Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Latency on the European Megaserver - Looking for Additional Info

  • emailgosurwb17_ESO
    We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel
    No you don't. If you wanted us to have good experience, you would never put EU Megaserver in US.

    I advise you to close this thread and start moving EU Megaserver to Europe. In the end you will have to do it, otherwise people will just leave. So the sooner you do it, the better.

    Sorry for posting this, but I just have to do my bit of input into making this game better.
  • Sweetmilk
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    • Who is your ISP?
      Waoo Fiber (60/60 mbit)
    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
      Mostly in Cyrodiil. At some points it's unplayable - mostly in peak hours where there's a lot of people playing. Random occurrences, it only seems to effect my client. Other times, it effects my entire group. Small fight pvp seems to be functioning okay, but the whole game in AvA seems unresponsive. In example when changing bars - this is what my friends are bothered by aswell.
  • Agade
    Soul Shriven
    I have not contacted support as I am pretty sure the issues are mostly because the server is in the US.


    ISP: Orange
    Real speed around 10Mo/s download.

    As a tank I always have to anticipate attacks by 0.5-0.25s because it is very easy to have your shield up and still get hit for full damage. Blocking is delayed significantly and so is getting out of red circles. It is completely trivial to reproduce this, get out of an aoe and still get hit while on your screen you are outside. The only way is to react quite a bit before because you need quite a margin in time in order to properly get out.

    This seems to apply equaly in dungeons and outside. Except sometimes dungeons have huge lag spikes which affect everyone in the group.

    I love the game and I have been trusting bethesda since Morrowind, but did you really think we would not notice lag because you didn't give us a way to check our ping?

    Edited by Agade on April 29, 2014 8:09AM
  • Askadelia
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?


    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

      South Germany, near lake Constance

    • Who is your ISP?


    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

      It occures extremly in public dungeons (lags, freeze).
      Open wolrd issues are mainly lags (Chatting with 3-4 sec delay, skills that don't work at first, etc.)

  • Xupacabra
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Portugal , Lisbon

    Who is your ISP?


    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    All above, notice clear lag issues sometimes looting corpses, using more then 3 skills fast, npc reacting to my proximity, crafting creating and or desconstructing.
    Iam currently pveing at Malabal Tor and PVP...

    My lag does not compromise the gaming experience but i give my feedback anyway.
    Chupacabra with rage @ EU server AD faction Thornblade home
  • c.nielb16_ESO
    I didn't contact the support for lag issues as I don't have any !

    Country : France
    my ISP : FREE.fr
  • GossiTheDog
    One thing I've seen over and over - if you go into an area with, say, 300 people fighting over a fort, you can see everybody moving around okay and you're still receiving network data from server -- however outbound actions queue. For example, if you press sneak, you wait 10+ seconds to sneak. If you press attack, you take 10+ seconds to attack. But you can still see everybody moving around okay during this time.

    If you *run away* from the battle (and so players), things get better the less players you can see. For example, if you see 100 players, sneak goes to 3 seconds. If you leave the battle entirely, things return to more.

    It appears to be an outbound queue issue when there's large amounts of players in one area.
  • Shadollan

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - No

    - What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Germany (Hamburg)

    Who is your ISP?
    O2 (16 mbits with Fastpath)

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    It is random! But always in Cyrodiil, in combat situation!

    It's not fun in Cyrodiil at the moment...
  • Zoar
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Poland, Bydgoszcz

    Who is your ISP?
    - Polkomtel Sp. z o.o. , ADSL2+, 20Mb/2Mb (download/upload).

    I am an old MMO player and I can say "ESO is a game with the worst latency of the games you've ever played". I have high latency sometimes in dungeons, sometimes in open world but in Cyrodiil I am "easy to eat", often I can do exactly ... nothing, just die.
    I have a good machine, I can play on ultra graphic details with 60 fps but latency ruins the fun.
    Edited by Zoar on April 29, 2014 8:42AM
    Al­ways for­gi­ve your ene­mies; nothing an­noys them so much. Oscar Wilde
  • Chimera2402
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Will be if it continues before long

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - London, UK

    Who is your ISP?
    - Talk Talk 30mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - All of the above. Most noticeably in Cyrodiil but also questing and dungeons. Lag manifests through skill lag and non-responsiveness to key presses. Sometimes I will press a key and have to wait up to 5-10 seconds for a response. I can, however, move around normally in this time. Other times I will be fighting a mob and have no response at all; then suddenly I am dead. I would like to tank in dungeons but am hesitant to do so because I don't want to screw my group up if my skills won't fire.
  • Burrick
  • andyb16_ESO20
    Soul Shriven
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
      - No, I've been assuming this would be fixed when the server moves to EU. Lag is normal for games on US servers. The best that Support would do is advise me to reduce settings or check my connection, which is not likely to help.
    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
      - UK, just outside London
    • Who is your ISP?
      - Sky 8MB
    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency?
      - Can happen anytime, mostly the world just freezes for me and comes back a few seconds later, everything else has clearly been carrying on. Doesn't often happen in a fight but when it does it can be fatal. Zone transitions are often slow.

      I've been avoiding PVP so far, warned by reports of how laggy it is, I'd rather wait until the server moves than experience frustration. Similarly I don't like to group for dungeons as I'd heal but I don't want to let others die due to my lag.
  • Khenarthi
    1. No because customer support cannot fix it while the server is half a world away

    2. Milan, Italy

    3. Fastweb

    4. Delays happen while in crowded areas such as cities and public dungeons mostly. I have not visited Cyrodiil yet so I cannot comment on it.
  • Maess
    - No, I don't.
    - Belgium, Namur.
    - Belgacom, 30Mb.
    - I have high latency when the game is very populated in the rush hours. Mostly in Cyrodiil where it is unplayable..

    Love this game but those lags are killing it.
  • VarilRau
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No, not so far.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Southern Finland

    Who is your ISP?

    DNA, 100MB

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Been thinking on making a video of this. Usually at the moment i play solo PVE, quests and stuff. Enemy charges heavy attack - i block and still get hit, even if i had the block up a second before the attack happened on my screen, same with bashing that caster. On my screen he's still casting but one-two bashes wont interrupt and i get hit - even though on my screen the bash animation played twice. Popping mages wrath to a almost dead enemy, i have to wait for 1-4 seconds before i get the explosion effect. Now days i cat wrath->put up block and i can usually still block about one light strike before the mages fury pops.. so much for instant finisher effect.

    Seems that the fact most damage input/output is hidden (without addons) and the animations playing that most people dont notice this while questing - my girlfriend wondered for a long time what she was doing wrong.

    Blocking is nearly undo-able though, unless i block all the time. By the time i get visual cues its too late to raise block. Combat seems fluent but the responsiveness aint there.
    Varil Rau, Mag sorcerer
    Viiltoveikko, Stam sorcerer
    Meadshield, nord dragonknight

    DC EU
  • Bollerlotte
    sahib wrote: »
    We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel

    No you don't. If you were, the EU server would be in the EU at launch.

    While telling before launch, EU Megaserver "is" located in the EU.

    1. No bacause i guess my tickets sort of only hit a spam folder.
    2. Germany
    3. Kabel Deutschland 100mb down/ 6md up 14 msec ping
    4. Questing, yes
    PvP, yes like alot
    Dungeons , yes. Fungal Grotto Vet, lol
    Chat, yes
    Responses on system takes up to 10sec. sucks like playing in 2005 but i sit in 2014, sort of.

    so ZOS going on for researches, now? realy??

    what does the team of 10 developers of teso have done in the last 2 years of beta? making sure that staying at 10 ppl?
    Edited by Bollerlotte on April 29, 2014 9:47AM
  • kyariwolfb16_ESO
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No, I haven't. My previous experience with Bethesda/Zenimax customer support (before elder scrolls online) has been quite horrible since I never even received a reply to my problem back then. And having looked through the forums a bit it seems that, unfortunately, I shouldn't be expecting any better this time.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Limburg, Belgium

    Who is your ISP?


    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    I haven't been playing the game outside of beta for very long yet so the only thing that I've been doing is questing, crafting and exploring. On all three occasions I've experienced lag in the form of spells not casting and interactions with npc's, containers and crafting stations taking very long before anything happens.
  • jacoby.swift1b16_ESO
    Thank you for looking into this issue!

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - West Yorkshire, UK

    Who is your ISP?
    - Virgin Media, 30MB/Sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - All of the above.

    I cannot sprint in a town or city, as I have to stop and wait for the scenery to appear around me. I find I can be waiting for 30 seconds to a minute before the landscape changes from an eerie low-res place, gradually becoming populated with players, bits of scenery, more players, wait, wait, wait, *taps foot*, NPCs.

    I have also developed a fear of bridges and staircases. ;P
  • masterdtox
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No, why? because it is obvious, server are oversee in the US and i am in EU.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Country: The Netherlands,
    City: Enschede

    Who is your ISP?

    KPN 50 Mb/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    All random, especially the skill delay's / weapon swapping. Need to hit a spell a few times to go off, or a spell seems to go of but there is not interaction at all but it will eat my magica or stamina with no actual result in executing the attack.
    Random freezes in game for 2-5 sec.

    Dunno if the next problem hast to with the distance latency:

    Animation especially if u melee, like using a 2 hand weapon, the animation looks very clunky, it is not a smooth animation. When u do soft hits or heavy attacks, it stops like 2-3 times for a split second during the animation of the attack. Kinda makes u think is this still beta u playing at some time, because of the animation flaws that are very clear to see.

    By doing this survey it seems Zenimax has totally not thought of that there would be problems for non US players that will have latency issues. Or did u think the Mega Server is some special magic server that can handle every connection from all places of the world at the same latency for everyone, no matter what connection / router / PC specs players have ?. It is just impossible.
    So why did u not place the EU server in the EU from the get go to avoid problems in the first place?
  • ToneFish
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Reported in-game via the Bug feature. Did not write down the request number unfortunately and did not get a verification e-mail.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Southern Sweden

    Who is your ISP?

    Bahnhof (100/100Mbit)

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Open areas, while questing in various areas. Lag spikes are most noticeable while fighting. Just going on experience from other games I would guess my average response time is about 300-500ms but during a fight you'll frequently have short spikes up to an estimated 2-3000ms.

  • Rosveen
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No. They wouldn't be able to help with a server issue, they'd just send me a funny story instead.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Poznań, Poland.

    Who is your ISP?
    PSM Winogrady.

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    It can happen anytime anywhere, but usually does in peak hours. I don't PvP.

    Freezes and slow loading in towns. In the open world, delayed skill activation.
    Sometimes I kill an enemy, but nothing happens until a few seconds later everyone suddenly drops dead and the sound effects fire off. It's like it's sent back all at once.
    Edited by Rosveen on April 29, 2014 10:20AM
  • NekOnOkO
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    No, your support is joke anyways.
    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Kazakhstan, Almaty.
    Who is your ISP?
    Kazakhtelecom, fiber optics, 50 mb\s.
    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    High latency all the time (due to servers being half Earth away), extreme lag (10 to 20 seconds can't use any skills) in Cyrodiil when assaulting broken inner keep walls with massive numbers of defenders. Also, weapon swapping is absolute pain in any situation. It takes like 5 seconds average.
    P.S. Try moving EU megaserver to EU.
  • wsvdyk
    We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel
    No you don't. If you wanted us to have good experience, you would never put EU Megaserver in US.

    I advise you to close this thread and start moving EU Megaserver to Europe. In the end you will have to do it, otherwise people will just leave. So the sooner you do it, the better.

    Sorry for posting this, but I just have to do my bit of input into making this game better.
    I do agree with you, the EU server should NOT be in the US!

    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
    Not yet, because the EU server is in US so I now that the server will repost SLOW!

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    Overijsel The Netherlands.

    Who is your ISP?
    Ziggo with 90 Mb/ps 3469271512.png

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    In all the area's of daggerfall I have lagg in the evening here it is unplayeble with a 1-3 second delay, the game will crash when I play in Cyrodiil
    and that should not be a grafic issue with 2x GTX MSI 770 twin frozr in SLI (2GB)
  • Rainbow
    I think many of the problems are just due to their bad internet connection e.g the first post from a british folk... I am also british and I have no problem whatsoever with latency. I think people confuse lag with FPS lol.
    Edited by Rainbow on April 29, 2014 10:20AM
  • flow.currypoteb17_ESO
    1. kein ingame ticket. weil ich mir dachte, was will da ein GM schon machen.

    2. Österreich! Wien.

    3. UPC

    4. Heavy Problems in Cyrodil! und in manchen verliesen. in der Fungusgrotte (v1-5)bei der spinne, da beim wasser, da ist irrgendwas. da laggt es wie sau.
    und dann gibt es da wohl so gebietsübergänge. da kommt es bei vielen spielern zum crash! (ganz toll wenn man ne scroll beschützen will) naja und so weiter und so weiter. wir vermuten,dass es alles mit den Gruppen zusammen hängt. also schlimm wird es halt erst wennst in einer gruppe bist. da bemerkt man am meisten "fehler" abgesehn von den laggs. da reicht es schon wenn 40 spieler in einem radius von 5 metern stehn und ihre skills spammen. wenn dann 40 auf 100 solcher treffen.. naja wir haben den server in Cyrodil auf Auriels Bogen ja schon öffters offline gebracht. natürlich nicht mit absicht. achja und das "gruppen-such-tool" dass sollte man wohl erstmal in Cyrodil abschaffen... habt ihr das mal benutze... holy moly... da kannst froh sein, wennst überhaupts mal aus der gruppe kommst xD

    naja ich denke damit konnte ich erstmal mein herz ausschütten.

    Danke Zenimax für dieses tolle spiel! und ich wünsche uns allen, dass ihr viele Patches bringt. auch wenn ein patch nur ein bisschen fixt. ich freu mich über (fast) jeden patch der etwas fixt.
  • silvestru_liviueb17_ESO
    "Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    No, i see no point here.

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    Europe, Romania

    Who is your ISP?

    RDS, 100mb/s connection, real speed: 10-12m/s

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?"

    Very little to no lag in PVE.
    In PVP mostly, in crowded fights but not only. Skill lag, freezez, not to mention weapon swap - this is not working not even in pve. i have almost 1s delay on weapon swap witch is fatal in pvp.

    Put your EU server where it should be. MAYBE it will lower the lag.
    Regarding when they will move it, i assume never...for now...they will wait another 2-3 months too see how many ppl will leave and see if it rents to move it or leave it there. For now they don't give a sheep.

    PS: same lag have alsao a friend of mine with 1GB connection (real speed 70-80mb/s), same provider as me. I don't think the connection is the real issue here.
    Edited by silvestru_liviueb17_ESO on April 29, 2014 10:26AM
  • Sparkleav
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?

    Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    southern UK, near London

    Who is your ISP?

    British Telecom (BT)

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Regularly in any large town or city, particularly at peak times (after 5pm BST) also random freezes when entering enclosed spaces, i.e. caves or public dungeons also in open expanses but not when there are large numbers of other players, usually happens when there are hardly any people about (which I find really strange.)

  • achimb16_ESO3
    I experienced very high latency yesterday evening from 20:00 to 23:00 in Berlin/Germany, internet connection over cable (up to 30 MBit, usually about 15-20Mbit).

    It was most noticable when fighting (in a PvE area) - hitting a number key to actual execution took up to 2 seconds, so it was hard against even one mob - I resorted to go to town to craft since it was simply not playable in that state.

    I also had to wait several seconds until I was able to loot mobs (often there was only the sound that you get when something is not possible at the time "clonk").

    Also mails didn't show up at once, those took several seconds to display (10-15).

    But some actions were instant, e.g. drawing or switching weapons didn't seem to have lag.

    Later in the evening the latency got better, though still not optimal. This was the first time I experienced this kind of lag for such a long period.
  • sinz_xb16_ESO
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - No

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - Netherlands

    Who is your ISP?
    - UPC

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    - Only in Cyrodiil when there are many players fighting over the same resource. The more players on my screen, the longer it will take for my abilities to go off, they do go off eventually, but usually about 10 to 30 seconds later than intended.

    In smaller fights it's okay until multiple players start to focus on me. For example if I'm being attacked by 3 - 5 players, my own abilities will take alot longer to go off, even weapon swapping can have a delay for up to 5 seconds.

    But even under the most optimal circumstances, for example a 1v1 encounter with no other player in sight, the lag is still unacceptable for today's standards. There's always this very small yet very annoying delay in some abilities going off as well as very unresponsive weapon swapping during combat and sometimes players appear closer/farther away from me than they actually are. Right now Cyrodiil is definitely not even close to the polished/lag-free experience that we were promised.
    Edited by sinz_xb16_ESO on April 29, 2014 10:39AM
    "We will make sure that no matter where you live, every player in North America, Europe, Oceania, and many places beyond will have a polished, lag-free launch experience" - Matt Firor

    Proud second-rate customer (PC-EU)
  • Starnes
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?


    What region are you playing the game in?

    London, UK

    Who is your ISP?

    Virgin, 152Mb/sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Latency is throughout all aspects, we are connecting to servers halfway across the world, do you really expect the experience to be otherwise?

    135-200ms is great for a connection halfway across the world when I feel like playing around on the NA servers, it is not suitable for any competitive gaming. For a paid subscription I expect 10-60ms delays.

    Please move the servers to the EU.
    Edited by Starnes on April 29, 2014 11:51AM
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