Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Oh look more agree/awesome ****ing. Not really surprised to see its the OP making this list of known issues and pretending hes the only one brave enough to call ZOS out on things.
I sometimes wish posts like this would be ignored. The forums would be much more approachable if they were. But everyone loves themselves a little drama early in the morning so here we are.
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »Oh look more agree/awesome ****ing. Not really surprised to see its the OP making this list of known issues and pretending hes the only one brave enough to call ZOS out on things.
I sometimes wish posts like this would be ignored. The forums would be much more approachable if they were. But everyone loves themselves a little drama early in the morning so here we are.
Thank god. I'd hate to see the game produced by 'listening to the majority'. Lets negligently put aside that the forum community doesn't make up the majority or come even close. Lets simply ignore the fact that build by 'popular opinion' has, in the past, caused more games to collapse than rise.
Read the first 20 pages of general discussion, but this time, read every single one. Put our personal opinions aside, and give them all equal weight. The ideas are oftentimes so far fetched, some so out of character, and quite frequenly completely contridict the post right behind or ahead of it.
The only true measure of the success of ZOS isn't the forum or any other 'vocal minority' (of which I'm obviously a part). The only true measure of success is seen by ZOS in participation numbers. How many play, how many log back in, how many buy crowns, etc.
I'll be honest, reading that recent article from the business site, it seems ZOS is pretty damn happy with their product.
Why do I feel this way? I was a member of SOE's forums, and played the hell out of SWG. And the changes they made in NGE? They were requested. By the playerbase.
And when that overhaul happened, and those changes were made real? Well all of a sudden, that game wasn't so fun anymore, and those people moved on ... as well as the ton of us who actually LIKED the game.
I'd recommend letting ZOS manage their business and their IP as they see fit. I want some things too, but I'm also happy because I'm about to get those things. To me, and from my eyes, this game is going to get nothing but better, and I like it.
psychotic13 wrote: »
Aslong as people keep buying crowns they're going to be happy, £££ =
And you don't seem like a bigger picture type of guy, their greed will kill this game and if you can't understand why then I'm not going to waste my time replying.
They need to fix what's wrong first, there's a list of new bugs every time they bring a new dlc out and they're not exactly hastey about sorting anything out are they. Soon they would have just let all of these unfixed bugs ect build up and then it will be too late, people will have already started to leave, and cause they've already brought out most DLCs people were looking forward to (TG & DB) there's going to be nothing keeping people here anymore.
It really is that simple, ZOS are all about the money, and like I said, the game won't last as long as I'd like it too, ZOS are letting their greed blind them, they could make a lot more money if everyone stuck around.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
About SWG and SOE , "Majority" said that NGE killed the game and that they wanted a new update to remove NGE.
When SWG was still popular , everyone always claimed that they wanted PRE-CU not NGE , those long grinded jedi getting killed by medic after NGE wasn't something people were asking for, SOE didn't listened to the majority , which is why the game died, not the other way.
If they listened the majority of player base, the game would have been PRE-CU end not NGE , and it would probably still be alive and popular today.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Yeah, I've yet to see a game built in the last two decades that wasn't built to make money, and only to make money. Maybe some of these indy games could be argued to be 'for the artform'. Maybe, though I often think of them more as ways for people to advertise 'hey, I'm looking for a producer's job' so that they can make money eventually.
As far as the list of bugs, I agree, it's long. I don't run into many of them, being on consoles and not having to worry about addon errors, but I acknowledge that they are there. Course, since I beta'd this game on PC over two years ago, I've seen a LOT of bugs come and go. I'd love to see the list of 'fixed' versus the list of currently broken.
But of course developers and programmers can't make money off of buggy games like this. I mean, if Android or Windows was this buggy, they'd never survive, right?
And I disagree. Housing, barbershop, personalities, small PvP skirmish battlegrounds, and Vvardenfall. This will do a good job keeping me here, at least. And I sense that there are a LOT more out there like me, who prefer the small group/duo/solo content, Elder Scrolls world, and character customization that ESO does so well. Versus your generic 'end game elite pro meta min-max' type player. I just don't see any game having longevity for that audience. Even EverQuest and WoW, with going on two decades of content, people get bored on the end-game after doing ever raid a dozen times, etc.
As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?
PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.
Yes ^
I don't watch these things but I'm curious what made Bill Murray stand and applaud so happily?
Don't combine geeks with nerds. They are hell and heaven apart.
Both are fantasies, and the illusion of disparity equally so. I think they are terms more like "fruit" and "apple" ,. A nerd is definetly a geek, but a geek is not always a nerd.
- Someone who is competent in class balancing, because [someone] clearly has no clue what the hell is doing.
- Actual class balance overall
*Reads, gets to this part*
WoW can't even get their class balancing right after 10+ years. As much as I enjoy ESO, I doubt they will ever achieve balance either. As long a someone doing the balancing has a favorite class, as long as someone has a least favorite class, there will always be a class that is OP and one that people laugh at. Even if all the classes had the same skills, you would have those min/maxers find a way to make one of them OP.
I'd honestly rather advocate for a pvp build and a pve build. Separate it out so that pvers don't have to respec because an ability got nerfed in pvp and pvpers don't have to respec because an ability got nerfed in pve.
Maybe someday there will be an experienced game developer who creates a three realm game that is crowd funded so his only boss is his customers. Maybe, someday soon...
Thank god. I'd hate to see the game produced by 'listening to the majority'. Lets negligently put aside that the forum community doesn't make up the majority or come even close. Lets simply ignore the fact that build by 'popular opinion' has, in the past, caused more games to collapse than rise.
Read the first 20 pages of general discussion, but this time, read every single one. Put our personal opinions aside, and give them all equal weight. The ideas are oftentimes so far fetched, some so out of character, and quite frequenly completely contridict the post right behind or ahead of it.
The only true measure of the success of ZOS isn't the forum or any other 'vocal minority' (of which I'm obviously a part). The only true measure of success is seen by ZOS in participation numbers. How many play, how many log back in, how many buy crowns, etc.
I'll be honest, reading that recent article from the business site, it seems ZOS is pretty damn happy with their product.
Just to be clear some of the things you're asking for fixes for others don't see as broken and calling out developers saying they don't know what they're doing is rude.
If it's all so easy please post all of the balance changes for us which will appease every member of the community, tell us how to fix lag and show examples of it working, explain the alternate RNG systems etc.
It's fine sitting at your PC miles away from a development studio and screaming "FIX THE GAME!!!" but unless you know the magic code to make all of these problems go away and make every member of the community happy at once it might be worth having some consideration for those who are working hard on this already.
All I see is a white knight and a lot of 'this is being worked on'. Being worked on for how long? ZOS as a company has pretty much failed to make a really successful MMO (with zero competition around) and is now abandoning PvP to focus more on a single-player experience.
First and foremost, I wanted to say peace and love to all of the gamers who make up the ESO community. Much love and respect to you all. Whether you be newbie, elite, ganker, etc. Much love to you. Your contributions have help make ESO's community a pretty chill, and fun environment. And I personally appreciate it. And please understand that everything I'm about to say in this thread comes from a good mind, and with good intentions. These words come from a good place, and has the intention(s) in mind to make things better by casting light on things that people are intentionally turning a blind-eye to...
Now that that's out of the way, let's get straight to it...
Since you (ZOS) act like you don't get it, I'm going to break it down for you and make things real clear an obvious. You act like you don't see the numerous important questions people are asking in your We Are ESO Live streams, which are often repeated by different people. Let me list all the stuff that you pretend to act like you can't see, and ignore. These are some of the things we (your consumers want):
- Fixed PVP lag
- Fixed PVP bugs
- Fixed PVP AOE caps
- Fixed overall RNG
- A token system for dungeons for dungeons, trials, and arenas
- Someone who is competent in class balancing, because [someone] clearly has no clue what the hell is doing.
- Actual class balance overall
- Scaling of low level gear to VR160/CP160 (e.g. Warlock and Silks of the Sun)
- Reduction in poison effectiveness from 60%, and even less than 30%.
- Better overall RNG.
- A better support team that handles consumer issues and retention
- Better We Are ESO Live streams. We don't care about what type of bricks you used or materials to make a damn wall. We want to know about approaching content, and things that major concerns of the community.
- Better chance to get gold things (e.g. Kutas, Roe, etc.)
- An actual auction house
- Player housing
- Player barbershops
- A text chat for console
- A proper testing team that actually tests out content, before it reaches PTS or even live.
- Player feedback to actually be listened to from PTS testing, and no put things on live that were never in the PTS (cough Thieves Guild update cough)
- Account-wide mount upgrades
- Arenas and 1-on-1 battlegrounds for PVP.
- Proper attire for female character models, that fit to their figures appropriately. Less bloating please.
- Skills in PVP having their effects behaving differently than they would in PVE. And vice-versa.
- Scaling trials to VR160/CP160
- A difficulty slider
I'm sure I missed out a lot of things, but I am pretty damn sure that the things I listed would actually happen? You'd have a LOT more happy players overall, less complaints on the forums, and more gratitude and support from your player base. Because clearly, what you've been doing is making many of us long-time players hate you. And while you may be luring in new players who are not aware of the things in store, they'll soon find out about it — and then leave too. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_DaryaK @Wrobel @ZOS_ChrisStrasz @ZOS_ChrisH
Edited to remove profanity and a personal attack