Combatting Gold Spammers on the Forums

Maintenance for the week of February 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 24
  • FLlonewulf_ESO
    rerereree sent you a message
  • mbunch99ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    fgfdgdgfr and demonxzj both sent me a private message trying to sell gold.
  • deggar13b16_ESO
    gfbhdgsdf and rerereree both sent me gold spam messages.

    I hope that more is going to be done about these people than just banning them as all they'll do is set up another account and do the same again!
  • Night_Watch
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    You can also adjust your notifications by going here and selecting Notification Preferences on the left menu bar. This allows you to adjust when you get a forum notification (popup) and when you get emails. It's possible to fully disable either by un-checking all of the categories.

    I mentioned altering / adjusting notifications in another thread and this is all good.

    However, some people like to recieve notification via email. Disabling such email notification in the short term while this issue is sorted seems like a very good idea - I did so very soon after I got the offending email. What about the long term though?
    • Are we now going to have to permanently stop email notification?
    • Is there any point in the forum admin offering email notification if we do have to turn it off permanently?

    Just wondering is all!
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • JoeCapricorn
    fgfdgdgfr was the one that sent me gold spam. Already banned it seems.

    I'm pleased with the rapid response to this new strategy by goldsellers.

    I wonder if it would be possible for Zenimax to go after goldsellers directly through legal proceedings, even if they are from China.
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • aegis156
    hyjtyutyuty sent you a message

    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!

    Follow the link below to check it out:

    Moderator Edit: Removed URL to gold site.
    Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on April 29, 2014 8:19PM
  • ZOS_AmeliaR
    I hope that more is going to be done about these people than just banning them as all they'll do is set up another account and do the same again!
    We can assure you that we are working to solve this issue in a way that will prevent exactly that type of behavior.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Ojustaboo
    It would be nice if there was one sticky thread where we could name gold sellers in game too, then hopefully they will be dealt with almost instantly?

    Making sure we say whether we are on EU or NA server of course.

    While there will always be some, if people are getting banned within 5 mins of them posting, most will soon move on to somewhere else as it's costing them to buy the game here.
    Edited by Ojustaboo on April 29, 2014 8:17PM
  • Willow
    aegis156 wrote: »
    hyjtyutyuty sent you a message

    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!

    Follow the link below to check it out:

    You posting the actual link to the site is smart how?
  • yinepuhotepb14_ESO
    Gold spammer name: dewrewfg

    (Isn't there any way to go after the websites they're spamming for? I know Blizzard used to win judgments against gold spammer websites. Is it just too expensive/time consuming to do, even if you DO win the judgment?)
    Edited by yinepuhotepb14_ESO on April 29, 2014 8:21PM
  • dd82b16_ESO
    [Elder Scrolls Online] yuytuiytut sent you a message‏

    ESO Community ( Add to contacts 17:03 Keep this message at the top of your inbox
    To: dd82b16_ESO
    yuytuiytut sent you a message

    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!

    Follow the link below to check it out:

    Have a great day!

    sdjhdsjhsj sent you a message

    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!

    Follow the link below to check it out:

    Have a great day!

    This is to MY email not cool, i do not want or need to have phone alerts in my working life that some scumbag is peddling guff!! i am lived that is not on

    Moderator Edit: Removed URL of gold selling site.
    Edited by ZOS_AmeliaR on April 29, 2014 8:40PM
  • Iippo82
  • Ashanne
  • Night_Watch

    ^^^ This part ^^^

    A lot of folk seem to think the mail is direct from the gold spammer to their personal email account. IF this is true you need to contact CS now.

    In your case it looks to me like you got the same as most of us writing in the forums about this issue - an automated notificatin from

    We get these emails if we do not disable email notification in our forum preferences / adjustments.

    I'm not 'having a go' at you or anyone else, just pointing out what has (or seems to have) happened.

    I too was livid when I got the mail - until I read it over and realised it was not directly from a gold spammer.
    Edited by Night_Watch on April 29, 2014 8:39PM
    "If there is an underlying oneness of all things, it does not matter where we begin, whether with stars, or laws of supply and demand, or frogs, or Napoleon Bonaparte. One measures a circle, beginning anywhere."

    Charles Fort - Lo! (1931)
  • theyancey
    These are the two that I got. I hope that there is some way that ZOS can go after these peeps through the legal system in addition to just banning them.

    trretretertre sent you a message
    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!

    yuytuiytut sent you a message
    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!
    Edited by theyancey on April 29, 2014 8:58PM
  • JBerkleyJr
    Soul Shriven
    rerereree sent you a message
  • jchallenub17_ESO
    Mine was sent from rerereree.
  • anghara
    I received a gold seller PM on this site from "ghreterter" at approximately 11:30 AM CST (or at least, that's when I got the email notification).

    Thank you!
    Edited by anghara on April 29, 2014 10:12PM
  • Cat_70ESO
    Mine was sent from rerereree
  • dideldumdei
    sdsdasdsf sent you a message
  • Sidney
    Sticky please :)
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
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  • Ojustaboo
    ZOS_AlanG wrote: »
    You can also adjust your notifications by going here and selecting Notification Preferences on the left menu bar. This allows you to adjust when you get a forum notification (popup) and when you get emails. It's possible to fully disable either by un-checking all of the categories.

    I don't see a way of stopping the "xxxxxxx sent you a message" notification

    I also don't see a way of removing a notification, so now I have the gold sellers full PM permanently readable every time I look at them, copied from my notifications,

    gfbhdgsdf sent you a message
    is the most secure place to buy Elder Scrolls Gold.
    100K G = 17 USD Instant Delivery.
    This company has very good reputation, selling in-game currencies since 2005.
    100% Handwork Guaranteed!
    7/24 Customer Service!
  • deef85b16_ESO
  • ZeBlade
    This is nice thanks. What about the 20 bots I reported from lvl 4 to lvl 6 on the 1st island then the 2nd? Why are they still hours later still going strong? Nice you took this down yet this just stops them NOW. They will just come back and since day one till now keep going.

    I have never played a mmo with this many bots. Gold spam yes..bots no. Make it so they cant sell ore or nodes. Not like no one can get these they are EVERYWHERE
  • Avorniel
    if you want us to report the sellers,it would be very helpful for everyone to make this a sticky so people affected can see and know what to do right away instead of creating more posts about the same thing ...which makes it hard for you guys to do your job efficiently.
  • Zandia
    Soul Shriven
    Got a spam email from: demonxzj
  • Bhakura
    sdsdasdsf sent you a message

    ESO: report spammers and botters, and now report them OUTSIDE the game aswell, soon i dont even get to actually gaming anymore :(
    Edited by Bhakura on April 29, 2014 11:14PM
  • dbishop
    demonxzj was my spammers name in email.

    ESO Community ( on behalf of ESO Community ( was the header in the email.

    Goodluck in the SpamWars.

    Will I get some sort of SpamMedallion to wear?
  • aegis156
    Willow wrote: »

    You posting the actual link to the site is smart how?

    Seriously? You think people come here looking for a site to buy gold from? Thinking before reacting makes you look less of an idiot.

    They asked for information I gave it to them, simple as that. Mods grabbed the IP and deleted it mission accomplished.
  • Roxanne
    jshdjshdjsa sent you a message

    I know this is probably a stupid question, but do the spammers purchase a new copy of the game each time they make an account? I was just wondering...sorry, I'm a newb! lol
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