Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Latency on the European Megaserver - Looking for Additional Info

  • babylon

    Do you think we can play with an average 200ms latency in a action RPG where is supposed to dodge and parry enemies attacks?

    Oceanic people are playing with at least 250ms right now so, really have to call bollocks on that (it's playable, just not ideal) least you have the hope you'll get a server in your own country, nobody gives a flying *** about us and when we ask for servers in our own country we get not only US people hating on the idea, but Euro people hating on us as well.
  • Jade1986
    babylon wrote: »

    Do you think we can play with an average 200ms latency in a action RPG where is supposed to dodge and parry enemies attacks?

    Oceanic people are playing with at least 250ms right now so, really have to call bollocks on that (it's playable, just not ideal) least you have the hope you'll get a server in your own country, nobody gives a flying *** about us and when we ask for servers in our own country we get not only US people hating on the idea, but Euro people hating on us as well.
    I haven't ever seen EU players hate on Aussie players, if anything we have been very sympathetic in saying that all regions should have their own servers. I mean, the APAC region has by far the most mmo players, and its a HUGE player base the ZoS is alienating atm. Hell, they are alienating all player bases except the US atm.

  • babylon
    laced wrote: »
    babylon wrote: »

    Do you think we can play with an average 200ms latency in a action RPG where is supposed to dodge and parry enemies attacks?

    Oceanic people are playing with at least 250ms right now so, really have to call bollocks on that (it's playable, just not ideal) least you have the hope you'll get a server in your own country, nobody gives a flying *** about us and when we ask for servers in our own country we get not only US people hating on the idea, but Euro people hating on us as well.
    I haven't ever seen EU players hate on Aussie players, if anything we have been very sympathetic in saying that all regions should have their own servers. I mean, the APAC region has by far the most mmo players, and its a HUGE player base the ZoS is alienating atm. Hell, they are alienating all player bases except the US atm.

    Not necessarily here (though I have seen it, some guy told us how insignificant we are and how we're lucky to be allowed to even play the game at all).

    Seen it a lot, though US players are more often the culprits, EUROS do it too.
  • Melk
    Soul Shriven
    1. Not yet
    2. Barcelona, SPAIN
    2. ONO (50mb/5mb)
    4. Well, everywhere, but in PvP(cyrodill) is totally unplayable.

    For the love of god, just locate the f*ck*ng European server in EUROPE.
  • snigernissen
    why do i have the feeling that this is what is going on at zenimax atm

  • Melk
    Soul Shriven
    Lets see the wonderful benefitso of "MegaServer" technology:

    -...... It is difficult to fight against monsters and against other players. It becomes impossible to win PvP because of lags and delays.

    -......There will be 2 separate mega servers: one in the USA and the other one in Europe. This will help to prevent lags and delays.


    Yeah Zenimax, its impossible to do a *** in PvP (and PVE too) "because of lags and delays"

  • hauke
    could the north american users please shut their foul mothes up in this european thread ?

    you americans get 400ms lag spikes

    i european have constant 200ms lag

    and i get 6 second lag spikes.

    get it ?

    you have 300ms lag spikes i have 6 second lag spikes

    thats the diffrence between USA and Europe

    [Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on May 27, 2014 7:33PM
  • hauke
    i get 6 seconds lag spikes with constant 200ms lag, that is not playable in pvp

    i am not going to pay another 15 euro until the euroserver is in europe

    [Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on May 27, 2014 7:33PM
  • Jade1986
    hauke wrote: »
    could the north american users please shut their foul mothes up in this european thread ?

    you americans get 400ms lag spikes

    i european have constant 200ms lag

    and i get 6 second lag spikes.

    get it ?

    you have 300ms lag spikes i have 6 second lag spikes

    thats the diffrence between USA and Europe

    [Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    I would love to see the outcry we would see if the US were forced to play on EU servers. It would be hilarious.

    Edited by ZOS_LenaicR on May 27, 2014 7:37PM
  • agvipostab16_ESO
    babylon wrote: »
    Oceanic people are playing with at least 250ms right now

    Can be, but no one at Zenimax said "come playing ESO, we have a Oceanic Megaserver".

    For europe yes.

  • c1r3gamerb16_ESO
    Received an email today from Zenimax.....
    ...this was discovered to be an issue with Virgin, however, both Zenimax and Virgin have worked to resolve this issue and it should now be resolved or at least improved.

    Unfortunately I have not seen any improvement in-game, in fact the past couple of weeks I have been forced to re-log in order to get interaction with quest NPCs sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same instance.

    Another problem that appears to be getting worse is unresponsive action keys - not the best way to fight a boss (after you've been committed to it).

    Yesterday I was part way through a quest in Coromir - Grahtwood and I ran up to the quest giver for the next part - and no interaction. The quest marker was clear as day - but he just stood there. So I did a /reloadui with no result so logged out/in and I was able to interact with him.

    Other members in my group also have these issues and last night we actually gave up in the middle of an instance and logged out because of the time lost login/out and dying to action keys suddenly, without warning, stop working.

    I still feel the distance between the EU server in USA and our UK/European ISPs is not helping matters and the game is starting to lose its appeal - when I game I want to enjoy it not have to battle it.
  • dideldumdei
    Received an email today from Zenimax.....
    ...this was discovered to be an issue with Virgin, however, both Zenimax and Virgin have worked to resolve this issue and it should now be resolved or at least improved.

    Unfortunately I have not seen any improvement in-game, in fact the past couple of weeks I have been forced to re-log in order to get interaction with quest NPCs sometimes 2 or 3 times in the same instance.

    Another problem that appears to be getting worse is unresponsive action keys - not the best way to fight a boss (after you've been committed to it).

    Yesterday I was part way through a quest in Coromir - Grahtwood and I ran up to the quest giver for the next part - and no interaction. The quest marker was clear as day - but he just stood there. So I did a /reloadui with no result so logged out/in and I was able to interact with him.

    Other members in my group also have these issues and last night we actually gave up in the middle of an instance and logged out because of the time lost login/out and dying to action keys suddenly, without warning, stop working.

    I still feel the distance between the EU server in USA and our UK/European ISPs is not helping matters and the game is starting to lose its appeal - when I game I want to enjoy it not have to battle it.

    This is nearly as good as the advice to move the Computer closer to the router, cause you know: More distance causes more latency...

    I feel sorry for you but you have been lied to, or in fact we all have been lied to when they promised us a European Megaserver.

    This thread is just Damage Control, pretending they care...
  • Volla
    Its kinda funny that they state that the delay will not be affected in Europe while the server is in US when this been proven over and over and over again that it does. Server in :

    Europe probably has 50-100 ( if you live inside Europe )
    Same Country 5-20
    Diffèrent Contient 300-500

    Anything above 2 mega bit service should not be a problem to play this game.
    but because the server location it don't matter if you sit on a 1000mega bit line.

    When are the plans to move the server to Europe ?
    Anyone knows ?
  • Jade1986
    Volla wrote: »
    Its kinda funny that they state that the delay will not be affected in Europe while the server is in US when this been proven over and over and over again that it does. Server in :

    Europe probably has 50-100 ( if you live inside Europe )
    Same Country 5-20
    Diffèrent Contient 300-500

    Anything above 2 mega bit service should not be a problem to play this game.
    but because the server location it don't matter if you sit on a 1000mega bit line.

    When are the plans to move the server to Europe ?
    Anyone knows ?
    Apparently after craglorn. But now apparently the update was such a catastrophe I imagine they will delay moving the servers again -_-
  • Volla
    what ? update catastrophe ? Explain please still downloading installing
  • Jade1986
    Volla wrote: »
    what ? update catastrophe ? Explain please still downloading installing
    Browse the CS forum, people are reporting lots of problems. Luckily, I have had none. Except my entire system crashing logging out the first time. Other than that >_>.

  • Melk
    Soul Shriven
    Man, teso patches are like a fusion of Windows millenium and vista.
  • mainwaring.johnneb18_ESO
    Aerlim wrote: »
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue?
    - Not yet

    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
    - London, UK

    Who is your ISP?
    - Virgin Media, 100MB/Sec

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?
    - All of the above. Most noticeably in Cyrodiil but also questing and dungeons. Lag manifests through skill lag and non-responsiveness to key presses. Sometimes I will press a key and have to wait up to 5-10 seconds for a response. I can, however, move around normally in this time. Other times I will be fighting a mob and have no response at all; then suddenly I am dead. I would like to heal in dungeons but am hesitant to do so because I don't want to screw my group up if my skills won't fire.

    ive had these exact same issues. i thought it was my net temporarily being sh*t (less than good). i dont know which is worse. it being the game or my net
  • ZharaX
    There will never be an EU server inside Europe. Darn, they would have to respect the European laws and maybe even pay EU tax-rates. Hell no, never!

    No, buying time and asking silly questions is what they can do to try uphold their reputaion!
    The picture on the wall is chaotic.
    I don't want to look at it, but when I do,
    I cannot speak because of the confusion in my head!
  • LissardNoX
    Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?


    What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)

    South Holland, the Netherlands, EU

    Who is your ISP?

    UPC, 100 mbs, cable

    Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency? While questing? While running dungeons? While in Cyrodiil?

    Since the new patch it happens random all the time.
    A lot of times the screen will freeze for a couple of minutes which makes it impossible to play.
    I'm pretty sure it can't be an issue with my computer because I bought this new computer 3 month ago ( I bought this computer to play ESO on it's best quality )

    I also had an issue with the graphics when I move my character or camera, the bottom of the screen moved but the top moved with a delay which gave me a headache after an hour playing.
    This issue was caused by a resolution change from the latest update.
    I changed the video settings to default and that problem was solved but I still have the freezing screen problem.
    ★☆•Gamer Girl•☆★
    Location: the Netherlands.
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Lissard NoX Facebook

  • TaddeoMaiden
    Soul Shriven
    ZharaX wrote: »
    There will never be an EU server inside Europe. Darn, they would have to respect the European laws and maybe even pay EU tax-rates. Hell no, never!

    No, buying time and asking silly questions is what they can do to try uphold their reputaion!

    The new patch made the game absolutely unplayable, while until thursday all worked out smoothly. There's so much lag that I can't even move around. Not to mention the memory leak.
    Please downgrade to the last patch and resolve the issues before uploading it again!
    I'm paying for something I cannot play anymore!
    Edited by TaddeoMaiden on May 24, 2014 9:39AM
  • Cogo
    Sigh...the lag is NOT ONLY because the datacenter is based in US.
    I am swedish and I do not lag in ESO. Explain that.

    I have written an explination for a possible "move". They dont take the hardwre in a suitcase and fly it over to germany. More then likely they rent the service from an company who have datacenters for this purpose.

    Im annoyed where this came from. The game is getting fixed. Learn patient and stop demanding things you have very little information about.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Jade1986
    Cogo wrote: »
    Sigh...the lag is NOT ONLY because the datacenter is based in US.
    I am swedish and I do not lag in ESO. Explain that.

    I have written an explination for a possible "move". They dont take the hardwre in a suitcase and fly it over to germany. More then likely they rent the service from an company who have datacenters for this purpose.

    Im annoyed where this came from. The game is getting fixed. Learn patient and stop demanding things you have very little information about.
    Post a screenshot of your resource monitor, pingtest, and speed test, otherwise no one will believe you. Physics are physics, you have simply become accustomed to a sub par service.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 24, 2014 11:21AM
  • Akhratos
    Cogo wrote: »
    Sigh...the lag is NOT ONLY because the datacenter is based in US.
    I am swedish and I do not lag in ESO. Explain that.

    I have written an explination for a possible "move". They dont take the hardwre in a suitcase and fly it over to germany. More then likely they rent the service from an company who have datacenters for this purpose.

    Im annoyed where this came from. The game is getting fixed. Learn patient and stop demanding things you have very little information about.

    No one can believe you dont lag in a game hosted in the other side of the world when even people from NA does.

    Maybe you are just made to it, maybe you have played very few online games and have a biased experience about how multiplayer delays should feel.

    Ping tests are useless, I average 128ms to Texas from EU with 300Mbps symmetric fiber with speedtest, and when Im playing I have an average 220-270ms with 500-700ms lagspikes everyother time.

    Now thanks for the information, but anyone with a brain doesnt need your "written explination" to know they wont take the hardware in a case to Europe but rent a datacenter. If you though so in a first moment, then you are the one who has very little information. So teach yourself before trying on others.
  • Demaniak
    Soul Shriven
    sahib wrote: »
    We want you to be able to have the best possible experience in Tamriel

    No you don't. If you were, the EU server would be in the EU at launch.

    +1 on that. Move EU server to EU!!! Its not fair to all the europians that we cant have the same game expirience as NA players do
  • dideldumdei
    laced wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Sigh...the lag is NOT ONLY because the datacenter is based in US.
    I am swedish and I do not lag in ESO. Explain that.

    I have written an explination for a possible "move". They dont take the hardwre in a suitcase and fly it over to germany. More then likely they rent the service from an company who have datacenters for this purpose.

    Im annoyed where this came from. The game is getting fixed. Learn patient and stop demanding things you have very little information about.
    Post a screenshot of your resource monitor, pingtest, and speed test, otherwise no one will believe you. Physics are physics, you have simply become accustomed to a sub par service.

    Well to be fair he never stated he plays from the EU, he only said he is swedish, so he probably lives in Dallas...

    Or its just me being very cynical about the whole EU Megaserver...
  • florisontwerptb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    • Have you reach out our Support Team yet to request help for this issue? And if so, what is your support ticket number?
      Yes, have not recieved ticket number yet.
    • What region are you playing the game in? (Your country and specific area)
      Netherlands, Den Bosch
    • Who is your ISP? (Through KPN network)
    • Are there any specific moments you recall experiencing extreme latency?
      All the time, evereywhere.
  • Iniesta
    its suspicious bout the way they ask bout our connection. post it here and get the answer to contact you ISP....thats an old classic.
  • Jade1986
    laced wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Sigh...the lag is NOT ONLY because the datacenter is based in US.
    I am swedish and I do not lag in ESO. Explain that.

    I have written an explination for a possible "move". They dont take the hardwre in a suitcase and fly it over to germany. More then likely they rent the service from an company who have datacenters for this purpose.

    Im annoyed where this came from. The game is getting fixed. Learn patient and stop demanding things you have very little information about.
    Post a screenshot of your resource monitor, pingtest, and speed test, otherwise no one will believe you. Physics are physics, you have simply become accustomed to a sub par service.

    Well to be fair he never stated he plays from the EU, he only said he is swedish, so he probably lives in Dallas...

    Or its just me being very cynical about the whole EU Megaserver...
    Hahaha, Iwas thinking the same thing.

  • PaulD
    Something that helped a lot in my case was to totally exempt the zenimax folders under program files from antivirus scanning. I still get some hesitation on the zoning, but it's not nearly as much.
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