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Bolt Escape is overpowered

  • Syndy
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Zarec
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    heal yourself, use destructive reach, run away
  • Maskierterboy17-wienb16_ESO
    I see some Destruction staff DKs whining about sorcerers they werent Free Kills like all another
  • ChairGraveyard
    Anzaman wrote: »
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.
    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.
    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.
    Haven't you seen videos posted on the forums? Players are literally spamming it.
    You call sorc's one last reliable way of escaping brutal melee damage by other class OP?

    EVERY spell can be spammed, with potions if needed. How about DK's INSTANT 3 second knockdown? How about EXTREMELY spammable biting jabs? and geuess what, these all KILL ppl, BE does not.
    Well, with morph it can kill people. :p

    But anyways, it's defensive escape mechanism. It's not like small cooldown would kill you. Why do you think that World of Warcraft mage's Blink has 15 sec CD?

    And btw I'm Sorcerer.

    This game is not based on cooldowns - it goes completely contrary to the entire design of every ability in the game.

    It's a resource management cooldown. The fact is, people here are just mad that someone can use their entire magicka bar + potions + dark exchange to bolt escape and lose battles.

    OMG losing a battle = SO OP!
  • Syndy
    Zarec wrote: »
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    heal yourself, use destructive reach, run away

    Funny, all of your options are options available to every class, yet none of them are even in the same ball park as Bolt Escape.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Zarec
    Zarec wrote: »
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    heal yourself, use destructive reach, run away

    Funny, all of your options are options available to every class, yet none of them are even in the same ball park as Bolt Escape.

    a templar gets a heal that doesn't require a staff as well as a shield (granted it stops magicka regeneration so I use it as an oh crud button on mine when soloing). Destructive reach when used with an ice staff freezes at range is relatively spammable and cheaper than bolt escape. When used with a fire stack staff it has a large knockback and again is relatively spammable. Lightning staff is useless to use destructive reach with. Don't use one as lightning staves are kind of a weak in my opinion. Destructive reach is a farther knockback than the spear on templar. I personally dislike the spear as it doesn't do near enough damage even if I use it at range and morph for increased damage based on travel.
    Edited by Zarec on May 7, 2014 9:20PM
  • Syndy
    I am aware of what those abilities are. So as a Templar fighting a Sorc, I can own them, but not kill them. All I can do is watch as they Teleport away, Same for every other class out there. If the Sorc has half a brain, he has Immovable slotted and there is nothing you can do to catch him...

    Now say the sorc jumps me, and somehow, miraculously is about to kill me. (he figured out he needed to break out of eclipse and my healing just isn't keeping up with the dps he is doing. What do I do? Nothing. Can't do anything, Just die.

    Same goes for any class a Sorc wants to kill. If The sorc is going to win, there is nothing you can do you are going to die. Try to run, he is faster with Bolt Escape. If the Sorc realizes he is going to die if he stays around, he can port out, there is nothing you can do to stop him if he has half a brain and uses Immovable.

    That is not Balanced.

    There is no way, shape, or form you can spin that to make it seem balanced.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    precisly zarec, each class has advantages and disadvantages, its up to you to find a build that works for you, however your build will always be vulnerable to another person's build, thats just the way mmo's work. the only true balance in any video game pvp is in FPS games, and even then the type of weapon you using is diff than another persons.

    please just, and find a build that works for you.

  • flintstone
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    Why are you a Templar if you don't like the class, and it's skills?.....very strange. Also, why have all light armor?........just wondering.
  • Syndy
    precisly zarec, each class has advantages and disadvantages, its up to you to find a build that works for you, however your build will always be vulnerable to another person's build, thats just the way mmo's work. the only true balance in any video game pvp is in FPS games, and even then the type of weapon you using is diff than another persons.

    please just, and find a build that works for you.

    I have a build that fits my playstyle and works for me. The problem is, There is a class out there that NO OTHER CLASS can kill.

    Edit: other than surpise Gank essentially 1 shotting him.

    Edited by Syndy on May 7, 2014 9:32PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Zarec
    I am aware of what those abilities are. So as a Templar fighting a Sorc, I can own them, but not kill them. All I can do is watch as they Teleport away, Same for every other class out there. If the Sorc has half a brain, he has Immovable slotted and there is nothing you can do to catch him...

    Now say the sorc jumps me, and somehow, miraculously is about to kill me. (he figured out he needed to break out of eclipse and my healing just isn't keeping up with the dps he is doing. What do I do? Nothing. Can't do anything, Just die.

    Same goes for any class a Sorc wants to kill. If The sorc is going to win, there is nothing you can do you are going to die. Try to run, he is faster with Bolt Escape. If the Sorc realizes he is going to die if he stays around, he can port out, there is nothing you can do to stop him if he has half a brain and uses Immovable.

    That is not Balanced.

    There is no way, shape, or form you can spin that to make it seem balanced.

    I have to ask....have you gone against a sorc? Their hardest hitting skill has a cast time so why weren't you shielding/blocking/absorbing his 2 second cast time spell? That just seems like a L2P issue right there.

    Now on to bolt escape....why are you wasting your time chasing down one person when he either wants to get away because you kicked his butt, or he's leading you towards his friends which is tactics and you were dumb enough to chase him. Is he using lightning flood? FIrst off..step two feet to the right..K you're safe and the damage was paltry to begin with. If he has immovable slotted that is one less active ability offensive skill he can use. If he has bound armor slotted that lowers the total number not including his ult to three active skills. If he has bolt escape that lowers it to two. Congrats it is now easy to figure out what kind of sorc he is which is in all likely hood dark magic and he has that lovely cast time on his hardest hitting spell as well as choreographed cast animation.

    If he is forced to use bolt escape...congrats you won a 1v1 against a not so strong class. I would be more conncered against a destruct staff weilding DK than a sorc as the DK pose a greater threat.
  • jkbennettb14a_ESO
    The real dilemma is that; Powdered doughnuts are overpowdered, the chocolate doughnuts are too chocolaty, and the coconut crunch doughnuts have more coconut than all other doughnuts. This is simply not fair to the other doughnuts.

    From now on all you special snowflakes out there only get nasty plain doughnuts...enjoy!
    On Class Balance
    The real dilemma is that; Powdered doughnuts are overpowdered, the chocolate doughnuts are too chocolaty, and the coconut crunch doughnuts have more coconut than all other doughnuts. This is OUTRAGEOUSLY unfair to other doughnuts!

    So from now on, all you special snowflakes get is nasty plain doughnuts...enjoy!
  • Syndy
    flintstone wrote: »
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    Why are you a Templar if you don't like the class, and it's skills?.....very strange. Also, why have all light armor?........just wondering.

    I love the Templar class and abilities...

    Full Light armor because of the magicka reduction on skills. I am the primary healer for my group. I do really well in full light armor. Keep Immovable up, and run around like a chicken with your head cut off while the DK keeps people rooted. It works well for us.

    My post you quoted was a troll for the guy who posted above mine. It was essentially him validating their need for Bolt Escape, I was attempting to show the idiocy of the post.

    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Zarec
    flintstone wrote: »
    My Templar wears full light armor, I am very Squishy too. Where is my bolt Escape? I don't want to die either. I should have an ability that gets me out of every bad situation I put myself in.

    Why are you a Templar if you don't like the class, and it's skills?.....very strange. Also, why have all light armor?........just wondering.

    I love the Templar class and abilities...

    Full Light armor because of the magicka reduction on skills. I am the primary healer for my group. I do really well in full light armor. Keep Immovable up, and run around like a chicken with your head cut off while the DK keeps people rooted. It works well for us.

    My post you quoted was a troll for the guy who posted above mine. It was essentially him validating their need for Bolt Escape, I was attempting to show the idiocy of the post.

    Out of curiosity..if you're a full healer spec templar....why are you trying to take on a sorc? That seems like idiocy...what are you going to do..heal him to death?

    Even if you have a second cast bar, templar has plenty of options available to them to take down a weak as hell sorc or force them to run away. It is your fault for chasing them. If you are the primary healer for your group, why are you abandoning your group to chase down one guy? That is a waste of time when you can refocus your efforts elsewhere.
    Edited by Zarec on May 7, 2014 9:44PM
  • Syndy

    You must not have read my post. I thought I made it pretty clear my issue with them was them being able to get out of any situation... THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN ANY PvP MMO...

    In PvP there should be no, Redo Button... That is what Bolt Escape is... what you are saying is, When I run into one, I fight, waste that time fighting him because I am going to get NO AP.

    There is no Risk for a Sorc that is the problem I have for them, It is only reward. Bad situation, they can leave, Good Situation you can prevent the other player from leaving.

    Edit for your second post:

    I have a second bar with

    breath of life
    Binding javelin
    Reflective light
    Dark Flare

    WHy should your only option against a sorc be to make him run away? That makes no Sense. Essentially fighting one is a waste of time, you will get nothing for the win. Kinda defeats the purpose of PvP if no one dies.

    Edit of the Edit:
    I don't leave my group, when they are on i am on my full heal bar. They go to bed early, I solo or Duo alot later in the night.
    Edited by Syndy on May 7, 2014 9:52PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Zarec

    You must not have read my post. I thought I made it pretty clear my issue with them was them being able to get out of any situation... THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN ANY PvP MMO...

    In PvP there should be no, Redo Button... That is what Bolt Escape is... what you are saying is, When I run into one, I fight, waste that time fighting him because I am going to get NO AP.

    There is no Risk for a Sorc that is the problem I have for them, It is only reward. Bad situation, they can leave, Good Situation you can prevent the other player from leaving.

    Huh...I'm sorry, I though the whole point of TESO PVP was capturing and defending objectives. I didn't realize it was kill count that won people emperorship and that one kill that got away versus 3 other classes that are actually stronger in pvp and easier to kill would give you that last point. a pvp class...sorc is rather weak as they are not nukes unless they are ablet o get off their primary damage spell and have it not be blocked. So essentially what you're saying want to pick on the runt of the litter to feel better about yourself....k..yes i'm calling into question your manhood because as I have all the classes and the weakest (minus NB granted they do awesome damage when the stars align and their skills actually work) is def sorc by far when it comes to combat. I would be more concerned about their twilight pet as it hits harder than the sorcs primary damage skill (minus the knockdown). And you do realize that if you hold right mouse button and left mouse button you can break out of almost all roots (dark talons is the exception I've found oddly enough as I can never break out of that). Sorcs are like tissue heavy blow and they are done. If he ran away...yay you can turn your attention back to the real threats of the battlefield rather than worry about gnats.
    Edited by Zarec on May 7, 2014 9:57PM
  • Morbus2
    Rock says "nerf paper", paper says "heck no! nerf scissors!", scissors says "are u kidding? nerf rock, he's OP!"

    . . . and the vicious cycle begins . . .as usual. It happens to every MMO that has pvp.
    Edited by Morbus2 on May 7, 2014 9:59PM
  • Syndy
    Zarec wrote: »

    You must not have read my post. I thought I made it pretty clear my issue with them was them being able to get out of any situation... THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN ANY PvP MMO...

    In PvP there should be no, Redo Button... That is what Bolt Escape is... what you are saying is, When I run into one, I fight, waste that time fighting him because I am going to get NO AP.

    There is no Risk for a Sorc that is the problem I have for them, It is only reward. Bad situation, they can leave, Good Situation you can prevent the other player from leaving.

    Huh...I'm sorry, I though the whole point of TESO PVP was capturing and defending objectives. I didn't realize it was kill count that won people emperorship and that one kill that got away versus 3 other classes that are actually stronger in pvp and easier to kill would give you that last point. a pvp class...sorc is rather weak as they are not nukes unless they are ablet o get off their primary damage spell and have it not be blocked. So essentially what you're saying want to pick on the runt of the litter to feel better about yourself....k..yes i'm calling into question your manhood because as I have all the classes and the weakest (minus NB granted they do awesome damage when the stars align and their skills actually work) is def sorc by far when it comes to combat. I would be more concerned about their twilight pet as it hits harder than the sorcs primary damage skill (minus the knockdown). And you do realize that if you hold right mouse button and left mouse button you can break out of almost all roots (dark talons is the exception I've found oddly enough as I can never break out of that).

    The Point of PvP to you maybe... I hate zergs, Therefore I am rarely around Keep sieges. We take resources and the occasional Outpost. Hardly ever in a group of more than 8 people.

    Where did I say I wanted to pick on the runt of the litter, and if you think they are the runt of the litter, I know a couple on AD in Auriels Bow that will question that statement.

    I have no issue realizing I will die to some classes, and I will kill other classes that is fine with me, I dealt with is for 3 years in WAR. I do have an issue with one class being able to leave any bad situation. Even if it was my class, I could think of No arguement that would defend it. There should be a reliable counter to every skill in an MMO, There is not one for Bolt Escape, until there is or it gets nerfed, I will still have the same view.

    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • KORJ
    he no longer absorb spells projectile
  • Zarec
    Zarec wrote: »

    You must not have read my post. I thought I made it pretty clear my issue with them was them being able to get out of any situation... THAT SHOULD NOT BE IN ANY PvP MMO...

    In PvP there should be no, Redo Button... That is what Bolt Escape is... what you are saying is, When I run into one, I fight, waste that time fighting him because I am going to get NO AP.

    There is no Risk for a Sorc that is the problem I have for them, It is only reward. Bad situation, they can leave, Good Situation you can prevent the other player from leaving.

    Huh...I'm sorry, I though the whole point of TESO PVP was capturing and defending objectives. I didn't realize it was kill count that won people emperorship and that one kill that got away versus 3 other classes that are actually stronger in pvp and easier to kill would give you that last point. a pvp class...sorc is rather weak as they are not nukes unless they are ablet o get off their primary damage spell and have it not be blocked. So essentially what you're saying want to pick on the runt of the litter to feel better about yourself....k..yes i'm calling into question your manhood because as I have all the classes and the weakest (minus NB granted they do awesome damage when the stars align and their skills actually work) is def sorc by far when it comes to combat. I would be more concerned about their twilight pet as it hits harder than the sorcs primary damage skill (minus the knockdown). And you do realize that if you hold right mouse button and left mouse button you can break out of almost all roots (dark talons is the exception I've found oddly enough as I can never break out of that).

    The Point of PvP to you maybe... I hate zergs, Therefore I am rarely around Keep sieges. We take resources and the occasional Outpost. Hardly ever in a group of more than 8 people.

    Where did I say I wanted to pick on the runt of the litter, and if you think they are the runt of the litter, I know a couple on AD in Auriels Bow that will question that statement.

    I have no issue realizing I will die to some classes, and I will kill other classes that is fine with me, I dealt with is for 3 years in WAR. I do have an issue with one class being able to leave any bad situation. Even if it was my class, I could think of No arguement that would defend it. There should be a reliable counter to every skill in an MMO, There is not one for Bolt Escape, until there is or it gets nerfed, I will still have the same view.

    Wait....wait....wait....are you telling me you are going 8 on 1 and you can't kill a cloth sorc......hahahahhaahhahahahahahaha.....heck even 2 v 1 is still just sad. FOR A SORC.....hahahahahhahhaa. Sorry but if you can't even manage that...he deserves to get away cause hot damn...that is such a L2P issue right there. Specially considering 2v1 with sorc by himself won't win..he would be stupid to try. Spec if you are a templar....
    Edited by Zarec on May 7, 2014 10:07PM
  • ChairGraveyard
    Morbus2 wrote: »
    Rock says "nerf paper", paper says "heck no! nerf scissors!", scissors says "are u kidding? nerf rock, he's OP!"

    . . . and the vicious cycle begins . . .as usual. It happens to every MMO that has pvp.

    And ends only when the game is an anti-fun, watered down, homogeneous snorefest.

    Rock, Paper and Scissors from your example will never stop calling for nerfs until everyone has exactly the same abilities and they're all as unfun to use as possible.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on May 7, 2014 10:08PM
  • Nooblet
    The complaints from Templar are quite funny. vs a good Templar, my only viable option is to run away, or hope he doesn't have a certain skill on his/her bar.

    And i accept this.
    Edited by Nooblet on May 7, 2014 10:21PM
  • ErilAq
    Why oh why oh why are we comparing a 1v1 sorc vs templar??? this is world PvP with some flairs, it's not a 1v1. bring friends, work as a team. the only thing OP is the whining in this thread. Again, if the sorc runs, congratulations, you won the fight. Don't chase after him like some tunnel visioned imbecile. That's how you get led into traps. In a 1v1 nothing is balanced.

    Someone runs from me: class is OP nerf it.
    Someone kills me: class is OP nerf it.
    Someone outwits me: class is OP nerf it.
    I kill someone: LOLOLOL L2P NEWB.

    you win some, you lose some. doesn't make a class OP.
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • Morbus2
    Morbus2 wrote: »
    Rock says "nerf paper", paper says "heck no! nerf scissors!", scissors says "are u kidding? nerf rock, he's OP!"

    . . . and the vicious cycle begins . . .as usual. It happens to every MMO that has pvp.

    And ends only when the game is an anti-fun, watered down, homogeneous snorefest.

    Rock, Paper and Scissors from your example will never stop calling for nerfs until everyone has exactly the same abilities and they're all as unfun to use as possible.

    I couldn't agree more.
  • Neferath
    Neferath wrote: »
    Actually i've expected nothing else than exactly this to happen. Vamps are nerfed now instead of fixing the actual problem and see how easy this was to achieve.

    Nothing more than a (actually rather small but loud) bunch of ranters and whiners to make the nerf hammer crush down. Since Vamps are dealed with, ppl move on to the next skills that dont fit their personal playing style since they would afford to drop one or two of their own favourite weapon bar slots in order to counter them.

    But well go on. Ranters gonna rant and whiners will whine anyways. Keep crying for nerfes in order to get rid of skills wich actually need some effort in order to counter them.

    Do so until each and every class is totally equal, all differsity is gone, and everyone uses the same build containing one single skill in order to make this game "balanced".

    Once you have achieved that, be proud of yourself and wait for the first person who tells you that targeting another player clearly is totally op since you have thinner fingers and are able to hit the target button way easier than your opponent is and this, for sure is nothing else than totally broken ...

    You must not read any zone chat in Cyrodiil

    Sorry for wanting a balanced game. There are 3 things that players are constantly complaining about: Bolt Escape, Shield Bash, Dark Talons...

    If you are new to MMOs and are not aware that some abilities are indeed head and shoulders above others, and need to be toned down, Your comment can be disregarded. Else you are a troll and know that in every MMO there are nerfs...

    If you think any of the below are balanced, your views of balance are biased, and will only hurt the population of PvP in this game.

    If you thought one guy stacking Bat Swarms killing 50 people at a time was balanced.
    If you think 1 class having a skill that allows them to escape from any situation where they are in trouble is balanced.
    If you think 1h and shield is meant to be the best dps as well as the best survivability weapon in the game is balanced.
    If you think an ability that can be spammed to root you and offers NO CC immunity when you break out of it only to be rooted again immediately is balanced. (sorcs and DKs)

    Edit: I played WAR for 3 years, probably one of the most imbalanced games out there between classes, and it is still nothing compared to the imbalances in this game.

    I do not want all classes to be the same, I loved WAR because each class had VERY unique abilities and mechanics.

    Forgive me but seeing all the real bugs in this game iam really pissed at the moment while reading bs like that.

    First of all:
    Beeing 39 years old and having played almost every single mmo out there since the days of diablo 1 i dare to assume that iam not new to mmo's. You of course, cant know this.

    The bat swarm stacking was a bug and not a balance issue wich needed to be fixed because it was ... a bug and not a balance issue.

    But instead of fixing this bug alone and having a look at the by far more worse problem of ult. cost reduction, or the kind of silly implementation of the bat swarm heal as a drain in this game hence allowing you to combine it with mist form - they decided to listen to all the ranters and whiners at the forum that didnt even understand "what they where ranting about" since they didnt bother to look somewhat deeper into the game mechanics before crying for nerfes since everything they cant insta-kill is of course totally op and broken.

    The result is a nerf hammer for vamps that mainly affects ppl who didnt even think about using these mechanics.


    If YOU think, that a ranged class that can't rely on any melee attacks or defence shouldn't have something like an "escape skill" in order to get out of the heat rethink your theory of balance.

    If YOU think that dropping 2-3 offensive skills in order to allow you to escape a tricky combat situation is off balance than again ... pls have a second thought.

    If you think that 1hand + shield needs to be nerfed because of ppl that decide to stand right infront of someone using it rather than do a step aside in order to avoid the bash pls take a second thought.

    We are back at the beloved DK's and Sorc out there ... if you think that a skill is out of balance because ppl refuse to roll out of the area of effect wich clearly exists while a dk or a sorc tries to stun you and needs to be nerfed, again pls have a second thougt.

    NordJitsu, just like many many other players as well was kind enough to explain in detail how to counter all these builds and skills. Yet still people refuse to accept the mere fact that you "actually are able to counter" these skills but keep on ranting and whining and calling for nerfs since it would force them to change their own beloved and holy weapon bar setup.

    Honestly not the bugs that really exist are destroying this game nor are the bots or goldspammers destroying this game. But all the ranting, whining and calling for nerfs with the sole purpose to assure that single persons arent forced to adapt and change their weapon bar skill setup is destroying all the balance and this game.

    There are real issues here at TESO and they need to be adressed and fixed but they wont if this stupid nerf whining doesnt stop.
    Edited by Neferath on May 8, 2014 4:17AM
  • Syndy

    If YOU think that dropping 2-3 offensive skills in order to allow you to escape a tricky combat situation is off balance than again ... pls have a second thought.

    You don't even have to drop 2 in most cases Bolt Escape will work. If you want to never die, put Immovable on a second bar cast it then switch. Mind Blowing, I know...

    I have no issue with them having a spell that creates distance from the many gap closers in the game As long as there is some restriction other than 400 Magicka to cast. I have a problem when that spell becomes a "get out of Jail free card". Something needs to be in place to stop the ability from being spammed as an escape from battle tool.

    IF your argument saying Bolt Escape is balanced because they need a way to create a a gap between them and all the "bads that can't kill them" So I should be able to spam it to get away from the Bads that just tried to gank me, or the bads that just wiped my party. Don't you see how detrimental that is to PvP? One class that you can only kill when the stars align and you surprise him? Why roll any other class? You dont' need a healer because if things get hairy you can run. You don't need survivability of a tank because you can run.

    Just wait I have already said it. If it doesn't get a fix, Sorcs are going to out number the other classes in Cyrodiil at least 2 to one. It doesn't need heals, It doesn't need survivablility, it can be an unkillable glass cannon that can escape from any undesirable situation. If you don't see that as detrimental to PvP your views of balance are indeed wrong.

    If you think that 1hand + shield needs to be nerfed because of ppl that decide to stand right infront of someone using it rather than do a step aside in order to avoid the bash pls take a second thought.

    Obviously you don't spend much time in Cyrodiil, or you are a Sorc, where roots and snares are not a concern for you so you can just Bolt Escape to get out of harms way... For everyone else Who doesn't have Bolt Escape, Roots give no immunity, so rolling out of harms way does nothing but get you rooted 5 ft away, with half your stamina gone. TO bad that was the second half of your stamina because you used the first casting Immovable to counter the incoming K/D or used it to break out of the K/D. So now you are just a sitting duck waiting to be bashed to death. But only if I could CC him back and stop him from coming at me. But alas I can't because he is holding down block and CC does not work. It is convient that bash does dmg comparable to a heavy attack in half the time.

    Honestly not the bugs that really exist are destroying this game nor are the bots or goldspammers destroying this game. But all the ranting, whining and calling for nerfs with the sole purpose to assure that single persons arent forced to adapt and change their weapon bar skill setup is destroying all the balance and this game.

    Adapt to my replies... I would be interested in seeing your counter argument. If you think that those abilities I listed are balanced you clearly are biased. There is no way to adapt to those abilities, they are game breaking. A class that does not die in PvP is laughable that anyone tries to defend it.

    When did i say 8v1 we couldn't kill a sorc? I do believe I said 1v1 1v2.. Nothing about when i was in a group and had my heal bar active... Clearly it's a L2read issue for you.

    Regardless, I am pretty sure I have won this thread, there are no logical counters to Bolt Escape that ANY of you have given that will counter a Sorc with half a brain (you can have Immovable on a second skill bar cast it, it lasts 8 seconds, mind blowing I know).

    When the Consensus of the people defending it is L2P but not giving anything to counter my argument, or saying let the Sorc run, count it as a win. You know something is broken.

    If you die as a Sorc 1v1 to a Templar, you need to L2P, I have already told you how to create a draw or even kill a Templar... Apparently you missed it. Ill give you a hint, it has to do with Immovable. If the big bad Templar Casts Eclipse on you break out of it and continue the FIght, You now have immunity to every form of CC the templar has. Things don't go your way after a bit, Leave the fight, with Bolt Escape.
    Edited by Syndy on May 8, 2014 1:56PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Syndy
    Zarec wrote: »
    Wait....wait....wait....are you telling me you are going 8 on 1 and you can't kill a cloth sorc......hahahahhaahhahahahahahaha.....heck even 2 v 1 is still just sad. FOR A SORC.....hahahahahhahhaa. Sorry but if you can't even manage that...he deserves to get away cause hot damn...that is such a L2P issue right there. Specially considering 2v1 with sorc by himself won't win..he would be stupid to try. Spec if you are a templar....

    You hit the nail on the Head with this post.. I think now you are starting to see the issue... EVERY other class would be stuck in that 2v1 or 8v1... Not a sorc. They can just say BYE.

    Clearly I need to L2P as a Templar who has no counter to a Sorc with half a brain and uses Immovable (Like any player in PvP should).

    Edited by Syndy on May 8, 2014 2:20PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Valn
    I just saw someone bolt escape through a pack of us and actually got away rofl. he used immovable and managed to get away from about 8 of us, we couldnt get on our horses because we were in combat.

    no class should be able to escape any situation. but it seems bolt escape is the number 1 skill if you want to get away, no other class has a better escape ability and for this reason its unbalanced. anyone defending this has obviously never played pvp.
    Edited by Valn on May 8, 2014 2:27PM
  • concobar
    Maybe there should be a one point skill in the mage guild that screws BOLT ESCAPE in the same way Mage light screws NB invis?
    I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • Soloeus








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