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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • fiachsidhe
    Fanboys...fanboys never change. The mental gymnastics some of you perform to defend this game's issues, makes Cirque Du Soliel look like cartwheeling chimps.
    Edited by fiachsidhe on April 30, 2014 10:56PM
    Don't have an intelligent argument? Just LOL a post!

    Dire Crow - Ebonheart Pact - Dunmer Nightblade
  • Swordguy
    I get the impression from watching his review, that much of it is kneejerk because him and his buddies had their pvp weekend ruined by server crashing. I've personally been so engrossed and immersed in the game since launch that only now am I coming up for air and seeing the reviews for the first time.

    The truth is, Angry Joe is just some guy with an opinion (like anyone else), and not likely a true fan of elder scrolls anyway, as the franchise has always been story first, combat second; ESO is no different. As someone with influence, Joe should definitely be more careful with his tantrums on youtube, as his video was full of inaccuracies about things that were already fixed, or isolated launch issues.

    Its unlikely that someone as small as him will cause any damages to Bethesda's revenue by releasing a partially inaccurate review (aka slander/liable), but as he grows in viewers he may get himself into legal hot water for it in the future.

    Do you Troll bait?

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  • Shaminar
    Swordguy wrote: »
    The truth is, Angry Joe is just some guy with an opinion (like anyone else), and not likely a true fan of elder scrolls anyway

    Actually, he loves Skyrim. In his review he gave it a 10/10


    By the way, you can't sue someone who voices an opinion, even if they do it online. If something's wrong with the item you buy, you say something, right? and when it comes to consumers and companies, the consumer has every right to criticise the product they paid for.

    Imagine if a local food critic went to a world famous restaurant and was served food that wasn't to their expectation so they wrote a critical review. Now lets say the restaurant does what you said...they sue them and try and destroy them completely to shut them up. The lawsuit soon gains the attention of the world and becomes an international incident because the food critic had many fans and friends, plus word also got around about the restaurants brash reaction. Good god's man! the restaurant would be the one in real trouble as what they did is basically financial suicide. (You NEVER try and silence a critic just because they are unhappy with your product). Nobody would want to eat at a restaurant where you're not allowed to say anything bad about them...heck, it doesn't have to be a restaurant, it could be any company.

    Joe may not be a professional critic who is renowned world wide, but he's a critic nevertheless, and from all the posts both here and elsewhere on the net and possibly in magazines, he's gained the reactions of many people, meaning he did his job; he delivered HIS opinion of the game and why he's not happy with it and we can either agree or disagree with him. That's what critics do. And wanting to sue them because they do their job is not the way to handle the situation.

    The best companies listen to the criticisms and fix the problem, which means both the company and the customer is happy. It's how businesses thrive.

    I also heard that Joe had spoken to Bethesda about something with his Skyrim review being removed from Youtube (which turned out was because he used a few seconds of a unrelated music track for a parody scene and it wasn't Bethesda that flagged it, but I'm sure you all know about Youtube/Google and the flagging of vids for 'copyright' things, even if it was a review/parody/etc) and they were more than happy to talk to him and help get his review back up. He loves the Elder Scrolls series. He's just unhappy with how this particular one turned out. But, as we all know, his opinions are different to everyone else's.

    He is also looking forwards to "The Evil Within" (And I'm sure you are too....I sure am!)

    I am a fan of Joe, but I'm still playing the game and enjoying it; oh, and he knows about Zenimax's updates and how they have listened to his requests and are planning to implement them. I myself would like to see an auction house and the chance to duel with other players for fun and play "who's tougher...me or you?"

    Take care now.
    Edited by Shaminar on May 4, 2014 10:11AM
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