MaxwellCrystal wrote: »I gotta agree with @Nifty2g If you think a Magicka DK tank is better than a stamina then jokes are on you; I'd love to see your sustain when you take on a large group of mobs. Stamina DK is all around better as we have a lot more abilities/ sustain when it comes to blocking and recovering stamina. The magicka abilities we use whether it be igneous shield/hardened armor/ etc are easily used over and over again since we don't dip into that pool frequently when we tank.
We can place multiple debuffs with pierce armor/ransack and even throw down caltrops for large AoE pulls which keeps mobs clustered and easy to kill. I'm sure a Magicka DK can keep healing themselves over and over again but heavy armor synergizes best with stamina.
Maybe someday there will be an experienced game developer who creates a three realm game that is crowd funded so his only boss is his customers. Maybe, someday soon...
I dont play and haven't, along with everyone I know, in a while. Its the worst MMO I've had the displeasure to play. Luckily I got it for free. I don't recall saying I respect anyone, professionally of course, at ZOS.
The worst mmo you have played? So you must be hitting puberty soon? Your first mmo?
In 20 years of mmo's eso easily makes top ten list
As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?
PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.
willklippsteinb14_ESO wrote: »
Lol free? This game isn't free, remember everyone does their fair share of supporting the game when they initially BUY the game paying for a sub means may pay more...but we have all paid, no one plays for point is invalid
BomblePants wrote: »Call me naive but I believe that they do care to some extent, both from a business point of view and from the pleasure derived from the creation of what is an evolving community and an evolving world.... (in game).
While I agree with many of the points you guys are bringing up - I don't think they don't care.... you gotta remember, even people that care take wrong decisions, make mistakes and have egos... and will always have views that clash with someone's or others.....
I know stuff needs improvement and in some cases fixing - I do agree....
Jazbay_Grape wrote: »
ScarlettCrush wrote: »As we talk they're already giving 50k+ a month to the winner of that "million reason to play eso" , I could learn about coding/computer/games and fix bugs/issue on the game by myself if they hired me for that price..
And the winner... doesn't even play.
I would rather the win had gone to a deltia type who gives back to the ESO community. I learned more about how to play from those type sites that any in game tute.
Why isn't one of those guys on salary?
First and foremost, I wanted to say peace and love to all of the gamers who make up the ESO community. Much love and respect to you all. Whether you be newbie, elite, ganker, etc. Much love to you. Your contributions have help make ESO's community a pretty chill, and fun environment. And I personally appreciate it. And please understand that everything I'm about to say in this thread comes from a good mind, and with good intentions. These words come from a good place, and has the intention(s) in mind to make things better by casting light on things that people are intentionally turning a blind-eye to...
Now that that's out of the way, let's get straight to it...
Since you (ZOS) act like you don't get it, I'm going to break it down for you and make things real clear an obvious. You act like you don't see the numerous important questions people are asking in your We Are ESO Live streams, which are often repeated by different people. Let me list all the stuff that you pretend to act like you can't see, and ignore. These are some of the things we (your consumers want):
- Fixed PVP lag
- Fixed PVP bugs
- Fixed PVP AOE caps
- Fixed overall RNG
- A token system for dungeons for dungeons, trials, and arenas
- Someone who is competent in class balancing, because [someone] clearly has no clue what the hell is doing.
- Actual class balance overall
- Scaling of low level gear to VR160/CP160 (e.g. Warlock and Silks of the Sun)
- Reduction in poison effectiveness from 60%, and even less than 30%.
- Better overall RNG.
- A better support team that handles consumer issues and retention
- Better We Are ESO Live streams. We don't care about what type of bricks you used or materials to make a damn wall. We want to know about approaching content, and things that major concerns of the community.
- Better chance to get gold things (e.g. Kutas, Roe, etc.)
- An actual auction house
- Player housing
- Player barbershops
- A text chat for console
- A proper testing team that actually tests out content, before it reaches PTS or even live.
- Player feedback to actually be listened to from PTS testing, and no put things on live that were never in the PTS (cough Thieves Guild update cough)
- Account-wide mount upgrades
- Arenas and 1-on-1 battlegrounds for PVP.
- Proper attire for female character models, that fit to their figures appropriately. Less bloating please.
- Skills in PVP having their effects behaving differently than they would in PVE. And vice-versa.
- Scaling trials to VR160/CP160
- A difficulty slider
I'm sure I missed out a lot of things, but I am pretty damn sure that the things I listed would actually happen? You'd have a LOT more happy players overall, less complaints on the forums, and more gratitude and support from your player base. Because clearly, what you've been doing is making many of us long-time players hate you. And while you may be luring in new players who are not aware of the things in store, they'll soon find out about it — and then leave too. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_DaryaK @Wrobel @ZOS_ChrisStrasz @ZOS_ChrisH
Edited to remove profanity and a personal attack
As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?
PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.
You want a bad free to play MMO? Try Neverwinter or Perfect World International. Those both have some fun things, in fact Neverwinter is a heck of a lot of fun, but holy crap ESO is light years ahead of either of them.
My number 1 complaint right now is that the group finder scales you up to VR16. I hope that will change with the "various group finder updates" they said in the patch notes. Seriously, I don't care how good you are, a level 10 scaled to vr16 cannot heal, tank, or dps in any VR16 dungeon. Not enough skills or gear.