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Bolt Escape is overpowered

  • NordJitsu
    Amaylia wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    DarkFark wrote: »
    I like pie

    I like trains.

    Honestly, I read through all of the pages, and it sounds like "Immovable" is the problem. Not Bolt Escape. Why is someone who is "Immovable" able to move?

    Immovable OP!

    Plz Nerf Bolt Escape.


    Am I wrong in thinking this? So far in all descriptions of a sorc being able to escape everything, it is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not just Bolt Escape. So why is Bolt Escape the target?


    There's a crucial problem with your argument though.

    You're trying to make sense.

    These people aren't doing that. They're mad that something they wanted to kill got away.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • dbennett707cub18_ESO
    Honestly, as a Sorc, you must realize that this skill cannot remain unchanged in its current form, instead of throwing insults you should be suggesting creative ways to prevent it from being abused. I feel like some of the people defending this skill as being fine as is remind me of warhammer launch, when people defended bright wizards for also being fine as is(in their current warhammer form they are still the premiere dps class and have been nerfed roughly 50%). I think a fundamental misunderstanding here is why it is bad for you, as a sorc, to be able to escape any situation, it doesn't reward skillful play or assessing a fight because you don't have to. When other classes die, they need to run back to the fight, and we can just disengage, then re-engage when we see fit(probably with a crystal shards proc from all the bolting), its a problem. Another argument I see is that sorcs are squishy(says who?), sorcs are the easiest classes to overcharge armor with in light. I'd like to see more counters to bolt escape before outright nerfs, but it can't stay the way it is.
    Edited by dbennett707cub18_ESO on May 9, 2014 5:00AM
  • Jean_Shen
  • whykillme
    Lets remove the only chance for a sorc to do anything in a PVP match, great idea!

    Please remove spell reflect and stealth aswell in PVP please. Also remove healing.
  • Slantasiam
    sooo what your really saying is sorcerers need a major dps buff cause all they can do is run hopelessly till their mana runs out...agreed.
  • Eledra
    Ok, then nerf it, only if you balance and nerf all skill - then no one can be "better" that other, b'cause all will be the same and only option for win will be better net/low latence and perfect macro/perception, oh wait nerf player with good net and perception too, they OP!

    About Immovable - this skill can use anyone who train and put skill point into HA line, BE can use only Sorc, then only Sorc is OP.

    Oh yes Sorc can use some skill to overcharge armor cap, still for that you short you mana pool -10% and need to use short time skill too.

    Hm, wonder if will be better delete all Sorc/Vamp/Were for peace with other player?

    /irony+sarc+rant off

    BTW one thing, all you PvPer's can you see that "nerf" any skill for "hypothetical PvP balance" will hurt PvE too? After nerfing/balancing out PvP don't cry in PvE that anything will nuke you and you can't run out/use "oh sh*t skill" b'cause all skill is "balancet"? Sure not that much chance for this, still can be ZOS done that too.
    PS. sorry englis is not my native, ok?

    I hate those gray wings at my back,
    because they gave me too much pains in time of my born.
    But, still i love them,
    because they color is not white or black, but beautiful grey.
    And who i am?
    I am sinner, i am haibane.
  • limeli8
    lol funny people... What good skills does a sorc posses for pvp?

    Crit surge, crystal shard, mage's fury, bolt escape and that is it! You people complain about the only ability that makes the class not worthless 100%. Summoning tree actives are garbage except maybe curse (but its not worth carrying because its low dps and mosty only used to proc crystal shard).
    Dark magic skills are very situational except "shard" that all sorcs carry(dark exchange is good if you run a as healer otherwise its a waste of a slot). Same for 3 out of 5 skills from storm calling they are situational at best. Out of 3 ultimates summoning is useless in pvp, dark magic "negate magic can be broken out of just like any other hard cc and again is very situational (only good if spammed by several sorcs in close quarters). Overpower is good as long as people don't know what to do, when they do you get bashed and it interrupts your ultimate and unbalances you!
    Take a look at DK... they cant run away but they can wipe 20+ people solo just fine because every skill they have synergies with the rest, 2 out of 3 of their ultimates are crazy strong! Both "standard" and "armor" make them able to just stand in the middle of zerg and kill anything in around them. Ohh they generate ULT faster than other classes, they also get like 70% of health magica and stamina back every time they use an ult and they can heal themselves.
    I mean i'm a vr10 sorc former Emp, rank 21 pvp and i wish i rolled a DK. In fact i rolled one and leveling it right now!
    Now how in the world are sorcs OP with their ability to escape if that enables them to die less but still doesn't enable them to run around soloing zergs (unless they abused vamp bug) or kill any faster?
    I don't want to call for nerfs i'd rather see a few buffs for templar and NB, but maybe just maybe the morph of bolt escape "ball lightning" could use a small nerf so people can use ranged weapons against escaping sorc slightly sooner than 5 sec.

    Edited by limeli8 on May 9, 2014 6:36AM
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • dbennett707cub18_ESO
    limeli8 wrote: »
    lol funny people... What good skills does a sorc posses for pvp?

    Crit surge, crystal shard, mage's fury, bolt escape and that is it! You people complain about the only ability that makes the class not worthless 100%. Summoning tree actives are garbage except maybe curse (but its not worth carrying because its low dps and mosty only used to proc crystal shard).
    Dark magic skills are very situational except "shard" that all sorcs carry(dark exchange is good if you run a as healer otherwise its a waste of a slot). Same for 3 out of 5 skills from storm calling they are situational at best. Out of 3 ultimates summoning is useless in pvp, dark magic "negate magic can be broken out of just like any other hard cc and again is very situational (only good if spammed by several sorcs in close quarters). Overpower is good as long as people don't know what to do, when they do you get bashed and it interrupts your ultimate and unbalances you!
    Take a look at DK... they cant run away but they can wipe 20+ people solo just fine because every skill they have synergies with the rest, 2 out of 3 of their ultimates are crazy strong! Both "standard" and "armor" make them able to just stand in the middle of zerg and kill anything in around them. Ohh they generate ULT faster than other classes, they also get like 70% of health magica and stamina back every time they use an ult and they can heal themselves.
    I mean i'm a vr10 sorc former Emp, rank 21 pvp and i wish i rolled a DK. In fact i rolled one and leveling it right now!
    Now how in the world are sorcs OP with their ability to escape if that enables them to die less but still doesn't enable them to run around soloing zergs (unless they abused vamp bug) or kill any faster?
    I don't want to call for nerfs i'd rather see a few buffs for templar and NB, but maybe just maybe the morph of bolt escape "ball lightning" could use a small nerf so people can use ranged weapons against escaping sorc slightly sooner than 5 sec.

    This is a good post from someone who looks like they have alot of experience, but just because other skills are underperforming and another class is godly, doesn't make bolt escape any less overbalanced than it is. Realistically sorcs are the 2nd most powerful class in the game right now, but seeing as that you should never die unless you did something horribly wrong, its just silly. DK's are pretty tough right now, but when they bite of more than they can chew, they die, like everyone else.

    Also, encase, bound armaments , and lightning form are all solid skills as well.
    Edited by dbennett707cub18_ESO on May 9, 2014 7:04AM
  • hauke
    at all the people who want to nerf boltescape

    you don t like the idea of someone escaping your attack ?

    theres a great game for you

    its called streetfighter
  • Neferath
    Amaylia wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    DarkFark wrote: »
    I like pie

    I like trains.

    Honestly, I read through all of the pages, and it sounds like "Immovable" is the problem. Not Bolt Escape. Why is someone who is "Immovable" able to move?

    Immovable OP!

    Plz Nerf Bolt Escape.


    Am I wrong in thinking this? So far in all descriptions of a sorc being able to escape everything, it is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not just Bolt Escape. So why is Bolt Escape the target?

    Well the one or other naughty tounge might whisper:

    "Bolt is used by sorc players only so of course it is op but immovable, well immovable i use on my own so this skill of course is fine just as it is."
  • Kalston
    I don't regret quitting when I see all the people defending bolt escape. The only movement ability that doesn't require a target to use, lol.
  • Wifeaggro13
    Valn wrote: »
    Not much of an "escape" ability when players flit across the screen and knock you off your horse when you're trying to get away from them. And people holding the scroll can use bolt escape to take it back to base quicker (someone without bolt escape will take longer), and is unfair on those people who are trying to chase them down.

    It needs a higher mana cost or something
    ya its pretty damn bad. but people would rather complain about dragon knights being able to solo better or shield spam.

  • Syndy
    Neferath wrote: »
    I still dont get why it is such a huge problem for you all if somebody has the chance to get away from a fight. Honestly i mean he "is getting away from the fight". He isnt dealing any damage and isnt stunning or rooting you (at least i failed to notice any affect of the 2 sec stun wich actually should be dealt to nearby enemies with bolt escape).

    All what happens is that you arent able to gank that poor guy who is trying to escape, so what? There are dozens of other players out there you actually are able to gank and kill. Go on for them and get over it.

    Besides that, i see many sorc dying while trying to bolt escape and well yes lets be honest, it happens to me too. Especially if i eat crystal shards while trying to use my bolt escape.

    But well on the other hand hence playing a melee sorc ... i mainly use bolt to charge into a fight rather than to escape from one.

    [Aunt Edith says]

    Oh i almost forgot to reply to f0rgiv3n27b14_ESO and his wonderfull comments here ...
    If Templar gets ganked, he has to fight.

    If DK gets ganked, he has to fight.

    If NB gets ganked, he can try to run, but can fail because there are CC counters to his escape. Magelight, Root.
    That is what I and many others are stating.

    There needs to be a Counter for Bolt Escape or it needs to be adjusted to not be a Get out of Jail Free Spam ability.

    Whats the point of PvPing as another class if I could play one class and always choose which fights I wanted to fight in and which I didn't? Never find yourself helpless in a bad situation with no escape that all the other classes have to deal with...

    Well you should also mention that all of them are melee classes wich actually are able to handle them selves while beeing in a melee fight.

    Playing a melee sorc myself i can assure you that there is no way to compete with these classes during pvp if you arent able to get into and out of the fight as you desire or are able to get the lucky strike on distracted or less skilled players.

    But regardless...

    Whats the point of PvPing as a sorc if every other class is able to force you into a melee fight? Never find yourself able to stay at distance and fire your spells, never beeing able to actually get some distance in order to have the time to "cast" your spells?
    [/Aunt Edith has spoken]

    Um, all Templars are Melee? or all Nightblades are Melee?

    Um, no, The entire Dawn of Wrath Tree for a Templar is ranged... Nightblades can even make their abilities ranged with morphs...

    So by your logic, My templar should have an ability to get some distance for me to cast my next Dark Flare. Since I chose to go Rdps...

    Nice try though bro.

    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Valn
    Amaylia wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    DarkFark wrote: »
    I like pie

    I like trains.

    Honestly, I read through all of the pages, and it sounds like "Immovable" is the problem. Not Bolt Escape. Why is someone who is "Immovable" able to move?

    Immovable OP!

    Plz Nerf Bolt Escape.


    Am I wrong in thinking this? So far in all descriptions of a sorc being able to escape everything, it is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not just Bolt Escape. So why is Bolt Escape the target?

    Because Immovable is not class specific, anyone can have the option to use immovable.

    Only sorcs get the bolt escape ability. That's why bolt escape is the "target".
  • Syndy
    Neferath wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    DarkFark wrote: »
    I like pie

    I like trains.

    Honestly, I read through all of the pages, and it sounds like "Immovable" is the problem. Not Bolt Escape. Why is someone who is "Immovable" able to move?

    Immovable OP!

    Plz Nerf Bolt Escape.


    Am I wrong in thinking this? So far in all descriptions of a sorc being able to escape everything, it is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not just Bolt Escape. So why is Bolt Escape the target?

    Well the one or other naughty tounge might whisper:

    "Bolt is used by sorc players only so of course it is op but immovable, well immovable i use on my own so this skill of course is fine just as it is."

    I think you are finally catching on, immovable is available to everyone... Took 6 pages but it is getting through... Glad to see we are making progress... Baby steps, baby steps....

    SO let me take is a step further...

    Immovable (since we have universally agreed that it is available to everyone) counters disabling effects...

    Bolt Escape defeats the purpose of snares and roots. With those 2 you cannot be CC'd (besides a reflect). Which is fine by me, I believe Sorcs need to have some mobility. They however should not have an ability that lets them totally disengage from combat at will. If they want to use Bolt Escape to try to disengage from a fight, so be it. It should give you a head start on getting away, not a guaranteed escape.

    If the dev's thought that there should be auto disengages from fights, they probably would have left MistForm stay at it's rediculous speed. That escape was available to everyone... Food for Thought.
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • Amaylia
    Valn wrote: »
    Because Immovable is not class specific, anyone can have the option to use immovable.

    Only sorcs get the bolt escape ability. That's why bolt escape is the "target".
    I think you are finally catching on, immovable is available to everyone... Took 6 pages but it is getting through... Glad to see we are making progress... Baby steps, baby steps....

    SO let me take is a step further...

    Immovable (since we have universally agreed that it is available to everyone) counters disabling effects...

    Bolt Escape defeats the purpose of snares and roots. With those 2 you cannot be CC'd (besides a reflect). Which is fine by me, I believe Sorcs need to have some mobility. They however should not have an ability that lets them totally disengage from combat at will. If they want to use Bolt Escape to try to disengage from a fight, so be it. It should give you a head start on getting away, not a guaranteed escape.

    If the dev's thought that there should be auto disengages from fights, they probably would have left MistForm stay at it's rediculous speed. That escape was available to everyone... Food for Thought.

    You're still not thinking about this rationally though. The problem you are presenting is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not JUST Bolt Escape. It wouldn't be hard to make them mutually exclusive to execute.

    Let me ask a question then, do you think Bolt Escape without Immovable is overpowered, and if so, why?
  • Valn
    Amaylia wrote: »
    Valn wrote: »
    Because Immovable is not class specific, anyone can have the option to use immovable.

    Only sorcs get the bolt escape ability. That's why bolt escape is the "target".
    I think you are finally catching on, immovable is available to everyone... Took 6 pages but it is getting through... Glad to see we are making progress... Baby steps, baby steps....

    SO let me take is a step further...

    Immovable (since we have universally agreed that it is available to everyone) counters disabling effects...

    Bolt Escape defeats the purpose of snares and roots. With those 2 you cannot be CC'd (besides a reflect). Which is fine by me, I believe Sorcs need to have some mobility. They however should not have an ability that lets them totally disengage from combat at will. If they want to use Bolt Escape to try to disengage from a fight, so be it. It should give you a head start on getting away, not a guaranteed escape.

    If the dev's thought that there should be auto disengages from fights, they probably would have left MistForm stay at it's rediculous speed. That escape was available to everyone... Food for Thought.

    You're still not thinking about this rationally though. The problem you are presenting is Immovable + Bolt Escape, not JUST Bolt Escape. It wouldn't be hard to make them mutually exclusive to execute.

    Let me ask a question then, do you think Bolt Escape without Immovable is overpowered, and if so, why?

    Yes, the bolt escape itself is op because it still allows you to escape situations. Immovable just ensures that you can escape situations against those people who have ranged CC.

    Some people don't have ranged CC and so a sorc without immovable can still get away from them.

    Like I said, anyone can use immovable, but not everyone has an ability where they can escape so easily. People without bolt escape can't catch up to them which is why bolt escape needs reworking. Spamming it 5 or 6 times and then going into stealth to escape any situation is not good. It needs a higher mana cost.
  • xDonMega

    If the dev's thought that there should be auto disengages from fights, they probably would have left MistForm stay at it's rediculous speed. That escape was available to everyone... Food for Thought.

    Food for Thought

    That's probably why they nerfed it... because they didn't intend for everyone to have an escape. Only the class with the ability called Bolt Escape.
  • Mephos
    buff vampire mist back to 45% ...
    give DK a speed abillity (like the charge of warrior but without target)
    give Temp a speed abillity (like the paladin horse of wow)
    give NB no target teleport (like shadow walk without target)

    let sorcs have their bolt escape and make it on pair of everyone else

    EVERYONE should move fast, because everyone can be everything. you can have a DK healer if you want, so why not have a running glass cannon? ..

  • limeli8
    Mephos wrote: »
    buff vampire mist back to 45% ...
    give DK a speed abillity (like the charge of warrior but without target)
    give Temp a speed abillity (like the paladin horse of wow)
    give NB no target teleport (like shadow walk without target)

    let sorcs have their bolt escape and make it on pair of everyone else

    EVERYONE should move fast, because everyone can be everything. you can have a DK healer if you want, so why not have a running glass cannon? ..

    I'll gladly trade bolt escape for reflective scales that no other class gets gg!
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • Mephos
    limeli8 wrote: »
    Mephos wrote: »
    buff vampire mist back to 45% ...
    give DK a speed abillity (like the charge of warrior but without target)
    give Temp a speed abillity (like the paladin horse of wow)
    give NB no target teleport (like shadow walk without target)

    let sorcs have their bolt escape and make it on pair of everyone else

    EVERYONE should move fast, because everyone can be everything. you can have a DK healer if you want, so why not have a running glass cannon? ..

    I'll gladly trade bolt escape for reflective scales that no other class gets gg!

    what a stupid trade. allround escape vs. spell defense..

    then take eclipse from temp rather..

  • Amaylia
    Valn wrote: »
    Yes, the bolt escape itself is op because it still allows you to escape situations. Immovable just ensures that you can escape situations against those people who have ranged CC.

    Some people don't have ranged CC and so a sorc without immovable can still get away from them.

    Like I said, anyone can use immovable, but not everyone has an ability where they can escape so easily. People without bolt escape can't catch up to them which is why bolt escape needs reworking. Spamming it 5 or 6 times and then going into stealth to escape any situation is not good. It needs a higher mana cost.

    The game was built with the intention of giving certain classes and weapon sets various advantages and disadvantages. Bolt Escape without Immovable is stoppable in a variety of ways, it has both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't possess the skills to stop it, that is a disadvantage of the skills you have chosen. Other players who have set up their skills differently from you are capable of stopping bolt escape, team up with them if it is such a big concern for you.

    What you are suggesting is that the game be homogenized and everyone have similar skills to everyone else, that is totally against the spirit of this game.
  • Syndy

    Yes I do, there is no counter to it...

    Sorc wants to run away, throw a ranged K/D on him, cool, it hits him after his first bolt escape, (w/o immovable) he breaks out of the K/D because he has no use for stamina anyway, then cast bolt escape again, now he has an immunity to any form of CC that will stop him from escaping. No other class has anything like that because Roots and snares effect every class but sorcs equally. If a root stopped you from Bolt Escaping away, and you had to dodge roll out of it like the rest of us and then Bolt again, I would be fine with that. Because after that roll you will be in the same boat as the other classes, Dodge Roll once, you probably still aren't out of range of the player spamming roots.

    I'm not thinking about this rationally? I have given multiple rational thoughts in this thread, some trolls, most are rational... Asking for a counter... Yet All I get in reply is L2P, Sorc got away count it as a win, L2 Stun CC, keep someone mounted...

    You are not thinking about this rationally.

    NB have two escape skills - Mage light and Root is the counter to each of them respectively... something that is available to everyone if they want, they can use abilities to counter the Escape. Which is why you don't see "INVISIBILITY IS OP" threads. There are counters... And there is nothing they can do that will remove those counters if someone has them... Unlike Sorcs, There is a combination of skills that make them able to escape any situation, and you see that as fair?

    Edited by Syndy on May 9, 2014 2:44PM
    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • limeli8
    Mephos wrote: »
    limeli8 wrote: »
    Mephos wrote: »
    buff vampire mist back to 45% ...
    give DK a speed abillity (like the charge of warrior but without target)
    give Temp a speed abillity (like the paladin horse of wow)
    give NB no target teleport (like shadow walk without target)

    let sorcs have their bolt escape and make it on pair of everyone else

    EVERYONE should move fast, because everyone can be everything. you can have a DK healer if you want, so why not have a running glass cannon? ..

    I'll gladly trade bolt escape for reflective scales that no other class gets gg!

    what a stupid trade. allround escape vs. spell defense..

    then take eclipse from temp rather..

    Lol shows how much you know... reflective scales reflect all projectiles spells or arrows or w/e and with a morph they do +35% damage when they come back (did you know a mage guild ultimate meteor that can almost 1 shot people and do massive aoe damage can be reflected for +35% damage fun huh? Or a snipe ... lol)
    Also eclipse is a single target debuff that can be broken out of as any hard cc, reflective scales is a self buff that owns zergs and gives huge damage mitigation due to only getting hurt by aoe or melee.
    Edited by limeli8 on May 9, 2014 2:53PM
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • Valn
    Amaylia wrote: »
    Valn wrote: »
    Yes, the bolt escape itself is op because it still allows you to escape situations. Immovable just ensures that you can escape situations against those people who have ranged CC.

    Some people don't have ranged CC and so a sorc without immovable can still get away from them.

    Like I said, anyone can use immovable, but not everyone has an ability where they can escape so easily. People without bolt escape can't catch up to them which is why bolt escape needs reworking. Spamming it 5 or 6 times and then going into stealth to escape any situation is not good. It needs a higher mana cost.

    The game was built with the intention of giving certain classes and weapon sets various advantages and disadvantages. Bolt Escape without Immovable is stoppable in a variety of ways, it has both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't possess the skills to stop it, that is a disadvantage of the skills you have chosen. Other players who have set up their skills differently from you are capable of stopping bolt escape, team up with them if it is such a big concern for you.

    What you are suggesting is that the game be homogenized and everyone have similar skills to everyone else, that is totally against the spirit of this game.

    Exactly how does a melee warrior who uses stamina meant to stop someone with bolt escape? You use stamina to sprint and when thats all run out y ou have no resources to charge to them, by the time you have enough resources to charge they've already got out of range.

    What im suggesting is that the skill is reworked so that it's not a free "escape any situation" ability.

    I can't even get on my horse to catch up with them because i would still be in combat.

    I agree, this game was built so that classes and sets have their advantages and disadvantages. However bolt escape with immovable has no counter. You simply cannot catch up with them if you are melee based.

    Serious question, how far will you go to defend this obviously unbalanced skill? You're not thinking rationally.
    Edited by Valn on May 9, 2014 2:58PM
  • xDonMega
    Defend until you start providing how bolt escape is unbalancing the odds of fights to favor sorcs killing people?

    Instead of just crying because someone can run away and you couldn't stop him?
    Edited by xDonMega on May 9, 2014 3:11PM
  • Valn
    xDonMega wrote: »
    Defend until you start providing how bolt escape is unbalancing the odds of fights to favor sorcs killing people?

    Instead of just crying because someone can run away and you couldn't stop him?

    im crying because i dont have the option to run away
  • xDonMega
    Yes, you do.. you have the option to play a sorc!
  • Syndy
    xDonMega wrote: »
    Defend until you start providing how bolt escape is unbalancing the odds of fights to favor sorcs killing people?

    Instead of just crying because someone can run away and you couldn't stop him?

    If you have not experienced how annoying 2 ganking sorcs are, I highly recommend you play something other than AD on Auriels Bow.

    Facemelter and Weoo (spelling?) working in tandem can totally wreck small groups and there is no way to stop them, or kill them to remove the nuisance other than zerging them down.

    One bolt escapes in, unloads everything on a player, then bolt escapes away uses dark exchange... The other will come in after the previous sorc has gone and unload a rotation then bolt escape away, then the first sorc will come back again with full health and Magicka to harass some more. Keeping you or your group dismounted the whole time and resource starved, all you can do is heal and walk forward, the whole time they are pestering you constantly if you don't have a healer your small group is dead... There is nothing you can do to stop them...Except watch them come in and out over and over again.

    Try to chase one of them that needs resources the other will come in and stun/root you...

    I do admire the teamwork, but it is possible because there is no counter to Bolt Escape.

    Syndy - VR14 Breton Templar
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Syndia - 100 Zealot, Syndai - 99 Black Guard, Cyndrana - 84 Sorceress
  • limeli8
    Valn wrote: »
    Amaylia wrote: »
    Valn wrote: »
    Yes, the bolt escape itself is op because it still allows you to escape situations. Immovable just ensures that you can escape situations against those people who have ranged CC.

    Some people don't have ranged CC and so a sorc without immovable can still get away from them.

    Like I said, anyone can use immovable, but not everyone has an ability where they can escape so easily. People without bolt escape can't catch up to them which is why bolt escape needs reworking. Spamming it 5 or 6 times and then going into stealth to escape any situation is not good. It needs a higher mana cost.

    The game was built with the intention of giving certain classes and weapon sets various advantages and disadvantages. Bolt Escape without Immovable is stoppable in a variety of ways, it has both advantages and disadvantages. If you don't possess the skills to stop it, that is a disadvantage of the skills you have chosen. Other players who have set up their skills differently from you are capable of stopping bolt escape, team up with them if it is such a big concern for you.

    What you are suggesting is that the game be homogenized and everyone have similar skills to everyone else, that is totally against the spirit of this game.

    Exactly how does a melee warrior who uses stamina meant to stop someone with bolt escape? You use stamina to sprint and when thats all run out y ou have no resources to charge to them, by the time you have enough resources to charge they've already got out of range.

    What im suggesting is that the skill is reworked so that it's not a free "escape any situation" ability.

    I can't even get on my horse to catch up with them because i would still be in combat.

    I agree, this game was built so that classes and sets have their advantages and disadvantages. However bolt escape with immovable has no counter. You simply cannot catch up with them if you are melee based.

    Serious question, how far will you go to defend this obviously unbalanced skill? You're not thinking rationally.

    So you have to use stamina (that you use to attack with) to sprint after them and maybe if you are smart cast "Retreating Maneuver" but they have to use magica (that they use to also attack with) to run from you. Seems you're on an equal footing here, also magica based characters have horrible stamina pool and stamina regen so in that regard you can use all you want and you'll still have more as long as you force them to use theirs (which isn't hard cause everyone spams cc as it is). Now i've stated earlier that "ball lightning" morph of bolt escape could stand a small nerf because it really does make a sorc very hard to get but the other morph can be hit with ranged weapons or gap closers just fine at least for the first 1-3 casts.
    Anyways why do i even do this? People simply need to understand that all builds for all classes come with certain limitations. DK can't move around fast but they can wreck any other class 1v1 or 1v20. Templars are currently a bit underpowered for dps but if played as tanks or healers they are very effective. Nb are currently simply broken but even as it is they make great healers and support or gankers .
    Sorcs are ranged dps (yeah you can talk about melee all you want but 9 out of 10 melee sorcs are useless in group pvp and can only gank small scale ) If sorc can't stay out of melee he cant do anything other than spam aoe impulse (which anyone can do). Main sorc single target nuke is 1.3 sec cast so in melee unless you proc insta cast its not usable at all! (bash bash bash bash!)
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
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