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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe


Joe's review of ESO is up (I'm sure others posted the link but here it is again, just for measure): Here...

The review shows what's wrong with the game... Seems most people agree, judging by the comments and thumbs up on the vid.

Also... Why is there no easily accessible open forum here?!? It's hidden somewhere in the category map - level 3 or 4 as if to discourage discussion or something...
  • dbennett707cub18_ESO
    His video has alot of inaccuracies though that I'd expect from someone who hasn't played the game that much and then makes a 38 minute review video.
  • vaxure
    here we go again lol, joe seriously?
  • dbennett707cub18_ESO
    He makes a few good points, and the rest of it is self fueling nerdrage from people who didn't want to buy the game anyways to watch to feel better about their decision.
  • Roechacca
    I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?
    Edited by Roechacca on April 22, 2014 6:36AM
  • bandage106rwb17_ESO
    He had a few good points which I entirely agree with on some levels, like the boss farming and node farming really needs to be looked into further. I'd like to see them increase the difficulty of the bosses in general also increase the rewards for those that sit through it.

    But then again, then we've gotta think about the console players who're limited to a small controller, adding more difficulty in the game could alienate those playing on the consoles or casual players.

    However I'd like to know why he was so fickle about PVP, it was my impression he loved the PVP now he has nothing but issues with it?
  • Mailmann
    Keep in mind, many of the people who gave this video a thumbs up are his followers and tend to agree with his sensibilities. I found the video to be fairly misleading. It contained many inaccuracies and some outdated information.
  • dbennett707cub18_ESO
    roechacca wrote: »
    I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?

    Alot of it is just straight misinformed, he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false. He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk. He says you need to kill 47k skeletons to get a mount, which is ***, if you don't have at least 80k by VR1 you must have done something wrong. He makes some good points about relogging and quests being broken and game feeling like a beta, but alot of it is just false.

  • Roechacca
    roechacca wrote: »
    I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?

    Alot of it is just straight misinformed, he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false. He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk. He says you need to kill 47k skeletons to get a mount, which is ***, if you don't have at least 80k by VR1 you must have done something wrong. He makes some good points about relogging and quests being broken and game feeling like a beta, but alot of it is just false.

    I was referring to the in game bugs and content problems . Crashes and maintenance issues . I'm not "bashing" this game / I'm here paying too right ? I think he makes valid points and the Company should address them .
  • Dominulf
    I tend to stay away from youtube celebrities and game reviewers.

    After watching this video, I have to agree with many of the points the uploader brings up.

    This does feel like a poorly made single player experience with a nil social interaction.

    I just hit Veteran Rank 1 and the only time I HAD to group was to do the three optional group instance dungeons.

    The nameless people running around me doing the exact same thing as me might as well be bots. Everything is done solo.
    Edited by Dominulf on April 22, 2014 6:47AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online - Where the best spells are AoEs and the strongest weapon is a Shield!

    "I used to be the most beloved roleplaying series of a generation... but then I took $14.99/mo to the knee."
  • Saerydoth
    He had a few good points which I entirely agree with on some levels, like the boss farming and node farming really needs to be looked into further. I'd like to see them increase the difficulty of the bosses in general also increase the rewards for those that sit through it.

    But then again, then we've gotta think about the console players who're limited to a small controller, adding more difficulty in the game could alienate those playing on the consoles or casual players.

    However I'd like to know why he was so fickle about PVP, it was my impression he loved the PVP now he has nothing but issues with it?

    This is Angry Joe here. He does that. Even games he loves he rips to shreds. He doesn't call himself Angry Joe for no reason.
  • Zolyok
    Even if Angry Joe got some true point is major pitch is about aggressive criticism with pushing very hard on every problem even the most minor of them.It's totally not objective, his video are always the same construction : bad-bad-bad-bad-good-bad-bad-bad -bad good .....
  • FezzikVizzini
    roechacca wrote: »
    I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?

    Alot of it is just straight misinformed, he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false. He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk. He says you need to kill 47k skeletons to get a mount, which is ***, if you don't have at least 80k by VR1 you must have done something wrong. He makes some good points about relogging and quests being broken and game feeling like a beta, but alot of it is just false.

    Obviously you don't need to kill 47K skeletons to get a mount. That was a reference to the fact that mobs drop little to no gold.

    EDIT : Removed most of this post due to me being an idiot.

    Edited by FezzikVizzini on April 22, 2014 8:38AM
    Yeah, I got a PC. I just don't feel the need to post it's specifications for an ego boost.
  • SlyFox1979
    If i seen this video before i may have passed on this game all together but i bought it anyway hoping to play with various friends but it hasn't been all that good for even that. I agree with a lot of what joe says in the video and i'm sure that will be frowned apon. there is so much this game is missing like features like GW2,Rift, ect... at least the launch of this wasn't as bad as Age of Conan or other mmo's fail at launch.
  • Altheina
    The power of media nowadays is pretty prominent. Game critics done by youtubers such as Joe that has lots of subscribers will tend to get noticed more including the game makers(Zenimax in this case).

    These youtube critics(Joe in this case) may not have all information presented right, but there are some valid points that Zenimax could take into account.

    I tend to look at these critics to help push the devs into making a better TESO :)
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • GreatPlayer
    I disagree with 90% of what he says,
  • Stautmeister
    I could critique candy crush for not having an engaging story, that doesnt make it a worse game. Its just not something it isnt.

    ESO is not a hardcore pvp MMO, nor it is a sandbox.
    Its pretty darn immersive if you play in 1st person mode all the time.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Laura
    the problem with eso is it was released too soon. it feels almost half baked and incomplete. There is nothing wrong with the core of the game IMO and it will only get better.

    Lot of things he said were absolutely wrong though like I'm pretty sure you can't spend an extra 20 bucks to play any race on any alliance.
  • Chirru
    Watched the video...some misinformation...a lot of well-known issues pointed out.
    Yes, some of these things must be addressed for else people will leave eventually.
    Angry J. also likes PvP and not PvE and so he picks on PvE. I would say the other way. PvE is 7/10; PvP is 5/5.

    The only point I really agree with is:
    Grouping in PvE is clearly sub-standard due to the phasing system. Players in a group must end up in the same game-world and instances regardless the quest stage. Anything else is just ...well... I copy A.J. here...Crap.

    Z-Max...you guys have a LOT of work ahead of you if you wish this game to succeed. Right now there are games in the making that will wipe the floor with ESO otherwise.
  • Thete
    he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false" - Heck, I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. What is false ?

    The fact that the horses are the same. He may be refering to their different stats.

    "He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk."

    Which part of thestatement is false ? Please tell me how you can play as any race/faction combo without either having the pre-order or buying the imperial edition - WHICH YOU CAN STILL BUY NOW (check the ESO site).

    The part where he said you had to buy the IE. You even acknowledge yourself that this isn't true so not sure what you're asking here.

    What he and others are probably taking exception to is not that the author of the review is attacking the game they love (as you put it), but that no effort has been made to be objective or accurate in the reporting. Still, that's the case for so called professional newspapers and other forms of commerical news media so I don't know why people are surprised.
    Edited by Thete on April 22, 2014 7:32AM
  • Hodorius

    "he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false" - Heck, I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. What is false ?

    The imp horse is the 17k horse in white colour.
    He acts like it was the same.
    "He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk."

    Which part of thestatement is false ? Please tell me how you can play as any race/faction combo without either having the pre-order or buying the imperial edition - WHICH YOU CAN STILL BUY NOW (check the ESO site).

    He claims that you need to buy the imp. edition to play in any race...
    This is wrong.
    It is a pre order bonus and you could get these for 30€ or 35$.

    This guy really has some points... but only half of what he says is actually true...
    Below 50% is an E in school.

    Is he misinformed or a lier?

    Why not cut the crap and make a 15 minutes video about what really is wrong in that game?

    Edit: I got ninjad

    Edited by Hodorius on April 22, 2014 7:42AM
  • Taven
    Dude is pathetic. So much misinformation and legitimately complaining about gold gain from mobs. Go quest and actually try.

    I mean, do these youtube celebs even fact check themselves before yelling into mics?
  • FezzikVizzini
    Hodorius wrote: »

    "he compares the imperial mount to the 47k mount, which is false" - Heck, I don't even know what the hell this is supposed to mean. What is false ?

    The imp horse is the 17k horse in white colour.
    He acts like it was the same.
    "He says you needed to pay the 80$ for the collectors to play any race any faction, which is false, that was a pre-order perk."

    Which part of thestatement is false ? Please tell me how you can play as any race/faction combo without either having the pre-order or buying the imperial edition - WHICH YOU CAN STILL BUY NOW (check the ESO site).

    He claims that you need to buy the imp. edition to play in any race...
    This is wrong.
    It is a pre order bonus and you could get these for 30€ or 35$.

    This guy really has some points... but only halfe of what he says is actually true...
    Below 50% is an E in school.

    Why not cut the crap and make a 10 minutes video about what really is wrong in that game?

    EDIT: My bad
    Edited by FezzikVizzini on April 22, 2014 8:38AM
    Yeah, I got a PC. I just don't feel the need to post it's specifications for an ego boost.
  • Zargorius
    Oh look, Angry Joe and his "army" got demolished in PVP and now he's complaining how the game is bad? Go figure...
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • Keffertjes
    i remember a video from like 2 months ago saying wauw ESO rocks. Guess what this is wut you get when you make reviews of an unfinished game you will get dissapointed when it comes out.

    The graphic point==>evryone that played oblivion in the days knows better i think,i choose content over graphics any day if you dont well you should go work at EA they like to make there game *NICE* not *GOOD*

    and why does the biggest point get neglected or better said put beside,the dupe glitch who cares right http://pastebin.com/dkx2cRDj Wipe all plzz
    Edited by Keffertjes on April 22, 2014 7:55AM
  • mutharex
    Nerd who said game was crap then did a 180 continues to spread nonsense, rage and inaccuracies. News at 20
  • loco
    I disagree with 90% of what he says,

    And I agree with what he said, especially the "you done *** it up " Game could have been awesome if it had any of the heart and soul of ES. Unfortunately it doesn't, and is quite drab.

  • Altheina
    I am watching Joe review on the game right now and I must say that he pretty much nailed the lackluster factors that could have been done much better for an AAA mmo like TESO and especially where this game takes after AAA grade Elder Scrolls series.

    Many people may disagree to what the video states but putting putting anger aside, many of the design flaws in this game(from npc interaction, quest objectives, game breaking bugs and so on) are highlighted with in game footage that shows them happening.

    In summary, TESO is still pretty far down from being able to take The Elder Scrolls name up into online genre. However, I believe that we should give Zenimax time to make this game better.

    PS: To be honest, I'm kinda surprised that the Imperial race made exclusive till you fork out additional $20 to get it.
    Altheina - Wood Elf Nightblade
    TESO Fun-fact 1: It takes to kill 119,050 mudcrabs to reach level 50
    TESO Fun-fact 2: There are 61 million items in the game
    TESO Fun-fact 3: There are 40,656,000 different weapon variations in the game
  • Nox_Aeterna
    While i like Joe a LOT , i dont totally agree with his review.

    I think he does make good points and there is plenty of truth ,but i actually liked AD quests quite a bit , atleast the auridon ones for example , eventually even i got tired of the wood elves.

    There is also the small mistake he made since playing any race in any faction is a pre-purchase bonus , not a collectors edt one.

    In my opinion the 5/10 was a bit too low , but that is just my opinion.
    Edited by Nox_Aeterna on April 22, 2014 8:12AM
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • FezzikVizzini
    While i like Joe a LOT , i dont totally agree with his review.

    I think he does make good points and there is plenty of truth ,but i actually liked AD quests quite a bit , atleast the auridon ones for example , eventually even i got tired of the wood elves.

    There is also the small mistake he made since playing any race in any faction is a pre-purchase bonus , not a collectors edt one.

    In my opinion the 5/10 was a bit too low , but that is just my opinion.

    EDIT: Removed by me. Soz all- My bad.

    Edited by FezzikVizzini on April 22, 2014 8:39AM
    Yeah, I got a PC. I just don't feel the need to post it's specifications for an ego boost.
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