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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Be sure to watch the video from 29 minutes to the (near) end.

    His sum up is pretty spot on. I feel more empathy for ZoE than I did prior to watching him.

    I'm here for the long haul, unless things go terribly (wronger) the $15 doesn't bother me in the least. The issues he brings up do.
  • Dolenz
    Okay, I have not watched the video but I take it Angry Joe does not like the game.

    Why should I care?
    Why is his opinion matter more than anyone else's opinion?
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    ^^^ "Yet, he did bypass all these issues before in one of his TESO videos and everyone was fine with that but once he has some criticism... oh boy what a storm."
    A 'storm'? TRY not to take things so ~seriously~. Few give a damn about my, yours, or Angry Joe's opinion anyway.
  • mutharex
    Dolenz wrote: »
    Okay, I have not watched the video but I take it Angry Joe does not like the game.

    Why should I care?
    Why is his opinion matter more than anyone else's opinion?

    I think you should watch it, he manages to look even stupidier than usual with all the errors he makes while talking about the game (not to mention he is talking about Veteran Ranks and he isn't even lvl 30 I believe?)

    Classic (though I gather this wasn't the effect he wanted)
  • montgomery.luke07b16_ESO
    Dunhilda wrote: »
    Guys its ANGRY joe. He doesnt give good reviews of anything. Hes always angry. Hence his name.

    Keep telling yourself that, the only one I know that give games bad joking reviews is Yahtzee.

    The fact you think he doesn't give good reviews of anything he does only proves one thing, it proves to me you have no idea what you speak off, watch his reviews in future, hell just spend five minutes and look for the games you hated and see if he also reviewed them.

    I feel this isn't a Elder scroll game I mean could anyone point to me where the thieve guild is, hell while you do that, quickly hail Sithis and tell me where I can join the Dark Brotherhood?

    One second while I trespass in this house and steal someone's wheat I hope the guards don't come after me.

    Oh wait while I murder all of the innocent vendors in town and killed all the guards.

    Man I could do with some nice new texture mods and some sexy armour let me just mod this up *Banned*

    Don't get me wrong I'm going to enjoy ESO while I can, that is until I'm bored of it, that could be a couple of months maybe one or two days from now, hell maybe a couple of years.

    Right now this game has that New game fee.

    Thieves guild and Dark brotherhood are both coming in content patches as stated by the devs. So am yeah that witty comment you made seems pretty inaccurate now eh =)
    By Hircine's hand i mark thee!
  • aalexander0110eb17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I've watched it, and he makes a few strong points that could use some looking into, primarily PvE Group questing...or lack thereof and IE cash-grabbing. (Seriously, isn't the point of subscription fee MMOs to largely AVOID cash grab attempts)

    I'm a rather cynical gamer myself who did not have high hopes for the game upon announcement. However, I've found myself enjoying this game...moreso than almost any other MMOs I have attempted to get into. The combat is streamlined, while maintaining permeable depth and crafting is probably the easiest to get into I have seen thus far.

    Again, there are a great MANY issues that ZNMX really need to look into, but the hostility that Joe handed out was disproportionate. It was PARTICULARLY disproportionate for an MMO that is still going through a shake-down period that all MMOs suffer through.
  • nekrosis258
    so many *** fanboys trying to defend a broken game LOL
  • Shimond
    Yankee wrote: »
    Looking forward to the 30 days since launch mark. All the "I am not subbing" and "this game sux" people should be gone from these forums right?

    I would certainly hope so, or their words mean even less than they do right now.
    mutharex wrote: »
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »
    The thing is that many players here seem to forget that he makes those videos like that for a reason. Even good games get shred upon and he brings all the negativity from the game and puts them in these reviews accompanied with few of the very good points of the games.

    The reason behind this is not to be incredibly objective, but to bring forth all the issues there are so that the company can see what points they need to pay attention to. All the good things he left out, well they are good enough or that is what I like to think.

    Yes, there are some misguided and outdated information there, but you have to give them proper attention levels. It doesn't mean that just because you happen to like the game and because not all the points being made are 100% that it somehow invalidates what he is saying.

    But of course there will be fanboys, there always will be and that is fine, but know this that professionals in the industry have been interviewed about who are their best fans and their best fans are those that are constructive. Say good and bad about the game and try their best to help the developers.

    The worst are the ones that do not give any insight about the game other than it is perfect. You can't grab onto that, you can not fix something if you don't know it is broken.

    No, the worst are the ones that will whine day after day over some obsession of his/hers or about some facet of the gameplay without giving any constructive criticism.

    Sorry but "big pile of crap" or "buggy mess and clunky" aren't constructive, just saying.

    At the end of the day, someone who believes that a game company is going to work better and faster if you keep on whining on the same issues and insulting anyone who doesn't agree, needs to see a doctor

    The problem is that you state your opinions as facts when the interview was interviewing industry professionals in many well known companies such as Square Enix, Bioware etc. and somehow your opinion completely overrides their comments as if you are the industry. Oh and don't mistake frustration and being worst as the same thing.

    Constant complainers are frustrating yes, but they are not the worst because at least they give out something they found being not good while people who give nothing to talk about, well don't.

    Pardon my french, but BOLLOX

    1) People complain about one thing and the opposite, how do you know what's really 'important'?
    2) People will complain about things they don't like, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong (ie no name tags, no minimap etc)
    3) People who have a problem can choose to report the problem and wait till it's fixed OR fill the forum with doom and gloom threads that have no constructive criticism and are based on the only premise of "devs don't do nothing unless we scream on the boards"

    And that doesn't even cover pro trolls who are 'going to get my 30 days worth of entertainment" like so many here

    1. That is what they have to figure out. There are several methods and compromises that can be done based on those conclusions. Of course, you should not listen to everyone at all times, that would be impossible even but what you can do is to check if the problem is wide spread and a common problem among the players.

    2. True it does not, thus a developer has to revalue how important the problem is and how many if will affect. Someone had a game breaking bug and complains about this, however it is very isolated and specific problem to small group of players. It still has to be fixed.

    Someone isn't able to beat the boss that almost everyone were able to beat. The problem is with the player himself/herself and not in the game. Unless a large group can't pass the boss which in turn tells that further balance checks are needed, apparently.

    3. This is actually what everyone should do. This is the ideal world where everyone would report problems, knowing that it will be looked upon and fixed. The problem is, you can't tell even though logically you should. Why? Because if you send a ticket and then wait and nothing happens, you become confused and frustrated.

    The notion that you can not 100% surely tell you will be listened to and helped makes players be unnecessarily angry. It doesn't help the yell this and that but is it better than saying nothing? Hard to tell. I mean if the problem is game breaking and no one would talk about it in any manner. Would it be better than unnecessary unconstructive hate criticism stating a problem.

    I can not answer, because people think about things differently. Some would prefer one method over another but everyone tries to invalidate the other side that is for sure.

    EDIT: What I and developers oftenly find hard in their chosen career is that everyone has a right for voice and opinion and none is above the others. No matter how constructive or unconstructive their opinion is.

    It goes without saying that it would be best to look things objectively if you face a problem and that calling others by names or anything isn't going to make you, or them any better person. In fact, I'd claim it makes you worse.

    When it comes to criticism towards the game. You also have to look it objectively. Is this point good, is it explained well, is objective and is it justified claim. Based on those attributes you should draw your conclusions.


    1. This game is good because it has good combat but the quests are bad because of X reason.
    Ok, he is objective and is not raging, Wants to bring forth issues and talk about them.

    2. This game sucks, the quests sucks, everything sucks.
    Well, this doesn't bring much to grab onto. Thus I should give it little value. Yes, I will listen to what he/she has to say but it doesn't mean that it is anything significant.
    Edited by BETAOPTICS on April 22, 2014 12:46PM
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    Shimond wrote: »
    Yankee wrote: »
    Looking forward to the 30 days since launch mark. All the "I am not subbing" and "this game sux" people should be gone from these forums right?

    I would certainly hope so, or their words mean even less than they do right now.

    The truly sad thing is, some of them are going to sub.

    Common sense usually dictates that if you really don't like something ... don't do it.

    It does, however, seem common sense goes out of the window for some folk on the forums.
  • Vorpedagel
    roechacca wrote: »
    I watched the whole thing . Keep in mind I like the game and want to see it do well before judging what I write next . He's not lying ! Many of the issues are true and should be addressed fairly . I understand people don't like people talking like jerks about something the are passionate about but lets all be honest and acknowledge we do have some work that needs to be done in order to polish this mmo gem right ?

    I agree 100%. Do love this game but he raises some very solid points.
  • Hawke
    @FezzikVizzini You fail at reading and comprehending... playing as any race in every alliance was a pre -order perk for all Editions.
    Buying an Imperial Edition NOW doesnt give you that feat.

    As it is now YOU CANNOT BUY ANYTHING TO PLAY AS ANY CHAR IN ANY ALLIANCE. so Please learn to read yourself first, before trying to argue about something you clearly didnt read...

    And yes, i know that you can Play in any Alliance you want AS AN IMPERIAL! Doesnt mean you can Play an Altmer in Ebonheart.

    As for the Horse comparison... yepp i do that all the time too, comparing a Ferrari to a Audi. YOu can get both in red Color! omg why the Price Difference!!!

    Actually, the physical edition of Imperial Edition comes with the code on the same paper as the code for Imperial Edition. I imagine with new physical editions that will not be in the box, but they havent made new boxes yet.
  • mutharex
    @BETAOPTICS if someone believes that the devs aren't fixing issues because they have better to do, I don't know what to say. Wasn't this game 18+??
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Well this went downhill quickly.
  • Hawke
    Awww I just watched Angry Joe's review. He is right to be angry about TESO, I am more mad that he might be right :disappointed:

    I like this game, but heh, he brings up a lot of great points.
    mutharex wrote: »
    @BETAOPTICS if someone believes that the devs aren't fixing issues because they have better to do, I don't know what to say. Wasn't this game 18+??

    I know but it still is there, it is common human behavior. If you can't see something happening then you either have to options. They didn't notice it or they are onto it but you can not tell since there isn't any official letter send to you or anything.

    Because of this, and what I am trying to ultimately say is that people want to make sure they are getting heard but repeating themselves here, on the forums. Unnecessary as it may seem, it is a common human behavior.

    If I may take a metaphor from real world, this is also why there are activists and protests in the world. Because people think, they are not getting heard enough or at all.
  • Xnemesis
    The power of media nowadays is pretty prominent. Game critics done by youtubers such as Joe that has lots of subscribers will tend to get noticed more including the game makers(Zenimax in this case).

    These youtube critics(Joe in this case) may not have all information presented right, but there are some valid points that Zenimax could take into account.

    I tend to look at these critics to help push the devs into making a better TESO :)

    When a person over flamboyantly flames your product, and provides misinformation about your product would you really care what he has to say? AJ is more of a form of entertainment than a quality source for a game review. He is like the national enquirer of the gaming world just garbage all the time spinning facts to fit what he knows will get people to click his vids.

    Also people need to calm down we get 2-3 patches a week to help combat and fix issues. ZoS is doing an admirable job so far, and while it could be better at least they are trying. I am personally giving ZoS a free pass until 5/4, when my sub starts, to get most everything worked out. Their main concerns as of now are Duping, and Bots.

    ^^^ "so many *** fanboys trying to defend a broken game LOL"
    So many intelligent adults spanking moronic children.

    While I agree that there are too many people not seeing some problems in my opinion, your approach is less than optimal. It hardly opens up for other people to have conversations if the attitude everyone would take is this.
  • wrlifeboil
    His review was great. I don't agree with everything he said about the game but he made his feelings known in an entertaining way very passionately and with humor. Not just mindless ranting. Thumbs up.
  • Moyana
    Oh look, another review where he whines and complains about a game, I swear that's all he actually does. A shame that some of his points are utterly wrong too.

    That being said, he hits the nail on the head with the grouping and phasing, there are many areas that I cannot go back and help my friends with quests and objectives, which I personally find really really disappointing.

    All in all though, despite the errors, the bugs, the broken quests, I'm still enjoying the game, and have high hopes that over time, all this will be fixed for the better.
  • witnezzb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Most of his points are quite valid, especially the partnering/grouping mechanics which are pitiful at best.
    Moyana wrote: »
    Oh look, another review where he whines and complains about a game, I swear that's all he actually does. A shame that some of his points are utterly wrong too.

    That being said, he hits the nail on the head with the grouping and phasing, there are many areas that I cannot go back and help my friends with quests and objectives, which I personally find really really disappointing.

    All in all though, despite the errors, the bugs, the broken quests, I'm still enjoying the game, and have high hopes that over time, all this will be fixed for the better.

    Yes, I agree with this post as well. Mostly anyways. I still do, as well, like the game for the most part and I think TESO does many things right and it tries to innovate how we see MMORPG's. Not many games do this and most tend to be WoW copies. Still, there are frequent issues, missing features and missing polish that needs to be done but ultimately, I just want this game to be as good as it can be and in order to do that, criticism is needed.

    Good post! +1
  • xramirez535b14_ESO
    Humor wrote: »
    Isn't this the guy who worshiped this game a while ago during Beta Stages? You know AFTER the first video he made that was pretty much similar to this one, stating it was bad?

    And if I remember correctly he even said he loved the Aldmeri Dominion quests too, because they were all bunched together.

    Surely if he can't figure out what the hell he's talking about, no one else can. I find it funny that he can herd sheep so easily.

    Lol, you know that with these reviewers... first impression videos are a thing. That was his first impression. Hell, my first impression was ZOMG THIS IS AMAZING along with everyone else. However, as soon as I tried grouping up with a friend... my smile turned into a frown.

  • nerevarine1138
    Well, having never bothered to listen to any of this guy's idiotic rants before, I can safely say that I won't be listening to them in the future.

    Honestly, who pays attention to him?
  • Left_Hand
    Again, there are a great MANY issues that ZNMX really need to look into, but the hostility that Joe handed out was disproportionate. It was PARTICULARLY disproportionate for an MMO that is still going through a shake-down period that all MMOs suffer through.

    The problem a lot of players have is that these shakedown periods should be avoided with proper recourse to the beta phase.

    A good and smooth mmo launch is possible, others have managed to pull it off to great effect, a bad one in terms of server stability is also admissible, due to more than expected players numbers, but quest bugs, exploits, skills not working properly and other issues, those are down to improper testing or rushed releases and in my view are not admissible.

    Paying customers should not be an extension of the beta phase. This type of "release it now and fix it later" attitude from publishers needs to end.
  • kasain
    I think his review was pretty right on. I know the developers will get around to the bugs and such, but unless they fix grouping and questing this game is not a MMO. It may as well be an offline Elder Scrolls.

    A party or group should be able to do any quest together, shared, or able to help a friend or member. Period! Only when this is done can this game be truly a MMO.

    As for those solo fight likers and such. Other games like FFXIV have these fights rated at different difficulty so you can enter solo or with your group to play the fight and win. Why do we not have this option?

    I am level 40 and I not made one friend in the game. I am in five guilds and never done anything with any of them, or even know any of them. Others say even level 50+ veteran, doesn't change anything.

    If I want a solo game I am sure I can find many where I don't have to pay a sub fee.

  • Gohlar
    ESO has some good qualities, but in the grand scheme of things it's simply not a very good mmo. It's very cumbersome to play with others and the whole game uses a very dated theme park design.
  • LIQUID741
    Don't really read too much into the reviews, and never read the comments..most are hate-filled-RAGING mall rats. That constantly complain they want F2P...because they have 0 $$$. Mow more lawns..kids.
    Solid-Nightblade of AD
  • Supersomething
    Essentially a pretty accurate review on the current state of the game.
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • Ohioastro
    Both AJ and PC Gamer telegraphed their hostility to this game in their previews. This video is, simply put, old news and it was completely predictable. It looked to me as if he was skipping quest text, and things like bitching about poor cash rewards in chests just seemed to be looking for excuses to attack.

    This game has a certain aesthetic - you listen to voiced quests, explore, and so on. It's a MMO, which means that if you play it at launch you need tolerance for the need to fix things that break when a million people do something at once. If you're ignoring what the game is trying to do and pretending that it should be flawless on launch it's cheap and easy to flame it. But it does affirm the people who have fixated on hating the game, so I'm sure it'll be relentlessly promoted - while positive reviews will be ignored or downplayed as not being honest.
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