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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • DoomBringerDANTEb14_ESO
    I myself am thinking of quitting ESO. It just makes me want to play Morrowind again. Or with friends, alts on WoW. This game isn't worth the 15 bucks a month for me when I get much more enjoyment from FTP games like Dota, Smite and League. Angry joe pretty much said everything I have been thinking about ESO. The PvP can be good, its the best part. But with crashes and so many problems in Cyrodil, it doesn't make up for the money.
  • Gohlar
    Angry Joe was a little more harsh than usual, but what he says is still pretty spot on. Grouping sucks and the game is just really bland.
  • knightblaster
    ENAK wrote: »

    Joe's review of ESO is up (I'm sure others posted the link but here it is again, just for measure): Here...

    The review shows what's wrong with the game... Seems most people agree, judging by the comments and thumbs up on the vid.

    Also... Why is there no easily accessible open forum here?!? It's hidden somewhere in the category map - level 3 or 4 as if to discourage discussion or something...
    Um angry joe only makes videos that *** on games. Never once has made a positive review.

    Heh, that's not even close to being true.

    GW2 got a 10/10.
  • scruffycavetroll
    he makes some good points, but still early reviews of MMO's never really tell the right story. The review he did could've very easily been applied to any MMO released.
  • Phadin

    Uh... who is this guy? And why would I even care?

    I rarely give reviewers of any kind any of my time. I know what I like, and I can come to my own decisions about what is good and bad about a game. I don't need someone else telling me.
  • jeisenhauerub17_ESO
    Angry Joe may have some good points, but I can't stand his review style. Most of his "angry" is fake anyway. He really comes across as a huge tool, IMO. He does make good points about bugs in the phasing system and having to relog. But in all, gaming reviewers are to be taken with a grain of salt, much like movie critics.
  • Altheina
    Oh gosh guys, why so much hatred on this Joe guy? I just feel that the moderator should just lock this thread up for good...
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Turial wrote: »
    Wow the amount of butthurt blind fanboi here is amazing. He makes some really valid points.

    He brings up certain points that we are all aware of but he responds to them like a 5 year old who can't understand their homework and blames the teacher. There are certain things in the game that are being worked on but AJ is too self-absorbed as a reviewer to respond to them logically.

    Nope , the thing that clearly got him really pissed over is the "solo/multiplayer" aspect of the game. This is not a bug , this was made like this.
    GaBacon wrote: »
    well, i don't know who Angry Joe is but he is only one opinion.

    You might not know him , but many do.

    It is accurate to say he is only one opinion , but his opinion is one many will listen to. When he says , "Dont buy this unless you are a really big ES fan" , i would bet the game lost atleast a few hundred (i will say hundreds just to be on the safe side, could be plenty more) sales right there.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    ENAK wrote: »

    Joe's review of ESO is up (I'm sure others posted the link but here it is again, just for measure): Here...

    The review shows what's wrong with the game... Seems most people agree, judging by the comments and thumbs up on the vid.

    Also... Why is there no easily accessible open forum here?!? It's hidden somewhere in the category map - level 3 or 4 as if to discourage discussion or something...
    Um angry joe only makes videos that *** on games. Never once has made a positive review.

    Heh, that's not even close to being true.

    GW2 got a 10/10.

    Quite possibly the worst mmo designed ever damn near.
  • Jeremy
    I gave the review a look, and watched it about half way through. Here is my review of the review ^^

    My first reaction was how it reminded me why I regret the advent of real-time voice between players in MMORPGs. Too many obnoxious loud people who think it's witty to hurl expletives at every single exaggerated nuisance they come across. Angry Joe should be re-named to Annoying Joe.

    That being said, he makes a lot of valid points. But his criticisms are really general of the genre itself, and not Elder Scrolls in particular.

    For example: this game seems to be a largely a single player experience. Especially while progressing your character before the so-called endgame. I have issues with this as well.

    But that can be said of nearly every other MMORPG out there. And something tells me if they had encouraged more group-play on this game by making most of the content difficult to solo he would be screaming into your face about how stupid this game is because it forces you to group with others.

    I don't know that for sure. But I would wager on it.

    I completely agree with him though that the game's lack of a global auction house is going to be off-putting to many players right out of the gate. It's the one significant criticism I saw him make that can be aimed specifically at Elder Scrolls Online - rather the general trending of these types of games. Because this game does suffer from a very poorly constructed economy that makes it difficult to buy things. And I think they are going to have to address this issue in a timely manner if this game is going to be success.

    I disagreed with him about the game's lack of immersion. I feel this game does a wonderful job at bringing its world to life.

    That being said, I have never played any of the other Elder Scrolls games. So I might be easier to impress in this regard than someone who has a higher standard of comparative analysis. But in terms of other MMORPGs on the market, this game is miles above the competition when it comes to the questing/exploration/immersion factor. So I think he was wrong to criticize the game there.

    So while he did make some valid criticisms. Most of what I saw was hot air exaggerating small insignificant gripes - which he even seemed to admit at one point in his video. And he goes completely mad *** over some very petty things that makes it hard to take the rest of his video seriously. His attempts at humor were immature and not very funny. I don't envy his girlfriend :) So this isn't what I would call a stellar review.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 22, 2014 5:19PM
  • Moraisu
    I played this game for around 100 hours, maybe more. And around level 20 something happened, I started to play the game because I had payed for the Imperial Edition and I wanted to have my money's worth, that right, I continued to play because I had to justify my hard earned money, not because I was having fun.

    Angry Joe is a great reviewer, for the entertainment and critique aspect, yes, he is not the most technical of reviewers and he always get's something wrong but he reflects the opinion of ordinary gamers, and for ordinary gamers the game is boring and anti-social.

    I, for one, started to lose faith in this game due to, not the amount of bugs but how slow they are being fixed, quest progression bugs are still present. Force from the famous Force Strategy Gaming youtube channel stopped playing the game because he found a bug that did not allow him to quest and he even felt insulted by the support staff because they treated him like some idiot.

    This is the guy that made a lot of videos to help players into this game, and the guy just stopped playing! My experience with the game? I tried doing PVP, the game crashed when loading to the PVP server, doing Group Dungeons? How about the Group Finder only allowing you to queue for lvl 28-30 when you are about level 25 when you wanted to finish your 20-23 level dungeons? Let's say you are able to form a group, good... now you have to deal with numerous quests bugs within the instance, the group losing a leader, unable to deal with griefers... getting next to useless loot (oh, the last boss of the instance dropped a white (common) pair of light armor pants... how nice).

    This game is just boring. That is it, it's not a bad game, it's just a boring one, I have played Guild Wars 2 (that is Buy 2 Play, no monthly subscription), The Secret World (same B2P model), I even have The Old Republic (the payed version, not that F2P insult), why would I spend 13 € monthly in The Elder Scrolls Online?

    In the end, that is the most important part! For a P2P MMO, in 2014, The Elder Scrolls Online is not worth the asking price, maybe in a B2P model (pay once, play forever) for about 35 €.

    But a monthly fee of 13 € when the game still has item duping (oh yeah, they still did not fix that), slow to almost no control of farming bots and gold farmers (and it would be so easy to fix that. just make it that a player cannot loot a boss that they already killed for... 24 hours or something like that and that's it! You just fixed that problem! Why on earth there is not anyone at Zenimax Online that says "hum... you know what?..."?!).

    oh yeah... and if you logout during a instanced quest you lose all progress, that's right, in a P2P MMO the game does not even have the decency to store your progress, not to mention the common 15 to 20 minute rollbacks that we are getting... I'm sorry, "were" getting as I stopped playing this game, I'm not going back to this game until they fix it, I'm not talking about extra content, I'm just talking about direct fixes, I'm not talking about a 2014 game without a 64bit client, real AA options and True Fullscreen, I "gave up" on that, heck, I even lost all faith on fixing the horrible console FOV for the first person view!

    You know what will make or break this game? The second major content patch, that is when people will understand what their 13 € a month are for (why the second? Because it's clear that the first content patch was in development way before this game was released, so it's the second content patch that will show us the speed and quality of content that players will get).

    But... yeah... this game will be B2P or F2P with micro-transactions (it already has micros-transactions and it's P2P) before 2015.
    Edited by Moraisu on April 22, 2014 5:14PM
  • Knootewoot
    Anyone can put their opinion about a game on youtube. Doesn't make it a fact. Yes, i just like to watch his video's. But that's it. I make up my own opinion. Mostly by reading more reviews, trying out beta's etc.

    I wish like in the past you would get a demo before the game or shareware. This counts only for singleplayer games though. But the beta of TESO was the reason for me to pre-order.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • RaZaddha
    Too much nerd rage on Angry review, also some wrong information regarding Explorer's pack or future updates, in the end this review lacks objectivity, if you follow only AJ for your reviews you will have a bad time.

    Here's a better review that gives a 5/10, no nerd rage and tackles the bigger issues more properly. He also adds at thte end that he will modify or add more to the review, because mmo's change a lot as time passes.

    Here's a more "forgiving" review in which the reviewer seems to having fun on this game.

    The game right now deservers a 5-6 due to amount of bugs and imbalances, but when this is fixed it should go to around 8
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 22, 2014 5:11PM
  • scruffycavetroll
    Angry Joe may have some good points, but I can't stand his review style. Most of his "angry" is fake anyway. He really comes across as a huge tool, IMO. He does make good points about bugs in the phasing system and having to relog. But in all, gaming reviewers are to be taken with a grain of salt, much like movie critics.

  • Getorix
    He makes some good points, but the totally idiotic points that sound like they come from someone who has never played an mmo overshadow most of them.

    ESO's graphics suck? theres other mmos out with better graphics? lol

    ESO's pvp is copied from DAOC and GW2? One of the guys who made DAOC made ESO and gw2 copied DAOC.

    Some quests are short and boring? this game has thousands of quests, they cant all be epic.

    Really the only part I agree with is that zennimax needs to get these bugs squashed quick and get to work on the grouping and phasing problems.
  • reggielee
    someone remove this thread as being an advertisement
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    He was dead on..on all his points. If they don't do some major fixes soon. I expect some lost money from them.
  • scruffycavetroll
    Getorix wrote: »
    He makes some good points, but the totally idiotic points that sound like they come from someone who has never played an mmo overshadow most of them.

    ESO's graphics suck? theres other mmos out with better graphics? lol

    ESO's pvp is copied from DAOC and GW2? One of the guys who made DAOC made ESO and gw2 copied DAOC.

    Some quests are short and boring? this game has thousands of quests, they cant all be epic.

    Really the only part I agree with is that zennimax needs to get these bugs squashed quick and get to work on the grouping and phasing problems.

    the only things I really agreed with him are the

    -need for global auction house
    -Voice overs
    -grouping / phasing

    his other issues are pretty standard across MMO's
  • Greyhaven
    LOL this is the Astroturfer who gave GW2 a 10/10 AJ is a bro gamer who is all about theater and dropping Fbombs because he lacks the intelligence to form a coherent thought. And did everyone notice the blatant Archage plug? Yeah that was a legit review...right
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Getorix wrote: »
    He makes some good points, but the totally idiotic points that sound like they come from someone who has never played an mmo overshadow most of them.

    ESO's graphics suck? theres other mmos out with better graphics? lol

    ESO's pvp is copied from DAOC and GW2? One of the guys who made DAOC made ESO and gw2 copied DAOC.

    Some quests are short and boring? this game has thousands of quests, they cant all be epic.

    Really the only part I agree with is that zennimax needs to get these bugs squashed quick and get to work on the grouping and phasing problems.

    the only things I really agreed with him are the

    -need for global auction house
    -Voice overs
    -grouping / phasing

    his other issues are pretty standard across MMO's

    I never agree wwith that guy, he purposely bashes games like its popular.
  • Jeremy
    He was dead on..on all his points. If they don't do some major fixes soon. I expect some lost money from them.

    No he wasn't.

    For example: he ranted about having to walk somewhere because he couldn't afford a horse. That is the silliest complaint I have seen about this game.

    It has waypoints scattered all over the place. The man is just looking for stuff to complain about.

  • scruffycavetroll
    Getorix wrote: »
    He makes some good points, but the totally idiotic points that sound like they come from someone who has never played an mmo overshadow most of them.

    ESO's graphics suck? theres other mmos out with better graphics? lol

    ESO's pvp is copied from DAOC and GW2? One of the guys who made DAOC made ESO and gw2 copied DAOC.

    Some quests are short and boring? this game has thousands of quests, they cant all be epic.

    Really the only part I agree with is that zennimax needs to get these bugs squashed quick and get to work on the grouping and phasing problems.

    the only things I really agreed with him are the

    -need for global auction house
    -Voice overs
    -grouping / phasing

    his other issues are pretty standard across MMO's

    I never agree wwith that guy, he purposely bashes games like its popular.

    that might be the case, but he still has valid points...points which i first saw here, and on my own, so he's not really saying anything that most of us don't already know / have experienced on our own.

    personally, as a huge GI Joe fan, i don't like the schtick.

    Edited by scruffycavetroll on April 22, 2014 5:29PM
  • liquid_wolf
    Heh, that's not even close to being true.

    GW2 got a 10/10.

    I finished all the GW2 content rather quickly, and it had many bugs that needed to get patched. I had tons of players that were intruding themselves on my quest objectives and world events. At times the lag had been unbearable. The dungeons had many bugs as well.

    I spent $20 a month for the extras (Holiday stuff and more) they sold, and trading gems to players for materials so I wouldn't spend hours farming instead of playing, and had to run dungeons numerous times for gear.

    I had a blast with GW2, but it had less content than ESO, and cost me more per month.

    I feel like that whole "Free to play!" statement is why he gives ESO such a low score. Especially if he gave GW2 a 10/10.
    Edited by liquid_wolf on April 22, 2014 5:33PM
  • Delte
    Can't stand Angry Joe anyway. I don't care what his opinions are. I love the game.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Jeremy wrote: »
    He was dead on..on all his points. If they don't do some major fixes soon. I expect some lost money from them.

    No he wasn't.

    For example: he ranted about having to walk somewhere because he couldn't afford a horse. That is the silliest complaint I have seen about this game.

    It has waypoints scattered all over the place. The man is just looking for stuff to complain about.

    Wrong, he said he had to do lots of running around until he was able to afford a horse. This is true. Due to how quest designs are and how much travel it is.

    He is 100 percent right on the things he said for me. The very fact that my class is in the state that it is, I feel like i'm beta testing the game.

    MMOS always have bugs, but this game has some of the dumbest features, bugs, and design choices I have ever seen. it is like they took feedback from a clueless Elder scroll fan, that did not know how a MMO design should be.

  • Firmament
    He knows that his "anger" sells. He did show mostly negative points. I agree in many parts (the bug where you keep falling without end, boss farming, the resources that could be individual, the dupe exploit and some others) but he plays with the influence he has to influence people. I do not like that. He says things like "you should not play that". Seriously?

    How he manipulates in the horse part was clear: he let the people understand that if you get the imperial edition, you get the fastest horse for free. He also did a fast remark that all mmos at the beginning have bugs but still did highlight it as something exclusive from ESO in some words.
    (sorry about my english)

    Edited: Forgot to mention the annoying boss farming part.
    Edited by Firmament on April 22, 2014 5:41PM
  • Perseas
    He makes some good points, I created a topic also, but I didnt knew that this exist... I copy paste my comment..

    He makes some good points, beyond all the dark humor and all the rest...

    1) some voice overs are away to off... Look the video at 16:32 (he showed the same thing I also created a topic at bethesda forums!) The elder tree needs a better voice!! Also this voice is in several other NPC (am dyslexic and I have big memory in voices and numbers..lol) this voice is all over the place.

    2) He points out the reaction of npc, I am also adding as an extra, my sorc pets... They are not very responsive. You have to make them faster, more responsive, angry, stronger! I decided as a mage to become a summoner. I love it.. But the pets disappointing me.. Give me a companion instead. As soon as I make my video stream works, I will make a video to prove u that..

    All sorc with light armor, becoming fire spell casters, because its the ONLY thing it make you survive with a light armor... why.. Summoners are by defult as a solo survival built. They can survive big boss fights, as a solo fight! But here summoners die so easy. You made it be a pointless built.

    3) He also points out many other things, that you have to see the review.

    You can improve them of course and I wish them to be improved and fixed. So dont focus only in the quests, each week, fix something that is irrelevant from quests.. Like mechanics, animations, stuff like this...
    Edited by Perseas on April 22, 2014 5:45PM
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    He was dead on..on all his points. If they don't do some major fixes soon. I expect some lost money from them.

    No he wasn't.

    For example: he ranted about having to walk somewhere because he couldn't afford a horse. That is the silliest complaint I have seen about this game.

    It has waypoints scattered all over the place. The man is just looking for stuff to complain about.

    Wrong, he said he had to do lots of running around until he was able to afford a horse. This is true. Due to how quest designs are and how much travel it is.


    That's exactly what I said he said. I'm confused what I was wrong about.

    And it's a silly thing to complain about. This game has dozens of waypoints scattered all over the place. If he is going to complain about having to walk on an MMORPG then I think its safe to say he should just go play another type of game. Maybe one with space ships or something.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 22, 2014 6:36PM
  • Sempars
    The game is in state of total crap right now. But I play it because of the PVP, Class system, Combat.

    They need to fix the crap ASAP or I might as well play skyrim because there wont be anyone to play with.
    Edited by Sempars on April 22, 2014 5:46PM
  • MercyKilling
    I'm going to say the same thing here that I did there:

    Gotta love how someone that makes a living by monetizing videos through advertisements complains about a sub fee. Good thing I have adblock plus installed.
    Also...the only real problems this game has are gold spammers and bots in public dungeons. Zenimax has been VERY GOOD about pumping out fixes in a timely manner.
    I never purchased the imperial edition..and I love running through the expansive, beautiful countrysides. Many times I'll simply stop what I'm doing and wander over somewhere to take a minute and soak in the scenery.
    All in all, don't take some angry basement dweller's word for it...try it for yourself. Or just hate it without trying it, like any four year old and broccoli.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
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