Major issues with the game - by Angry Joe

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  • AlchemyDevil
    Hey @nekrosis258 , @AlchemyDevil and @deadpoetic6 are you trolling other games Forums you despise too?

    I really try to understand you, but i dont get it.. you are coming here with the sole purpose of commenting on something you wont Play / Buy /whatever.

    You doing this in RL too? Going to your next car dealer and moan there that their cars are ***? even without owning one of that brand? Because the Interwebz said so!

    Please help me here to understand your desire for doing this?

    I am not trolling, I am sad for the state of the game. I am waiting and praying that the game improves dramatically into the game I hoped it would be, or really should be. Like many others I still play the game, but I am frustrated with it's current condition. More people need to complain publicly so the Devs start taking it seriously. Stop working on bringing out new content and start by fixing the substantial amount of issues the game currently has.

  • Csub
    Hey @nekrosis258 , @AlchemyDevil and @deadpoetic6 are you trolling other games Forums you despise too?

    I really try to understand you, but i dont get it.. you are coming here with the sole purpose of commenting on something you wont Play / Buy /whatever.

    You doing this in RL too? Going to your next car dealer and moan there that their cars are ***? even without owning one of that brand? Because the Interwebz said so!

    Please help me here to understand your desire for doing this?

    They don`t have anything better to do with their time.
    "The Divines gave you a nose for a reason, Tharn. So you can keep your mouth shut and still keep breathing. - Lyris Titanborn
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Guys its ANGRY joe. He doesnt give good reviews of anything. Hes always angry. Hence his name.
  • Arwyn
    I love the game still at the moment, I dont consider myself blinkered in any way, tbh there is a lot I dont like about the game and I think he has summed up 90% of it right there. There are some things he says which seem to bash unfairly without considering other aspects (the gold gain for example) however a lot is accurate.

    Spot on about the trees voice though, I just did that quest and was like....that isnt right!!

    Pay attention Zenimax! You seems so close and can definitely save this game!

    For the record I am still enjoying myself but bugged quests and content do annoy the heck out of me! I would be very concerned if there isnt a big patch on the way to solve the problems, and it needs to come soon.
  • Kiwi
    i didnt pay money to care what someone else thinks about the game
    im having a lot of fun playing it.
    A large yellow rectangle
  • reggielee

    the issues they are aware of and hopefully will get fixed soon. The misinformation is what any word of mouth user will get when they dont play the game fully to understand. Not defending the game, just tired of these groupies posting web links to boost that users click count
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
    I could critique candy crush for not having an engaging story, that doesnt make it a worse game. Its just not something it isnt.

    ESO is not a hardcore pvp MMO, nor it is a sandbox.
    Its pretty darn immersive if you play in 1st person mode all the time.

    Oh and FYI, it is like comparing a car to a banana. Candy crush isn't MMO. It isn't even RPG. They share hardly any elements to any extent. That game doesn't even share same platforms or same kind of investment.

    And what comes to your latter comment. True, but that is what TESO was advertised as being a Skyrim and MMO morph. Yes, it was said that it won't be Skyrim online and how could it be. But it was advertised in the name or traditional TES game fashion thus what you are saying is exactly hitting the nail, the core of the problem this game has.
  • Alurria
    These types of threads do not foster any sort of productive discussion. What the heck is a angry Joe? He doesn't pay my rent, buy my food, pay my bills. Where's his degree? Any person with a video camera and mic can make a YouTube video. This is all subjective, I don't care if he makes good or bad points. This is the new player forum for helping new players not posting whines or angry joe links.

    In a couple years probably less people will be saying who is angry joe never heard of him I mean until this thread I never knew he existed. I haven't lost any sleep over it. I mean lol.....really? Pointless thread is pointless.
  • mutharex

    Of course you are absolutely right i bow to your infinite wisdom of blindly allowing ppl to spend money on a game that has these issues just because you think that either these problems aren't affecting ppl or that you are truly so blinded by the fact it's an Eso game that no matter what problems ppl point out it's far easier to make snide comments about these issues.

    That is what is truly pathetic.

    You freak out for bugs in a game that is 2 weeks old, organise 'pickets' to scare away potential customers AND I am pathetic?? Ok.... Dude, think about your issues and forget about the game
  • Terroni
    I enjoy how people attack the messenger rather than the message.

    Being punished by grouping in an MMO is a huge point.

    The lack of discovery is a huge point.

    The farming of boss mobs in public dungeons is a huge point with ruining immersion. Dozens upon dozens of the same boss body laying on top of one another really drives that home.

    MMOs that spend lots of money in production expect lots of money in return, ergo the cash grab feel. Some are better at hiding it than others though.
  • coryevans_3b14_ESO
    This whole thing needs to be deleted or moved to customer support. I don't see anything that would constructively help a new player other then some people trying to discourage the purchase of the game. Which, since this is the "new player" area, the game has already been purchased. Drivel.
  • ashley-jamesb16_ESO
    mutharex wrote: »

    You freak out for bugs in a game that is 2 weeks old, organise 'pickets' to scare away potential customers AND I am pathetic?? Ok.... Dude, think about your issues and forget about the game

    Organise pickets WTF are you talking about I am expressing my dissatisfaction with another games company that is more than happy sending out a sub par product but you are again correct that we should all be happy little sheep that allow ppl to keep giving it to us while thanking them for doing so.

  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    I've experienced every aspect of the game he's complaining about. & I agree.

    The grouping system is the worst ever, phasing & megaserver complete fails.

    Great idea, poorly executed.
    Edited by Jim_McMasterub17_ESO on April 22, 2014 12:08PM
  • AlchemyDevil

    Hey now, Alchemydevil told me he is a "mature" and "calm" adult in a PM he sent me to call me a child and tell me he'd reported me for questioning his IQ.

    I'm inclined to be believe him, he seems legit to me .... true story.

    Hahaha, I see you are back to trying to make yourself feel like a man again. Keep it up little fella, you'll get it right one day. :)

  • GaBacon
    well, i don't know who Angry Joe is but he is only one opinion.
  • Dunhilda
    Guys its ANGRY joe. He doesnt give good reviews of anything. Hes always angry. Hence his name.

    Keep telling yourself that, the only one I know that give games bad joking reviews is Yahtzee.

    The fact you think he doesn't give good reviews of anything he does only proves one thing, it proves to me you have no idea what you speak off, watch his reviews in future, hell just spend five minutes and look for the games you hated and see if he also reviewed them.

    I feel this isn't a Elder scroll game I mean could anyone point to me where the thieve guild is, hell while you do that, quickly hail Sithis and tell me where I can join the Dark Brotherhood?

    One second while I trespass in this house and steal someone's wheat I hope the guards don't come after me.

    Oh wait while I murder all of the innocent vendors in town and killed all the guards.

    Man I could do with some nice new texture mods and some sexy armour let me just mod this up *Banned*

    Don't get me wrong I'm going to enjoy ESO while I can, that is until I'm bored of it, that could be a couple of months maybe one or two days from now, hell maybe a couple of years.

    Right now this game has that New game fee.

    Edited by Dunhilda on April 22, 2014 12:12PM
  • Mizumauz
    This review is for the most part, spot on. Especially from the standpoint of people who quest together/wanted to experience the vast majority of the games content together. My bf & I got this game, paid additional for the imperial edition so we could have the rings of mara, and then what we eventually found out was the only way to really take advantage of those rings was not by sharing quests & being able to complete them alongside each other at a faster pace, but rather grinding mobs. So our experience together has been pretty lackluster. We haven't been able to share quest lines, and some zones he can't even be with me as he hasn't completed some prerequisites to get there... that's fine, but if you really enjoy playing alongside your partner who is less than thrilled about the quests thus ignores a lot of them, it just slowly pushes you further apart. We had fun in the first few levels, now he has returned to his other games and when I try to get him to play TESO he just experiences a ridiculous amounts of bugs which for some reason I have not encountered nearly as much. He is always falling through the map, lost his bank space, gets stuck in wayshrines constantly, and spends a lot of time /stuck-ing himself and paying the hefty fees for repairs-so he basically just has to play naked constantly to avoid this. He also regularly encounters lengthy loading screens, only to load through and find out he is once again falling through the map. To be honest, the only real fun we have had together is one some joke characters who we go on the US server with to have hot khajiit on human/man on man action in public. But, they destroyed emoting as well upon release, being able to go into first person and position your character/do crazy spinning is impossible now and the fun emoting parties are a lot less enjoyable (plus on EU it seems no one even wants to partake). I really wanted this game to be good, after spending 130e on both our imperial editions, I expected it to be as such, but nope. I love the TES world, the former games are my favorite games in the damn world, but this feels neither like a TES game nor a decent MMO, (there are moments where some real elder scrolls feels shine through, but they are few and far between). That's just the sad truth of it all. The game might be worth an 8.99e sub fee a month, but the current asking price is such a slap in the face joke that I can not help but cancel the sub, plus boyfriend won't touch the game, so gg. It's pretty sad because I really wanted this to work out !

    And to those that wish all who have issues with the game to silence themselves, then you are more of a problem than the current issues themselves. Your behavior promotes people to merely slip away, cancel their subs, without a word of why, or a suggestion for changes-i.e. you want the game to die, instead of be directed along a path that'll fix the most aggravating issues at hand and promote it's growth and survival. So please, do not tell others their viewpoints shouldn't be voiced merely because they aren't raving about the awesomeness of this game! We need to discuss issues/voice our strong frustrations in order to give this game a chance to survive its first year!
  • Yankee
    Looking forward to the 30 days since launch mark. All the "I am not subbing" and "this game sux" people should be gone from these forums right?

    Angry Joe dude can move on to another game. Angry forum posters can move on to another game.

    Time will tell if that leaves enough people to support the sub model.

    But at least most the QQ and rage posts should die down.

    Maybe then the forum can be used for sharing information on playing the game.
  • mutharex

    Organise pickets WTF are you talking about I am expressing my dissatisfaction with another games company that is more than happy sending out a sub par product but you are again correct that we should all be happy little sheep that allow ppl to keep giving it to us while thanking them for doing so.

    Beeeeee happy
  • fredarbonab14_ESO
    ^^^ "I am not trolling, I am sad for the state of the game. I am waiting and praying that the game improves dramatically into the game I hoped it would be, or really should be. "

    The humanity! I bet you got all flying 'A's in drama class.
    mutharex wrote: »

    You can choose to manipulate reality as you wish, but fact stays that people thought Angry Joe was an angry little **** even before. You and other whiners seem to be the only people giving this nerd any credibility. You know, with all the bullcrap he spews during the video and he not even being in VRs?

    But hey, whatever makes you feel ok

    Yet, he did bypass all these issues before in one of his TESO videos and everyone was fine with that but once he has some criticism... oh boy what a storm. Angry Joe is not the only one though, most reviewers also get this treatment because they dare to question perfect little diamonds. Which in turn makes all these comments all the way more comical in the right mindset.
    Edited by BETAOPTICS on April 22, 2014 12:15PM
  • AlchemyDevil
    mutharex wrote: »
    Yup, perfectly correct sir. Your acts and words testify to that, don't they?

    lol, you are funny when you're angry :)

    Try not to get all emotional when people don't agree with your narrow minded opinion. If you don't have an issue with the game ... yay for you, but there are many players that would like to see it fixed/improved. Pull your head in and take a back seat, we don't have to agree with you or even respect your opinions. Sure we may get a giggle out of reading your dribble but that's neither here nor there hahaha

  • mutharex
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »

    Yet, he did bypass all these issues before in one of his TESO videos and everyone was fine with that but once he has some criticism... oh boy what a storm. Angry Joe is not the only one though, most reviewers also get this treatment because they dare to question perfect little diamonds. Which in turn makes all these comments all the way more comical in the right mindset.


    No one gave a crap about his first or second video, outside of haters and people who wanted to point out how pathetic his 'reviews' are, considering the 180 he did...
  • BrassRazoo
    I have no energy to watch whatever it is this Joe fella had to say.
    I am level 49, have hit Coldharbour and am having an extremely fun time and pretty much feel like I have barely explored all that the game has to offer right now, let alone in the months to come.

  • mutharex

    lol, you are funny when you're angry :)

    Try not to get all emotional when people don't agree with your narrow minded opinion. If you don't have an issue with the game ... yay for you, but there are many players that would like to see it fixed/improved. Pull your head in and take a back seat, we don't have to agree with you or even respect your opinions. Sure we may get a giggle out of reading your dribble but that's neither here nor there hahaha

    I think someone here is confused :)
    I am having a blast, I am not angry. When do I get the chance of laughing at some kid whose thesaurus is so rich and his english so fluent. Not to mention the crystal clear logic.

    PS We are laughing at you, in case you missed the point
    mutharex wrote: »

    No, the worst are the ones that will whine day after day over some obsession of his/hers or about some facet of the gameplay without giving any constructive criticism.

    Sorry but "big pile of crap" or "buggy mess and clunky" aren't constructive, just saying.

    At the end of the day, someone who believes that a game company is going to work better and faster if you keep on whining on the same issues and insulting anyone who doesn't agree, needs to see a doctor

    The problem is that you state your opinions as facts when the interview was interviewing industry professionals in many well known companies such as Square Enix, Bioware etc. and somehow your opinion completely overrides their comments as if you are the industry. Oh and don't mistake frustration and being worst as the same thing.

    Constant complainers are frustrating yes, but they are not the worst because at least they give out something they found being not good while people who give nothing to talk about, well don't.

    EDIT: In an ideal world, people would be able to have conversations and disagree without one trying to get a jump on another and in an ideal world, people would be willing to accept that there can be things that need further attention and that us, the forumers would be able to get constructive criticism always.

    But that is the ideal world fantasy, this is real world where unfortunately, it is not going to happen, at least not all the time.
    Edited by BETAOPTICS on April 22, 2014 12:27PM
  • Selstad
    Hm, ok, after the first minutes or so, I have a few issues with this fellow. First off, he seems to be yet another jumping on the popularity wagon of "Lets beat TESO", it doesn't seem like it's his own opinion, it just seems like regurgitations of already stated popular "hates" about the game. Not an Elder Scrolls game, no thievery system in place, no sandbox etc. Not sure what they expect to be honest, you can explore all your faction's zones, and they are big. You can later explore other faction's zones, even bigger. Yet they compare it to Skyrim with only 1 land to explore. I don't get it.

    2nd of, Imperial locked away behind a collectors edition. What's wrong here? Well, nothing, it's a business module everyone runs behind, having collectors edition only items (WoW per example gives out special pets). They are both purely cosmetic and offers nothing other than looks, yet when Zenimax does it, it's screaming and whining. Seriously, explain to me, why is it such a bad thing? I've tried to see it, but I can't.

    That's about as much as I managed to watch of this, all reviews seems to compete about how much they can bash TESO, but none actually have anything substantial to say. The best I've seen so far, is the complains about buggy quests, and that I can understand, that's genuine and OK to complain and deduce points for. But the other things I've seen and heard just doesn't make any sense at all, deduced points for not being Skyrim graphics, deduced points for not being open enough, deduced points for not having a thievery system etc. It just doesn't make any sense, if you want a Single player experience of Elder Scrolls you go play a single player version of Elder scrolls. MMOs have to cut corners, and make compromises at some points. Again, WoW have done that, yet again with TESO it's a crime against humanity, by the look of the complains.

    I guess it's too much to ask for to get a genuine review that addresses the problems of the game without going into obscurity about "oh noes this not Elder Scrolls!". It's an MMO, judge it like an MMO, not like a Single player game.
  • mutharex
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »

    The problem is that you state your opinions as facts when the interview was interviewing industry professionals in many well known companies such as Square Enix, Bioware etc. and somehow your opinion completely overrides their comments as if you are the industry. Oh and don't mistake frustration and being worst as the same thing.

    Constant complainers are frustrating yes, but they are not the worst because at least they give out something they found being not good while people who give nothing to talk about, well don't.

    Pardon my french, but BOLLOX

    1) People complain about one thing and the opposite, how do you know what's really 'important'?
    2) People will complain about things they don't like, but that doesn't mean there is something wrong (ie no name tags, no minimap etc)
    3) People who have a problem can choose to report the problem and wait till it's fixed OR fill the forum with doom and gloom threads that have no constructive criticism and are based on the only premise of "devs don't do nothing unless we scream on the boards"

    And that doesn't even cover pro trolls who are 'going to get my 30 days worth of entertainment" like so many here
  • deadpoetic6
    Who said I don't play it? Because I accept that a game has flaws and is not perfect makes me a troll?

  • soarra
    hes a whiny self entitled a###### , who only likes f2p games. His audience is people under 20 and people who cant think for themselves.. his reviews are as good as ign's and we all know how bad that is.
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