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Official Feedback Thread for Sorcerers

Community Manager
This is the official feedback thread for the Sorcerer for the Dark Brotherhood update. Please let us know how you feel about the changes we made to this class, if you ran into any bugs, and any other feedback you'd like to give.
Gina Bruno
Senior Community Manager
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Staff Post
  • Ahzek
    So this is the improvements to stamina sorcs now huh ? Im at a loss really. Why do you even pretend like you make an effort in those ESO live episodes ? Just say you dont want people to play stam sorcs and be done with it.
  • ginoboehm
    @ZOS_GinaBruno are sorc stamina changes postponed? talk to us what happened? is that one change all that will come?
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    not happy with the time reduction, was never the problem with the skill

    reducing the time on the other non-class shields? fine, good way to handle to much stacking, but on the class skill?

    this is far far far to much of a reduction, if it must be reduced without care to the player opinion, then 10 to 12 would be more manageable

    otherwise, this more or less destroys just about every build i have, and i am primarily PVE
  • Deceptive_Yoshi
    Stamina sorc needs some love, could you at least give some passive buffs for stam sorc since you're not gonna give them any more stamina versions of sorcerer spells.
  • Valrien
    1. Hardened Ward too short, a more reasonable change would have been 10 seconds or to accompany this change with a heal that isn't a pet.

    2. Magicka Sorc changes incredibly underwhelming. We're on the lowest end of the PvE DPS spectrum even when you look at all the stamina classes now. We need major changes to be competitive again or you'll force all the Magicka Sorcerers to reroll a class like Stam DK or Magicka Nightblade.

    3. I don't play Stam Sorc, but the big changes weren't really much in the grand scheme of things...still, I suppose it's a good step in the right direction.

    Please reconsider what you've done to Sorcerers. Please :(

    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Jaronking
    i have a magica Sorc alt and like the change to shields especially what they did to annulment where it cancels out all damage types good job ZOS.
  • Erock25
    I feel like linking to all my old pts threads about stam sorc to just explain my overall frustration but I give up. It's not worth it because zos does not want stam sorc to happen. We've given so many awesome suggestions for improving their gameplay and zos is still focused on thundering presence for some jacked up reason.
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  • bhlegit
    shields are now way too short, maybe its ok just for annulment but not for clas ward too. 16 seconds would be better.
  • AfkNinja
    After testing explode this thread with 80+ pages of feedback. Seemed to work for Templar...

    Sorry guys. :(
  • CP5
    I like how negate looks less useless (not being rendered a piece of scenery almost instantly after being cast) so i'll have to try out the heal and damage values. The thundering presence change makes it look interesting, will have to see if its worth the stamina to maintain, but again I feel that the class was just looked at and thrown a bone.. We'll see..
  • SturgeHammer
    I think Stam Sorc needed a little more. Perferably some sort of instant melee range stun, or something to grant empower, to make up for the gap left by the wrecking blow changes.
    First-in-Line - Swings-for-Lethal
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  • Spacefish2323
    The problem with wards, at least in PvP, was never the duration (was it a problem in PvE? Magicka sorc is pretty underwhelming in PvE right now).

    The PvP problem is how cheap Ward is with Champion Points. Hardened Ward is balanced in Azura's Star, but is outright broken in Trueflame/Haderous. You can Ward For Days there, until your friends come to save you. Do that without CP, and you don't have the Magicka resources left to be a threat and will get taken down.

    Most of us keep Ward on our backbar, and reducing the duration to 6 seconds will absolutely gut the ability and just make into 'using Magicka to block!'.

    The other thing to look at would be letting all wards be critically hit, as the current meta is so much about Thief/Divines, etc etc. But this gutted duration to a meager 6 seconds is too much.
  • JD2013
    I always think Stam Sorc is a contradiction in terms as Sorcs run on Magicka. I have never seen such a thing in other MMO's.


    If people want to play like that, that is fine and ZOS should give them more tools than they currently have.
    Sweetrolls for all!

    Christophe Mottierre - Breton Templar with his own whole darn estate! Templar Houses are so 2015. EU DC

    PC Beta Tester January 2014

    Elder of The Black
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    The Runners

    @TamrielTraverse - For Tamriel related Twitter shenanigans!

    Crafting bag OP! ZOS nerf pls!
  • AfkNinja
    JD2013 wrote: »
    I always think Stam Sorc is a contradiction in terms as Sorcs run on Magicka. I have never seen such a thing in other MMO's.


    If people want to play like that, that is fine and ZOS should give them more tools than they currently have.

    It's cause a melee warrior mage "Sorcerer" exists in Elderscrolls lore. Our lore is unique :D
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    The problem with wards, at least in PvP, was never the duration (was it a problem in PvE? Magicka sorc is pretty underwhelming in PvE right now).

    The PvP problem is how cheap Ward is with Champion Points. Hardened Ward is balanced in Azura's Star, but is outright broken in Trueflame/Haderous. You can Ward For Days there, until your friends come to save you. Do that without CP, and you don't have the Magicka resources left to be a threat and will get taken down.

    Most of us keep Ward on our backbar, and reducing the duration to 6 seconds will absolutely gut the ability and just make into 'using Magicka to block!'.

    The other thing to look at would be letting all wards be critically hit, as the current meta is so much about Thief/Divines, etc etc. But this gutted duration to a meager 6 seconds is too much.

    seriously, ive been subbed since early access, but this change seriously just sucks ALL the motivation to play this game for me, now and after may 31st
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    AfkNinja wrote: »
    JD2013 wrote: »
    I always think Stam Sorc is a contradiction in terms as Sorcs run on Magicka. I have never seen such a thing in other MMO's.


    If people want to play like that, that is fine and ZOS should give them more tools than they currently have.

    It's cause a melee warrior mage "Sorcerer" exists in Elderscrolls lore. Our lore is unique :D

    all the spells STILL used magicka in the past games, it was a hybrid build, it did not SOLELY rely on stamina, only the weapon attacks did, and that is why im not to keen on the class skills having any stamina morphs.

    but the stamina thing is a much much much smaller issue to the ward duration changes, so this is the only time ill remark on this in this thread
  • dagonbeer
    I agree, not sure of the rationale behind reducing duration of wards (and igneous shield). It doesn't solve any of the issues people have with shields (shield stacking, endless shields, etc.) but makes it more annoying to play. Annoyance is not a great balancing tool!

    If anything, I'd bump up Sun shield to 20 seconds as well. Harness and bone can be 6 seconds if they're set on giving everyone shields, I haven't quite settled on what I think about that yet...
    Edited by dagonbeer on April 25, 2016 9:49PM
  • Emma_Overload
    12 seconds would be a lot less annoying, while still requiring the Sorc to keep an eye on his buffs.

    Regarding Stam Sorcs.... I simply don't understand why ZOS can't see the problem here. Other classes have a bazillion useful Stamina morphs, whereas Sorcs are just blank templates for the standard weapon skills.

    Edited by Emma_Overload on April 25, 2016 9:50PM
  • GreatWhite000
    Stam sorcs still lack support in the class passives and boundless storm will still be preferred in PvP for the extra speed (and PvE stam sorcs will still be a joke as far as trials and whatnot go).

    The nerf to magicka sorc shields (hardened ward) is huge and is going to result in a giant loss of survivability for sorcs, especially in PvP where sorcs are really squishy without their shields up.

    Overall, I'm really sad that mag sorcs got such a nerf and that stam sorcs didn't get the buff they were promised. I think I'm gonna go ahead and delete my stam sorc on live because it's such a pointless waste of a character slot (and potential).
  • StopDropAndBear
    6 seconds is pitiful.
    Edited by StopDropAndBear on April 25, 2016 9:52PM
  • Joy_Division
    Have the feeling this thread will be a lot longer than the others like the Templar thread from Thieves Guild.

    Every other class is basically getting Hardened Ward.
  • phaneub17_ESO
    Conjure Ward:
    1. Can you change the shield strength to be based on Magicka or Stamina, whichever is higher.
    2. Can it have a passive bonus of increased Physical and Spell Resistance while slotted?
    3. When effect ends, heals the user and pets equal to 30% of the remaining shield effect.

    Summoned Pets:
    1. Can you display on their tooltip how they are scaling with your stats if at all?
    2. Make them scale based on your Magicka or Stamina, whichever is higher.
    3. Control each one individually, having the Clannfear/Imp attack while keeping the Twilight on passive or attack another target. Currently if you put all pets on Passive it also affects the Storm Atronach to not attack as well.
  • Tyrion87
    ZOS, I have an honest question to you guys: do you really, just really play your own game? Can't you balance your game just right in any update? Each time you come up with a new DLC and balance changes, there is at least one class which becomes weak and useless. This time it will happen to sorcs if only you introduce PTS changes to live server. If it happens, I'm done with your game.

    Right now the bosses and even some mobs in the group dungeons are so strong that sorcs need to have their shields up all the time cause without it they die within two seconds. Damage shields are their only hope, their only defence. Reducing their duration from 20 seconds to (unbelievable!) 6 seconds will result in that sorcs will be using all their magicka for casting shields all the time just to be able to survive, while damaging enemies only with their staves (of course only from time to time between spamming shields). So overall, this change will affect (significantly reduce) the damage done by sorcs which will make sorcs the most useless class in each role: tank, healer and DD.Not to mention that such challenges like vMA will be simply impossible to beat for sorcs.

    Wake up ZOS.
  • Pallio
    Mag. Sorc. generally don't have high regen, or take the dmg to fully use the shield in that short of time, Sorc has no other means of defense so this will get them shelved except for those playing with pets or pretending to be able to heal, sad day when this goes live. Bar swapping every 6sec is rediculous.
  • vontariel
    I have to say I'm honestly disappointed by promised big changes to stam-sorc.

    I was hoping at least for one stamina morph on pets to make such sets like "of the Hunt" a serious option.
    I also hoped active ability to Bound Armaments will be added, making it one of base "spammable" abilities to enhance damage or at least a dot ability to be able to proc from maelstorm daggers.

    I wasn’t hoping that you would actually replace failed revamp of crystal blast and make it a stamina morph, but still I was deluding that maybe…
    I also hoped that converters for overload from weapon damage would be looked into, so stamina sorcerers could get the same numbers like theirs magica brothers.

    Furthermore I was hoping for overall mechanism that will equalize damage difference in PvE for stamina based classes, especially in encounters, where bosses are still in the movement, which drastically decrease damage for melee stamina users (which is completely unnoticeable for magica users).
    Overall, changes described in this patch notes can NOT be considered as a huge revamp of stamina based abilities, but only a cosmetical changes (changing skill names?).

    At least I'm happy that you enhanced healing on sorcerers, cause this will probably be my escaping route from this sinking ship called stamina sorc.
  • RoyJade
    For a stam sorc, slotting fighter guild skill will give more weapon damage than sorc skill. Fighter skill are more powerful, more useful and more versatile than sorc skills.
    The ONLY advantage stamsorc really have is their higher weapon damage. Now, everyone will have same or better than sorc.

    Really, hurricane must do a LOT of damage. I don't know if the 225% more damage will be on top ( so base damage + 2,25 x base damage) or simply multiplicative (2,25 x base damage), and if the 200% more damage for 4 second will keep, but in the best case we'll have a 9 meter aoe who hit four time with the same power of molten whip. In the worst case… well, the skill will still be bad.
  • Morimizo
    With the shields all being reduced to 6 or 8 sec, buffing is worthless. I guess that's the point, huh?

    Shield stacking bad in PVP.

    Ruin it for everyone by creating a situation where if a player only uses two buffs, by the time the player rushes in to the fight, they're both gone.

    Brilliantly exasperating fix.

    Here I thought ZOS might increase the Sun Shield of the Templar from 6 to 20 to bring it line with other class' shields, but,

  • Rylana
    Morimizo wrote: »
    With the shields all being reduced to 6 or 8 sec, buffing is worthless. I guess that's the point, huh?

    Shield stacking bad in PVP.

    Ruin it for everyone by creating a situation where if a player only uses two buffs, by the time the player rushes in to the fight, they're both gone.

    Brilliantly exasperating fix.

    Here I thought ZOS might increase the Sun Shield of the Templar from 6 to 20 to bring it line with other class' shields, but,


    Learn to reapply buffs on the fly. Why is it a one and done with you people.
    @rylanadionysis == Closed Beta Tester October 2013 == Retired October 2016 == Uninstalled @ One Tamriel Release == Inactive Indefinitely
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  • Archmage1
    @ZOS, seriously?? Can't you guys do incremental changes?! This is absolutely ridiculous. 6sec shield NERF which is a class ability. PLUS, you basically give every other class a hardened ward. I have been on the fence with this game and my subscription for a while now ...this DLC has made the decision for me. I am done with ESO.
  • ButtersEP
    Wards aren't that strong in Cyrodiil..(already nerfed 50% in Cyrodiil) mainly why I do not PVP only PVE with my Sorc, Sorcs are actually the lowest sustained DPS in the game (not by much) I say this based off a lot (several dozen Blood Spawn Test) across a lot of different end game players (a couple dozen) my trials guild run these tests weekly many of which are top 50 players on the Vmsa weeklys.

    With no ultimate's, sustained DPS only currently Mag DK's are number 1, followed by Mag NB's, then Mag Templars then Sorcs, Obviously this changes a bit with ultimate's but overload is not always forever.

    This may seem off topic from the ward thread but since Sorcs will need to put more points in health and have a lower Magic pool, that sustained DPS number will be even lower, even more of a DPS loss when having to re-ward a lot.

    And correct me if I am wrong Sorc self heals only come from a critical hit with power surge only? Templars & NB's self heal automatically by just well, attacking, DK's can heal as needed, Frags do not always Proc.. and power surge runs out...

    I have every kind of character so I can play other classes, I am not so much complaining just pointing some things out.
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