Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

ESO Live - Ask Us Anything!

  • Krainor1974
    I think u might have to settle for a white robe maybe daedric or xiv ( could never spell the imp/ daedric style ) lol.
  • SantieClaws
    There is a long white toga coming to the crown store - hopefully with the DB.

    Sherlock McTestingface
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here - https://youtube.com/user/wenxue2222

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Djeriko
    Hi Dev's! Remember me? Yeah I've been on vacation for a while and I'm back to remind you again about several older graphical issues in game that haven't been solved and haven't been acknowledged. So let's begin again starting with how Glass and Mercenary style heavy armors have incorrectly programmed dyed colors...

    Below the pictures on the left are heavy armor Xivkin, Daedric, Redguard, and Altmer. On the right we have heavy armor Glass.

    Comparing Coldharbour Ash Black on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing black to grey...


    Comparing Pact Conqueror Red on multiple styles to Glass Heavy armor becomes comparing red to pink...


    Comparing Covenant Conqueror Blue to light blue...


    Dominion Conqueror Yellow to a little lighter yellow...


    White actually looks about the same but needs work on the cloth areas, you would think cloth would be willing to accept dye better than hard metallic surfaces.


    Keep in mind that both sets of armors are using the same dye with screen shots taken minutes apart so the lighting is the same as well as being made of the same material (rubedite) so the underlying metal should be red. Underlying color does not matter in this game obviously since you get the same result seen above regardless of what level the armor is. The argument of material is irrelevant Glass heavy armor as well as Mercenary heavy armor is suffering incorrect colors from the dye system. So I'll keep asking until someone on the dev team answers.

    Why is the dye system producing incorrect colors for Glass heavy armor and Mercenary heavy armor? Wouldn't it make sense to have all dyes look the same on all heavy armors? WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY!
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    The following questions start out the same. They may be repeated again until fixed or answered so don't be surprised. Most are cosmetic and should be easily fixed. SO here goes.

    Was it intentional for Redguard Heavy armor girdles (belt buckles) to able to hover in the air much lower than the belt and have since then become a GROIN CUP! This has been since the Redguard armor redesign and has yet to be fixed. This not only looks odd but causes a clipping issue where the buckle goes into the character model.
    Solution: Maybe it's just me but belt buckles should be on the belt...

    Was it intentional for several styles of shields to be positioned incorrectly? The list includes, Akaviri, Altmer, Ancient Elf, Breton, Dunmer, and Xivkin (I'm pretty sure there are more...)
    All of these styles' highest level of shields is positioned incorrectly on the character's back and arms when carried. You can also see that a shield is positioned incorrectly while looking at the straps inside the shield when carried. Just like the Redguard Girdle, if the arms aren't aligned with the models arm, it looks wrong. Also when you put an ancient armor shield on in first person and hold block, you will see what I mean. It completely takes up the screen compared to other shields) The identified shields look really odd when on the model's back. If you can't see the model's head, it's too high on the model. Is the model wearing the shield to protect the back of his head?! I'm guessing whoever positioned it on the model's back put the bottom of the shield at the waistline for some shields but not all. This results in tall shields fitting incorrectly instead of being centered and worn properly.
    Solution: Lower the position of the shield on the character when worn and held. Easy reference point is the straps on the shield can be put parallel with the arm and when worn on the back the shield needs to be lowered to at least show some portion of the model's head when seen from the rear.

    Xivkin Shields suffer from a similar incorrect positioning as the previously mentioned shields however it just hovers away from the character model's back when worn and arm when being held. (MAGIC HOVERING SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE!)
    Solution: just bring the shield into the model's body a little.

    Was it intentional for Outlaw shields (after level 36) to have a large central portion that could not be dyed at all? The shield has a border, an emblem, tribal symbols and this big empty area in the middle. This empty area is white and it seems like a waste to have the largest area on a shield to not be dyed. Wouldn't it make sense to make the largest area be the primary color, the border and the emblem be the secondary color and the tribal symbols be the tertiary color. Seems like such a waste (It took you over a year to give us shield dyes after armor dyes, please don't let it be another year until someone sees this error)

    Was it intentional for the icon for Outlaw shields sanded beech level (level 26-34) to have an icon that is a staff? If you don't know, just go to a crafting station and look at the icon.
    Also was it intentional for Outlaw shields with the hickory wood (level 36-44) and higher to have the icon of the mid level icon(lower than level 36)? The higher levels gives us a kite shield that is not the icon displayed.
    Solution: I know these are bugs. Just verifying that you know about it and are looking into it.

    Was it intentional for the combat system to instantly sheath the character's weapon immediately after the first strike in combat? This almost 50% of the time whether it's a magic spell or a charging attack. It especially looks weird after a shielded assault where my character sprints up to an enemy while his weapons and shield magically put themselves up and bumps into the enemy. I then have to unsheathe my weapons and try to continue to attack.
    Solution: I know this is a bug. Just verifying that you know about it and are looking into it.

    Was it intentional to have character's sprint on the mounts back? This was seen in the video of the last ESO live. Looks funny yes but crappy at the same time. The fact that you guys pointed it out shows it may be the first time you've seen it. We've seen it many times and to me it's just like that time we had spaghetti leg model's that ran while dancing. It's annoying. Please fix it.

    A Templar and Sorceror ability question:
    Was it intentional for the skills Healing Ritual, Rune Focus (Temp) and Surge (Sorc) to have morphs that do not improve as the morphs increase in level? Every Morph increases through a rank system (I, II, III, IV). With each rank increase we see an improvement in the change provided by the morph that makes it unique. But with these three, particularly Channeled Focus (morph of Rune Focus) Ritual of Rebirth (morph of Healing Ritual), and Power Surge (morph of Surge), they do not show any improvement or change as the ranks increase. Ritual of Rebirth offers us a shorter cast time as soon as the morph is selected but no change after that. Channeling Focus gives us Magic back every half second. But then the stats stay the same even if it increases. Power Surge gives us add Spell Damage but the stats stay the same through the ranks. Logically I would expect Ritual of Rebirth to lessen the cast time with each rank and Channeling Focus should increase the Magic you receive back. Power Surge would be harder to do because of the cookie cutter Major and Minor buff thing you have going now so you might have trouble showing an increase there so why not increase health received from crits a little each rank too.

    Another Templar ability question:
    Was it intentional for Rune Focus and it's morphs have incorrect tooltips? Rune focus currently works exactly like Circle of Protection in the fighters guild. It drops a rune on the ground. On the tooltip for Circle of Protection it states "Area" on what it targets whereas Rune Focus says it targets "Self". Self targeted spells such as Spiked Armor for DK's do exactly what they say, it targets yourself and leaves you free to move around with your buff. So why does Rune Focus and it's morphs target a ground area while still saying "Self" and Circle of Protection (fighters guild ability cloned from Rune Focus) say ""Area"? If you wanted to make a self targeting spell for Templars that Rune Focus does, just remove that whole rune on the ground and just give the buffs to the character themselves like Spiked Armor does. I think all Templars will love not having to worry about watching the ground anymore, being able to move, and still get their buffs just like DK's can do.

    The next question is different because it's not pointing out anything wrong.
    Wrothgar introduced new attacks that enemies were able to do. This included one-handed weapon enemies performing a jumping spin counter attack that stunned us if it connected. Tanks that could leap into the air and come down in the targeted area with a downward stab. These new attacks bring more life to the game. Imagine if they were brought to pvp as weapon skills! Have we explored the possibility of these skills being used by players?

    This is more of an idea instead of a question. The idea is to change the ash cloud morphs for DK to allow more flexibility with DK builds. It operates much like the morphs for the Fighters Guild ability Trap Beast. The old Ash Cloud ability used to be an aoe that was cast targeting the caster's position at the time. Also Cinder Storm used to have a miss chance as part of the aoe to any enemies that entered the space which was great for tanks. This miss chance was removed and we were given a ground targeting aoe that we could cast from a distance. To help players choose their route, make the ash cloud morph self targeting like it used to and give it a dodge chance or minor protection instead of miss chance. This works like the NB blur effect when the DK gets major evasion or minor protection like the Sorcs morph of Negate does but add "only as long as he is in the aoe" plus the aoe does the same dot of fire dmg. This would make it a great tanking aoe skill that only works on the caster to have the dodge chance or minor protection if you are worried about it being spread to too many allies.

    As for eruption, keep it the way it is now. This way you can choose Cinder Storm for a less damaging aoe protection spell or a higher damage distance casting spell. Much like Trap beast can cast where you are standing or Lightweight Trap can cast at a distance this gives us options and I guarantee Cinder Storm will finally see some use again!

    This concludes my questions. I will repeat and add more if necessary but I'm really interested in hearing something about why Glass heavy armor dye is incorrectly programmed...
    Edited by Djeriko on May 22, 2016 10:02PM
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • altemriel
    ZOS, I have an idea of reviving Craglorn, make it scale to group size - but not only the levels of monsters, but also the size of groups of enemies.

    That would make it possible to do Craglorn also as solo play and also it would make it fun to do it in groups. As in this state, it is only grinding zone for larger groups
  • PurifedBladez
    Zos I hate what you're doing to this game. That is all.
  • Pensola
    I understand the reason for characters going bald when a head gear is equipped and "Hide Helmet" is turned off. After seeing the hat being equipped over the normal head gear in ESO Live, I have been wondering if it would be possible to create "default" hairstyles underneath hats instead, depending on the length of the hair. So even if a character has their hair in a ponytail, when using a hat, the hair style changes to one that just falls down with a similar height. I don't mind if that is too much, I was just curious because seeing my character bald can be weird sometimes.
  • elven.were_wolf
    Since you are making it easier to have alt characters, could you please do the following:

    Make mount upgrades account wide. ( It's takes an insanely long time to level it up already on one character. )

    Make motifs knowledge account wide: ( you added the craft bag to make crafting easier for all characters so make the expensive motif pages account wide. )

    These changes will enable us to enjoy the game without the need of constantly grinding to get something on every single character. Also since your adding new character slots, account wide motif pages will make it easier to manage characters and thier progress.

    Some people told me in the past that they like to have everything seperate on each character as each character has access to different knowladge. But I think just like champion points these should be account wide. Or make like the characters are all magically linked together to make it lore friendly (:
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Krainor1974
    Which motif is going to be added to CrownStore in June
  • elven.were_wolf
    Wow, seriously the Dro'mathra mount for 4000 crowns! Guys serously be reasonable.
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • Arkvoril
    Wow, seriously the Dro'mathra mount for 4000 crowns! Guys serously be reasonable.

    Bookwyrm wrote: »

    No, I have the Crowns, but I'm not going to pay this much for a mount when I can buy a Collector's Edition DLC for the same price and get the DLC, a mount, a pet, and some experience scrolls. At least then I don't feel like I'm getting cheated. I could spend the money I would spend on this mount on an entire game. No.


    Level 50 Altmer Sorcerer
    A Vampire with a Werewolf Companion.
    Master Alchemist and Enchanter;
  • Jelle_Zwiers
    1. Where is player housing?
    2. Where is the barber shop? Please make work about the same as the racemenu of Skyrim.
  • VizigothAlaric
    Barber shop ETA ???
    Vizi - PC EU
  • Krainor1974
    1. Where is player housing?
    2. Where is the barber shop? Please make work about the same as the racemenu of Skyrim.

    They haven't even started on player housing yet.

  • altemriel
    1. Where is player housing?
    2. Where is the barber shop? Please make work about the same as the racemenu of Skyrim.

    They haven't even started on player housing yet.

    eta barbershop, eta player housing, eta small-scale pvp arenas :smiley: ?
  • Krainor1974
    They said on one of the eso live shows they haven't started on player housing yet.
  • Gidorick
    Gidorick wrote: »
    Is adding the ability to play as different bipedal Khajiit furstocks in any of ZOS' future plans?

    Gidorick wrote: »
    Are there any plans to allow players to visit/explore City Isle?
    Gidorick wrote: »
    We know that ZOS developed ESO's engine internally. Does ZOS have a name for that engine? official or unofficial?
    Gidorick wrote: »
    So... any update on first person mount riding?

    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • jim.chronous_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Any plans to release the bind on pickup status of Orsinium sets?
  • altemriel
    altemriel wrote: »
    1. Where is player housing?
    2. Where is the barber shop? Please make work about the same as the racemenu of Skyrim.

    They haven't even started on player housing yet.

    eta barbershop, eta player housing, eta small-scale pvp arenas :smiley: ?

    eta spellcrafting!
  • Pensola
    In Eidetic Memory, I see that I miss a lot of letters/books and such that I think are found in story-quest-only areas (f.e. "Rhambiq's Orders: Fulstrom Homestead"). I see that some of the lore for the Five Companions are found in the Harborage, and I was wondering if something similar is guaranteed for all writings found in quest-only areas. I am kind of a completionist and I hope I haven't lost the opportunity to get those writings forever for my main.
  • mistermacintosh
    Could you please add a Sithis banner to the forum avatars? I'm rocking a Shadow-Scale/Blackmarsh banner right now, but I would prefer a Sithis/Dark Brotherhood banner.

    Really looking forward to this update! Keep the good improvements coming (barbershop/race change)! :smile:
    Legalize Nirnroot!

    Mac User, NA Server (CP810+, PVE focused):
    Magicka Templar Ra the Everlasting (Level 50 - Main Character)
    Stamina Sorcerer Khazaka-ri (Level 50 - Crafter)
    Dragonknight Tank Skalda Flamewreath (Level 50)
    Pet Sorcerer Hellias Ocume (Level 50)
    Magicka Necromancer Socelon (Level 4)

    Templar Healer Mends-Through-Panic (Level 50)
    Stamina Nightblade Adanna-daro (Level 50)
    Stamina Warden Marely Sprigs (Level 50)
    Stamina Dragonknight Ursula Trollcalmer (Level 50)
    Stamina Necromancer Daengeval (Level 4)

    Stamina Templar Cornellus Graves (Level 50)
    Warden Healer Pays-For-Luxury (Level 50)
    Magicka Sorcerer Sophia Flash (Level 50)
    Magicka Dragonknight Cinvalo Aloavel (Level 50)
    Magicka Nightblade Esmerelda the Cruel (Level 50)
  • KriHavok
    Back in 2014, two quests from Auridon were removed (New in Town and Faith in the Family), is there any news on if and when they will be returning?
    UESP Staffer & Wiki Editor
  • riverreign
    Soul Shriven
    Hi im a average player that just has a few questions

    I mostly play the guild lines for the lore and to have fun with the npcs (i have no friends XD ) so will there be any more main quest lines with the guilds.

    I like that the dark brotherhood is coming but it would be nice to give the fighters guild or mages or the new thieves guilds some more content that we can do at higher levels of play or just a bit more content.

    I mostly bought the thieves guild DLC to see how the thieves guild became apart of Tamreil and expanded past abhas landing slowly becomes one of the main three guilds that we have seen in the past games but the story ends with only restoring it to what it was , a few orphans and others pulling small heists in abahs landing. It would be beutiful if we could get a little more content with the guilds everyone knows and loves
  • elven.were_wolf
    Could you please make the saddle bags on older horses flatter?
    Like the nightmare courser, basic horses from the crown store and horses from the barn.

    Their saddle bags are way oversized
    Achievement hunter and secret admirer of Naryu Virian.
  • zadori1975
    I have some questions so let's get started.
    1. When whe have some kind of crafting calendar under the journal menu. I mean where we can check the current and the completed researches.
    2. On consoles when we can use addons? Mini map, quest helpers, etc.
    3. Any plan about player created quests? I mean if I need a specific item, I cud post a request somewhere in a big city, like a bounty board. I can choose what I need, what I offer, and other player can pick up the quest, and when he have the requested items he just complete the quest get some xp and the reward. I got my item or items. I think this is make the game more real.
    4. PVP groups. Will be nice to see if a player a group leader or a group member, because when you not in a group, you can't see that. Will be nice to recruit group members whit a flag put in the ground. So if somebody want to join just click on the flag and can join to the group. Something like I call open group.
    5. Mounted combat?
    6. New class and race? ;)
    7. PVP duel and team battles.
    8. Craglorn champion 160?
    Ok. That's enough now, I need to finishing my crafting quests. ;)
  • zadori1975
    Sorry one mor question: when the guilds has more options, I mean if the guild members playing together getting more Xp or gold. Guild houses what we can upgrading and unlocking useful passive abilities, etc....
  • Torbschka
    Arenas / Battlegrounds ?
  • davidcombs7
    When can we expect a stack items button on guild vault? Very tedious to pull stuff out to our character hit l3 then remember whats the guilds and put it back stacked.
    Also please have a tips section ingame while loading on how to get rare gear ie rings of agility, necklace of agility, vicous death set etc. Google shouldnt have to be our go to for everything.
    Also is divine gear rare? I still cant get a medium armor chest with divine trait unless i pay 4k.
    Also i hope the craft bags are at least 300 item bags. I have to rely on guild store instead of my own vault to store provisioning or alchemy. Then people take some.
  • k9mouse
    When can we expect a stack items button on guild vault? Very tedious to pull stuff out to our character hit l3 then remember whats the guilds and put it back stacked.
    Also please have a tips section ingame while loading on how to get rare gear ie rings of agility, necklace of agility, vicous death set etc. Google shouldnt have to be our go to for everything.
    Also is divine gear rare? I still cant get a medium armor chest with divine trait unless i pay 4k.
    Also i hope the craft bags are at least 300 item bags. I have to rely on guild store instead of my own vault to store provisioning or alchemy. Then people take some.


    The reason for this -- back to close start of the game, there was a gbank exploit that lets one make copies of items. To stop this, ZOS disable stacking in the gbank. There is an addon called Rumba that auto takes items out of the gbank, stacks them and put it back for you.
  • WhiteCoatSyndrome
    Are there any name prefixes/suffixes specific to the dro-M'Athra? Or do they use the same names they had when they were non-Bent Khajiit?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
    A useful explanation for how RNG works

    How to turn off the sustainability features (screen dimming, fps cap) on PC
  • davidcombs7
    Thank you! I was not aware of this. Seems like bad code, cant write code that disables this ability? You cant be a successful MMO company If you dont have resources to hire 3rd party people to help fix the problem not gimp it if they cant fix it. Idk im not techy like that but seems like there should be a solution, not a disablement of an ability.
This discussion has been closed.