@kewl;1393639 I just have to say I will need to hunt this down to see it myself now... I bet thats based off Blackadder, even the NPC's blank stare reminds me of Baldrick.. The quote is in the spoiler below for anyone who doesnt know its madness.Spoiler
tinythinker wrote: »From a kidnapped NPC in a cage awaiting gruesome experimentation after being freed...
"That's the last time I accept an invitation from a mysterious robed stranger."
This is a very long thread that I'm not going to read, so perhaps this was already mentioned. I was questing with Raz tonight in Auridon and he said something about riding a guar naked through an argonian temple. The then said that he couldn't elaborate because that story is for field veterans or something along those lines.Anything razum dar says. I love that cat.
From the Deshaan Llodos chain, town of Serk phase--NPC's brother is begging her to leave him so he doesn't infect others. Her reply:
"Stop making sense, damn you!"
Bookwyrm - The Thread KillerDon't talk to me! I'm a shrub. - Frozen Man