• Dubhliam
    I gotta agree with @Nifty2g If you think a Magicka DK tank is better than a stamina then jokes are on you; I'd love to see your sustain when you take on a large group of mobs. Stamina DK is all around better as we have a lot more abilities/ sustain when it comes to blocking and recovering stamina. The magicka abilities we use whether it be igneous shield/hardened armor/ etc are easily used over and over again since we don't dip into that pool frequently when we tank.

    We can place multiple debuffs with pierce armor/ransack and even throw down caltrops for large AoE pulls which keeps mobs clustered and easy to kill. I'm sure a Magicka DK can keep healing themselves over and over again but heavy armor synergizes best with stamina.

    Have you tried tanking with a mag DK or are you just talking from the "it is logical in my mind" kind of perspective?

    I have been tanking with a mag DK for a long time. Apart from Pierce Armor and Absorb Magic, all my skills are magicka.
    You can see my build here.
    In my opinion, a magicka DK tank can bring much more utility into the group and is self sufficient in terms of resource management.

    But this is really not the place to discuss the superiority of mag/stam DK tanks.

    Although, I would like to point out that OP failed to mention tanking problems in his long list of "stuff that are wrong".
    There are countless threads about tanking problems and the inferiority of Heavy armor, especially since the DB PTS where people tested blocking costs after the removal of the Bracing passive in HA.

    I know not all issues can be listed here, but to leave out such a large problematic from such a long list is only an indication that the list is very subjective.

    EDIT: I know this issue can be sorted in the "player feedback" part of the list, but that includes every other issue also, since every issue is debated on the forum.
    Edited by Dubhliam on May 22, 2016 5:00PM
    >>>Detailed Justice System Concept thread<<<
  • Dredlord
    Talyena wrote: »

    Maybe someday there will be an experienced game developer who creates a three realm game that is crowd funded so his only boss is his customers. Maybe, someday soon...

    But seriously come back to reality kid...

    So far every experienced dev that has tried to make their own mmo after success with a previous mmo has produced a steaming pile of fail afterwards.
  • boundsy88
    a better overview of where this game is and needs to be, could not of been written better.


    Confrimed by Wrobels comments on ESO live. Zos have no support of the solo, small scale pvp (at least in cyrodiil) by how he encouraged the use of 24 radiant destructions on 1 person or 24 poison procs on 1 person and his comment to that is "that guy is gonna die anyway".

    This comment would of broken the hearts of some of us that like to run solo in pvp or in small groups
    Edited by boundsy88 on May 22, 2016 5:09PM
  • Dredlord
    MikeB wrote: »

    I dont play and haven't, along with everyone I know, in a while. Its the worst MMO I've had the displeasure to play. Luckily I got it for free. I don't recall saying I respect anyone, professionally of course, at ZOS.

    The worst mmo you have played? So you must be hitting puberty soon? Your first mmo?

    In 20 years of mmo's eso easily makes top ten list
  • GivvumBoane
    Dredlord wrote: »

    The worst mmo you have played? So you must be hitting puberty soon? Your first mmo?

    In 20 years of mmo's eso easily makes top ten list

    For realz. No MMO ever gets a stellar start. I've played worse, and for that guy to get the game for free and still complain about it? He should stick to cell phone games
    All hail the prophet that is Mike Judge, for his Idiocracy prophecy is near fruition.
    please please please make sure text chat for consoles is ready for Q3, I swear if it's not...I'm done! I'm sick of waiting for this core fundamental that should have been here at launch, only to be scrapped/delayed due to ignorance in not wanting it!

    Edited by KICHZY on May 22, 2016 9:03PM
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Nobody want ZOS to be more successful then me . I absolutely love this game . I've given my highest ratings on other boards and have tried over and over to be helpful to the game masters . I'm not an armchair developer and have no idea how much work is involved . The people on all sides have every right to feel the way they do . For some the game is fine and going in the direction they enjoy . For others it's a technical nightmare to even stay logged in . I just would like the game to be pleasing to ALL players .

    A lot of this frustration stems from a lack of direct communication with the audience . An that can't be expected all the time . However that explanation does not solve the problem here . Before it becomes an angry mob , it would nice if ZOS would start tackling these tough questions again instead of avoiding them .

    Long live ESO and prosper .
  • Rex-Umbra
    Love ESO and the job they are doing but would be happy if they addressed a lot of the stuff you listed in a more timely manner.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    While I can't disagree with much, the only thing I'll comment on is the token request.

    I don't ever want to see anything like that added.
    Now....I do support removing 100-300 items from the Loot tables so that RNG isn't a sore point.

    Specifically suggesting to pull data on what players wear and remove all items from loot tables that aren't worn in things like traits, enchant or even gear types or mix and match as well as add more of what you see players wearing or items seen in the guild stores at higher prices.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on May 22, 2016 7:08PM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Ch4mpTW
    Such golden replies this thread is getting. I really hope the ZOS staff are peeping this thread, and really paying attention. @_@
  • RedRoomGaming
    All I care about is player housing and barber shop as my Templar looks like a ***. If we could buy all yellows for 5k each at a particular vendor that would be nice also. And yes fixed that damn RNG gambling machines have better rng than yours and they are trying to steal the money you're not.
    PS4 Eu Server
    • Stampler - RedRoomGaming - V16
    • Mageblade - Beard Of Molag - v3
    • High Elf Sorc - Man Of Potato - V16
  • willklippsteinb14_ESO
    daemonios wrote: »

    As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?

    PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.

    Lol free? This game isn't free, remember everyone does their fair share of supporting the game when they initially BUY the game paying for a sub means may pay more...but we have all paid, no one plays for point is invalid
  • Smileybones

    Lol free? This game isn't free, remember everyone does their fair share of supporting the game when they initially BUY the game paying for a sub means may pay more...but we have all paid, no one plays for point is invalid

    If you cared to read, the person said they were gifted the game so yes they are playing for free. Also for subs meaning nothing, I'd like to see how many improvement, bugfixes and new DLC you'll get if every subber stopped paying.
  • TheBull
    I don't want housing
    I don't want an auction house
    I don't want my skills behaving differently
    I don't want a difficulty slider

    All I want are more skills, less lag, and arena. Thanks.
  • Jazbay_Grape
    Call me naive but I believe that they do care to some extent, both from a business point of view and from the pleasure derived from the creation of what is an evolving community and an evolving world.... (in game).

    While I agree with many of the points you guys are bringing up - I don't think they don't care.... you gotta remember, even people that care take wrong decisions, make mistakes and have egos... and will always have views that clash with someone's or others.....

    I know stuff needs improvement and in some cases fixing - I do agree....


    I agree with this.

    (Hides with bomble) ...
  • Ch4mpTW

    I agree with this.

    (Hides with bomble) ...

    Nuu! Dun' hide. All your opinions and thoughts are welcomed here, which is why I created this thread. I wanted everyone to feel as though their words matter. So please don't hide. >_< @BomblePants @Jazbay_Grape
  • ScarlettCrush
    As we talk they're already giving 50k+ a month to the winner of that "million reason to play eso" , I could learn about coding/computer/games and fix bugs/issue on the game by myself if they hired me for that price..

    And the winner... doesn't even play.
    I would rather the win had gone to a deltia type who gives back to the ESO community. I learned more about how to play from those type sites that any in game tute.
    Why isn't one of those guys on salary?
    Edited by ScarlettCrush on May 23, 2016 5:39AM
  • Ch4mpTW
    As we talk they're already giving 50k+ a month to the winner of that "million reason to play eso" , I could learn about coding/computer/games and fix bugs/issue on the game by myself if they hired me for that price..

    And the winner... doesn't even play.
    I would rather the win had gone to a deltia type who gives back to the ESO community. I learned more about how to play from those type sites that any in game tute.
    Why isn't one of those guys on salary?

    Even better question. Why did Zenimax even come up with the idea of giving away one million dollars, when the money could be spent on bettering the game (overall)? Let alone following through with the idea...


    Because ZOS just doesn't care. ._.
  • SlayerTheDragon
    I wish everyone would make a post like this. Thank you.
    ¤═══¤ People don't like it when you talk to them with your weapon drawn ¤═══¤
  • Dromede
    To everyone who's been bashing OP for his post - being loyal to the game is so different from accepting everything devs do with no second thoughts. Critical thinking and feedback from customers is essential to any product that strives to be better.

    Saying "go play other games" is just not fair, and not productive. If people who criticize ESO truly didn't care, they wouldn't have spent their time on forums. They write these posts because they care, and want to make this game better.

    I personally submitted feedback and bugs within the game at least a hundred times, on pts included, and never got a response other than "restart your game, restart the computer". Roleplaying the bugged quest report gets you the same - automatic 0 effort answer from a manual.

    Things like that *** off even the most loyal customers. Just because it's a game, an unessential product/service, answering "first world problems" is not good enough.

    P.s. Kudos to players and moderators who manage to stay in character posting on forums. Reading roleplayed posts always makes my day a little better <3
    Skye Cloude - Sorc DPS, Master Crafter. Main, the bestest
    Lae Lenne - Templar Healer Trial grade.
    Dromede - Stamina Nightblade, she's a newb and doesn't know what she's doing
    V'oghatta - Stamplar pretending to be a tank
    Ulville Thonvella - aspiring Fire Mage, be careful around her fire sticks!
    Dromedaris - lost and not found. Named after a shoe, what else can you expect from her? A proper tank in her wildest dreams
    Swims-Naked - too pretty to grind, too silly to quest.
    Sun Flair - Dunmer Templar that can't spell for life. To bad she's too broke to afford a name change... Well, at least she's pretty...
  • idk
    Ch4mpTW wrote: »
    First and foremost, I wanted to say peace and love to all of the gamers who make up the ESO community. Much love and respect to you all. Whether you be newbie, elite, ganker, etc. Much love to you. Your contributions have help make ESO's community a pretty chill, and fun environment. And I personally appreciate it. And please understand that everything I'm about to say in this thread comes from a good mind, and with good intentions. These words come from a good place, and has the intention(s) in mind to make things better by casting light on things that people are intentionally turning a blind-eye to...

    Now that that's out of the way, let's get straight to it...

    Since you (ZOS) act like you don't get it, I'm going to break it down for you and make things real clear an obvious. You act like you don't see the numerous important questions people are asking in your We Are ESO Live streams, which are often repeated by different people. Let me list all the stuff that you pretend to act like you can't see, and ignore. These are some of the things we (your consumers want):
    - Fixed PVP lag
    - Fixed PVP bugs
    - Fixed PVP AOE caps
    - Fixed overall RNG
    - A token system for dungeons for dungeons, trials, and arenas
    - Someone who is competent in class balancing, because [someone] clearly has no clue what the hell is doing.
    - Actual class balance overall
    - Scaling of low level gear to VR160/CP160 (e.g. Warlock and Silks of the Sun)
    - Reduction in poison effectiveness from 60%, and even less than 30%.
    - Better overall RNG.
    - A better support team that handles consumer issues and retention
    - Better We Are ESO Live streams. We don't care about what type of bricks you used or materials to make a damn wall. We want to know about approaching content, and things that major concerns of the community.
    - Better chance to get gold things (e.g. Kutas, Roe, etc.)
    - An actual auction house
    - Player housing
    - Player barbershops
    - A text chat for console
    - A proper testing team that actually tests out content, before it reaches PTS or even live.
    - Player feedback to actually be listened to from PTS testing, and no put things on live that were never in the PTS (cough Thieves Guild update cough)
    - Account-wide mount upgrades
    - Arenas and 1-on-1 battlegrounds for PVP.
    - Proper attire for female character models, that fit to their figures appropriately. Less bloating please.
    - Skills in PVP having their effects behaving differently than they would in PVE. And vice-versa.
    - Scaling trials to VR160/CP160
    - A difficulty slider

    I'm sure I missed out a lot of things, but I am pretty damn sure that the things I listed would actually happen? You'd have a LOT more happy players overall, less complaints on the forums, and more gratitude and support from your player base. Because clearly, what you've been doing is making many of us long-time players hate you. And while you may be luring in new players who are not aware of the things in store, they'll soon find out about it — and then leave too. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_DaryaK @Wrobel @ZOS_ChrisStrasz @ZOS_ChrisH

    Edited to remove profanity and a personal attack

    PvP, work in progress. If you keep up with the patch notes you'd understand.
    RNG. Kinda agree. Maybe instead of 150 tokens to unlock a chest of random gear be able to choose one piece of desired set and trait it would be like a token system and could be implemented for trials also. Weekly rewards should remain random.

    ESO live - what you want to see is not always the same as someone else so get off you high horse.

    Getting gold matts - do write great source of gold coin also. Not willing to do writs then It's your own problem. This should not one easy or e common.

    Class balance is never achieved in any MMO. In ESO with a higher degree of variables that most games might as well forget about it. Pipe dream.

    Auction house. It is obvious there is only a small portion of our community the want this. Threads about it die fast. Get over it.

    Proper testing before rolling a patch to PTS. Lol. Minimal testing can be done. Numbers are needed which is OBVIOUS and is also why fixed to PvP are slower. PvP changes cannot even be tested properly ok PTS. This is very basic.

    Player housing - devs have addressed this. Anyone who has played a game with decent player housing knows it's not as simple as adding boring housing. Oh, you want it now then you'll get boring housing. Lol

    Account wide mount upgrades - umm. Crown store. This isn't going to happen because they want to sell training lessons in crown store. Another obvious answer.

    Scaling trials to cp160. Read the PTS patch notes. They are already starting on this. They're seeing how it plays out before reworking the other dungeons.

    Difficulty slider is already in the game. Most of us have it set to the easiest settings by placing all our CP. always thinks it's funny a CP 501 player complains how easy the lower level content is with 501 CP placed on their lvl 5 character. Some people want to be saved from their own mistakes.
  • WalkingLegacy

    PvP has been a work in progress for 2 years. Don't be disillusioned to think this is actual progress.

    RNG wouldn't matter as much if they just let us retrait our gear.

    ESO live is a joke and watching the devs play their own game is face palm inducing.

    Class balance will never be achievable with the CP system so you're partially right there.

    Auction house is always attacked by the majority on this forums. Doesn't mean squat. If ZOS did an ingame poll for guild trader with A: Do you like it. B: Hate it. C: Never used guild trader. I'd wager majority pop will say C for at least posting items.

    The Champion system is not a difficulty slider. It's a progression hook. Don't confuse self gimping with an actual feature.
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    If they fixed lag and did something about RNG, they would be 95% of the way there.

    Some of this stuff is content I expect to be added, and I realize it cant all be at once. Balance issues will never be perfect, but I actually feel like the game is as balanced as its ever been right now. My 2 cents is to make balance challenges in smaller more frequent patches, rather than a complete overhaul every 3 months. As for RNG, well the fundamental problem is there are too many layers. A token system would be crude but effective. Introducing things like Bind on Group and giving crafters the ability to change traits would go a long way towards fixing the current problem, and believe me, it's big darn problem.
  • leshpar
    My number 1 complaint right now is that the group finder scales you up to VR16. I hope that will change with the "various group finder updates" they said in the patch notes. Seriously, I don't care how good you are, a level 10 scaled to vr16 cannot heal, tank, or dps in any VR16 dungeon. Not enough skills or gear.
  • leshpar
    daemonios wrote: »

    As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?

    PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.

    You want a bad free to play MMO? Try Neverwinter or Perfect World International. Those both have some fun things, in fact Neverwinter is a heck of a lot of fun, but holy crap ESO is light years ahead of either of them.
  • GivvumBoane
    leshpar wrote: »

    You want a bad free to play MMO? Try Neverwinter or Perfect World International. Those both have some fun things, in fact Neverwinter is a heck of a lot of fun, but holy crap ESO is light years ahead of either of them.

    Seriously. In never winter, any character class can teleport. Especially in hub areas. (Ridiculous lag, in case anyone didn't get it)
    All hail the prophet that is Mike Judge, for his Idiocracy prophecy is near fruition.
  • OGLezard
    Yea I seen this thread :) I love it so much ^_^
  • Tonnopesce
    Aeree 100% o well 99% i don't believe an auction house fit this game.

  • khele23eb17_ESO
    leshpar wrote: »
    My number 1 complaint right now is that the group finder scales you up to VR16. I hope that will change with the "various group finder updates" they said in the patch notes. Seriously, I don't care how good you are, a level 10 scaled to vr16 cannot heal, tank, or dps in any VR16 dungeon. Not enough skills or gear.

    Trust me, the scaling really coddles low level characters. As dps you will actually see your dps in dugeons going down as you approach v16 due to scaling being gradually removed. As long as you have decent crafted gear, invest your points wisely and dont forget to eat some food you should do fine in dungeons even at L10.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on May 29, 2016 6:35PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Will16
    Well said, agree with everything about this post, the only problem is that ZOS probably doesn't or just simply doesn't care enough to put in the hours and work to sort it all out. I'd also like to see a removal or reduction in effectiveness of champion points, because I just think that this is what makes the game nearly impossible to balance between players. Also a bit of attention to new players would be nice as well, such as new content or reduction of the grind-fest, to convince them to stay (and no i'm not a new player i've been playing this since release).
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