Knootewoot wrote: »Neither a borrower nor a lender be
Because many people hated it. I miss the phrase though. But it holds has some truth in it. Don't borrow from others and don't lend to others. That way you won't owe somoene and you don't have to worry someone who owes you won't pay back.
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »anything mike the liar says. Those who don't know talking about M'iaq the liar. Just that appearntly Bethesda and ZoS have been calling him Mike since Morrowind when he first appeared instead what I always though it was "My-Eek"
Bookwyrm - The Thread KillerDon't talk to me! I'm a shrub. - Frozen Man
Moonscythe wrote: »In Khanarthi's Roost after the rat problem is solved the Altmer inspectors are asked if they will need dinner. The inspector replies "No, Khajetii food is too….cultural for me."