Combatting Gold Spammers on the Forums

  • Auric_ESO
    no idea really, if they have stoeln credits cards then maybe. OR they are doing the whole digital download thing with maybe a keygen or something Who knows. Do NOT take that information and run with it like some others have and say that ZOS is jsut in it for the money and working hand in hand with the botters to make money off of thier users.
    "The purpose of training is to tighten up the slack, toughen the body, and polish the spirit." Morihei Ueshiba
  • surge914b14_ESO
    Kudos to the devs for making an effort to remove gold spammers.
  • Bansheedragon
    I seem to have one of these damned bugs invade my inbox as well.

    jshdjshdjsa sent you a message
  • aid9.21.78ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven

    his name has been reported already but ill report it again
  • tipper709ub17_ESO
    jshdjshdjsa showed up in my email notification
  • tippy2meb14_ESO
    I got the following. they are also spamming my in game mail as well.

    fgfdgdgfr sent you a message

    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!


    Edited by tippy2meb14_ESO on April 30, 2014 12:59AM
  • Tipsy
    Got a message in the inbox but no notification mail unfortunately.
    names like jshdjshdjsa hyjtyutyuty seem to be typical
    Perhaps alter the policy a bit;
    If it looks like a kitty walking over a keyboard could do better-instant ban.
    Anyone with such name most likely is not in it for the game,nor should these individuals ruin it for players that plan to settle in this game.
    Edited by Tipsy on April 30, 2014 1:00AM
  • discosoc

    That was the one I got
  • Cry_Wolfe
    "[] allow other users to see your email" ... hope this doesn't refer to your email address...
  • Syzmicke
    Does putting names here include those from in game as well as i am pissed off getting those.
  • Willow
    aegis156 wrote: »

    Seriously? You think people come here looking for a site to buy gold from? Thinking before reacting makes you look less of an idiot.

    They asked for information I gave it to them, simple as that. Mods grabbed the IP and deleted it mission accomplished.

    You believe what you posted, seriously?

    They asked for the name of the person that sent you the pm. That is the information that was requested. Not a copy and paste of the pm /email with the site info and links.

    Please read your own words:

    "Thinking before reacting makes you look less of an idiot."

    You may learn something.

    For future reference..yes people do click links and then get viruses because some people do not know better.

    Edited by Willow on April 30, 2014 1:37AM
  • nazgull2k1ub17_ESO
    Im gonna have to agree with the others here.. I have NEVER seen this many bots run so god damn rampant on a game before in my life. I am 35 years old, been playing MMO's since Ultima Online.. and this is INSANE. Between teleporting bots, hacking bots, camping bots, spamming bots, forum bots, Mailing bots, and now PMing bots!? Im honestly starting to think you have MORE bots then actual friggen players at this point.
  • Egdod
  • BTOG46

    That was the one I got a spam mail from.
  • Alyrn_Grey
    fgfdgdgfr sent me mine. :expressionless:
  • Dita
    demonxzj sent you a message
    "Begun the Bot Wars has"
  • charles_crowe
    a "report gold spam" option in the right-click menu that auto reports and ignores the individual would be nice.
  • Jenuma
    sdjhdsjhsj sent you a message.

    Getting real tired of this.
  • Nps2
    gfbhdgsdf sent you a message
  • Daverios
    I feel left out, I have not gotten one yet. Guess that is the upside of only having forum account unbanned yesterday. Take that bots!
    Edited by Daverios on April 30, 2014 2:28AM
  • DragonMother
    I must be really lucky to have not received a single one from the gold sellers.
    Demi, Adult female, Guild leader, Roleplayer & TES enthusiast
    Status: Inactive until further notice.
    I trust my instincts, more than I trust other peoples opinions.
    Four years, and still present. Sanguine still lives.
  • mlstevens42_ESO
    Do not like em in my inbox ingame and certainly do not want them in my private email.

  • Majic
    yuytuiytut sent you a message
    Epopt Of The Everspinning Logo, Church Of The Eternal Loading Screen
    And verily, verily, spaketh the Lord: "Error <<1>>"
  • Darlantan
    got one from : hjhgjrtyrtyrt

    Hum.. yah like i would trust a gold seller to have a very secure server and make sure my CC info are not used anywhere else...

    if people used a bit more grey matter these gold seller would be gone... I mean these gold seller are sending unwanted crap to people and some moron think it's a good idea to use them...
    Edited by Darlantan on April 30, 2014 3:13AM
    We are One >:)
  • BenjaminKacher_ESO
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ or @ZOS_AlanG‌ Hey can you ban this admin for encouraging them to name and shame?

    I know it's to speed it up but if your breaking your own rules here wheres the line going to be drawn next time?
    Edited by BenjaminKacher_ESO on April 30, 2014 3:22AM
  • Darlantan
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ Hey can you ban this admin for encouraging them to name and shame?

    I know it's to speed it up but if your breaking your own rules here wheres the line going to be drawn next time?


    We are One >:)
  • BenjaminKacher_ESO
    Darlantan wrote: »

    <I removed all your extra blank lines>
    Indeed. I'm all for getting rid of these gold sellers on the forums and in game, but when you start breaking rules to "make something faster" it becomes a slippery slope. I imagine this would have been just as fast to have us PM them the names instead of publicly posting them here...
  • Willow
    <I removed all your extra blank lines>
    Indeed. I'm all for getting rid of these gold sellers on the forums and in game, but when you start breaking rules to "make something faster" it becomes a slippery slope. I imagine this would have been just as fast to have us PM them the names instead of publicly posting them here...

    errr..they disabled pms?

  • BenjaminKacher_ESO
    Willow wrote: »

    errr..they disabled pms?

    Yeah I figured that didn't apply to Admins/Mods but I guess your right, still I don't like the idea of breaking rules for convenience.
    btw... it's always a good idea to cut off all private forms of communication with the people in charge.

  • Masadi
    [Elder Scrolls Online] jshdjshdjsa sent you a message‏
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