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Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

  • Mie87
    Major issues? Which? Not for me anyway. This is just another post from someone who is disappointed in the game.
  • mutharex
    @Chryos this is the same people who always jump on a new game, complain like this, and then leave. Most will be complaining in Wildstar in a month. Why Angry Joe? because he is offensive and loud and fits their profile
  • Chryos
    Oh yeah, Angry Joes complaints on the graphics being barely passable. Again, he is WRONG. I run a Asus latop, 1800 bucks when i paid for it a few years later. It runs just fine on high settings and the graphics are beautiful. Some of AJ points are valid but at some point they have to release the game to start making money otherwise they would go bankrupt taking 10 years to work on a game. It's gotta start sometime. Give them time. First they gotta get the game stable, get rid of the cheaters (low life hackers), the criminal data phishing botters and gold spammers. You know all the ones impeding the progress on improving the game. If it wasnt for those guys, they could focus on fixing the stuff we want. Again, give it some time.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • rager82b14_ESO
    His 2 cents about graphics aside, Most of his points are dead on. Defending this game is not going to make it better. As players you should be upset about some of the things this game does wrong.

    The fact that Night Blade is half done and buggy
    The fact that Vampires skills are bugged.
    The fact sooo many quests are bugged. There are still quests i can't do even after they been fixing them like crazy.
    The fact that there is a exploit in the combat system using bash.
    The fact that grouping with players is the most pain in the ass thing to do with phasing.

    You can love the game, heck I love the game. I however have enough sense to know that the Flaws of this damn game need some HUGE working in.
  • Chryos
    I love this game! In fact, I never liked pvp in other mmo's I've played, until I tried it in this game. My PvE leveling hs taken a backseat because I spend so much time in PvP. I've been playing mmorpgs since EQ1 and this is the only mmorpg I truly enjoy since the old school days of EQ1 and UO. My hope is that we can get some player or guild housing soon. I'm pretty sure it will happen once the initial problems are dealt with. I've had very little issues with stability and content. Only problems come from the cheating hackers and botters who ruin the game for people that do not have to cheat to win. If you are running hacks to win, you really are a low life, cheating in a game, how sad.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • sigmond
    If the game is that bad go somewhere else. We don't need you.
    Let me guess you want a prize because you showed up. Here have a cookie.
  • Luciana
    Chryos wrote: »
    get rid of the cheaters (low life hackers), the criminal data phishing botters and gold spammers.

    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Chryos
    Grouping isnt an issue with me. Invite to group, TP to player in the same phase, done. When in cyrodil, get to zone first, then group up, done. Finding people to group with, I group only with my guild of like minded people who have mmo experience. Theres no problems with grouping other than the occasional large group crash, soon to be ironed out I am sure.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chryos
    Problems with character and combat bugs? Provide a detailed bug report, write intelligently on a fix/provide a solution, wait for it to be fixed, work around the issue until then, done.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • Chirru
    No excuses will do. A.J. got much right in his review of the game... I wish he was wrong...but he is not. The things he pointed out need to be fixed for the game to be successful.
  • Chryos
    Ohhh learn to play your character, think that speed leveling to the top is going to help you? Umm..no, you have to play and learn your character and how you fit in with a decent group. People are complaining mainly because they try and play this game like EQ or WoW or whatever, this isnt either of them. This is ESO, learn how to play ESO, it's different.
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Major issues? Which? Not for me anyway. This is just another post from someone who is disappointed in the game.

    You know I never really have gotten this misconception among gamers. The idea that if I don't experience it, therefor it must not exist. People like you should learn to look things objectively and accept the fact that not everyone shares the same expectations and experiences.

  • Luciana
    Chryos wrote: »
    Ohhh learn to play your character, think that speed leveling to the top is going to help you? Umm..no, you have to play and learn your character and how you fit in with a decent group. People are complaining mainly because they try and play this game like EQ or WoW or whatever, this isnt either of them. This is ESO, learn how to play ESO, it's different.

    Ehh, no, people are trying to play this like an Elder Scrolls game, which is, you know, what all the disappointment is about.

    People expected Skyrim Online, they got ESO instead.
    Edited by Luciana on April 23, 2014 1:51PM
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • mutharex
    Chirru wrote: »
    No excuses will do. A.J. got much right in his review of the game... I wish he was wrong...but he is not. The things he pointed out need to be fixed for the game to be successful.

    And of course what better way to get things fixed than starting rage filled threads about how much ZOS suck or whatever
  • mutharex
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Major issues? Which? Not for me anyway. This is just another post from someone who is disappointed in the game.

    You know I never really have gotten this misconception among gamers. The idea that if I don't experience it, therefor it must not exist. People like you should learn to look things objectively and accept the fact that not everyone shares the same expectations and experiences.

    I think the idea is "If I and 90% of people don't experience it, why should I give a F?"
  • rager82b14_ESO
    sigmond wrote: »
    If the game is that bad go somewhere else. We don't need you.

    Dumbest comment ever.

    The more people play the more money the company gets. The more money they get, the more stuff we get. *** off players the fastest way to get to f2p

  • mutharex
    sigmond wrote: »
    If the game is that bad go somewhere else. We don't need you.

    Dumbest comment ever.

    The more people play the more money the company gets. The more money they get, the more stuff we get. *** off players the fastest way to get to f2p

    Hmm maybe but I seen more content, quality and number of (free) expansions from a 500K players game (EVE) than from some (presumed) 12 million players behemoth... so I really doubt you are right on this
  • Shimond
    Dumbest comment ever.

    The more people play the more money the company gets. The more money they get, the more stuff we get. *** off players the fastest way to get to f2p

    True, but the more people the company tries to make happy when opinions are all over the place, the more the game itself suffers and the more people end up eventually leaving anyway.

    The trick is to listen to the "right" people and accept that not everyone will be happy and you won't be able to retain 100% of the people that try out the game.

    Now who the "right" people are is up to ZOS to decide :P
    Edited by Shimond on April 23, 2014 2:03PM
  • mutharex
    Shimond wrote: »
    Dumbest comment ever.

    The more people play the more money the company gets. The more money they get, the more stuff we get. *** off players the fastest way to get to f2p

    True, but the more people the company tries to make happy when opinions are all over the place, the more the game itself suffers and the more people end up eventually leaving anyway.

    The trick is to listen to the "right" people and accept that not everyone will be happy and you won't be able to retain 100% of the people that try out the game.

    Now who the "right" people are is up to ZOS to decide :P

    I suppose that the ones screaming "F** you ZOS you money grabbing PoS" are less likely to be chosen, at least I hope....
    Chryos wrote: »
    Oh yeah, Angry Joes complaints on the graphics being barely passable. Again, he is WRONG. I run a Asus latop, 1800 bucks when i paid for it a few years later. It runs just fine on high settings and the graphics are beautiful. Some of AJ points are valid but at some point they have to release the game to start making money otherwise they would go bankrupt taking 10 years to work on a game. It's gotta start sometime. Give them time. First they gotta get the game stable, get rid of the cheaters (low life hackers), the criminal data phishing botters and gold spammers. You know all the ones impeding the progress on improving the game. If it wasnt for those guys, they could focus on fixing the stuff we want. Again, give it some time.

    Yeah it runs well but that is aside from graphics. It is performance aspect. And I would argue with AJ on some part about his graphics but he isn't entirely wrong about them either. Some of the textatures are very ugly for Triple A 2014 title.

    Dor example the rocks or wood textatures at times are hideous and very outdated but for example the shores and waters are done exceptionally well for any 2014 game.

    Then again, he doesn't take the fact that this was meant to appeal to wider audience and not that good computers as well as run on consoles so that is a thing that he forgets and surely affects some quality aspects of the game.
    Edited by BETAOPTICS on April 23, 2014 2:29PM
  • Holycannoli
    Jeremy wrote: »
    But why is it such an issue for him to just walk until he can afford a horse?

    That's one of the reasons I want him to play project 1999 for a month then review it (project 1999 is classic everquest). If he thinks running from one fort to another in cyrodiil is bad what will he think about having to run across a continent and wait on a boat to get to other continents? My first run from Felwithe to Erudin was the single most epic MMO experience I've ever had. That was like 15 years ago though.

    When you come from older MMOs you have a different perspective on these "shortcomings" ESO has. I like how many dungeons are public (and especially like that loot is instanced and you can't be prevented from getting xp or loot). I like that you have to run to places and that forts are distanced in cyrodiil, otherwise it would be a huge zerg battle nonstop. No housing? Doesn't bother me. We will get it eventually, and the last "housing" I dealt with was Rift's dimensions which I did not care for; Everquest didn't have it at all.

    This game is a lot better than he makes it out to be, and he apparently really enjoys PVP, the combat and the character development system which are core parts of the game.
  • Raice
    Angry Joe only has one angle on this game: It isn't F2P.

    That's it. That's his only argument. That's all it's ever been about with him. In reality... nothing else really matters to him or his cronies. If it isn't F2P... then it will be soon, and that's when they'll like it. Period. End of story. It could be the exact carbon copy game we got on Day 1 - but if it were F2P... it would be the best game ever.

    They don't want to pay a subscription... because... apples. They will never ever understand how F2P games eat your wallet inside and out, because they simply don't pay anything in the first place. You have to take everything people like him say with a grain of salt.
  • NukaCola
    How can you immerse yourself to any game while listening to an annoying woman rambling in skype the whole time?
  • MathisBorgen
    I feel that he has lots of valid points. I'm not sure how I feel about this game anymore TBH. I really want to love it, and most of the time I do. But I'm not sure if I will continue my subscription after I reach VR with my main character. :( I love craftng, discovery, PVP and lots of stuff about this game. I don't mind a monthly fee either, as long as there is good content added. And I don't mind bugs (most of the time) either, as long as they are fixed. But I'm not sure yet if I love it enough to keep subscribing for an extended period of time. I guess I will see what I think of the adventure zones and give them time to fix the stuff that's wrong with the game before making my final desicion. But as it is right now, I would probably rate the game at 7/10 and note that it has potential to be much better, but if it doesn't fullfill that potential then I am (very sadly) out.
    Edited by MathisBorgen on April 23, 2014 2:53PM
  • Luciana
    The fact that there is a exploit in the combat system using bash.

    What do you mean? I use shield bash all the time. o.o
    EU Megaserver
    [MAIN] Luciana - Imperial - Dragon Knight - Aldmeri Dominion
    [ALT] Arrenhe - Altmer - Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
  • Rapscallion74
    Luciana wrote: »
    The fact that there is a exploit in the combat system using bash.

    What do you mean? I use shield bash all the time. o.o

    shield bash(just regular, not the ability power bash), with 2 points in the Deadly Bash passive is severely overpowered to the point of being broken at the moment.
    Edited by Rapscallion74 on April 23, 2014 3:51PM
  • mutharex
    Luciana wrote: »
    The fact that there is a exploit in the combat system using bash.

    What do you mean? I use shield bash all the time. o.o

    LOL maybe THAT's the exploit! You aren't supposed to bash, just stand there tab targetting and trying to work a rotation a-la-wow LOL!
  • Kililin
    sigmond wrote: »
    If the game is that bad go somewhere else. We don't need you.

    ZOS does, i doubt they have enough subscribers, else they would mention it in the state of the game post.
    Mie87 wrote: »
    Major issues? Which? Not for me anyway. This is just another post from someone who is disappointed in the game.

    If they are so common, what could be the reason?
    Luciana wrote: »
    The fact that there is a exploit in the combat system using bash.

    What do you mean? I use shield bash all the time. o.o

    Its about animation clipping, no exploit at all.

    Angry Joe maybe overdoes some things and says immersion way to often (btw. *** immersion) but he also nails down some the major flaws.

  • Mie87
    I feel that he has lots of valid points. I'm not sure how I feel about this game anymore TBH. I really want to love it, and most of the time I do. But I'm not sure if I will continue my subscription after I reach VR with my main character. :( I love craftng, discovery, PVP and lots of stuff about this game. I don't mind a monthly fee either, as long as there is good content added. And I don't mind bugs (most of the time) either, as long as they are fixed. But I'm not sure yet if I love it enough to keep subscribing for an extended period of time. I guess I will see what I think of the adventure zones and give them time to fix the stuff that's wrong with the game before making my final desicion. But as it is right now, I would probably rate the game at 7/10 and note that it has potential to be much better, but if it doesn't fullfill that potential then I am (very sadly) out.

    This is also somehow how I feel about it, love the game so far but it needs some updates.
    I really want it to succeed and it has the potential.

    Somehow I feel there should be more modern and groundbreaking things in the game, but maybe that's just me. I mean make it more realistic through live attacks in towns, make npc's more 'alive' and not copies of each other.

    Maybe it's too early to ask for a revolution in gaming :-)
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Animation clipping is broken, and breaks the combat of the game. It just means that classes can spam super powerful magic skills without the cost of animation for them

    This game is the worse type of buggy on release.
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