Bolt Escape is overpowered

Not much of an "escape" ability when players flit across the screen and knock you off your horse when you're trying to get away from them. And people holding the scroll can use bolt escape to take it back to base quicker (someone without bolt escape will take longer), and is unfair on those people who are trying to chase them down.

It needs a higher mana cost or something
  • Jim_McMasterub17_ESO
    Shouldn't this be in the developers thread?

    THIS is CS forums, where people complain about ACTUAL problems in the game unrelated to PvP balance.
  • Daverios
    Yes and while you are in there please remove the nightblade abilty to sneak faster and be detected less, other players cant do that.

    While we are at it I hear templars are able to heal without using a resto staff or having to weapon swap this is obviously OP as other players cannot do this.

    Please fix these obvious issues.

  • elxdark
    Daverios wrote: »
    Yes and while you are in there please remove the nightblade abilty to sneak faster and be detected less, other players cant do that.

    While we are at it I hear templars are able to heal without using a resto staff or having to weapon swap this is obviously OP as other players cannot do this.

    Please fix these obvious issues.


    Even my grandma would say Bolt Escape is beyond OP.

    Stop staying blind, oh wait you're a sorcerer...

  • steven_shidiwenb16_ESO
  • skeletorz_ESO
    Daverios wrote: »
    Yes and while you are in there please remove the nightblade abilty to sneak faster and be detected less, other players cant do that.

    While we are at it I hear templars are able to heal without using a resto staff or having to weapon swap this is obviously OP as other players cannot do this.

    Please fix these obvious issues.


    That's not a Nightblade ability, that's a Vampire ability, which of course, comes with it's price.
    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -- René Descartes
  • Aldarund
    Its op at what? At killing someone or what?
  • Xael
    Bolt Escape is fine.
    Stop whining. Get some awareness, learn to pvp.
    I got killed in pvp, nerf everything...
  • Bunk
    Xael wrote: »
    Bolt Escape is fine.
    Stop whining. Get some awareness, learn to pvp.
    Yeah, learn to counter the uncounterable teleport that takes you across the map faster than a horse.
  • Drazhar14
    I think that is because there is a morph that changes it from an escape into an offensive charge...
    I think the mana cost is fine how it is. The reason people can spam it is because they spec into max mana/mana regen/cost reduction.
  • Bwaite43
    Bunk wrote: »
    Xael wrote: »
    Bolt Escape is fine.
    Stop whining. Get some awareness, learn to pvp.
    Yeah, learn to counter the uncounterable teleport that takes you across the map faster than a horse.

    Not True.
    Edited by Bwaite43 on April 21, 2014 4:11PM
  • Bunk
    Bwaite43 wrote: »
    Bunk wrote: »
    Xael wrote: »
    Bolt Escape is fine.
    Stop whining. Get some awareness, learn to pvp.
    Yeah, learn to counter the uncounterable teleport that takes you across the map faster than a horse.

    Not True.
    Oh, so all you need to do is be already mounted, thirty feet away, and have somebody use Rapid Maneuver on you. Neato.
  • Neferath
    Daverios wrote: »
    Yes and while you are in there please remove the nightblade abilty to sneak faster and be detected less, other players cant do that.

    While we are at it I hear templars are able to heal without using a resto staff or having to weapon swap this is obviously OP as other players cannot do this.

    Please fix these obvious issues.


  • albinokitten
    Please remove all Dragon knights.


    Just kidding... or am I.

    And ouch, that shield bash to the face. I just got my soul back and I think it might have been bashed out.

  • Hodorius
    Bwaite43 wrote: »
    Bunk wrote: »
    Xael wrote: »
    Bolt Escape is fine.
    Stop whining. Get some awareness, learn to pvp.
    Yeah, learn to counter the uncounterable teleport that takes you across the map faster than a horse.

    Not True.

    And again...
    You MUST NOT use an exploit for argumenting!

    This guy´s horse has infinitiv stamina! ( all horses have btw )
    They bugged it after the beta while they fixed the horse animations...

    This bug is known for over a month now...
    Just because "everyone" has an advantage noone complains about it but it is still a bug.

    The best thing is... you could "use your brain" and get that horses have stamina which is not used in that moment... seems legit?
    Edited by Hodorius on April 21, 2014 4:38PM
  • Bromiscuous
    Mad cus bad.
  • Bwaite43
    what horse bug... are you talking about the jogging after you run out of stamina.. that's by design.

    What's wrong with keeping a few people back to counter the Sorc, if your first group fails at defending the scroll..
  • Hodorius
    No not the jogging...
    That bug that let´s your horse sprint "for ever" even if you run out of stamina.
    Just google "teso horse sprint"... the first reddit thread you find will have people mocking about it... it has been startet one onth ago.
    Edited by Hodorius on April 21, 2014 4:49PM
  • Bwaite43
    A level 50 "speed" horse fed with apples will beat a sorc.
  • Thechemicals
    Bwaite43 wrote: »
    A level 50 "speed" horse fed with apples will beat a sorc.

    Thats not a common thing on the field, Its more like a rare thing truthfully. However bolt escape is a common use. I dont think bolt escape is overpowered, but i do think it grants many players a speed that can only be matched by a well groomed and built horse.

    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • iaintoff
    This sounds like another melee cry baby thread. Oh look why can't they just stand there and let me kill them thread.

    Kinda like when a melee player calls a ranged dps coward for not standing toe to toe rofl
    Edited by iaintoff on April 21, 2014 5:02PM
  • Bwaite43
    Bwaite43 wrote: »
    A level 50 "speed" horse fed with apples will beat a sorc.

    Thats not a common thing on the field, Its more like a rare thing truthfully. However bolt escape is a common use. I dont think bolt escape is overpowered, but i do think it grants many players a speed that can only be matched by a well groomed and built horse.

    Not right now. But give the game a few months and everyone will have 40-50 speed horses. Then BE will be a distance thing of the past.

    edit: Horse are OP
    Edited by Bwaite43 on April 21, 2014 5:04PM
  • Valn
    Neferath wrote: »
    Daverios wrote: »
    Yes and while you are in there please remove the nightblade abilty to sneak faster and be detected less, other players cant do that.

    While we are at it I hear templars are able to heal without using a resto staff or having to weapon swap this is obviously OP as other players cannot do this.

    Please fix these obvious issues.



  • Neferath
    Bwaite43 wrote: »
    A level 50 "speed" horse fed with apples will beat a sorc.

    Thats not a common thing on the field, Its more like a rare thing truthfully. However bolt escape is a common use. I dont think bolt escape is overpowered, but i do think it grants many players a speed that can only be matched by a well groomed and built horse.

    Seriously ... is this really an attempt to tell us that a valid skill should be nerved because of ppl who are to lazy or to greedy to feed and level up their horses and therefor can't compete with the sorc teleport spell speed?

    Just as a reminder at this point. Bolt escape requires you to level stormcalling up to 42 in order to use it. If ppl are willing to do this in order to have this skill, other classes should also be willing to level up their horse in order to get the same speed.

    Honestly you must be kidding ...

  • Valn
    Almost solo'd someone my level but they bolt escape about 5 times and disappeared. overpowered. fact.
  • Semel
    Let me break it down for ya lot crying nerf nerf.

    Cost reduction:

    - 7 pieces of light armor:21%
    - sorcerer's passive: 5%
    - seducre's set: 3%

    Total cost reduction: 29%.

    Mostly with the loss of having a good armor rating. When you have all 7 pieces equipped your armor rating is crap.

    At vr4 sorcerer with ~ 30% cost reduction uses ALL magicka to cast 7 bolt escapes one by one.

    After EVERY cast magicka REGENERATION COMPLETELY STOPS for 5 seconds.
  • Jarnhand
    All these get-out-of-combat-if-I-can-not-kill-my-enemy type of skills, need to be so costly they can only be used max 2 times on a full bar, being stamina or magica.
    Like it is now Cyrodiil, its turning into a clownbin of vamps and sorcs spam-warping all over the place
  • Nyxx
    Hodorius wrote: »
    No not the jogging...
    That bug that let´s your horse sprint "for ever" even if you run out of stamina.
    Just google "teso horse sprint"... the first reddit thread you find will have people mocking about it... it has been startet one onth ago.


    That isn't a bug. It's not an exploit. That's part of the design. Stamina is used when you level up a horses stamina by feeding're able to repeatedly click shift for a speed boost rather than getting a steady sprint by holding it down. They already stated that it is working as intended.

    As for this ridiculous thread....Bolt Escape is fine. Quit crying.

    The Psijic Order
  • Kaskako
    The way bolt escape works is just stupid. There really is no way people can defend against this fact. Either increase the cost with each use or something, its ridiculous that after using it infinitely sorcerers are still able to fight normally like nothing happened, while those that attempt to chase them end up out of stamina, magicka or both.
  • Necronomicon
    The spell clearly gives this class way to much mobility over the others, how its able to be spammed 10+ times, clearly needs a nerf, anyone saying not plays a sorcerer.
  • NukaCola
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.
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