People who think ZOS "just doesn't care" and similar s*** like that, are simply ignorant. From several aspects. ESO forums sometimes deliver some quality feedback, but most of the time it's crap. Hopefully ZOS knows that (and I'm pretty sure they do). They've been great when it comes to listening to its community.
I was about to make the same post like Turelus, but he beat me to it.
To break this down more than my previous post.
AFAIK being worked on. Helping report specific bugs which are of concern with video and informed feedback helps.
This isn't broken, it's the game design choice they made, if you don't like it that's not their problem to fix.
What part of it is broken specifically that needs fixing? Is it that you've had bad luck with RNG (as your vMSA thread) or there is an actual bug with the system.
Write a constructive guide on how you think this could be implemented weighing out the pros and cons.
Please list all the correct balancing choices which appease every member of the community, if there is anything people don't like then you'll have no clue what the hell you're doing.
Being worked on, and as above.
There was a discussion about this on ESO Live last night, if you have exact numbers and examples of how these effect all game styles and where the issues are post them so they can see the feedback.
Once again what's the issue with the RNG which needs improving or is it you've had personal bad experience with it? Suggest ways in which it can be improved if you have them.
Just because you don't care about something doesn't mean the entire community doesn't.
This is already in place, testers can't be perfect and find every issue and that's why we as players are invited to the PTS.
They are listening and making changes comments regarding some issues, there are plenty of developer posts this last month showing this.
There have already been some changes in this regard. Continue posting pictures and examples of where it's happening so the art team can work on them.
This isn't a design choice they want. They want you to know how a skill performs and have it perform in the way expected no matter what type of content you're doing. Again this is their design descion and not on them to appears your desires.
They have a lot of happy players.
You're frustrated and passionate about the game, that's fine but just making a post and demanding a bunch of changes doesn't do anything to help those happen. All it does is give you an outlet for your frustrations. Also everything you wrote already has a dedicated thread about it, why not post in those with feedback and ideas which will help the developers understand the issues rather than making broad demands without any insight.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Half of those issues are being worked on. Compared from what ESO was at launch to what it is now is amazing in the short time frame.
The devs listen to the community and provide updates based on the feedback etc. Stop acting like an arrogant child. Most people just jump the bandwagon and start hating for no apparent reason, if anything ESO is on an upwards climb and has been since Rich Lambert took over honestly.
SwaminoNowlino wrote: »
@Nifty2g Wrobel talked about how Stam sorc tanks would like the change to crit surge because they could get a steady heal off of their crits...
1) In all my time playing this game, never once have I encountered a Stam sorc tank. What about the Stam sorc makes it conducive to tanking?
2) The only content in this game you need a tank for is VetICP and trials. How would a Stam sorc tank crit build fit in there? That dude would get kicked from the group before he said another word.
3) If there were such a thing as a Stam sorc crit build telling on crit surge, tell me how your capped and time capped surge is going to heal you through a single Manticora hit.
I love this game. And I'm generally always the one arguing for constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. But there are numerous polls and threads about how over the top poisons are. @Wrobel mentioned them on the show and just laughed about our concerns, "if 20 people are hitting you then you'll just die anyways, poison or not." Gee thanks for that insightful comment. If he read the thread, people are concerned that their two or three man groups won't stand a chance against something like a 6 man group. It's possible on live currently, but suddenly my 2 man group each has resource drain, ulti drain, and ravage health poison (the one that hit their dev on live for 17k...) No Bueno.
It's not so much the issues with the game as the attitude the devs took on ESO Live that bothered me. The folks saying I don't want no classes or change or anything are wrong. Would love some new classes and broader gameplay. I want more folks playing this game and doing more. But the attitude they took on ESO Live was so patronizing and dismissive of our feedback. They'd bring up a thread I'd read, and then discuss things that were never mentioned in that thread.
Basically, if they read a thread (a good one, not a rage nerf thread) and come to a different conclusion than the folks posting there, then they should explain exactly why they are doing what they are doing. Give us some numbers. Make your case. If you give me numbers and facts, I'll believe you. But to say you read the forums and come away with 100% different conclusions than the folks in the thread without telling us why? That's insulting.
And that is my entire point. I work on some software and server stuff, I get their issues with lag and the implementation of a lot of things. I understand why a lot of the issues exist. I'm not mad about the problems, or the poisons, or any of that. If they legitimately think it'll enhance gameplay then I'm okay. They just need to explain why they think it's okay and why the numbers we are seeing and worried about are good for the game.
Don't dismiss and insult this community. They are your customers. If they have a legit concern and show numbers for why they are concerned, answer them in kind. There is no more customer support on this game. Everything directs you to the forums. So people come here. Support your customers ZOS. That's all I'm asking.
/end rant
I absolutely agree. That's why I don't know why those nonexistent Stam sorc tanks would care about a small heal buff that ticks whenever you do critical damage. Which was the reason they have for changing surge. Which makes no sense haha
First of all what do you justify as a stam tank, cause to me almost every tank is Stamina based seeing as they have to watch resources pretty much. No different than a Stam Sorc tank.SwaminoNowlino wrote: »
@Nifty2g Wrobel talked about how Stam sorc tanks would like the change to crit surge because they could get a steady heal off of their crits...
1) In all my time playing this game, never once have I encountered a Stam sorc tank. What about the Stam sorc makes it conducive to tanking?
2) The only content in this game you need a tank for is VetICP and trials. How would a Stam sorc tank crit build fit in there? That dude would get kicked from the group before he said another word.
3) If there were such a thing as a Stam sorc crit build telling on crit surge, tell me how your capped and time capped surge is going to heal you through a single Manticora hit.
I love this game. And I'm generally always the one arguing for constructive criticism and helpful suggestions. But there are numerous polls and threads about how over the top poisons are. @Wrobel mentioned them on the show and just laughed about our concerns, "if 20 people are hitting you then you'll just die anyways, poison or not." Gee thanks for that insightful comment. If he read the thread, people are concerned that their two or three man groups won't stand a chance against something like a 6 man group. It's possible on live currently, but suddenly my 2 man group each has resource drain, ulti drain, and ravage health poison (the one that hit their dev on live for 17k...) No Bueno.
It's not so much the issues with the game as the attitude the devs took on ESO Live that bothered me. The folks saying I don't want no classes or change or anything are wrong. Would love some new classes and broader gameplay. I want more folks playing this game and doing more. But the attitude they took on ESO Live was so patronizing and dismissive of our feedback. They'd bring up a thread I'd read, and then discuss things that were never mentioned in that thread.
Basically, if they read a thread (a good one, not a rage nerf thread) and come to a different conclusion than the folks posting there, then they should explain exactly why they are doing what they are doing. Give us some numbers. Make your case. If you give me numbers and facts, I'll believe you. But to say you read the forums and come away with 100% different conclusions than the folks in the thread without telling us why? That's insulting.
And that is my entire point. I work on some software and server stuff, I get their issues with lag and the implementation of a lot of things. I understand why a lot of the issues exist. I'm not mad about the problems, or the poisons, or any of that. If they legitimately think it'll enhance gameplay then I'm okay. They just need to explain why they think it's okay and why the numbers we are seeing and worried about are good for the game.
Don't dismiss and insult this community. They are your customers. If they have a legit concern and show numbers for why they are concerned, answer them in kind. There is no more customer support on this game. Everything directs you to the forums. So people come here. Support your customers ZOS. That's all I'm asking.
/end rant
Roehamad_Ali wrote: »
Half of those issues are being worked on. Compared from what ESO was at launch to what it is now is amazing in the short time frame.
The devs listen to the community and provide updates based on the feedback etc. Stop acting like an arrogant child. Most people just jump the bandwagon and start hating for no apparent reason, if anything ESO is on an upwards climb and has been since Rich Lambert took over honestly.
Just to be clear some of the things you're asking for fixes for others don't see as broken and calling out developers saying they don't know what they're doing is rude.
If it's all so easy please post all of the balance changes for us which will appease every member of the community, tell us how to fix lag and show examples of it working, explain the alternate RNG systems etc.
It's fine sitting at your PC miles away from a development studio and screaming "FIX THE GAME!!!" but unless you know the magic code to make all of these problems go away and make every member of the community happy at once it might be worth having some consideration for those who are working hard on this already.
What are you talking about? Majority of tanks are based around Stamina as it is the main resource, people who tank with magicka are doing it wrong, the only magicka taunt would be inner rage and I don't believe that even adds a debuff like Pierce does. All other debuffs are Stamina. I can't see how a magicka dk would benefit over all the stamina morphs for tankingSwaminoNowlino wrote: »@Nifty2g I don't even know that the majority of tanks are stamina anymore. I know a lot of folks tanking on magicka DK, Magicka Sorc, or hybrid Templars.
That's my point. I don't know any Stam sorc tanks. Never met one. So why would you balance a skill around that? Surge would be great like that, and was used like that before the changes. Now it won't be used.
psychotic13 wrote: »
They're making the game they want, and not what is wanted by the majority, if they don't start to listen this game won't last as long as I'd like it to.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.