Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Other than "We did not expect this", that is. I'd like to know if this is staying and we should get used to it, or if it will be fixed soon.
There's nothing to fix... they unintentionally designed it in and are now leaving it alone because it's an integral part of their current combat system.
Its game breaking, and if its not they need to fix it so you don't need to use third party systems for macros to get the best out of it.
The entire development team needs to be focused on fixing animations.
And if they need help they should call in dev teams from Bethesda, Zenimax, ID and other Zenimax Subsidiarys.
Even if the entire combat system of ESO has to be rebuilt from the ground up, it is needed, or ESO will fail miserably and be a major scar on the entire series and company for the remainder of their existence.
You don't need to use a macro when the window for using it is about a full second... it's easy to do, and the timing involved is such that lag or even just needing to move/hit another ability quickly would mess things up if you macro'd it regardless in pvp. There's absolutely zero benefit to macroing animation cancellingand eso's combat system works 100% great as far as this mechanic is concerned.
Uhh its PvP its was a waste of time before these exploits it will be long after, how are people not understand PvP in all games is a joke its no different here ...sheesh
Just because your reactions and thought pasterns suck does not mean PVP in general in every game sucks.
Keep playing against that challenging scripted ''''AI'''' though.
Sure is hard.
Bash does need fixed along with a great many things from DK's banner, Vamps ultimate, destro staff 5. Etc Etc.
PvP dose suck horribly!!!!! Its ALWAYS unbalanced and always has been that way in RPG's. You can deny it all you want but its a FACT that PvP is HIGHLY unbalanced!!!! I totally & completely HATE PvP....that can not and will not ever be over stated!!! In almost all situations where there is PvP your either getting ganked or your ganking, one or the other! Please go ahead and deny it and say that is not so but me and other people that hate PvP know the truth and there is nothing nobody could ever say that will convince me that PvP is balanced and fair for everybody!!!! Oh yay......I just got ganked by 6 players....whoo hooo, that was soooooooooooo much damn fun!!!! I'm trying to quest/farm and I get ganked, that just ruins MY game and tics me off cuz there was totally nothing I could do to prevent it! 2 or more on 1 sucks and is extremely frustrating to the 1 guy by him or her self! Yeah, but you hardcore PvP'ers get your jollies off by going around in a group killing single players cuz its easy and you enjoy grieving other players. CHEAP & SICK minded of you guys that do that! "I'm so cool and bad *** when I PvP"....yeah right!
And in the very rare cases where you are 1 v 1, one of the players is almost always OP to the other player! Its almost never balanced...PERIOD! So, really how is that suppose to good fun? Oh sure you PvP'ers LOVE it just cuz its unbalanced in your favor and unfair in almost every situation. Also love the situations where I'm fighting 1 or more mobs and some person thinks its OK and cool to attack me cuz I'm busy with a mob or more. It = a easy kill for them and they just love it that way. So, I ask how is it any different from a PvE'er in a stand point of difficulty? PvE person enjoys the level of challenges he or she gets from PvE & a PvE person in almost ALL cases has it easy cuz its so easy to run around in a large group and gank single players. WTH is so hard about that??? Huh? Seriousy, how is that hard???? You PvP'ers are always saying the PvE'ers like it easy but in all reality most of you PvP'ers are the ones who like it easy. Hypocrites! You mock use PvE's cuz you think we dont like a REAL challenge but you your self's got it completely easy for the most part! What challenge is there running in a group and smashing single players? NONE!!!
Now I do realize that not all PvP is just groups running around killing single players. It can be groups against other groups and I think that is actually fun and I have enjoyed it like that. And I have REALLY enjoyed PvP that is in a area where players can go back to a place where you cant be attacked by the apposing faction. So, if things get to a point where your about to get ganked by multiple players each faction has a place to retreat to and be safe. Kinda tends to even things out a bit and make it actually fun.
Oh, and there are those that like to hack as well just so they can win almost all the time! Easy to find them...they kill you instantly! Love those guys soooo much! They just help add to the point why PvP is so unbalanced. So glad that Zenimax set PvP up the way they have! Players are not FORCED into PvP that they dont want. A lot of massively sized zones to enjoy PvE in and not get grieved by some PvP'er!!! And you PvP'ers can just gank away and get that easy kill that makes you think your so tough! ~.^ So, its a win win for everybody.
I'm sorry if the truth hurts you PvP'ers but I needed to instantly vent this in a hardcore way! And please dont bother trying to convince me I'm wrong cuz #1 I know exactly how PvP works cuz I have done lots of it way to long to be told any different and #2 I dont plan on coming back to this thread to even waste my time. I know I'm correct so I really have nothing else to say. Flame away cuz I know you will. The truth dose sting so yeah go right ahead.
Cheers! ~.^
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Other than "We did not expect this", that is. I'd like to know if this is staying and we should get used to it, or if it will be fixed soon.
There's nothing to fix... they unintentionally designed it in and are now leaving it alone because it's an integral part of their current combat system.
Its game breaking, and if its not they need to fix it so you don't need to use third party systems for macros to get the best out of it.
The entire development team needs to be focused on fixing animations.
And if they need help they should call in dev teams from Bethesda, Zenimax, ID and other Zenimax Subsidiarys.
Even if the entire combat system of ESO has to be rebuilt from the ground up, it is needed, or ESO will fail miserably and be a major scar on the entire series and company for the remainder of their existence.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Attorneyatlawl wrote: »Other than "We did not expect this", that is. I'd like to know if this is staying and we should get used to it, or if it will be fixed soon.
There's nothing to fix... they unintentionally designed it in and are now leaving it alone because it's an integral part of their current combat system.
Its game breaking, and if its not they need to fix it so you don't need to use third party systems for macros to get the best out of it.
The entire development team needs to be focused on fixing animations.
And if they need help they should call in dev teams from Bethesda, Zenimax, ID and other Zenimax Subsidiarys.
Even if the entire combat system of ESO has to be rebuilt from the ground up, it is needed, or ESO will fail miserably and be a major scar on the entire series and company for the remainder of their existence.
You don't need to use a macro when the window for using it is about a full second... it's easy to do, and the timing involved is such that lag or even just needing to move/hit another ability quickly would mess things up if you macro'd it regardless in pvp. There's absolutely zero benefit to macroing animation cancellingand eso's combat system works 100% great as far as this mechanic is concerned.
Sure, the window might be a full second, but you can speed it up even further, further improving your benefit from this, by macroing it.
Each weapon appears to have different macro times too.
grimjim398 wrote: »There is nothing on earth more tiresome than PvP gamers in a snit.
WarirorHax wrote: »I honestly can't believe you retracted your statement. I unsubbed 4 months ago and haven't resubbed since because of how boring the stupid spell weaving system made this game. Basically why would anyone play anything other than the same class when its always just light/stam-magic ability/block FOR EVERYONE. I'm not coming back until this is removed.
Wow, topic mentioned this a year ago and still the issues exists lol