was right.

    My question involving classes has a similar basis: there are currently two empty spaces in the character creation screen that look like they're meant to accommodate new classes. Is it purely a template issue that isn't high enough priority to resolve, or is it meant to tease poor souls like me who 1) can't stand the asymmetry and 2) desperately want some new classes.

    To clarify, I'm not even looking for "Yes, we'll be adding [insert name] and [insert name] in [date] and [date] respectively" - something simple like "Yes, we plan on eventually adding new classes" would be more than enough for me. :)
  • Volkodav
    If we can ask you anything,..can I have a partial shade cover for my pool?
    The sun is ruthless in the summer here in Phoenix! it gets up to 122 degrees hot.
    (Sorry,I had to ask)
  • Pomaikai
    1) There are a number of hot button behaviors which are especially used in PVP. Which of those are, and are not considered an exploit by ZOS?

    2) What are the EXACT consequences for using an exploit? First offense, second offense, and third offense?

    3) What are the EXACT consequences for cheating and/or hacking the game? First offense, second offense, and third offense? If there really is more than one chance for actually cheating using programs like Cheat Engine, please explain in great detail WHY you think this is a good and appropriate idea.

    4) Where is the pinned post, and link directly from the Launcher to said post, written by the head of Zenimax Studios addressing exploits (what known behaviors are absolutely exploits) that are currently known, as well as future unknown exploits, and what the EXACT consequences and progression thereof are, hacking, and cheating in this game. This letter needs to spell out the consequences of being caught cheating are, in black and white, for ALL of your paying customers to read and understand.

    No other questions matter in this game until those four questions are completely and fully answered, and implemented, by the head of the company.

    This is the integrity of your game, the future of your company, and the livelihood of your employees on the line here.

    Your response, or lack thereof, will have severe and long-lasting implications for this game we all love so much, and support with our hard earned money.

    Thank you,

    Your Customers
  • deleted008293
    Such an disappointing E3 announcement. Have you re-considered releasing Morrowind as an expansion pack?

    Will Tamriel One also featuring More free group dungeons? If not you should. And don't only add veteran versions for the current normal group dungeons but add some complete new ones. Free if possible. Or a large DLC consisting in lots and lots of group dungeons only.
    Edited by deleted008293 on June 16, 2016 3:05AM
  • altemriel
    ZOS, I would like to know your official stand about people who are hacking the game and cheating like that.

    I know that you are investigating it now, but are you going to deal with it really with no compromise, or not?

    I read that some people were banned for that, but then the bans were lifted. Why that?

    Do you not also think, that that issue is so seriou, that it requires permaban?
    Edited by altemriel on June 16, 2016 9:01AM
  • Cherryblossom
    Can we get a tutorial in the next Live on how to download and install the Cheat Engine, as this would seem fine to use now.

    Or may be you could address the community on why you think it's ok for some to of used this tool.
  • _Chaos
    Good Afternoon!

    I have one question that many players including myself would like answered, as well as a follow up.

    Why can't we mount during combat?
    Would you consider changing this?

    There's many other mechanics that could be changed or altered to drastically improve quality of life, including but not limited to:
    • While mounting in combat, you start with 25% stamina
    • Not able to mount within 5-10 seconds since last damage dealt by you
    • Not able to mount within 5-10 seconds of taking damage

    Any one of the above would be very easy to implement, and it would increase the QOL tenfold.
    At the very least, please explain why this mechanic is in place, and allow players to debate.

    Kindest Regards,

    PS. Please consider tweaking DK's Dragon Blood to be viable in PVP without 60k health. Consider scaling off of Max Magicka so that it doesn't make stam DK's more OP.

    @ZOS_JasonLeavey @ZOS_JessicaFolsom <3

  • LordDragos
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JanS @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_AlanG

    Dear ESO,

    my friends and i are disappointed with how easy you have made dungeons, there aren't any left that are challenging now that white gold and prison are a joke. we understand that you might want to make it easier for casual or low skilled players but for those of us that enjoy challenges, we are running out of content to entertain us. please introduce more 4 player dungeons but more importantly can you please release a difficulty above veteran like elite or something so those of us seeking a challenge in group content can still enjoy this game. the casual players may be a decent size of your player base but it is us hardcore players that stick around and if there is not enough challenging content then we will move on to more challenging games.

    also the new blocking animation that shows that we are blocking is corny, how bad do you have to be at this game to need help to see that someone is blocking.

    also shadow barrier is supposed to last for 19.25 seconds with 7 piece heavy armor and it still even after the patch lasts for 11 seconds, i have sent in multiple tickets on this and no answer, fix your game please.

    from one gamer to another, nerfing content is how you lose players. we already cake walk every dungeon in this game and then you made it easier.....
    Imperial Dragonknight Tank - EP
    Breton Magic Nightblade - EP
    Breton Templar Healer/DPS - EP
    Imperial Stamina Nightbalde - EP
    Imperial Templar Tank - DC
    High Elf Sorcerer - AD
    Imperial Stam Sorcere - DC
    Dunmer Dragonknight - EP

    GT: iMak0
  • Djeriko
    Hi Dev's! Remember me? Yeah I'm back to remind you again about several older graphical issues in game that haven't been solved and haven't been acknowledged. So let's begin again starting with how Glass and Mercenary style heavy armors have incorrectly programmed dyed colors...

    Below the pictures on the left are heavy armor Xivkin, Daedric, Redguard, and Altmer. On the right we have heavy armor Glass.

    Comparing Coldharbour Ash Black on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing black to grey...


    Comparing Pact Conqueror Red on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing red to pink...


    Comparing Covenant Conqueror Blue to light blue...


    Dominion Conqueror Yellow to a little lighter yellow...


    White actually looks about the same but needs work on the cloth areas, you would think cloth would be willing to accept dye better than hard metallic surfaces.


    Keep in mind that both sets of armors are using the same dye with screen shots taken minutes apart so the lighting is the same as well as being made of the same material (rubedite) so the underlying metal should be red. Underlying color does not matter in this game obviously since you get the same result seen above regardless of what level the armor is. The argument of material is irrelevant Glass heavy armor as well as Mercenary heavy armor is suffering incorrect colors from the dye system. So I'll keep asking until someone on the dev team answers.

    Why is the dye system producing incorrect colors for Glass heavy armor and Mercenary heavy armor? Wouldn't it make sense to have all dyes look the same on all heavy armors? WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY!
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    The following questions start out the same. They may be repeated again until fixed or answered so don't be surprised. Most are cosmetic and should be easily fixed. SO here goes.

    Was it intentional for Redguard Heavy armor girdles (belt buckles) to able to hover in the air much lower than the belt and have since then become a GROIN CUP! This has been since the Redguard armor redesign and has yet to be fixed. This not only looks odd but causes a clipping issue where the buckle goes into the character model.
    Solution: Maybe it's just me but belt buckles should be on the belt...

    Was it intentional for several styles of shields to be positioned incorrectly? The list includes, Akaviri, Altmer, Ancient Elf, Breton, Dunmer, and Xivkin (I'm pretty sure there are more...)
    All of these styles' highest level of shields is positioned incorrectly on the character's back and arms when carried. You can also see that a shield is positioned incorrectly while looking at the straps inside the shield when carried. Just like the Redguard Girdle, if the arms aren't aligned with the models arm, it looks wrong. Also when you put an ancient elf shield on in first person and hold block, you will see what I mean. It completely takes up the screen compared to other shields) The identified shields look really odd when on the model's back. If you can't see the model's head, it's too high on the model. Is the model wearing the shield to protect the back of his head?! I'm guessing whoever positioned it on the model's back put the bottom of the shield at the waistline for some shields but not all. This results in tall shields fitting incorrectly instead of being centered and worn properly.
    Solution: Lower the position of the shield on the character when worn and held. Easy reference point is the straps on the shield can be put parallel with the arm and when worn on the back the shield needs to be lowered to at least show some portion of the model's head when seen from the rear.

    Xivkin Shields suffer from a similar incorrect positioning as the previously mentioned shields however it just hovers away from the character model's back when worn and arm when being held. (MAGIC HOVERING SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE!)
    Solution: just bring the shield into the model's body a little.

    Was it intentional for Outlaw shields (after level 36) to have a large central portion that could not be dyed at all? The shield has a border, an emblem, tribal symbols and this big empty area in the middle. This empty area is white and it seems like a waste to have the largest area on a shield to not be dyed. Wouldn't it make sense to make the largest area be the primary color, the border and the emblem be the secondary color and the tribal symbols be the tertiary color. Seems like such a waste (It took you over a year to give us shield dyes after armor dyes, please don't let it be another year until someone sees this error)

    Was it intentional for the icon for Outlaw shields sanded beech level (level 26-34) to have an icon that is a staff? If you don't know, just go to a crafting station and look at the icon.
    Also was it intentional for Outlaw shields with the hickory wood (level 36-44) and higher to have the icon of the mid level icon(lower than level 36)? The higher levels gives us a kite shield that is not the icon displayed.
    Solution: I know these are bugs. Just verifying that you know about it and are looking into it.

    Was it intentional for the combat system to instantly sheath the character's weapon immediately after the first strike in combat? This almost 50% of the time whether it's a magic spell or a charging attack. It especially looks weird after a shielded assault where my character sprints up to an enemy while his weapons and shield magically put themselves up and bumps into the enemy. I then have to unsheathe my weapons and try to continue to attack.
    Solution: I know this is a bug. Just verifying that you know about it and are looking into it.

    Was it intentional to have character's sprint on the mounts back? This was seen in the video of the last ESO live. Looks funny yes but crappy at the same time. The fact that you guys pointed it out shows it may be the first time you've seen it. We've seen it many times and to me it's just like that time we had spaghetti leg model's that ran while dancing. It's annoying. Please fix it.

    Another Templar ability question:
    Was it intentional for Rune Focus and it's morphs have incorrect tooltips? Rune focus currently works exactly like Circle of Protection in the fighters guild. It drops a rune on the ground. On the tooltip for Circle of Protection it states "Area" on what it targets whereas Rune Focus says it targets "Self". Self targeted spells such as Spiked Armor for DK's do exactly what they say, it targets yourself and leaves you free to move around with your buff. So why does Rune Focus and it's morphs target a ground area while still saying "Self" and Circle of Protection (fighters guild ability cloned from Rune Focus) say ""Area"? If you wanted to make a self targeting spell for Templars that Rune Focus does, just remove that whole rune on the ground and just give the buffs to the character themselves like Spiked Armor does. I think all Templars will love not having to worry about watching the ground anymore, being able to move, and still get their buffs just like DK's can do.

    The next question is different because it's not pointing out anything wrong.
    Wrothgar introduced new attacks that enemies were able to do. This included one-handed weapon enemies performing a jumping spin counter attack that stunned us if it connected. Tanks that could leap into the air and come down in the targeted area with a downward stab. These new attacks bring more life to the game. Imagine if they were brought to pvp as weapon skills! Have we explored the possibility of these skills being used by players?

    This is more of an idea instead of a question. The idea is to change the ash cloud morphs for DK to allow more flexibility with DK builds. It operates much like the morphs for the Fighters Guild ability Trap Beast. The old Ash Cloud ability used to be an aoe that was cast targeting the caster's position at the time. Also Cinder Storm used to have a miss chance as part of the aoe to any enemies that entered the space which was great for tanks. This miss chance was removed and we were given a ground targeting aoe that we could cast from a distance. To help players choose their route, make the ash cloud morph self targeting like it used to and give it a dodge chance or minor protection instead of miss chance. This works like the NB blur effect when the DK gets major evasion or minor protection like the Sorcs morph of Negate does but add "only as long as he is in the aoe" plus the aoe does the same dot of fire dmg. This would make it a great tanking aoe skill that only works on the caster to have the dodge chance or minor protection if you are worried about it being spread to too many allies.

    As for eruption, keep it the way it is now. This way you can choose Cinder Storm for a less damaging aoe protection spell or a higher damage distance casting spell. Much like Trap beast can cast where you are standing or Lightweight Trap can cast at a distance this gives us options and I guarantee Cinder Storm will finally see some use again!

    This concludes my questions. I will repeat and add more if necessary but I'm really interested in hearing something about why Glass heavy armor dye is incorrectly programmed...
    Edited by Djeriko on June 17, 2016 1:25AM
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • Heroborg
    When will we get weapon dyes? (Bows, 2H, Staves, swords)
    Daggerfall Covenant Loyalist
  • cpuScientist
    ZOS are you going to raise the gear level cap, so we have to refarm and remake all armor and weapons. I promise you alot of players will leave if you do that. Please talk on this, you said that CP will be how we level from now on, dont make that apply to gear please. or if you do put in some sort of improvement item that allows us to scale our gear up and not have to constantly refarm. Because it will kill you endgamers satisfaction by a lot, you are already killing it with that training and prosperous on end game gear.
  • Zinaroth
    ZOS are you going to raise the gear level cap, so we have to refarm and remake all armor and weapons. I promise you alot of players will leave if you do that. Please talk on this, you said that CP will be how we level from now on, dont make that apply to gear please. or if you do put in some sort of improvement item that allows us to scale our gear up and not have to constantly refarm. Because it will kill you endgamers satisfaction by a lot, you are already killing it with that training and prosperous on end game gear.

    This is your opinion and I disagree.
    Striving to improve your character constantly (including getting better gear) is a core idea of MMOs to keep the player base active and engaged.
    This might be an Elder Scrolls game first and foremost but it is also an MMO, and people need to aknowledge that and stop bitching every time they have to make new gear.
    That being said I agree that there should be a way of upgrading your current gear to another level.
  • Trashyratchet
    With the announcement coming of allowing mods and addons in the upcoming release of Skyrim on console, how close to allowing addons for TESO on console? The cat's out of the bag, so we know it is possible now.
  • Acrolas
    That locked in combat critter "bug" has spread over to regular mobs now. Even when you aren't targeted with an effect.

    Those extra seconds mean somebody else gets a treasure chest or resource node that you were working toward. It's a punishing mechanism. When are you going to fix this so that when you kill something and you aren't targeted by an effect, you leave combat immediately?
    signing off
  • Frantastick
    Will you guys consider adding a pet healthbar on the UI while in combat to keep track of Sorc pets? I know you can turn on healthbars but that is hard to track. Maybe add a healthbar under your healthbar, kind of like your mount's stamina bar under your stamina bar.
  • cpuScientist
    Zinaroth wrote: »
    ZOS are you going to raise the gear level cap, so we have to refarm and remake all armor and weapons. I promise you alot of players will leave if you do that. Please talk on this, you said that CP will be how we level from now on, dont make that apply to gear please. or if you do put in some sort of improvement item that allows us to scale our gear up and not have to constantly refarm. Because it will kill you endgamers satisfaction by a lot, you are already killing it with that training and prosperous on end game gear.

    This is your opinion and I disagree.
    Striving to improve your character constantly (including getting better gear) is a core idea of MMOs to keep the player base active and engaged.
    This might be an Elder Scrolls game first and foremost but it is also an MMO, and people need to aknowledge that and stop bitching every time they have to make new gear.
    That being said I agree that there should be a way of upgrading your current gear to another level.

    As I said, if they are going to increase the level out in an improvement item. But no I do not want to have to refarm my divines kena helm or alkosh or scathing mage or spell power cure every couple patches. Many in my guild have been running that dungeon everyday for months and don't have a perfect set yet. Even with this new DLC dropping more they added bad traits so the grind is still very bad. Also ZOS said a long time ago that Levels would stop and that the way you improve your character was through CP. Well if it is just going to keep going Cp180 CP200 and we have to refarm old gear over amd over and over. It just is not fun.

    I am all for grinding levels and grinding out that special piece of gear so when you get it, it's special. But ZOS said we would not have to worry about levels, that instead champion points would be how we improve, and everyone took that go mean spending CP is how we would grow our characters. But now with this CP160 stuff it seems like they are just going to keep up the vr12 vr14 vr16 fiasco. And go to CP180, not fun not cool unless they have some kind of improvement system in place.

    And after your little accusations of me [snip] you agree, all I am saying is sure fine we can always craft, but to make people have to continuously grind out the same dungeons for gear we have kills the fun. All I am saying is make dropped rare sets, non crafted gear be able to be improved. We can and grind that instead, so we buy or grind that out to improve our vr16 sorry CP160 gear to the next gear level, IF they are going to do that. But no, if people are still trying to grind out gear from a old patch, then that's a problem if you just say haha increase level DO IT AGAIN!!!! :wink:

    [edited for profanity bypass]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on May 5, 2024 1:19PM
  • Goldie
    So has ZOS adopted an official cheat engine yet, or are people still using the ones that are ban free?
    Edited by Goldie on June 18, 2016 8:42PM
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • SwaminoNowlino
    Think it's a feature now @goldie
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • Neirymn
    Hello, ZOS!

    Is it possible to give console players the same 90 days and 180 days options for ESO Plus subscription as PC players?
  • Goldie
    Does ZOS plan on addressing the issue with getting stuck in charge animations? It has been over two years now.
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • Goldie
    Why is stamina used for dodging, blocking, and sprinting? Should'nt these have their own resource bar since SKILLS and ABILITIES use stamina too?
    Edited by Goldie on June 18, 2016 11:13PM
    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood. Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar
  • Madness1
    Can we eventually see Vulkan support? Or at least could you bring back OpenGL?

    This is the last game I use Windows for, hell even Adobe products run ok in Wine now so this is literally the only thing keeping me and I'm sure others tied to Windows. Even if you don't support Linux let the Linux community support itself, we have an excellent community and bugs tend to fixed quickly when it comes to compatibility.
    What is the color of night?
    What is the color of the fox?
    Hail Sithis.
This discussion has been closed.