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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • OtarTheMad
    I agree with the NPC's that really do need some work because sometimes they really just get in the way or aren't made it react quicker. This shines to me in my PvP campaign where last night me and a group were defending a keep against the Daggerfall Covenant, it was a long battle but they did eventually get into the keep.

    Strategy was to use the npc's to our advantage, dump oil on those entering and use siege to hold them off... only problem was that 3-4 of them just walked by our NPC's and we had a battle with the enemy players right next to NPC guards who just stood there and did not help us.

    It was a long, fun defense but our players nor there's should be able to just walk by an NPC guard without them just immediately attacking them or us. That happened a few times last night and it was quite annoying.
  • Dionysis
    Okay, so maybe I am missing something, but I think they've done a great job with the concept and feel of The Elder Scrolls. Yes "questing is repetitive just like all MMO's" but all of the quests in Skyrim were "go here", "kill this guy", defend this place from attack", "meet me here", etc, just like ESO does. Nothing different. The story is compelling, voice over is great. Classes are super customizable. Landscapes are brilliant. There's all sorts of stuff that you have to explore to find.

    Sure there are problems. Bots, gold spammers, dupe bugs, group phasing issues, but these are all things that can be fixed. I am entirely confused by the people that say this doesn't have the heart or soul of the elder scrolls.
  • Requiemslove
    Yea but they tend to have specific group content for that. A lot of mmos are so easy anyway that you don't NEED to group up to get a standard quest done. I like the fact that enemies in TESO can cause you problems by yourself, and I LIKE the fact that any player can come out the blue and help you out...if your in trouble. I don't like it though when that other player comes along when you got things sorted to attack the mobs you are handily dispatching just for the xp....[and loot] No, there should be like a set amount of damage that player must do, to all enemies in a enemy group, before they get xp/loot rewards, and also, a saviour perk if the player they aided actually was in trouble. Heck, I must be honest, I'm guilty of it too, no doubt we all are. Wont stop it being an annoyance though.
  • FlameStar
    I'm still on the belief that it's only the minority of players that are having frustrations with TESO.
    I've been playing solo, and have been trying to get a couple of IRL friends to play with me. But all these negative reviews from the minority seems to make them put of purchasing the game.
    I can say that I'm really enjoying the game so far, even with the minor bugs. If its a quest that's bugged I just come back later when its fixed. Theres plenty more things to do while waiting.
    It's funny how aggressively passionate people get when they offer negative criticism. Saying stuff like it should've been fixed during beta or it should be free to play.
    It would be more constructive to send feedback like that in game or through email to devs.
    All I've seen is Zenimax doing their best to make a good game become great.

    Anyway I found the video to be slightly more to the non-constructive side. Sure it tells of his experience but it focuses mainly on the negative. Hes mentioned a few positives but spend way more time "ranting" about the negative ones.
    Eh, I'm pretty sure TESO is going to get more of these kind of "reviews" until the game gets settled .. and really I suppose every good game has it critics( and supporters).
    Edited by FlameStar on April 22, 2014 7:07PM
  • ZomZom
    Honestly, I wish all the people who claim to hate this game would just leave.
  • Sempars
    No one hates the game here, we just want the crap fixed so we can enjoy it the way it was meant to be.
  • Laura
    all the complaints about the bugs - legit and they should be ashamed for releasing the game too soon.

    Some things he says are just stupid and wrong though (20$ to play any race on any faction, funnels you to buy a horse for 15 dollars you can EASILY get the money for it)

    he also complains there is no reason to group? can you even imagine how big of a flop this game would have been if you were FORCED to group all the way through? a ton of people are already complaining the game is too hard I would like to see him in veteran ranks. He obviously isn't an MMO player.

    I am far from an apologist though, this game SHOULD have come out a year later with some more basic ES tenants like a crime system, housing, and etc.
    it would have received much much better ratings imo.
  • Sempars
    they have to one day put in housing. Crime system would be amazing.
    Edited by Sempars on April 22, 2014 7:37PM
  • Muletide
    A guy with "angry" in his name puts up an "angry" video about a giant MMO that isn't perfect in the first 2 weeks of launch... Maybe Unrealistic Joe is more fitting. Just like 99% of these naive posts: "Waaah I paid a measly $59.99 and I demand that every single one of my whims is met THIS second in detailed perfection, regardless that we're a mere 2 weeks into launch, or I'll threaten to go to some other obsolete, blown out, cookie cutter MMO!"

    I'm enjoying this game more than I anticipated. I will continue to show patience and support in it's growth.

    -Average "In-touch with reality" Joe
  • Holycannoli
    Joe's biggest complaint for months now has been the subscription. Everything he says always boils down to it.

    The truth is the PVE content isn't as bad as he says it is. I like Daggerfall's PVE so far. It's atmospheric and immersive.

    I also like that I can solo. If there's one thing I hate in MMOs it's forced grouping for everything. If you are an Elder Scrolls fan you're used to soloing.

    There are a few things I want them to fix though, which Joe did get right. I want a way to buy and sell via a public market system instead of guild stores (but not an auction house). There are still too many quest bugs. Bots are a serious plague right now. Phasing often screws up grouping.

    Maybe this recent review of his will keep the blustering idiots away. A lot of the people on youtube who are agreeing with his review seem to be the kind of people I don't want in the game anyway. The others seem to be the kind of people who can't think for themselves and probably aren't searching for other reviews. You can't just go by one review, especially one so opinionated from a guy who calls himself "Angry", but these idiots probably don't care.

    Imagine him reviewing classic Everquest? You want angry? Let's see him deal with campers and kill stealers, extremely long travel times, no public stores whatsoever, almost total reliance on grouping, no map or quest markers whatsoever, rare mobs that have the loot you actually want that may take days to spawn, quests that are sometimes inconceivably complicated and long, high level mobs in low level areas that can ruin your day, etc. Man I want to see him review that.
    Edited by Holycannoli on April 22, 2014 7:49PM
  • Hawke
    Look, a lot of what he said in the review is spot on. Some of it was... meh, I think he was nitpicking more out of "anger" because of his disappointment that certain bugs were still going on. Broken quests suck. Someone killing a mob you are waiting to respawn before you get a chance to react, sucks.

    I get it.

    But he did like PvP (7/10)... Why? Because he could do stuff with his friends and the Angry Army.

    And no, I am not an Angry Army member, I am Hawke... that is all I can say.

    Will I wish this game goes to FTP? Heck no, I am a fan of subscriptions.

    Will I stop playing the game when my free month ends? No, I subbed for the 6 month option (wish there was an annual option personally).
  • Jadeviper1974
    As far as I can tell this review is the most accurate that I have seen thus far. I wish he had concentrated on the nightmare that is inventory management. Also, wish he had addressed the bots and gold spammers that contrary to their claims I can't tell that Zenimax has done a single thing to combat.
    What is written above are my honest opinions. If you agree then; "Great!" If you disagree; "Great!" I really couldn't care less either way.
  • Luciana
    Only real beef I have with ESO myself is that it does neither Elder Scrolls right, in that it lacks so many things from Skyrim (mmo, I know this is to be expected), and that it also doesn't do MMO right.

    As an Elder Scrolls game it misses countless features Skyrim had, as an MMO it misses countless basic features even MMO's that are developed, DEVELOPED as F2P, do have.

    It's stuck in between the two, either avidly try to make it as Elder Scrolls as humanly possible, or admit that it's a futile attempt and add many of the basic functions MMO players crave, mini-map, buff bar, proper skill bars, etc.

    Right now in a lot of cases neither MMO players nor hardcore Elder Scrolls players, are happy, because both groups miss a lot of what they desire to see.
    Edited by Luciana on April 22, 2014 8:11PM
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Greyhaven
    Luciana wrote: »
    Only real beef I have with ESO myself is that it does neither Elder Scrolls right, in that it lacks so many things from Skyrim (mmo, I know this is to be expected), and that it also doesn't do MMO right.

    As an Elder Scrolls game it misses countless features Skyrim had, as an MMO it misses countless basic features even MMO's that are developed, DEVELOPED as F2P, do have.

    It's stuck in between the two, either avidly try to make it as Elder Scrolls as humanly possible, or admit that it's a futile attempt and add many of the basic functions MMO players crave, mini-map, buff bar, proper skill bars, etc.

    Right now in a lot of cases neither MMO players nor hardcore Elder Scrolls players, are happy, because both groups miss a lot of what they desire to see.

    Interesting that you speak for all hardcore MMO and ES players....I have been playing ES since Arena and MMO's since Meridian 59 I'm enjoying the game immensely...why is your opinion more valid than mine??
  • Chanz
    I agree with Angry Joe. I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10. Why? He did not even mention horrible customer service (some third party providing the service, using automated bots to answer), huge lack of communication from developers - almost no updates or they come too late etc. and, the worst thing for me, scheduled maintenance at prime time while they can not even patch the game up smoothly. Almost every maintenance ends up in complete disaster (recent activation code circus, accounts being locked etc.). I will not even comment the fiasco about people buying physical copies and not getting keys... It is Zenimax's fault and not the fault of retailers, although it is sometimes better to talk to a wall instead to some people, the wall might even want to hear what you have to say.

    From me, the game gets 3/10 at max. If it would have been F2P from the start, it would get a 5/10. With the expensive launch and subscription price (after the first free month), i have expected a LOT more than this. I am a huge ES fan, but this is a outrage.

    Facts are facts. I do not hate the game. I hate the mentality of those in charge - not being able to live up to their hype of the game and give us what we, their customers, really deserve.

    You can see this as a rage or whatever you want. The game is far from even being good in its current state no matter how much some of you, fanboys, claim it had a smooth launch and almost does not have bugs, especially game breaking ones.
  • Jeremy

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.

  • Udaku
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.
    When you quote only some parts of the post, that means you didn't read anything else in the post ;)

    Boycott, oppose & unsubscribe!
  • Chanz
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.
    If you're going to troll, then please do it properly.

  • Jeremy
    Udaku wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.
    When you quote only some parts of the post, that means you didn't read anything else in the post ;)

    I did read it all. So it doesn't mean that.

    I'm just emphasizing the parts of his post I wanted to comment on to highlight my point. Would you rather me quoted the whole post and bold the parts in question? I could do that instead if you like that better.
    Edited by Jeremy on April 22, 2014 8:39PM
  • Tannakaobi
    stylernaku wrote: »
    Sarenia wrote: »
    9 pages of comments and only +2 agrees with the OP.

    I think it's safe to say most of us are enjoying the game just fine, thanks.

    I think it's safe to say Bull$%*&

    Most people are frustrated with the buggs/Bots/spam/loading screens. Put your head in the sand if you do so choose but if everyone does that, this game will fail.

    With some updates this game could be great but it's far far away from that right now.

    Most people, then why is it I see negativity on here, where it's easy for any troll to dump his negative crap on a post with a little video or meme, but when I'm playing in PVP, or Pve with everyone else, I don't see complaints in Zone chat...?

    We are all busy playing. When there's a bug people vent on here they can't do x y z, when the bugs fixed however just what percentage do you think of the former whiners come back on this forum to say thank you for sorting that.

    Exactly. The numbers of people playing now, should give you an idea of how popular the game really is, and how many are truly enjoying it.

    If people are running around in pvp at vet 10, who have not exploited, then what the hell does that tell you. That's some game time put in there, who'd do that if this game was this "unplayable trainwreck" exactly. You wouldn't take the time you'd be off playing something else.

    What I SEE with this ame is a very aggresive effort from people to churn up the slightest issue and bug and CAPSLOCK a post about how the game will surely be F2P and fail because you can't get a sword in pink, or call your mudcrap mr tickle.

    I see this game, as MANY OTHERS DO, as showing great potential. It's sjust a shame so many WoW kiddy winks came over here and got all TLDR because the quests ask you read things sometimes and there's a focus on concentrating on combat, not just spaming macro's.

    I didn't say it was a bad game, I said people are frustrated, which they are.

    If the devs are like you a put their fingers in there ears and close their eyes the game will fail. Fortunately, they won't.

    I love the fact that anyone that says anything negative automatically becomes a WOW kiddy. It's a very childish mentality which could easily be turned around.

    I'm a TES fan as much as I am an mmo fan, but without honest feedback the game will not get better and pretending that everything is perfect is not being honest.

  • trahe
    I'm confused. Aren't they working on bugs? Yes, there are bugs. They are working on them. Thank you for playing. If you can wait and enjoy the game, great. If you would rather come back later, ok. If you only wanted to give it once chance and never return, ok.

    I've personally saved a couple of kingdoms and many fair maidens and I'm able to play the game in its current bug-ridden version.

    See you tonight after work.

    edited to add: I give it's current incarnation a 6 out of 10 compared to other mmo launches I have played, and there have been many. I always take a week off work to play and my vacation to play ESO was wonderful, even when they took the servers offline twice!
    Edited by trahe on April 22, 2014 8:39PM
  • Jeremy
    Chanz wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »

    Chanz wrote: »
    I would not have given this garbage they have served us even a 5 out of 10.

    I do not hate the game.

    I have a hard time reconciling these two statements in your post.
    If you're going to troll, then please do it properly.


    I'm not trolling Chanz.

    I'm pointing out your post seems very hateful towards the game despite your claim that you don't hate the game.

    Calling the game garbage goes outside the bounds of normal criticism and demonstrates to me some very strong negative emotions ^^

    Edited by Jeremy on April 22, 2014 8:46PM
  • Luciana
    Greyhaven wrote: »
    Luciana wrote: »
    Only real beef I have with ESO myself is that it does neither Elder Scrolls right, in that it lacks so many things from Skyrim (mmo, I know this is to be expected), and that it also doesn't do MMO right.

    As an Elder Scrolls game it misses countless features Skyrim had, as an MMO it misses countless basic features even MMO's that are developed, DEVELOPED as F2P, do have.

    It's stuck in between the two, either avidly try to make it as Elder Scrolls as humanly possible, or admit that it's a futile attempt and add many of the basic functions MMO players crave, mini-map, buff bar, proper skill bars, etc.

    Right now in a lot of cases neither MMO players nor hardcore Elder Scrolls players, are happy, because both groups miss a lot of what they desire to see.

    Interesting that you speak for all hardcore MMO and ES players....I have been playing ES since Arena and MMO's since Meridian 59 I'm enjoying the game immensely...why is your opinion more valid than mine??

    Where did I say all?

    And did I also not say ''in a lot of cases''?

    If you don't feel that way then obviously you aren't part of the countless people (including me) that agree with what AngryJoe says in his review.

    I myself am immensly enjoying the game also, but I don't look away from the flaws I see, I don't look away from the fact that I see both a lot of Elder Scrolls functions and also a lot of MMO functions missing, which is why I said it doesn't really get either role ( ES game, MMO) right.
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Gix
    I like Angry joe. He tend to exaggerate a lot but then he's really passionate about the things he talks about.

    He points out a lot of the flaws that TESO has (like the phasing) but, at the end of the day, I have to disagree with his overall attitude towards the game. For instance, the guy takes the time to talk about how unimpressive the graphics are which, aside from being technically out of date, are excessively beautiful.

    Also, does he always scream like that in PvP? I wouldn't be able to stand playing.
    Chanz wrote: »
    From me, the game gets 3/10 at max. If it would have been F2P from the start, it would get a 5/10. With the expensive launch and subscription price (after the first free month), i have expected a LOT more than this. I am a huge ES fan, but this is a outrage.
    How does it being free suddenly make the game better for you?

    Game is good or bad regardless of price.
    Edited by Gix on April 22, 2014 8:54PM
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Luciana
    Gix wrote: »
    Also, does he always scream like that in PvP? I wouldn't be able to stand playing.

    He's mostly putting on a show for his ''Angry Army'' community.

    I'll also disagree with the overall attitude he has towards ESO, while his review has many sound points, I did feel, while watching his livestreams, that he wasn't even trying to enjoy himself.

    I also find myself going ''truly, the quests don't feel any different to me from Skyrim'', so I find myself unable to understand why he apparently hates all of the quests so much.
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Etchesketch
    Best quote..

    "who fn defends this??"

    This is sooo bad and his review is dead on.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • knightblaster
    Luciana wrote: »
    Only real beef I have with ESO myself is that it does neither Elder Scrolls right, in that it lacks so many things from Skyrim (mmo, I know this is to be expected), and that it also doesn't do MMO right.

    As an Elder Scrolls game it misses countless features Skyrim had, as an MMO it misses countless basic features even MMO's that are developed, DEVELOPED as F2P, do have.

    It's stuck in between the two, either avidly try to make it as Elder Scrolls as humanly possible, or admit that it's a futile attempt and add many of the basic functions MMO players crave, mini-map, buff bar, proper skill bars, etc.

    Right now in a lot of cases neither MMO players nor hardcore Elder Scrolls players, are happy, because both groups miss a lot of what they desire to see.

    Precisely, as long as we use the word "most" and not "all", I agree with this assessment completely. It's the core issue that underlies all of the other design problems with the game. Anyone who is not blinded by new car smell or fan syndrome can see this, imo.
  • knightblaster
    Gix wrote: »

    Game is good or bad regardless of price.

    The issue is value for the price. A car may be good but not worth the asking price. In today's MMO market, only games that offer a substantial number of players something they cannot get anywhere else are able to sustain a subscription model -- that's because of what the gamer community thinks, in terms of what justifies paying a subscription for. EVE and WoW are the two main examples here. Most new MMOs can't sustain the model, because the value proposition isn't there for enough players to sustain it. The reason for that is that the bar is now quite high for many players in terms of justifying a subscription.

    So, yes, people will evaluate what a game offers in terms of the value it presents versus what it costs. Doing otherwise would be stupid.
  • Luciana
    Precisely, as long as we use the word "most" and not "all", I agree with this assessment completely. It's the core issue that underlies all of the other design problems with the game. Anyone who is not blinded by new car smell or fan syndrome can see this, imo.

    Ehh yeah, I should have probably been more specific in my sentence there, never my intention to speak for -all- mmo/elder scrolls players, I certainly see and understand that some people truly feel that nothing at all is wrong with the game.

    As I said though, to me, Zenimax needs to make choices, right now ESO, while definitely having been a lot of fun to me so far, my main now being Veteran rank 1, ultimately ESO is stuck between trying to be an Elder Scrolls game while also wanting to be an MMO, the result is that it does neither any real justice.

    I feel that I shouldn't have to download often buggy add ons to get things that I consider basic in every other MMO I actively play (Tera Online, SWTOR, STO), those basic MMO features are missing entirely instead of being optional like I think they should be, at least the things that don't affect others, as I can understand optional proper 1 to 0 skill bars (multiple), would heavily impact those that do feel comfortable with this silly action bar system we have now.

    And remember, most of these MMO functions ARE missing to increase the feeling of playing an Elder Scrolls game, as obviously Skyrim had also been known for this kind of minimalist UI, and it worked there, to me, it does not here.
    Edited by Luciana on April 22, 2014 9:30PM
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
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