What happened to " we will track your exp earned " ????( Gina Bruno answered this 12/28/2014)

  • ThatHappyCat
    Guppet wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Why is everyone assuming that VR14s who've done Cadwell's Gold will have nothing to gain EXP from? ZoS even stated that they envision everyone regardless of level to gain EXP/CP at about the same rate. Remember there's a lot being changed here, including EXP rewards...

    because, and please listen closely --


    I completed all the quests in all 3 alliances, i completed pretty much EVERYTHING IN THE GAME!!!!

    Then what are you doing with your current in game time? If you have absolutely nothing to do, then you must be about to quit anyway.

    PvP and thats the only thing i wanted from the begining, that will NOT allow for progress like others have in the pve because the pvp is WAY lower in xp then pve.
    and i HATE the pve in this game because it is extreme reversal to morrowind!
    i hate basicly everything outside of cryodiil.

    And what if they change PVP to award he same xp per hour as Cadwells (which they have already said they intend to do)?

    They can't really promess that as PvP XP really only depends on the actual activity. If you don't find players to kill for 15 min... They should still award you XP for those 15 minutes lol ?

    That's what the Enlightment system is for. When you're not gaining EXP you're gaining a multiplier to your EXP gain.
  • EQBallzz
    I don't understand why people keep saying the 30 CP is for ''balance'' purpose and things like that....

    The system is supposed to be designed so there's no balance issues... If they have issues with balancing between a 30 CP player and a 250 CP player... THEIR SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING...

    Agreed. That claim is completely and utterly bogus. If that was the case what then will they do one month after it goes live and there are thousands of players below v1 with no CP and thousands of players above v1 with hundreds of CP? If that balance was so critical what they are saying is it's important for there to be CP "balance" for two weeks of time and we are perfectly OK with sacrificing all veteran level players to achieve this incredibly short and temporary state of "balance".

    Sorry but this is utter bunk. The real reason is apparently to just knock down the vet players and make them start over so they stretch out the content over a longer period of time (and more sub costs) which is pretty pathetic.
    Edited by EQBallzz on December 28, 2014 7:12PM
  • SIN-X
    1. We realized that there are only about 20% of the playerbase that is able to complete the Trails (hardmode and/or sanctum) and we need those players to roll alts to come help out the newer players.
    2. The veteran zones are empty and we need to fill them to keep interest for new to veteran content players. SO REROLL!!!
    3. we realize that it is todays norm to EXPECT handouts and so we feel that you top percentage players need to spread the wealth with those less dedicated. I mean really just because you did 8 years of collage do you think its fair that you get more out of life than one who stopped after high school.
    4.We have made several mistakes and/or misleading statements and need to do all we can to bring in new meat that isn't aware of our shortcomings.
    5.Endgame players are more likely to leave as content becomes less available so as we hate to lose anyone there is more money in new players.

    We welcome all new dollars...err players to our family and should you become disheartened plz remember as we make so many errors we don't allow flaming or calling out and should you decide to leave do not place that information in forums either as we strive to show that we are growing and cant allow the true number of unsubs to be visable.
    Edited by SIN-X on December 28, 2014 7:15PM
  • Guppet
    Guppet wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Why is everyone assuming that VR14s who've done Cadwell's Gold will have nothing to gain EXP from? ZoS even stated that they envision everyone regardless of level to gain EXP/CP at about the same rate. Remember there's a lot being changed here, including EXP rewards...

    because, and please listen closely --


    I completed all the quests in all 3 alliances, i completed pretty much EVERYTHING IN THE GAME!!!!

    Then what are you doing with your current in game time? If you have absolutely nothing to do, then you must be about to quit anyway.

    PvP and thats the only thing i wanted from the begining, that will NOT allow for progress like others have in the pve because the pvp is WAY lower in xp then pve.
    and i HATE the pve in this game because it is extreme reversal to morrowind!
    i hate basicly everything outside of cryodiil.

    And what if they change PVP to award he same xp per hour as Cadwells (which they have already said they intend to do)?

    again more false information that is based on "what zenimax said" they have been lying to us since 2011 on topic after topic.

    i play solo in pvp and have done so since i was level 10, my v14 is a nightblade stamina build, you realize how weak and slow the amount of xp i would gain? it would be quite stupid for me to play my character anymore.

    i have just put over $200.00 dollars into fallen earth mmo to give myself a fresh start in there and have something to play.
    the list of problems in eso and list of bad things they have done in eso is staggering.

    Then I'm afraid your are too cynical for me to be able to help. I know it's hard, but have a little faith, the the game is too good to let this put you off. But it's your call.
  • ThatHappyCat
    I believe the "balance" in making everyone 30 CP to begin with is so they can assess how easy/difficult content is without the data being skewed by people with lots of CP.

    I should clarify that I don't really agree with giving everyone the same amount of CP, not because I'm against it specifically but because of the backlash as seen here and in multiple other threads. IMO any gain ZoS could hope to get from limiting CPs to 30 is overwhelmingly negated by making you guys unhappy.
  • WraithAzraiel
    What is love?
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Gilvoth
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    I don't understand why people keep saying the 30 CP is for ''balance'' purpose and things like that....

    The system is supposed to be designed so there's no balance issues... If they have issues with balancing between a 30 CP player and a 250 CP player... THEIR SYSTEM IS NOT WORKING...

    Agreed. That claim is completely and utterly bogus. If that was the case what then will they do one month after it goes live and there are thousands of players below v1 with no CP and thousands of players above v1 with hundreds of CP? If that balance was so critical what they are saying is it's important for there to be CP "balance" for two weeks of time and we are perfectly OK with sacrificing all veteran level players to achieve this incredibly short and temporary state of "balance".

    Sorry but this is utter bunk. The real reason is apparently to just knock down the vet players and make them start over so they stretch out the content over a longer period of time (and more sub costs) which is pretty pathetic.

    best comment on this thread and all truth.

    very sad, and to think they beat and broke thier own rule. "Naming and Shaming" i now have a very different view of what the name "zenimax" means to me.

    they allready had me as a perminant and loyal member but this? hmm ...

    Edited by Gilvoth on December 28, 2014 7:17PM
  • Averya_Teira
    And again, if they think not giving a few dozen CPs to the players that ''earned'' them is supposed to give longevity to the game... when there are 3600 points to be had, which is 4 hours X 3600 = 14 400 hours ...

    I really don't understand ZOS at all on this decision. Giving the CPs to the higher VR players has NO downside...

    The only explanation I can think of is that they NEVER even started tracking XP, so now they have no way to award the CPs to players and they hide behind this ''balance purpose'' 30 CP explanation lol.

    I was always surprised they actually had the technology to track everyone's XP like they said, it looked like something well above the qualification of their coding people.
  • ThatHappyCat
    I was always surprised they actually had the technology to track everyone's XP like they said, it looked like something well above the qualification of their coding people.

    For someone who works in the medical field you have surprisingly little empathy.

  • Guppet
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    It will be interesting to see how this rolls out. It will either turn into a non-event, we simply don't have the big picture, or it will be heralded for years to come as a blunder to avoid by MMOs in the future.

    It could also be heralded as the patch that got rid of all the elitist self important players, thereby vastly improving the community and saving the game.

    Yeah, I'm really "elitist". I have all self-crafted gear. I have never done DSA and done 12 man trials once (couldn't even kill the last boss - so elite!). I have an AP rank of like 5 (look out for me! I'm elite!).

    Quit generalizing about other players. Every play style that is not exploiting is a VALID gameplay style so enough with the belittling comments that imply people who consumed the content of the game are somehow invalid and not entitled to the reward they get from it LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. If you do the content later and get rewarded for it WTF shouldn't I get the same reward if I completed it before you and I can't complete it again?

    Firstly I did not in anyway say who was elitist, no idea why you assumed I meant you.

    Also anyone who quits over this puts their own personal progress before the future health of the game, so they are very much self important people.

    You did mean me because you generalize that anyone who isn't in favor of ZOS is somehow an "elitist". Again, you generalize that "anyone" who quits over this puts their own personal progress before the health of the game. That is utter BS. This is about fairness. I have 2 V14 characters. I'm against this change even though there are plenty of people with more veteran characters than me so that will put me at a disadvantage personally but I don't care because they earned those levels and deserve some compensation.

    There is nothing they have stated that explains the need to flatten vet levels with no compensation. NOTHING. It doesn't make the system more fair. There will still be 40-something characters that get no points and V1 characters that get 30 while 4 V14 characters get the same 30 CP. That isn't proportional or fair. How is it unfair to apply the initial CP on a slightly larger range up to 100 CP or something based on the EXISTING progression system? People will still grind or figure out ways to earn CP fast and slow players will still earn CP slowly so the player gap will remain. The only thing this does is punish players who consumed more content.

    I loose out on this massivly, I have 3 VR characters, I have done Cadwells gold twice. I think it is unfair, but and here's the thing, I can accept it if ZOS sees it as for the future health of the game. For anyone that quits due to it, they do see thier own progress as more important than the health of the game. Those people are self important, no two ways about it.

    That is your OPINION. It is not fact. You are entitled to your own opinion and nobody is saying you are wrong for thinking it's fine but why do you feel the need to invalidate others who have a different opinion? If everything is fine for you and the game is just peachy why do you feel the need to make 500 comments on the matter instead of playing the game? Seriously, let people who don't think it's a good idea express their feelings/thoughts on the matter without your incessant and belittling commentary.

    You kind of answered your own question. If no one that is happy with things posts, ZOS may think all the rage represents all players, people like me helps them see it does not.
  • Iselin
    Iselin wrote: »
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    As I understand it 1.6 will also not remove the VR system so there will still be players from VR1 to VR14 and presumably, continuing to progress from VR1-VR14.

    So... whenever you actually do remove the VR system in 1.7 or 1.8 and everyone becomes a level 50 with however many CPs they have managed to earn at that point, to be clear, are you saying there will be no adjustment or compensation at that point when VR14s are all nerfed down to VR1?

    That is what she is saying, yes. They screwed many people with that change of mind...

    Well, I'm hoping I'm wrong and they will do something when VR levels go away permanently. Even if it's just character bound (instead of account wide) extra CPs for those higher than VR1.

    I've never heard of an MMO transitioning from one end-game advancement system to another one that doesn't consider and adjust the more advanced players in some fashion.

    Surely someone in a position to make these kinds of decisions realizes that this would *** off the most active players for no good reason.

    The whole purpose of RPGs in general is character development and advancement. You don't just take a big chunk of it away from players, make them feel like they've wasted weeks or months and not expect a *** storm.
  • Averya_Teira
    I was always surprised they actually had the technology to track everyone's XP like they said, it looked like something well above the qualification of their coding people.

    For someone who works in the medical field you have surprisingly little empathy.

    And it's very useful so things don't get to your head and distract you from actual work. :smile:

    Not that this has anything to do with the topic though... lol
    Edited by Averya_Teira on December 28, 2014 7:20PM
  • ThatHappyCat
    Guppet wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    It will be interesting to see how this rolls out. It will either turn into a non-event, we simply don't have the big picture, or it will be heralded for years to come as a blunder to avoid by MMOs in the future.

    It could also be heralded as the patch that got rid of all the elitist self important players, thereby vastly improving the community and saving the game.

    Yeah, I'm really "elitist". I have all self-crafted gear. I have never done DSA and done 12 man trials once (couldn't even kill the last boss - so elite!). I have an AP rank of like 5 (look out for me! I'm elite!).

    Quit generalizing about other players. Every play style that is not exploiting is a VALID gameplay style so enough with the belittling comments that imply people who consumed the content of the game are somehow invalid and not entitled to the reward they get from it LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. If you do the content later and get rewarded for it WTF shouldn't I get the same reward if I completed it before you and I can't complete it again?

    Firstly I did not in anyway say who was elitist, no idea why you assumed I meant you.

    Also anyone who quits over this puts their own personal progress before the future health of the game, so they are very much self important people.

    You did mean me because you generalize that anyone who isn't in favor of ZOS is somehow an "elitist". Again, you generalize that "anyone" who quits over this puts their own personal progress before the health of the game. That is utter BS. This is about fairness. I have 2 V14 characters. I'm against this change even though there are plenty of people with more veteran characters than me so that will put me at a disadvantage personally but I don't care because they earned those levels and deserve some compensation.

    There is nothing they have stated that explains the need to flatten vet levels with no compensation. NOTHING. It doesn't make the system more fair. There will still be 40-something characters that get no points and V1 characters that get 30 while 4 V14 characters get the same 30 CP. That isn't proportional or fair. How is it unfair to apply the initial CP on a slightly larger range up to 100 CP or something based on the EXISTING progression system? People will still grind or figure out ways to earn CP fast and slow players will still earn CP slowly so the player gap will remain. The only thing this does is punish players who consumed more content.

    I loose out on this massivly, I have 3 VR characters, I have done Cadwells gold twice. I think it is unfair, but and here's the thing, I can accept it if ZOS sees it as for the future health of the game. For anyone that quits due to it, they do see thier own progress as more important than the health of the game. Those people are self important, no two ways about it.

    That is your OPINION. It is not fact. You are entitled to your own opinion and nobody is saying you are wrong for thinking it's fine but why do you feel the need to invalidate others who have a different opinion? If everything is fine for you and the game is just peachy why do you feel the need to make 500 comments on the matter instead of playing the game? Seriously, let people who don't think it's a good idea express their feelings/thoughts on the matter without your incessant and belittling commentary.

    You kind of answered your own question. If no one that is happy with things posts, ZOS may think all the rage represents all players, people like me helps them see it does not.

    This. Apparently we're not allowed to express our feelings and thoughts because we're not emotional enough.
  • Kaliki
    EQBallzz wrote: »
    Sorry but this is utter bunk. The real reason is apparently to just knock down the vet players and make them start over so they stretch out the content over a longer period of time (and more sub costs) which is pretty pathetic.

    I fully agree. It looks like their main strategy is creating as many time sinks as possible, and thus making us repeat dungeons dozens of times for achievements and then introducing the undaunted to make us grind dailys for it all over again.

    Same with veteran content. Many people are about to complete the old progression system and then they add a new system and ZOS wants us to "progress" from scratch, instead of valueing our time invested in the veteran system.

    I actually finished the game out of fun/because im a completionist and not because im a XP grinder who wants the largest advantage over others. If I reach all my goals I will play less, but will still keep on playing because of my guild and friends.

    But by taking away/devalueing most of my progression they just make me feel sad and fooled and so I won't play at all anymore and look for another hobby.
    Edited by Kaliki on December 28, 2014 7:23PM
    - Templars: Slower by Design® -
  • Sindala
    To be quite honest, unless you have gotten a char to R278 in Istaria (Horizons) you have no idea what us 'older players' had to grind just to level up. :p
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • ThatHappyCat
    Sindala wrote: »
    To be quite honest, unless you have gotten a char to R278 in Istaria (Horizons) you have no idea what us 'older players' had to grind just to level up. :p

    Play any Korean MMO, then come back and tell me what grinding is. :#
    Edited by ThatHappyCat on December 28, 2014 7:24PM
  • Gilvoth
    i just lost interest in eso

    and That for me is a huge change ...
    Edited by Gilvoth on December 28, 2014 7:26PM
  • Valen_Byte
    There is no way you can pick up chicks in a tank


    I like ESO
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • RSram
    Lettigall wrote: »

    I know that community managers aren't responsible for changes in game, they are a "bridge" between players and developers. I simply commented on statement from ZOS, which was posted by Gina!

    I'm 1 char guy(tried to level alts but it's not for me), I leveled through questing, I have almost all quests except Craglorn, every dungeon, dolmen, world boss killed and all for nothing...

    I simply don't have motivation to invest time in my char and I'm not in the mood make alts to be competitive...

    Same here. I wasn't going to do the Cadwell quest line because of the rumors that the XP wasn't going to count towards CP, but once ZOS stated that XP was going to be counted, I started and then completed Cadwell's gold.

    So I'm really pissed about this, and if my XP that I earned isn't converted to CP at some point in the future I'm moving one to something else.

    Although I only have one VR14 character, I really feel bad for the hard core players that have leveled more than one. It takes a lot of time to get a through Cadwell's gold especially if you completed every achievement for each of the zones.

    All the developers had to say is that they couldn't guarantee that the XP earn after VR1 could be transferred to CP , and if you continue to play a character after it reaches VR1 you risk losing all your earn XP once the CS comes online.
  • themizario
    Guppet wrote: »
    Guppet wrote: »
    Why is everyone assuming that VR14s who've done Cadwell's Gold will have nothing to gain EXP from? ZoS even stated that they envision everyone regardless of level to gain EXP/CP at about the same rate. Remember there's a lot being changed here, including EXP rewards...

    because, and please listen closely --


    I completed all the quests in all 3 alliances, i completed pretty much EVERYTHING IN THE GAME!!!!

    Then what are you doing with your current in game time? If you have absolutely nothing to do, then you must be about to quit anyway.

    PvP and thats the only thing i wanted from the begining, that will NOT allow for progress like others have in the pve because the pvp is WAY lower in xp then pve.
    and i HATE the pve in this game because it is extreme reversal to morrowind!
    i hate basicly everything outside of cryodiil.

    And what if they change PVP to award he same xp per hour as Cadwells (which they have already said they intend to do)?

    They can't really promess that as PvP XP really only depends on the actual activity. If you don't find players to kill for 15 min... They should still award you XP for those 15 minutes lol ?

    That's what the Enlightment system is for. When you're not gaining EXP you're gaining a multiplier to your EXP gain.

    I can just see this being abused. Figure out max xp boost. Don't log in to VR1 until cap is reached. Start on silver gold quest. During down time lvl other VR toons.

    Like everything ZOS I bet there are no checks in place to stop it for the first couple weeks. Jajaja
    Edited by themizario on December 28, 2014 8:02PM
  • Grunim

    That's what the Enlightment system is for. When you're not gaining EXP you're gaining a multiplier to your EXP gain.

    I would be fine with the system if that were the case, but it was my understanding that you don't gain Enlightenment while you are playing a character level 50 or higher?

    Will you gain Enlightenment if you are playing a level 50 character or must your character be below level 50?

    Edited by Grunim on December 28, 2014 8:06PM
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • RSram
    Why is everyone assuming that VR14s who've done Cadwell's Gold will have nothing to gain EXP from? ZoS even stated that they envision everyone regardless of level to gain EXP/CP at about the same rate. Remember there's a lot being changed here, including EXP rewards...

    I agree there are lots of ways to earn CP without doing Cadwell's Gold, but you are missing the point here. The amount XP earned doing Cadwell's Gold was just flushed down the toilet for many players.
  • Tonnopesce
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    Sindala wrote: »
    ThePonzzz wrote: »
    So, as someone not following all the ESO Live content and Q&A sessions, I'm a little confused. Anyone who is at least VR 1 gets 30 CPs. Are characters still going to be veteran rank, or will the level cap be increased from 50? Am I shooting myself in the foot trying to push through the VR content? I'm nearly to Cadwell's Gold. What will a character gain in CP if they aren't a VR yet, 1 CP at a time?

    It would be easier to just say.. "here's the KY jelly, lube up good cos this is gonna hurt". ;)

    Well, no. I don't think of it that way. But my questions are serious ones. If I'm wasting my time in VR zones, I'd rather play when this is all sorted out. I'm just a casual player, I do maybe 3 to 5 hours a week.

    Sorry but what?????
    you pretend to be a casual... so all this CP stuff dont hurt you.
    Let me ask a question , WHY you play games?
    Because if is a waste of time plz change hobby.....

    I play like 3 hours a day but i enjoy all the game: vr zones, trials(not so much..), dungeons, cyrodiil. Having a little less ch points at the beginning of ESO 2.0
    is not going to hurt me, i've not wasted the time till now BUT i give you a point regard the time i will spend from this point and above till update 6 will go live.

    Is not unfair or something this is a balance required by the game himself or the game will FAIL; the pseudo elitism that a messed up "rewarded" CS will cause
    is just something that the game cannot handle, when the 4° phase of the cs go live and you simply cannot know who was a vr 14 and who was a vr1 all the people rewarded (even me so.. ) will be so much strongher than the others that the forums will be full with balance issues cry threads and ragequits.
    Resetting the sistem will prevent this and give some fresh air to a game that is becoming a death horse only after a year from the release.

    This game has the potential for erease WOW from the gaming history but not in the current state this is a good step in the right direction we are only into a transition phase.
    Edited by Tonnopesce on December 28, 2014 8:26PM

  • PlagueMonk
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    SOOOOOOO....you have basically taken the position to majorly ******* your loyal customers over (you know the ones who have been paying YOUR salaries since you claimed you would be tracking exp) and think the health and future of the game is with newer players????

    Now that you have officially answered we (your loyal customers) need to hear WHY you think that this is somehow fair. Like most others here outraged at this announcement, I have done all of the silver/gold content, I have done ALL of lower/upper Craglorn (well except for 2 of the trials). That is an absolutely HUGE amount of readily available exp (well the silver/gold are soloable) that I will not be able to use to earn CP and no amount of daily/repeatable quests is going to compensate us for that.

    What your new direction boils down to is, the fresh VR1's will have 2-3 times the amount of CP couple of months down the line as they do the questing content. How is this even remotely fair exactly????

    So if your final decision is 30 CP, period, end of story, you sure as HELL had better figure out how to compensate us VR14s who are feeling pretty screwed over.

    Some possibilities are:

    - Giving all who have completed the silver/gold content and lower/upper Craglorn an exp multiplier to be directly applied to any and all repeatable/dailies. The exact multiplier will be dependent on where you are in that process but should allow us V14s to gain a similar amount of exp to what the fresh VR1s can earn.

    - As above but simply give us a CP multiplier so we will earn CP faster than VR1's.

    - Nerf the hell out of the content past 50 (oh wait, this wouldn't be fair to the new VR1s would it?! O.o..........well welcome to the ***** you party)

    PLEASE NOTE: None of the above are a permanent solution. Consider this part of the "adjustment period" and would only be an option for 1 update and then removed. That will give those willing to continue playing a window of opportunity to earn the same amount of CP a VR1 would have.

    - And while I'm hesitant to mention this one......reset the post 50 content for EVERYONE. While I would not be thrilled about this prospect, at least I would have the option of re-completing it for the CP if i felt I could stomach it. (this however does NOT mean reset my achievements for doing that content)

    Any one of those solutions would work but you have GOT to compensate your loyal VR14 players is a meaningful way so we will have the SAME amount of CP a few months down the line as the new VR1s.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting Comments]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on December 29, 2014 4:34PM
  • Tonnopesce
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    SOOOOOOO....you have basically taken the position to majorly ******* your loyal customers over (you know the ones who have been paying YOUR salaries since you claimed you would be tracking exp) and think the health and future of the game is with newer players????

    Now that you have officially answered we (your loyal customers) need to hear WHY you think that this is somehow fair. Like most others here outraged at this announcement, I have done all of the silver/gold content, I have done ALL of lower/upper Craglorn (well except for 2 of the trials). That is an absolutely HUGE amount of readily available exp (well the silver/gold are soloable) that I will not be able to use to earn CP and no amount of daily/repeatable quests is going to compensate us for that.

    What your new direction boils down to is, the fresh VR1's will have 2-3 times the amount of CP couple of months down the line as they do the questing content. How is this even remotely fair exactly????

    So if your final decision is 30 CP, period, end of story, you sure as HELL had better figure out how to compensate us VR14s who are feeling pretty screwed over.

    Some possibilities are:

    - Giving all who have completed the silver/gold content and lower/upper Craglorn an exp multiplier to be directly applied to any and all repeatable/dailies. The exact multiplier will be dependent on where you are in that process but should allow us V14s to gain a similar amount of exp to what the fresh VR1s can earn.

    - As above but simply give us a CP multiplier so we will earn CP faster than VR1's.

    - Nerf the hell out of the content past 50 (oh wait, this wouldn't be fair to the new VR1s would it?! O.o..........well welcome to the ***** you party)

    PLEASE NOTE: None of the above are a permanent solution. Consider this part of the "adjustment period" and would only be an option for 1 update and then removed. That will give those willing to continue playing a window of opportunity to earn the same amount of CP a VR1 would have.

    - And while I'm hesitant to mention this one......reset the post 50 content for EVERYONE. While I would not be thrilled about this prospect, at least I would have the option of re-completing it for the CP if i felt I could stomach it. (this however does NOT mean reset my achievements for doing that content)

    Any one of those solutions would work but you have GOT to compensate your loyal VR14 players is a meaningful way so we will have the SAME amount of CP a few months down the line as the new VR1s.

    Wait a sec there is something that i still not understand....how a fresh new vr1 will gain more xp than me???
    Right now if i do a daily pledge i gain the exact same xp that i can gain from a main quest in one of the alliances in maybe half of the time...
    Assuming they will give us xp even for compleating multiple times the trials and the crazy xp (confronted to the others ways to gain xp with a single quest) you can get from a kill enemy players and considering that a ex vr 14 will have a (in theory) 3rd season gear and alot of game experience more than a fresh vr1 we will gain more xp than new comers just because we are strongher.....
    Even zos ammitted that a vr 14 will still be strongher than a vr 1 with the same amount of ch points so.....

    And in any case i have a vr 14 toon that dosnt have put a single step into the cadwell silver or gold sooooo no problems for me B)

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on December 29, 2014 4:36PM

  • Ethona
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    The issue isn't the change of mind though the real issue is you (ZOS) didn't tell us players; thus leaving us to continue believing that the xp tracking was still on-going, which also lead a lot of ppl to continue wasting time leveling up their VR when they could have level up new char/class/factions ect... Most likely in the name of ensuring folks would pay for subs. If you guys told us that you have decided a different path back when you made the change ... none of these issues would have came up. By the way, we're not kids, almost all of us work for a corp or have work for a corp and understand the fake smiles. Anyways, what's done is done, i just hope ZOS don't continue making these kind of blunders because players won't forgive forever you know. Hope you have a decent day though. :)
    Edited by Ethona on December 28, 2014 8:53PM
  • Sindala
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    SOOOOOOO....you have basically taken the position to majorly ******* your loyal customers over (you know the ones who have been paying YOUR salaries since you claimed you would be tracking exp) and think the health and future of the game is with newer players????

    Now that you have officially answered we (your loyal customers) need to hear WHY you think that this is somehow fair. Like most others here outraged at this announcement, I have done all of the silver/gold content, I have done ALL of lower/upper Craglorn (well except for 2 of the trials). That is an absolutely HUGE amount of readily available exp (well the silver/gold are soloable) that I will not be able to use to earn CP and no amount of daily/repeatable quests is going to compensate us for that.

    What your new direction boils down to is, the fresh VR1's will have 2-3 times the amount of CP couple of months down the line as they do the questing content. How is this even remotely fair exactly????

    So if your final decision is 30 CP, period, end of story, you sure as HELL had better figure out how to compensate us VR14s who are feeling pretty screwed over.

    Some possibilities are:

    - Giving all who have completed the silver/gold content and lower/upper Craglorn an exp multiplier to be directly applied to any and all repeatable/dailies. The exact multiplier will be dependent on where you are in that process but should allow us V14s to gain a similar amount of exp to what the fresh VR1s can earn.

    - As above but simply give us a CP multiplier so we will earn CP faster than VR1's.

    - Nerf the hell out of the content past 50 (oh wait, this wouldn't be fair to the new VR1s would it?! O.o..........well welcome to the ***** you party)

    PLEASE NOTE: None of the above are a permanent solution. Consider this part of the "adjustment period" and would only be an option for 1 update and then removed. That will give those willing to continue playing a window of opportunity to earn the same amount of CP a VR1 would have.

    - And while I'm hesitant to mention this one......reset the post 50 content for EVERYONE. While I would not be thrilled about this prospect, at least I would have the option of re-completing it for the CP if i felt I could stomach it. (this however does NOT mean reset my achievements for doing that content)

    Any one of those solutions would work but you have GOT to compensate your loyal VR14 players is a meaningful way so we will have the SAME amount of CP a few months down the line as the new VR1s.

    Wait a sec there is something that i still not understand....how a fresh new vr1 will gain more xp than me???
    Right now if i do a daily pledge i gain the exact same xp that i can gain from a main quest in one of the alliances in maybe half of the time...
    Assuming they will give us xp even for compleating multiple times the trials and the crazy xp (confronted to the others ways to gain xp with a single quest) you can get from a kill enemy players and considering that a ex vr 14 will have a (in theory) 3rd season gear and alot of game experience more than a fresh vr1 we will gain more xp than new comers just because we are strongher.....
    Even zos ammitted that a vr 14 will still be strongher than a vr 1 with the same amount of ch points so.....

    And in any case i have a vr 14 toon that dosnt have put a single step into the cadwell silver or gold sooooo no problems for me B)

    Cos it's not like they mite change their mind and level everyone out at 50.

    [Moderator Note: Edited quote to match moderated version]
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on December 29, 2014 4:39PM
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Tonnopesce
    Sindala wrote: »
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    SOOOOOOO....you have basically taken the position to majorly ******* your loyal customers over (you know the ones who have been paying YOUR salaries since you claimed you would be tracking exp) and think the health and future of the game is with newer players???? I sure in the hell want to meet your focus group because they are a bunch of idiots (as are you for listening to them) Your more loyal customers are the ones who have been playing since beta/release but you choose to side with new players?

    Now that you have officially answered we (your loyal customers) need to hear WHY you think that this is somehow fair. Like most others here outraged at this announcement, I have done all of the silver/gold content, I have done ALL of lower/upper Craglorn (well except for 2 of the trials). That is an absolutely HUGE amount of readily available exp (well the silver/gold are soloable) that I will not be able to use to earn CP and no amount of daily/repeatable quests is going to compensate us for that.

    What your new direction boils down to is, the fresh VR1's will have 2-3 times the amount of CP couple of months down the line as they do the questing content. How is this even remotely fair exactly????

    So if your final decision is 30 CP, period, end of story, you sure as HELL had better figure out how to compensate us VR14s who are feeling pretty screwed over.

    Some possibilities are:

    - Giving all who have completed the silver/gold content and lower/upper Craglorn an exp multiplier to be directly applied to any and all repeatable/dailies. The exact multiplier will be dependent on where you are in that process but should allow us V14s to gain a similar amount of exp to what the fresh VR1s can earn.

    - As above but simply give us a CP multiplier so we will earn CP faster than VR1's.

    - Nerf the hell out of the content past 50 (oh wait, this wouldn't be fair to the new VR1s would it?! O.o..........well welcome to the ***** you party)

    PLEASE NOTE: None of the above are a permanent solution. Consider this part of the "adjustment period" and would only be an option for 1 update and then removed. That will give those willing to continue playing a window of opportunity to earn the same amount of CP a VR1 would have.

    - And while I'm hesitant to mention this one......reset the post 50 content for EVERYONE. While I would not be thrilled about this prospect, at least I would have the option of re-completing it for the CP if i felt I could stomach it. (this however does NOT mean reset my achievements for doing that content)

    Any one of those solutions would work but you have GOT to compensate your loyal VR14 players is a meaningful way so we will have the SAME amount of CP a few months down the line as the new VR1s.

    Wait a sec there is something that i still not understand....how a fresh new vr1 will gain more xp than me???
    Right now if i do a daily pledge i gain the exact same xp that i can gain from a main quest in one of the alliances in maybe half of the time...
    Assuming they will give us xp even for compleating multiple times the trials and the crazy xp (confronted to the others ways to gain xp with a single quest) you can get from a kill enemy players and considering that a ex vr 14 will have a (in theory) 3rd season gear and alot of game experience more than a fresh vr1 we will gain more xp than new comers just because we are strongher.....
    Even zos ammitted that a vr 14 will still be strongher than a vr 1 with the same amount of ch points so.....

    And in any case i have a vr 14 toon that dosnt have put a single step into the cadwell silver or gold sooooo no problems for me B)

    Cos it's not like they mite change their mind and level everyone out at 50.

    Dont give them bad ideas........

  • Bouvin
    Hi guys, just wanted to pop in and put this to rest. What Kai said a few days ago is correct. Just to make sure we're all on the same page, once Update 6 is released and you have at least one Veteran Rank character, all your characters will receive 30 Champion Points - no more, no less. This will only occur at the onset of Update 6; after this is released, you will gain Champion Points one at a time as designed.

    A few months ago, it was said that we were tracking XP. However, this was still early in development and through internal testing and feedback, found that we needed to change our plans (and, honestly, this quite normal through the course of development). We understand that this was, indeed, a major change from what we were originally planning. In an effort to be open with everyone about how things were going and what was planned, it caused a great deal of confusion, and we sincerely apologize for that.

    As it has been said a number of times, we certainly encourage you to hop on the PTS once this is available in January and try out the system. This is also a great chance to plan how you'd like to build your character once it's live!

    Hope you all are enjoying the holidays, and we'll see you in the new year. :)

    I think it has caused more aggravation than confusion.

    Just sayin'...
  • Turelus
    Pretty dissapointed to hear that a player who litrally hits VR1 an hour before the maintainence will get the same benefit as people who have played the game for months but oh well...
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
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