BenjaminKacher_ESO wrote: »@ZOS_JessicaFolsom or @ZOS_AlanG Hey can you ban this admin for encouraging them to name and shame?
I know it's to speed it up but if your breaking your own rules here wheres the line going to be drawn next time?
ZOS_AmeliaR wrote: »Please note that our Community Code of Conduct does prohibit naming and shaming. However, in an effort to expedite the process of identifying and banning the spammers' accounts, we are making an exception for this situation. We will investigate each alleged spammer account individually to avoid false reports.
We are talking about gold seller here. Do you really think a gold seller care about being shamed?BenjaminKacher_ESO wrote: »<I removed all your extra blank lines>
Indeed. I'm all for getting rid of these gold sellers on the forums and in game, but when you start breaking rules to "make something faster" it becomes a slippery slope. I imagine this would have been just as fast to have us PM them the names instead of publicly posting them here...
We are talking about gold seller here. Do you really think a gold seller care about being shamed?
If they really cared about what we think about them, they would not be spamming us with all the crap we are getting...
Sorry but for me, i have no sympathy for gold seller ... They can rot for eternity in the deepest hole of earth with only their crap for comfort.
BenjaminKacher_ESO wrote: »Yeah I figured that didn't apply to Admins/Mods but I guess your right, still I don't like the idea of breaking rules for convenience.
btw... it's always a good idea to cut off all private forms of communication with the people in charge.
It's the logic of the users I fear, fearing even more the anagram that comes with it as a template of human behaviour generally.
Our gold buying friends IMO are worse than the people doing it because with out *** like them there would be hardly any bots in the industry.
/sighSent to my personal e-mail !!!
gfbhdgsdf sent you a message
Here is the spammer that sent to me:
Can we safely assume that Zenimax has officially lost the war with the gold spammers? They have not only failed at removing them in-game but now have lost control of their official forums. What's next? Gold spam messages on the main webpage or maybe a "State of the Gold Spam" post? This is pretty depressing.
haha, dumb brain went straight to my inbox to get the names, but that was off course closed
Well here they are @ZOS_AmeliaR
@gfbhdgsdf and @werdsfedfwe are the two I got.
hjhgjrtyrtyrt sent you a message
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sc_prabhu1986rwb17_ESO wrote: »
I don't know if this is your first MMO, but the fight against gold spammers and bots is a never-ending struggle. Even established MMOs have not been able to successfully remove them entirely from their games (like a disease, they always crop back up one way or another. I blame people who fund them by buying their services, but that's besides the point here).
I will admit that the problem seems a bit more rampant here than in other games, but as you can see (if you are indeed truly looking) ZOS are doing what they can, going so far as to 'roast' botters in-game and even breaking their forum TOS.
So, to answer your question, no ZOS has not lost the war (as I mentioned earlier, such a war is a constant struggle). They've not given up yet, and neither have we.