It's definitely time for an Auction House, but I think we all know how that's going to be received
As a subscriber, let me say a big "take a hike" to all you freeloaders out there. Seriously, you played the game FOR FREE and still think you get to diss it? At least I FREAKING PAY FOR IT. And if you think the free game you played is the worst MMO out there, boy you haven't been around much, have you?
PS - This is in no way a defense of ZOS, the game has serious issues, I just have a thing against freeloaders, and entitled ones at that.
GivvumBoane wrote: »
Thing is, they'd have to take that loss until it's all fixed and word spreads to get people back in and playing and spending. Alot of revenue hungry companies aren't willing to show that profit loss on quarterly statements. It sucks, but it all boils down to a profit report
GivvumBoane wrote: »
Ok, 3 or four developers, minimum 50k a year. Extra 150-200k a year more than current costs. Money has to be made somewhere. Not to mention dead time with learning the ins and outs of the classes and such.
Three or four developers? At a level high enough to not only be able to engineer behavioral aspects of the game, but also have the statistical analysis background required to correctly interpret the data from hundreds of variables and determine the best course of action? And at $50K per programmer?
Sure. And if you honestly think that's "what it takes", I can hook you up with a Nigerian Prince willing to pay you millions for helping him move his money out of the country. For a modest fee of course.
You're not going to balance, let alone test, a game of this size with 3 or 4 people (and you're certainly not going to find that caliber for $50K). You were closer with 20 people, most likely broken up into a number of teams analyzing different aspects of the game.
A balance team on a game this size uses objective statistical models analyzing terabytes of game interactions in order to get an idea of how the world is working. It is an OBJECTIVE approach that takes TIME, which is very different from the SUBJECTIVE rants you see here.
Moreover, balance teams have a tendency to be conservative when it comes to changes. It's very easy for what might appear to be a rather innocuous change to fundamentally break something else. So instead of putting out a major set of changes, you'll usually see sets of smaller changes over an extended period of time. This allows them to observe and tweak where necessary as opposed to whole sale changes that end up just wrecking the game.
Oh, and of course any such tweaks are happening on an active code base, which makes it that much more challenging.
I don't know where people get the idea that designing, implementing, and maintaining a complex software system like an MMO is easy.
I would pay the ESO+ membership costs if it were mandatory, but it's not. I am fairly certain everyone playing the game has paid for it. I paid $69 for mine. Preordered for Xbox 1. But, ZOS dropped the sub to get people to play. Perhaps I'll sub when I see something worthwhile. Maybe when DB drops for the crafting bags
Three or four developers? At a level high enough to not only be able to engineer behavioral aspects of the game, but also have the statistical analysis background required to correctly interpret the data from hundreds of variables and determine the best course of action? And at $50K per programmer?
Sure. And if you honestly think that's "what it takes", I can hook you up with a Nigerian Prince willing to pay you millions for helping him move his money out of the country. For a modest fee of course.
You're not going to balance, let alone test, a game of this size with 3 or 4 people (and you're certainly not going to find that caliber for $50K). You were closer with 20 people, most likely broken up into a number of teams analyzing different aspects of the game.
A balance team on a game this size uses objective statistical models analyzing terabytes of game interactions in order to get an idea of how the world is working. It is an OBJECTIVE approach that takes TIME, which is very different from the SUBJECTIVE rants you see here.
Moreover, balance teams have a tendency to be conservative when it comes to changes. It's very easy for what might appear to be a rather innocuous change to fundamentally break something else. So instead of putting out a major set of changes, you'll usually see sets of smaller changes over an extended period of time. This allows them to observe and tweak where necessary as opposed to whole sale changes that end up just wrecking the game.
Oh, and of course any such tweaks are happening on an active code base, which makes it that much more challenging.
I don't know where people get the idea that designing, implementing, and maintaining a complex software system like an MMO is easy.
What are you talking about? Majority of tanks are based around Stamina as it is the main resource, people who tank with magicka are doing it wrong, the only magicka taunt would be inner rage and I don't believe that even adds a debuff like Pierce does. All other debuffs are Stamina. I can't see how a magicka dk would benefit over all the stamina morphs for tanking
Surge looks decent to me
If you are not debuffing with Pierce etc then yes, you are doing it wrong
Soooooo... I'm doing it wrong?
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
Go make some more damage/heal tutorials and refrain from commenting tanks, thanks.
If you are not debuffing with Pierce etc then yes, you are doing it wrong
If you are not debuffing with Pierce etc then yes, you are doing it wrong
Band Camp statements: To state "But this one time I saw X doing X... so that justifies X" Refers to the Band camp statement.
Coined by Maxwell
Yep, they don't: "We'll think about other stuff eventually, but for now we're really enjoying the fact that the game is going well."Let me say something...
don't .
MaxwellCrystal wrote: »I gotta agree with @Nifty2g If you think a Magicka DK tank is better than a stamina then jokes are on you; I'd love to see your sustain when you take on a large group of mobs. Stamina DK is all around better as we have a lot more abilities/ sustain when it comes to blocking and recovering stamina. The magicka abilities we use whether it be igneous shield/hardened armor/ etc are easily used over and over again since we don't dip into that pool frequently when we tank.
We can place multiple debuffs with pierce armor/ransack and even throw down caltrops for large AoE pulls which keeps mobs clustered and easy to kill. I'm sure a Magicka DK can keep healing themselves over and over again but heavy armor synergizes best with stamina.
First and foremost, I wanted to say peace and love to all of the gamers who make up the ESO community. Much love and respect to you all. Whether you be newbie, elite, ganker, etc. Much love to you. Your contributions have help make ESO's community a pretty chill, and fun environment. And I personally appreciate it. And please understand that everything I'm about to say in this thread comes from a good mind, and with good intentions. These words come from a good place, and has the intention(s) in mind to make things better by casting light on things that people are intentionally turning a blind-eye to...
Now that that's out of the way, let's get straight to it...
Since you (ZOS) act like you don't get it, I'm going to break it down for you and make things real clear an obvious. You act like you don't see the numerous important questions people are asking in your We Are ESO Live streams, which are often repeated by different people. Let me list all the stuff that you pretend to act like you can't see, and ignore. These are some of the things we (your consumers want):
- Fixed PVP lag
- Fixed PVP bugs
- Fixed PVP AOE caps
- Fixed overall RNG
- A token system for dungeons for dungeons, trials, and arenas
- Someone who is competent in class balancing, because [someone] clearly has no clue what the hell is doing.
- Actual class balance overall
- Scaling of low level gear to VR160/CP160 (e.g. Warlock and Silks of the Sun)
- Reduction in poison effectiveness from 60%, and even less than 30%.
- Better overall RNG.
- A better support team that handles consumer issues and retention
- Better We Are ESO Live streams. We don't care about what type of bricks you used or materials to make a damn wall. We want to know about approaching content, and things that major concerns of the community.
- Better chance to get gold things (e.g. Kutas, Roe, etc.)
- An actual auction house
- Player housing
- Player barbershops
- A text chat for console
- A proper testing team that actually tests out content, before it reaches PTS or even live.
- Player feedback to actually be listened to from PTS testing, and no put things on live that were never in the PTS (cough Thieves Guild update cough)
- Account-wide mount upgrades
- Arenas and 1-on-1 battlegrounds for PVP.
- Proper attire for female character models, that fit to their figures appropriately. Less bloating please.
- Skills in PVP having their effects behaving differently than they would in PVE. And vice-versa.
- Scaling trials to VR160/CP160
- A difficulty slider
I'm sure I missed out a lot of things, but I am pretty damn sure that the things I listed would actually happen? You'd have a LOT more happy players overall, less complaints on the forums, and more gratitude and support from your player base. Because clearly, what you've been doing is making many of us long-time players hate you. And while you may be luring in new players who are not aware of the things in store, they'll soon find out about it — and then leave too. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_Finn @ZOS_DaryaK @Wrobel @ZOS_ChrisStrasz @ZOS_ChrisH
Edited to remove profanity and a personal attack
MoeCoastie wrote: »
While it is obvious that you are passionate about eso and its admirable...your list after the the first 2 or 3 seems like YOUR PERSONAL wishlist. Many of the points you made after "PVP Bugs" are highly debatable within the community as evidence from this thread.
Im sorry the devs do not share in your vision for ESO and the game seems like it is on its way to your uninstall log. But before you do, can I have your stuff?
ZOS_DaryaK wrote: »We've removed a couple unconstructive posts. Please avoid personal attacks, folks.
Gamerscape2007 wrote: »
You gotta live those half assed responses to each thread they post. How about an actual response, Zos?
It getting to the point where People gave you enough chances. You keep ignoring our feeback, you keep screwing something up. Fixing what wasn't broken. You shown clear incompetency and ignorance in your eso lives I have no idea. You don't know what to do anymore. And mark my word, the moment you run out of dlcs you promised us, you're screwed. Not unless you listen to us, but you won't. The communication is so bad with you with "Responses." Like this it hard to even care for you or this game anymore.
Just watch people. Next dlc after Darkbrotherhood will continue to destroy what integrity this game had left, if it had any to begin with. That 60% cost increase poison You poorly Justified, Zos? Will make 1vxers like @Sypher quit. congrats.
Gamerscape2007 wrote: »
You gotta live those half assed responses to each thread they post. How about an actual response, Zos?
It getting to the point where People gave you enough chances. You keep ignoring our feeback, you keep screwing something up. Fixing what wasn't broken. You shown clear incompetency and ignorance in your eso lives I have no idea. You don't know what to do anymore. And mark my word, the moment you run out of dlcs you promised us, you're screwed. Not unless you listen to us, but you won't. The communication is so bad with you with "Responses." Like this it hard to even care for you or this game anymore.
Just watch people. Next dlc after Darkbrotherhood will continue to destroy what integrity this game had left, if it had any to begin with. That 60% cost increase poison You poorly Justified, Zos? Will make 1vxers like @Sypher quit. congrats.
Three or four developers? At a level high enough to not only be able to engineer behavioral aspects of the game, but also have the statistical analysis background required to correctly interpret the data from hundreds of variables and determine the best course of action? And at $50K per programmer?
Sure. And if you honestly think that's "what it takes", I can hook you up with a Nigerian Prince willing to pay you millions for helping him move his money out of the country. For a modest fee of course.
You're not going to balance, let alone test, a game of this size with 3 or 4 people (and you're certainly not going to find that caliber for $50K). You were closer with 20 people, most likely broken up into a number of teams analyzing different aspects of the game.
A balance team on a game this size uses objective statistical models analyzing terabytes of game interactions in order to get an idea of how the world is working. It is an OBJECTIVE approach that takes TIME, which is very different from the SUBJECTIVE rants you see here.
Moreover, balance teams have a tendency to be conservative when it comes to changes. It's very easy for what might appear to be a rather innocuous change to fundamentally break something else. So instead of putting out a major set of changes, you'll usually see sets of smaller changes over an extended period of time. This allows them to observe and tweak where necessary as opposed to whole sale changes that end up just wrecking the game.
Oh, and of course any such tweaks are happening on an active code base, which makes it that much more challenging.
I don't know where people get the idea that designing, implementing, and maintaining a complex software system like an MMO is easy.