Bolt Escape is overpowered

  • Therium104
    NordJitsu wrote: »

    Its fine if you don't believe me. We literally tested and recorded it.

    Problem you all have is that you come on the forums and say things based on what's in your head, but you have no concept of actually testing game mechanics.

    I did. I tested it. I will prove it.

    You are actually proving the counter to your argument but seem not smart enough to realize it. It us a trip. The devs are going to nerf this ability. I hope they do it soon because the game was just released.

    So my only request is that the devs nerf bolt escape right away and not wait around. Also, we need for the nerf buff garbage to be toned down.
  • abluemanb16_ESO
    I love how people on the side that want it nerfed always assume a full mana bar at both ends of the travel. Like you can bolt escape in to battle have enough magicka to kill and then bolt escape out. It just doesnt work like that.

    If I sacrifice 2 slots on my bar for an escape. Of course I want it to work.
    Thats the point in choosing those skills. If a skill doesnt work, there is NO point in that skill and no one will use it. So why nerf it, its not the skill itself thats the problem, its the use with immovable that makes it more of an issue.

    Why not be sensible and nerf the problem which is really people using immovable that dont actually deserve to. That way, you stop the escape no matter what, but still leave bolt escape a chance to work as an escape.

    Immovable should have a 3 or 5 piece heavy armour minimum. That way DK's can still chain you back in or you can still get cc'd and have to use the CC break. The other classes that dont use heavy armour dont get to use it as well so sorcs arnt singled out. Immovable should not be a skill everyone uses without at least being a heavy armour user.

    If you arnt using heavy armour why should you get to use the active ability.
    Edited by abluemanb16_ESO on May 12, 2014 4:25PM
  • Zafu
    Single worst, most lame, annoying of all skills in the game. Do the Devs ever PVP; or play their own game?
  • Obscure
    A few months ago on the PTS forums I actually tossed in the idea of requiring the player to wear the corresponding chest piece of armor to use the active of that armor. Didn't see much traffic or interest, namely because it doesn't really establish balance, just a prerequisite. No matter how much it would make sense to function only when using the appropriate armor type, implementation only sets a precedent within the meta; instead of creating balance, you've created "right" and "wrong" builds.

    Requiring 3 heavy now means all Sorcs running "unstoppable bolt escape" will run 5 light 3 heavy (Shield counts as heavy just in case you didn't know) as a mandatory gear set to retain their competitive edge. When it comes to game design you have to anticipate a reaction instead of assuming a solution. If you poke them in the ribs will they giggle or will they punch you in the face? Really depends on the other variables in place, and in ESO's case, prerequisite armor would do little to create balance and more to create player conflict and foster more elitism than is already present.
    Edited by Obscure on May 13, 2014 5:45AM
  • ForTheRealm
    I have a simple solution for Bolt Escape: make it available to everyone via Mage Guild skill line, and give Sorcerers another skill.
    As Sorcerers have the biggest Magicka pool, they still will be able to use it most effectively, but ever class will have a chance to escape ;-)
  • SexyVette07
    All I hear is crying that gankers didnt get their kill....
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I have a simple solution for Bolt Escape: make it available to everyone via Mage Guild skill line, and give Sorcerers another skill.
    As Sorcerers have the biggest Magicka pool, they still will be able to use it most effectively, but ever class will have a chance to escape ;-)

    This would actually be resonable, or they can just add another tree that actually got a counter to this OP crap.

    Either way , they said they are looking into this now , lets see the results.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Travail
    I have a simple solution for Bolt Escape: make it available to everyone via Mage Guild skill line, and give Sorcerers another skill.
    As Sorcerers have the biggest Magicka pool, they still will be able to use it most effectively, but ever class will have a chance to escape ;-)

    This wouldn't really fix things, though. Everyone being forced to take the same mobility tool because it's the best tool in the game isn't a satisfactory solution.

    What they could do is allow charge attacks to be used regardless whether you have a target or not. This is one way TERA balanced mobility tools. If you don't have a target, you would simply charge straight forward for the maximum range of the ability. This would open up 2 additional weapon lines, as well as the Templar class, to have a similar amount of mobility to the Sorcerer's Bolt Escape, without forcing us all to literally use Bolt Escape.

    With that change, you'd now have these mobility tools in the game:
    - Bolt Escape (Sorcerer)
    - Path of Darkness (Nightblade)
    - Focused Charge (Templar)
    - Shield Charge (sword + shield)
    - Critical Charge (two-handed)

    These would all be roughly equal in terms of how much mobility they add to your character (and if they weren't, it wouldn't be hard to change the max distance traveled by the charge attacks in order to balance them.)

    Only one class would be without a mobility tool built into the class itself, and that's the same class which has a unique pull mechanic (Fiery Grip) to compensate. They would also have a choice between 2 weapons if they wished to add a charge into their build. That seems far more balanced, and opens up more opportunities, than what we're currently seeing in the meta.

  • Maverick827
    This "no cooldown" design is really bad.
  • Ezareth
    Bolt Escape is actually pretty balanced and is easily countered with some planning. The amusing thing about this thread is most of you are complaining about the terrible morph of Bolt Escape that does damage. If you're losing to a mage with that morph you should just head back into PVE because PVP isn't for you. Without being able to absorb projectiles every class can destroy a sorc that tries to run away.

    If a sorceror is blinking all over the field and still attacking he is likely using dark exchange constantly as well as mana elixirs (I go through at least 100 of them on a good night of PVP). That said, several people on my server have found counters to Ball Lightning (The only worthwhile morph of Bolt Escape)

    Do you guys even realize how quickly Sorcs die when they're targeted? If I'm targeted at full health I often immediately start bolt escaping away and by the time I escape I'm at 25% health. If I wait until I'm at 50% health against good players to run then I'm dead. Keep in mind that I'm running around with 2900 health in Cyrodiil without the emperor buff and full legendary V12 Armor.

    Any Nightblade worth his salt can completely destroy a Sorc who is in light armor. Without the light armor cost reductions then the sorc can't afford to cast ball lightning nearly as much.

    I'm not going to list out the counters to the ability here for you since I'm pretty hated on my campaign but it doesn't take a genius to figure out the best way to counter me and people who play like me.

    If the Devs nerf Bold Escape then Sorcs lose their mobility which is the primary thing they have going for them right now.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • Syndy
    This "no cooldown" design is really bad.

    There are CDs... Biting Jabs recently got one.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • NordJitsu

    Its funny because everyone I know refers to Ball of Lightning as the "panzy" morph of Bolt Escape. Or, the morph for Sorcs who are scared to fight.

    Streak is better for people who actually want to fight.

    Ball of Lightning is good for cowards who like to run away and never kill anything.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Ezareth

    Maybe you like dying a lot. I have no fear, I only fight to win and that means fighting on terms where I hold the advantage. That's the key difference. I don't run away from people, I string them out and let them chase me and then turn and kill them while I have 6.5 seconds of projectile immunity sitting beside me. AOE damage and a disorient that requires me to get CLOSER to my enemies sounds like a good way to die.

    You wouldn't believe how many people I kill that try chasing me. Without the ball lightning morph DK's would be able to chain me every time as I ran, sorcs would continuously be able to hit me with crystal fragments. Every single time I see a sorc with streak they die to me because they can't escape me. It's laughable.

    I can't think of the class I'd want to close distance with to hit them with AOE and that mana cost is much better spent on other spells. A sorc does his best work between his max range and outside the charge range.

    There are some builds with Streak that use a 2 hander that are amazing in 1 v 1s but are absolutely horrible in group PVP. Since Cryodiil isn't a 1 v 1 I'll take survivability and utility bonus damage every time.

    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
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