Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Official Feedback Thread for Non-Class Changes

  • Savos_Saren
    dsalter wrote: »
    Laquey wrote: »
    As mentioned above by quite a few people the heavy armor traits are very lack luster.

    Heavy Armour:

    Passives all with maximum points -
    Increase you Armor for each piece of heavy Armor equipped by level dependent amount (Not changed)
    Reduce the duration of snare and disabling effects by 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped

    Increase health recovery 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped (Not changed)
    Armor enchantments and traits that increase your health also increase your stamina by (6% per piece of heavy armor equipped) of the value of health increased.

    Increase Max Health 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Increase your weapon damage by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Decrease Stamina Cost when blocking 20% (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of resistance penetration effects on you by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Rapid Mending:
    Increase healing received 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of healing reduction effects on you by 2% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    made some tweaks, your base stats seemed over the top, especially that 10% weapon damage per piece... i'd stop using medium with that kind of damage :P

    Not bad. Perhaps under Juggernaut, it would be weapon and spell damage (for us magicka tanks). And it shouldn't be 3% per piece. If a tank wears 5pc of heavy x 3%= 15%. Medium armor's 5pc bonus only gets 12%. A tank's weapon damage shouldn't outshine a medium armor wearing DPS.

    I can see 1% as a viable passive, though. A tank with 5pcs of Heavy Armor could get a 5% weapon/spell damage increase.

    As for Bracing, perhaps it could be "Decrease Stamina Cost while blocking 20%" and "recieve 30% of your stamina regen while blocking". That way- you get a little stamina recovery while blocking instead of none...
    Edited by Savos_Saren on February 5, 2016 3:33PM
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • Cathexis
    dsalter wrote: »
    Laquey wrote: »
    As mentioned above by quite a few people the heavy armor traits are very lack luster.

    Heavy Armour:

    Passives all with maximum points -
    Increase you Armor for each piece of heavy Armor equipped by level dependent amount (Not changed)
    Reduce the duration of snare and disabling effects by 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped

    Increase health recovery 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped (Not changed)
    Armor enchantments and traits that increase your health also increase your stamina by (6% per piece of heavy armor equipped) of the value of health increased.

    Increase Max Health 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Increase your weapon damage by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Decrease Stamina Cost when blocking 20% (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of resistance penetration effects on you by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Rapid Mending:
    Increase healing received 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of healing reduction effects on you by 2% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    made some tweaks, your base stats seemed over the top, especially that 10% weapon damage per piece... i'd stop using medium with that kind of damage :P

    As it stands with the 25% physical damage redux cp you will likely HAVE to take 5 Piece medium to compensate for the severe damage loss. My tank sorc will likely not work anymore as he can barely achieve enough damage at the same time as the necessary defensive stats and most of the time neither my defensive stats or offensive stats are fully adequate.

    Rather than a flat damage buff for heavy you might also consider a large damage buff that functions as a mechanic of taking damage. Something like: when you take damage you gain the minor 10% damage buff for 10 seconds, and for every 1000 dmg you take your damage increases your damage by 1% up to say a max 30% for 3 or 4 seconds, refreshing every time you take damage. That way you can't just burst people from stealth, but when shots are fired you can fire back. I get that the numbers might need to be adjusted but the general concept is what I am trying to get across. I could see how that might be a bit excessive for pve. From a pvp perspective though, if a player outputs 30,000 damage on you and you are still standing, you arguably probably in a situation where you need some leverage to even the odds.

    This would also create a dynamic response to being focus fired by many players at once and the subsequent aoe damage you could output - perhaps better burst than leather armor yes, but when you consider it is damage-in dependent and also how much more expensive heavy armor is to make, I think that is fair.

    Also let's not forget that medium gives a significant damage advantage in terms of stamina sustainability and critical chance. Even withough a competitive damage bonus, medium armor would still easily retain the top slot for overall dps.
    Edited by Cathexis on February 5, 2016 4:50PM
    The Tomb of FPS Alteration Magic - Everything You Need to Know About FPS
    Praise Malacath.
  • Savos_Saren
    And yes- Seriously ZoS... make some changes to Heavy Armor. There's been many, many posts from PVP and PVEers alike. People are tanking PVE content with light armor and medium armor. There's really no incentive to wear Heavy.

    In PVP it really is just a DPS race. With the new set "Vicious Death"- people are definitely going to be in a DPS race. (explosions everywhere) Give people a reason to wear heavy armor.
    Want to enjoy the game more? Try both PvP (crybabies) and PvE (carebears). You'll get a better perspective on everyone's opinion.

    PC NA AD
    Savos Saren
  • Joy_Division
    I still highly dislike the whole magicka builds with two swords thing.

    IF this silly mechanic must persist because of the ZoS's official stated logic of DPS test being similar (every 40K DPS Overload sorcerer disagrees by the way), THEN can you please at least make so equipping a restoration staff doesn't tank my spell power since your own justification of equivalent DPS does not apply?

    Speaking of the restoration staff:
    • The adjustment to essence drain was thoughtful, but 3 seconds is too short. We know templars are now always going to have major mending up, correct? Us non templar healers would like more than 3 seconds after wasting 3 seconds on a heavy attack. Thank you <3
    • The absorb passive needs rework. In PvP, staff healers are at a huge disadvantage to templar sword and shield healers because those templars get to enjoy: an extra large armor piece, another armor piece set bonus, higher spellpower, all the excellent defensive passives and benefits for equipping a shield (which are needed considering how often healers get targeted) and the option of slotting useful abilities outside of healing. Resto staff healers get ... umm ... less spellpower and a passive oriented to something no magicka build without as shield wants to do since the IC patch: blocking. Please make this passive something that aids in our suitability and please stop allowing your internal sorcerer DPS testing to justify our loss of hundreds of spellpower.
    • Regeneration is only viable for leeching AP and procing spellpower cure. It's intended function as a heal has been lacking such that even in 1.5 before the removal of soft caps, my raid guilds did not use it. It needs to hit more players or for a higher amount and have a legitimate healing function beyond procing stuff.
    • Force siphon is a terrible skill that persists solely on reputation. Restricting the healing proc to one per global cooldown made it utterly pointless as 480 health or what not will make zero difference in VR16 content. And this skill has a casttime associated with it? Wow. All it does and the only reason why people still use it is the magicka return, which means it fails in its function as a heal and makes Quick Siphon pointless to actually use. This spell needs a complete rework. Its heal needs to legitimately contribute to keeping people alive and the casttime is unnecessary.
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    This seems like the variety pack thread so:
    • Beating a dead horse from this thread since it needs to be beaten. Heavy armor (especially in PvP but possibly in PvE as well) is very disappointing.
    • Are there plans to change the resurrection passives? Because there should be!
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Iduyenn
    I was hoping, that Guard (PVP Skill) and undaunted skills and the skills from the "soul" tree would get some importance... but they where all nerved (even the spidrens).

  • Junkogen
    You removed the only potion-based star. Why not make it better by making it reduce the potion cool down? Or have it do something else? Okay, Nourishing sucked, but it could've been made worthwhile especially now that there's a potion-based armor set.

    Also, I don't understand why you guys are so afraid to touch that cool down anymore, especially with glyphs. There's a huge sacrifice when you take up a jewelry slot with a potion-based glyph. Why not have it be worth the sacrifice?
  • Dalsinthus
    Removing all stamina recovery while crouched, combined with the other changes to Magelight and to stealth gameplay, is going to be devastating for anyone that depends on stealth for defense. For example, Vampirism is no longer going to be worth it as a vampire player will always be exposed to instant gibs from Fighter's Guild skills.

    I really think this patch goes too far in nerfing stamina and buffing magic. Please reconsider some of these changes.
  • eliisra
    First and foremost, I'm definitely not against nerfing the targets on Barrier.

    But spending 200 ulti for a skill that only shields 6 targets, just isn't worth it compared to all the other ultis you can pop at that high cost. I presume the idea was to tone down Barrier to weaken ball groups, but this change makes it not worth slotting. No one will use it now.

    Reduce the cost to roughly 125-150 ulti for a shield on 6 targets. That's reasonable and people will use it. Would also make Barrier a viable tool for non-templar healers in dungeons, since you could pop it more than once per boss fight.
  • olsborg
    Id love to see some more buffs for bow, like giving something on bow the major brutality buff, or generally more abilities class or no class the major brutality/major sorcery buff so ppl dont feel "herded" too much into certain weapons etc

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • M3atwad
    I think a toned down version of the magma armor ultimate would be good for a heavy armor active ability. Cap damage to 10% max health for whatever would be a reasonable length of time. Most tanks hit like wet noodles so it would level the playing field a bit. Maybe I'm wrong but makes sense to me.
  • Ffastyl
    I can assume changing the coding on Empower is a big task. But please do not forget it is a root of the one-button-spam and overpowering damage. The conditional it had prior to Update 6 should be reinstated.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Junkogen
    I have an idea. Instead of removing Nourishing from the Champion System, why not combine it with Quick Recovery? That would retain the only potion-based star for points and actually make Quick Recovery a lot more attractive. Since you're combining a few other stars, this is also a merger which makes perfect sense.
    Edited by Junkogen on February 6, 2016 5:02AM
  • dsalter
    Junkogen wrote: »
    I have an idea. Instead of removing Nourishing from the Champion System, why not combine it with Quick Recovery? That would retain the only potion-based star for points and actually make Quick Recovery a lot more attractive. Since you're combing a few other stars, this is also a merger which makes perfect sense.

    shut up and take my awesomes
    PLEASE REPLY TO ME WITH @dsalter otherwise i'm likely to miss the reply if its not my own thread

    EU - [Arch Mage Dave] Altmer Sorcerer
    Fight back at the crates and boxes, together we can change things.

  • Emma_Overload
    I just want to say that I REALLY like the new combat text. It's much more useful to me than the FTC scrolling style because it puts the text exactly where I am already looking and is not distracting in any way.

    Nice job, @ZOS!
  • GreenSoup2HoT
    I just want to say that I REALLY like the new combat text. It's much more useful to me than the FTC scrolling style because it puts the text exactly where I am already looking and is not distracting in any way.

    Nice job, @ZOS!

    I agree, it's gonna be a great addition for console players. We can actually test are build's damage/healing. I just hope the number's don't ever get bugged out and have inaccurate value's similar to the UI bug's.

    PS4 NA DC
  • Contraptions
    Just some feedback on the monster helm sets as they are now after the latest changes:

    Blood Spawn, Engine Guardian, Molag Kena, Spawn of Mephala: fine as it is.

    Lord Warden: Suggest increasing the radius of the orb to 5 meters, and letting it grant Minor Protection (8% less damage taken) instead.

    Maw of the Infernal: the increased mobility is great, but proc chance of Daedroth should be increased to at least 10% for the damage output to be significant. Daedroth's damage could also be increased further. Give daedroth CC immunity as well.

    Nerien'eth: Damage and proc are fine, but add a short 1 sec stun to all enemies hit by the explosion.

    Bogdan: The increased base heal amount is good, but suggest increasing the radius of the totem to 7 meters, and let it grant Minor Vitality to all players within the radius as well

    Scourge Harvester: Suggest allowing the beam to stun the target as long as it holds and grant Major Vitality to the wearer.

    Valkyn Skoria: Proc rate and damage increase is good, suggest adding a short 1 sec stun to all enemies damaged by it.
    Patroller and Editor at UESP
  • KhaN_BE
    KhaN_BE wrote: »
    I only took a brief look, but as a tank I am a bit worried about the changes to the resistance CP passives. I have for example 25 CP in spell resistance. Which currently gives me about 3698 additional spell resist. With this flat bonus, I would only get 1492 additional spell resist for my 25 CP. That is a loss of 2206 spell resist.

    I didn't calculate for the physical resistance, but as the flat bonuses are the same for each armor type, I do expect a similar result.

    This might force me to look for another item set combo as I can no longer efficiently use CP to close the gap, meaning I will be doing even less as a tank. Please consider this carefully before pushing this through.

    Today I took the time to do the same for physical resistance. To my surprise the result was different. 25CP in "Heavy Armor Focus" gives me currently 1381 additional physical resistance. While 25CP in the same passive would give 1492 additional physical resistance in the future. So more than before.

    Where does this difference come from? On live 25CP in "Spell Shield" increases spell resistance by 9.5%. While 25CP in "Heavy Armor Focus" increases your armor by 6% while wearing five or more pieces of heavy armor.

    On PTS the same flat value is given for both of the passives (as well as for the light and medium passives).

    So it might not be as bad as looked at first. I will test once the EU characters have been copied over.
  • Junipus
    eliisra wrote: »
    First and foremost, I'm definitely not against nerfing the targets on Barrier.

    But spending 200 ulti for a skill that only shields 6 targets, just isn't worth it compared to all the other ultis you can pop at that high cost. I presume the idea was to tone down Barrier to weaken ball groups, but this change makes it not worth slotting. No one will use it now.

    Reduce the cost to roughly 125-150 ulti for a shield on 6 targets. That's reasonable and people will use it. Would also make Barrier a viable tool for non-templar healers in dungeons, since you could pop it more than once per boss fight.

    Another, more important question is how well has this change been programmed for groups larger than 6? If running in a 24 man raid in PvP and we pop 4 barriers (4×6=24) will all 24 players be protected by barrier or will it stack so there could be any number between 6 and 24 protected?

    If it's the former then why bother making the changes and if it's the latter then barrier will become totally useless in PvP.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • Helluin
    Champion System
    Helluin wrote: »
    Two new stars for Ultimates

    At the moment we have just 1 offensive Ultimate (+ morphs) dealing physical damage, while all the other offensive Ultimates are buffed by Elemental Expert.
    Some magicka DK would love to use Leap with dmg increased, so stamina players (especially templars, sorcs and nbs) would love to use more effectively an ultimate that uses magic, fire, cold or shock damage.

    To avoid to make this issue too much complicated and to accomodate both stamina and magicka builds, the solution should avoid discrepancies.

    A solution then could be two new stars only for Ultimates in Champion System.
    • Mighty and Elemental Expert just increase basic attacks and skills
    • Melee Weapon Expert becomes Weapon Expert adding also bow within the weapons
    • Bow Expert is replaced by a new star that increases the damage and healing of Ultimates
    • Option A: Expert Defender then can reduce the damage of light/heavy attacks and Ultimates
    • Option B: Light, Medium, Heavy Armor Focus are replaced by Armor Focus (working for all armors while wearing 5 pieces or more of any armor), Aedric Defense (reducing the damage of Ultimates), Nourishing (reintroducing this passive for healing potions)
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • SkylarkAU
    Please consider doing more with the Bow skill line!

    I really want to play the Bow as my main weapon but currently it seems a little limiting for open world combat..

    In PvP at least, the three most used abilities are Snipe, Arrow Spray and Poison Arrow (and their morphs). These lend themselves to ganking, group support/snare, and single target dot/execute respectively - for these last two this means the bow bar is generally used as a back bar, or buff bar with 1 bow ability on it.

    What I think this skill line lacks at the moment is that full suite of versatility that other weapon lines have.. By that I mean;

    - A mid cost instant damage "spammable" ability with a status effect (poison arrow is a good ability but has low up up front damage and a dot that resets on each hit doesn't tick until you stop spamming it)
    - A slightly higher cost and higher damage ability with a hard cc (scattershot is a fun ability but it has a really short range, and the soft cc means you're giving a player cc immunity without forcing them to spend resources to break free while missing out on an opportunity to get some extra damage in - also there is already a snare in the Bombard ability)
    - An ability that offers some kind of DPS buff like Major Brutality (to improve build diversity, for example if I use Bow plus Sword and Shield to give me close range defensive capability I have to use a stamina potion to get major brutality meaning I have to miss out on health and/or magicka)

    Aside from specific sniper/ganking play styles, bow is the least dangerous of the stamina based weapons in fast paced PvP combat which considering it provides less base weapon/spell damage compared to 2H or DW and less defensive capability than sword and shield leaves it a little underwhelming. I really want fun and versatile Bow play that stands up to the rigors of PvP!

    Edited by SkylarkAU on February 7, 2016 5:08PM
    Skylärk // v16 Stamina DK (AvA 23)
    Elizabeth Skylark // v16 Magicka Sorc (AvA 29)
    Tauriel Skylark // v16 Stamina NB (AvA 12)
    Alexander Skylark // v2 Magicka Templar
    Terra Australis XI // v2 Magicka DK
    Nocturnal | RÀGE
    << PC/NA/AD >>

  • Casdha
    I'm not 100% sure the speed is applied properly to Rapid Maneuver and its morphs when you are on foot. I can barely tell any difference. Sometimes it seems that if you stop running and pick something up you get a slight increase when you start running again as long as it is still active but it still feels no where near 30%

    Using it while on a mount (while I'm not happy about the nerf at all) still feels like it is providing the 30% boost.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • Ffastyl
    We know that TTK is an issue. As stated around Update 7, the Health bars in Cyrodiil are ping-ponging too much so Battle Spirit was strengthened to slow down Health bar movement in both directions. We are back to ping-ponging Health bars and TTKs of a few seconds (those specialized in defense can have TTKs of a few minutes). We are also reaching a point of critical mass in PvE where casual level play is increasingly less acceptable (Standard DPS is becoming 30k). The cause of all this has been stated multiple times in multiple ways: Max resource and Damage stacking provides top DPS and HPS. The meticulous solution of preventing stats from being stacked so high by tweaking all sets and bonuses has been suggested along with re-implementing soft caps or hard caps.

    However a better approach is available: adjusting the scaling formulae for all abilities. In the past, the combat team has adjust the "base damage" of abilities and every player knows there is some scalar correlation between Max resource and Damage to ability strength. While we are not aware of the precise formula(e), whether it(they) be universal or on an ability by ability basis, adjusting the Damage/Max in to Power out will reduce all damage, healing and shield strength we are seeing in such extremes at present. The added advantage is it also reduces the power gap between high Damage/Max and low Damage/Max, allowing easier transition from casual to hardcore play with a lower required stat investment. The higher base damage and lower scaling still allows pure builds to achieve higher stats than others but not so large a difference that hybrid and semi-hybrid builds are not competitive.

    This concept is better explained with numbers. At 1695 Weapon Damage and 21259 Max Stamina and 48 Mighty (15%), Uppercut deals 7880 damage. At 0 Weapon Damage and 13103 Max Stamina, Uppercut deals 2520 damage. The damage dealt at the lower stats could be increased to 5040 while maintaining the higher value at 7880, as one possible scaling, that would also decrease the damage Uppercut deals at 4000 Weapon Damage and 40000 Max Stamina. Since the Devs have not explicitly stated at what speed they prefer Health bars moving at, I cannot provide an example of what such balancing could look like, just an example to help explain the concept.

    For PvP, rebalancing the game like this may be enough to remove or weaken Battle Spirit, however PvE will require mob stats be adjusted (which would be the case regardless of method). As such, the soonest this type of rebalancing would be expected is next Update (10) or the Update after (11)(Update 6 took 6 months of development). Given development for the next Update may be underway and this has not been considered or being worked on, Update 12 is also when players may expect this if the Devs choose to do so. Character sheets will not change but tooltip values will fall into a narrower range with a lower median than present.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • Nifty2g
    we expressed our opinions on being snared from gap closers in the feedback thread already, they don't care
    Edited by Nifty2g on February 7, 2016 9:21PM
  • Samuel_Bantien
    Several recommendations for Non-Class Changes:

    Wall of Elements: Still a lackluster skill. In 1.5 this the Unstable Wall morph was considered OP because it was bugged... It would explode all the stacks of Unstable Wall of Elements dealing massive damage (also wiping zergs). Can we please make it stackable again (without the purge bug of course)! The new improved damage is fine.

    Impulse: You know how Steel Tornado is still 3.5 meters longer, deals more damage, and is also an execute that is affected by Dual Wield's own execute passive? Can we atleast un-nerf the Impulse radius to its former glory? (8 meter impulses back pl0x!)

    Valkyn Skoria's Guise, Mask, Helmet
    : You know how Nerien'eth doesn't even have a gcd, a bigger proc chance, and it does more damage overall? Maybe bring Valkyn up to par. (More build diversity! / Look at PvE - everyone just wears Molag Kena)

    Maw of the Infernal: This is still a pretty lackluster set, Molag Kena is still 100% required which furthers the gap from the play how you want to play! model. It would be awesome if there was no cooldown on this set, but only a 4% chance to proc it on all damage. Lucky Maw of the Infernal mode: 4 daedroths up at the same time!

    Bogdan the Nightflame's: This set was actually pretty good in 1.5! I would suggest either increasing the proc rate to 10% or so, or doubling (even tripling) the heal done.

    Heavy Armor: Up the armor cap so we can buff some of the useless Heavy Armor passives... read a couple of threads on Heavy Armor.

    Siege Damage still seems a bit lackluster. You know that one update where you guys buffed siege damage to almost 1 shot players (and 1 shot vampires)? I heard those destroyed zergs too. Either do this or make siege damage unpurgable (like what was promised before... then broken because certain zerg groups complained).

    EVERY ULTIMATE IN GAME: Huge topic here... You know how there's only 1 physical damage ultimate for stamina builds? Well... exactly that, there's only 1 ultimate that does physical damage. You were able to make ultimates scale off your highest stat, so why not either make one of the morphs a physical damage version (definently Flawless Dawnbreaker!) or if the player is a stamina build the ultimate turns into physical damage and vice versa for magicka.
    PC NA
    Magicka Dragonknight: Suedoú
    Magicka Nightblade: Suedou
    Magicka Sorcerer: Suedoe
  • Laquey
    dsalter wrote: »
    Laquey wrote: »
    As mentioned above by quite a few people the heavy armor traits are very lack luster.

    Heavy Armour:

    Passives all with maximum points -
    Increase you Armor for each piece of heavy Armor equipped by level dependent amount (Not changed)
    Reduce the duration of snare and disabling effects by 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped

    Increase health recovery 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped (Not changed)
    Armor enchantments and traits that increase your health also increase your stamina by (6% per piece of heavy armor equipped) of the value of health increased.

    Increase Max Health 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Increase your weapon damage by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Decrease Stamina Cost when blocking 20% (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of resistance penetration effects on you by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Rapid Mending:
    Increase healing received 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of healing reduction effects on you by 2% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    made some tweaks, your base stats seemed over the top, especially that 10% weapon damage per piece... i'd stop using medium with that kind of damage :P

  • Laquey
    dsalter wrote: »
    Laquey wrote: »
    As mentioned above by quite a few people the heavy armor traits are very lack luster.

    Heavy Armour:

    Passives all with maximum points -
    Increase you Armor for each piece of heavy Armor equipped by level dependent amount (Not changed)
    Reduce the duration of snare and disabling effects by 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped

    Increase health recovery 4% per piece of heavy armor equipped (Not changed)
    Armor enchantments and traits that increase your health also increase your stamina by (6% per piece of heavy armor equipped) of the value of health increased.

    Increase Max Health 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Increase your weapon damage by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Decrease Stamina Cost when blocking 20% (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of resistance penetration effects on you by 3% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    Rapid Mending:
    Increase healing received 1% per piece (Not changed)
    Reduce the effect of healing reduction effects on you by 2% per piece of heavy armor equipped.

    made some tweaks, your base stats seemed over the top, especially that 10% weapon damage per piece... i'd stop using medium with that kind of damage :P

    That depends on what you wanted to do. If you wanted to DPS you'd still use medium armour because you've have more crit, more weapon damage, by about 20% from my calcs, and a whole host of stam efficiencies that heavy doesn't have. In PvP it'd be a toss up you hit decently hard enough to be a threat and you'd survive a lot more but you still wouldn't have the burst of medium. With my set up and DWing daggers you'd have about 3400 weapon damage with Major brutality instead of 3900 6K+ less stamina and 10% or more less crit. Would people consider switching to it to have more survivability? Hell yes but that's the point. Would everyone abandon medium? No because there are still non shield using cloth wearers and medium armour wearers out there. Would it make heavy tanks viable in pvp yes it would.
  • Laquey
    Cathexis wrote: »
    As it stands with the 25% physical damage redux cp you will likely HAVE to take 5 Piece medium to compensate for the severe damage loss. My tank sorc will likely not work anymore as he can barely achieve enough damage at the same time as the necessary defensive stats and most of the time neither my defensive stats or offensive stats are fully adequate.

    Rather than a flat damage buff for heavy you might also consider a large damage buff that functions as a mechanic of taking damage. Something like: when you take damage you gain the minor 10% damage buff for 10 seconds, and for every 1000 dmg you take your damage increases your damage by 1% up to say a max 30% for 3 or 4 seconds, refreshing every time you take damage. That way you can't just burst people from stealth, but when shots are fired you can fire back. I get that the numbers might need to be adjusted but the general concept is what I am trying to get across. I could see how that might be a bit excessive for pve. From a pvp perspective though, if a player outputs 30,000 damage on you and you are still standing, you arguably probably in a situation where you need some leverage to even the odds.

    This would also create a dynamic response to being focus fired by many players at once and the subsequent aoe damage you could output - perhaps better burst than leather armor yes, but when you consider it is damage-in dependent and also how much more expensive heavy armor is to make, I think that is fair.

    Also let's not forget that medium gives a significant damage advantage in terms of stamina sustainability and critical chance. Even withough a competitive damage bonus, medium armor would still easily retain the top slot for overall dps.

    The problem with this style of damage buff for heavy armour is in ESO you have no way to force someone in pvp to attack a heavy armour wearer. And if they can't do damage without being attacked they are no longer a threat. The only real way to counter this is to make them a threat through good base damage and high survivability with some decent melee control. If you leave a heavy armour wearer standing on your healer on attacking your dps they will die etc.

    I've seen the above suggestion in a couple of different MMOs and it doesn't work without pvp focus fire and that sort of thing is hated more than CC by most pvpers.
    Edited by Laquey on February 7, 2016 11:58PM
  • KenaPKK
    Please make sure that the new PvP sets come in Impenetrable as a primary armor trait. This was a great decision in Imperial City sets, and it needs to be the same here.

    @Crown mentioned this point here:

    Crown wrote: »
    Right now the vendor in Cyrodiil is selling Leki's Necklace and Necklace of Vicious death.

    Also the spawn of Mephala shoulders in light, medium, and heavy for either 99,905 gold or 200,000 AP.

    Note that ALL of the shoulders are INFUSED, and I am unable to bank the monster sets (they may be character bound now)

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Please tell me that the trait on the monster gear in Cyrodiil is NOT going to be useless. This is PvP - at least make it IMPENETRABLE! PvE players want Divines, and PvP players want either Divines or Impenetrable. Infused on minor pieces is a slap in the face after the past few months of us all complaining of useless traits.

    Legion XIII
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    Apex Predator.

    Here's a great thread collecting community ideas for PvP updates.

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  • Tdroid
    Racial passives : Why are the values of the racial passives so high? 10% bonus to max stat is a lot and without soft caps to keep things from getting too insane(not elegant, as far as solutions go, but at least it worked to some extent), especially on magicka and stamina, which increases damage on abilities as well. With the removal of the soft caps, certain races were made a great deal less viable in general, especially the "health" races.

    Any chance to scale down the impact of the racial passives in the game to allow for more diversity in race/build setup without punishing the player as hharshly for it? Before the removal of the soft-caps, it was largely just a matter of "I'm a Nord/Argonian/tc, so I shift around a few attribute points compared to a Redguard/Breton/etc to get roughly the same results", but now it is "I'm a Nord/Argonian/etc, so I'm pretty much screwed when I want to be a DPS because I litterally can't make up for the stamina/magicka bonuses I need".

    Maybe it is just me, but I find this min/max nature of the game now that the soft caps have been removed to be very antithetical to the idea of "play what you want" attitude supposedly brought over from the main Elder Scrolls series.

    Scaling down the power of the racial passives would be a good start, IMO. Yes, I understand there having to be some things to differentiate the races besides appearance, but I'd be in favor of having some minor and token nods to their physiology over passives as strong as they are now. Why? Because this is an MMO with, at least mostly, race/faction lock. With the Argonians remaining pretty bad and the Nords getting the short end of the stick with the removal of the soft caps, there is really only 1 race that is particularly good in the Ebonheart Pact. And there have been other races that have been pretty bad previously in the game, like the Orcs prior to getting the melee damage bonus.

    What more is, looking at the history of Tamriel, we see that no race is really limited in one field more than another. I mean, the Mages Guild skill line in ESO itself shows a great example of this: Shalidor, the Nord mage. A very powerful mage, even in death. And we see plenty of race/build settups among NPCs that are unconventional in the game. Altmer and Bosmer warriors, Redguard and Orc mages, Nord rogues. Etc.

    So, why not scale down the racial passives? Even if the racial passives were miniscule(which I think they should be for the sake of balance in this MMO), we'd still have lore and visuals to set them apart from one another and choose our preferences from. In fact, Id say it gives us more realistic freedom to choose race based on what we want to play, since it doesn't punish unconventional choices as much as it is now.
    Edited by Tdroid on February 8, 2016 1:02AM
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