Bolt Escape is overpowered

  • crislevin
    Valn wrote: »
    Almost solo'd someone my level but they bolt escape about 5 times and disappeared. overpowered. fact.

    overpowered is when he kills you with BE, the fact remains neither he or you were dead because of BE. Without BE, he would be dead and should him come here and complain your class is OP?

    Lets hear your argument again please.
    Edited by crislevin on May 6, 2014 5:10PM
  • Kingslayer
    Why the hell is this in CS forum thread? Theres 7 of these already. Can i put out one about DK standard which is Game changing to say the least. Or Pulsar????. Please Because its threads like this that cause that finicky devs up in Texas to panic they may lose a sub and boom. If this was 8 v 8 or arenas i would agree but it isn't and when its zerg on zerg this is a very good ability and is needed. Most traditional casting classes have always had escapes in mmos. Be thankful this game doesn't have a permanent stealth. Oh and just seen what someone said? no way to stop it? Learn your abilities you will see differently.... I Stop them all the time.
    Edited by Kingslayer on May 6, 2014 5:13PM
  • Anzaman
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.

    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • crislevin
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.

    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.

    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.
  • SourceError
    It's not OP. gg.
  • Anzaman
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.
    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.
    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.
    Haven't you seen videos posted on the forums? Players are literally spamming it.
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • NordJitsu
    L2P is really all there is left to say at this point.

    I'm going to get a guildie to go with me and teach you guys some of the counters in a video though. You're welcome in advance.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • crislevin
    Anzaman wrote: »
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.
    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.
    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.
    Haven't you seen videos posted on the forums? Players are literally spamming it.
    You call sorc's one last reliable way of escaping brutal melee damage by other class OP?

    EVERY spell can be spammed, with potions if needed. How about DK's INSTANT 3 second knockdown? How about EXTREMELY spammable biting jabs? and geuess what, these all KILL ppl, BE does not.
  • crislevin
    NordJitsu wrote: »
    L2P is really all there is left to say at this point.

    I'm going to get a guildie to go with me and teach you guys some of the counters in a video though. You're welcome in advance.

    well, it can't be used anymore when carrying an elderscroll, I bet it will be all DK carrying them from now on.
  • Anzaman
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.
    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.
    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.
    Haven't you seen videos posted on the forums? Players are literally spamming it.
    You call sorc's one last reliable way of escaping brutal melee damage by other class OP?

    EVERY spell can be spammed, with potions if needed. How about DK's INSTANT 3 second knockdown? How about EXTREMELY spammable biting jabs? and geuess what, these all KILL ppl, BE does not.
    Well, with morph it can kill people. :p

    But anyways, it's defensive escape mechanism. It's not like small cooldown would kill you. Why do you think that World of Warcraft mage's Blink has 15 sec CD?

    And btw I'm Sorcerer.
    Edited by Anzaman on May 6, 2014 5:34PM
    Nilene Nightsky - Healer Warden
    Niomia Nightsky - Stamina Nightblade
    Ebonheart Pact (EU) Veteran: 10 - CP: 101
  • crislevin
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Well, with morph it can kill people. :p

    But anyways, it's defensive escape mechanism. It's not like small cooldown would kill you, why do you think that World of Warcraft mage's Blink 15 second cooldown?

    And btw I'm Sorcerer.
    lol, if that measly 200-300 can kill, there wouldn't be much of a reason to escape in the first place.

    There is a small cold down already, its call cast animation. Each BE only get you 15 m away, DK, Temp and NB all have gap closers get on you instantly within that range, and with special effects (always critical hit, bash to stun you, etc), longer cool down just make it useless.
    Edited by crislevin on May 6, 2014 5:37PM
  • Valn
    crislevin wrote: »
    Valn wrote: »
    Almost solo'd someone my level but they bolt escape about 5 times and disappeared. overpowered. fact.

    overpowered is when he kills you with BE, the fact remains neither he or you were dead because of BE. Without BE, he would be dead and should him come here and complain your class is OP?

    Lets hear your argument again please.

    the fact remains that he should have died but the overpowered ability means he can't die because he can always resort to escaping if he's on low health.

    i dont have the option to get out of combat and run away because i can only sprint , and its pretty unlikely im going to survive if im trying to sprint away with 5% health and he has bolt escape (and he can just catch up to me instantly and finish me off, and i cant do that to him).

    Would you like me to repeat my argument? or is that okay for you to understand :)
    Edited by Valn on May 6, 2014 5:58PM
  • Kaskako
    NukaCola wrote: »
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.

    What are you talking about not being able to cc them? you have plenty cc as sorcerer, you also have a couple abilities to increase your armour, one of which increases your movement speed.

    No one is saying BE needs to be removed, but being able to spam it 10-20 times is ridiculous.

  • ipkonfigcub18_ESO
    What did you people expect from a Game Developer that refused to put Cooldowns on abilities?

    This is what happens when your developers try too hard to make their game more unique than the last combat failed system.

    Welcome to bad ideas introduced into a new game. It won't be the last time it happens.
  • Kaskako
    What did you people expect from a Game Developer that refused to put Cooldowns on abilities?

    This is what happens when your developers try too hard to make their game more unique than the last combat failed system.

    Welcome to bad ideas introduced into a new game. It won't be the last time it happens.

    If you aren't going to add to the discussion, go troll elsewhere. There is not need for cooldowns in this situation, there are multiple other alternatives which have been mentioned.
  • Mud_Puppy
    Im a sorcorer and even I think bolt escape is op. Why the *** nerf mist form speed and not that shiz. Pup confused oh nu! :(
  • Thechemicals
    Ive seen a horse catch a bolt escaper like a dog catches a frizbee. This skill is not overpowered.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • flintstone
    I have bolt escape slotted, and I do use escape. I'm VR5 but have done no PVP content yet. I use a restro staff and a bow (light armor) I really can't stand there and go toe-toe with monsters in dungeons for very long.

    I use it mostly to keep my restro staff going on the group (helps me stay at a distance).......or when solo, to escape when I get boxed in by a group.

    It's pretty useless as an offensive weapon.
    Edited by flintstone on May 7, 2014 3:32PM
  • Nooblet
    Kaskako wrote: »
    NukaCola wrote: »
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.

    What are you talking about not being able to cc them? you have plenty cc as sorcerer, you also have a couple abilities to increase your armour, one of which increases your movement speed.

    No one is saying BE needs to be removed, but being able to spam it 10-20 times is ridiculous.

    I am v10 and over magicka soft cap. I can spam it exactly 8 times before needing to wait on magicka or pop pots... that's if I'm at 100% and do no offensive attacks.

    Exaggerate much?
  • concobar
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.

    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.

    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.

    Mistform cost twice as much.
    I will still look across the lands from my perch at Arrius, Nerf or no I will still be the Night. I may not be the hero Ebonheart Pact wanted but I will be the hero Ebonheart pact deserves.
  • flintstone
    concobar wrote: »
    crislevin wrote: »
    Anzaman wrote: »
    Maybe they should go and throw some kind of cooldown on it.

    You could still use it to escape uncomfortable situations, but you couldn't warp to another corner of Cyrodiil while being nearly untouchable.

    It costs freaking 300+ magicka per cast, you try spamming it.

    Mistform cost twice as much.

    I thought everyone had the option to get mistform skill?....So, why does it's cost matter if it's the same for everyone?
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Mate , when the solution to how beat a guy in 1x1 , is to have a THIRD person (see how funny this is) , waiting outside the fight , just to run after the guy on a horse.

    You know your skill is broken.

    Pretty much sorcs are saying is , to kill one of us , bring a group , or dont waste your time , you already failed.

    I have no problem with this , they just need to buff ALL other classes to this level.

    Ofc , DK are also OP , but im guessing they are next on the list.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • NordJitsu
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Kaskako wrote: »
    NukaCola wrote: »
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.

    What are you talking about not being able to cc them? you have plenty cc as sorcerer, you also have a couple abilities to increase your armour, one of which increases your movement speed.

    No one is saying BE needs to be removed, but being able to spam it 10-20 times is ridiculous.

    I am v10 and over magicka soft cap. I can spam it exactly 8 times before needing to wait on magicka or pop pots... that's if I'm at 100% and do no offensive attacks.

    Exaggerate much?


    And the important thing to remember is a Sorcerer often isn't attempting to escape from a fight with a full Magicka bar. Usually its when a fight starts to go the other way, and they've got 50% magicka or so. That only gives them a few casts.

    Anyway, I have recorded my video of Bolt Escape counters. We still have to edit it and do VO, but I'll post it sooner rather than later.


    Path of Darkness from the Night Blade line is FASTER than Bolt Escape and CHEAPER and can be used to chase them down even when starting about 10m behind them when they bolt away.

    Video proof inc.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Lickyo
    Soul Shriven
    are you joking lol path of darkness is like 5 footsteps long and costs 300 magic too
  • NordJitsu

    Its fine if you don't believe me. We literally tested and recorded it.

    Problem you all have is that you come on the forums and say things based on what's in your head, but you have no concept of actually testing game mechanics.

    I did. I tested it. I will prove it.
    @NordJitsu - Guild Master (Main Character = Hlaalu Idas)
  • Lickyo
    Soul Shriven
    I think your problem nord is you are so hell bent on stopping the bolt escape nerf without realizing they probably wont nerf it. I use path of darkness on my main bar and yes you are as fast as bolt escape but the path is so short you usually have to spam it till your magic is gone and by the time you reach the sorc he'll kill you with what little magic he has left.

    also I have tested it and it is fast but nothing to compare to bolt escape.
    and dont post a video of you chasing a guy on a horse because most the time its bugged and cant even mount a horse at all
  • PVT_Parts
    Semel wrote: »
    Let me break it down for ya lot crying nerf nerf.

    Cost reduction:

    - 7 pieces of light armor:21%
    - sorcerer's passive: 5%
    - seducre's set: 3%

    Total cost reduction: 29%.

    Mostly with the loss of having a good armor rating. When you have all 7 pieces equipped your armor rating is crap.

    At vr4 sorcerer with ~ 30% cost reduction uses ALL magicka to cast 7 bolt escapes one by one.

    After EVERY cast magicka REGENERATION COMPLETELY STOPS for 5 seconds.

    you forget jewelry decreasing the cost of the ability by a further 45 magicka. So 45x7= 315 more magicka at the end of those 7 casts.
  • Thechemicals
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Kaskako wrote: »
    NukaCola wrote: »
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.

    What are you talking about not being able to cc them? you have plenty cc as sorcerer, you also have a couple abilities to increase your armour, one of which increases your movement speed.

    No one is saying BE needs to be removed, but being able to spam it 10-20 times is ridiculous.

    I am v10 and over magicka soft cap. I can spam it exactly 8 times before needing to wait on magicka or pop pots... that's if I'm at 100% and do no offensive attacks.

    Exaggerate much?

    Equilibrium in the mages guilld tree.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Asava
    So getting magicka while dropping your hit points makes this OP? One would think that someone draining their own hp's in combat would make it easier for them to be killed.
  • Nooblet
    Nooblet wrote: »
    Kaskako wrote: »
    NukaCola wrote: »
    If you are spamming escape then your not killing anyone. Sorcerer should have more mobility over the others. Otherwise how can you defend yourself against a melee when you can't cc him? Just because you can't get a free kill on someone who is running away doesn't mean they should nerf anything.

    What are you talking about not being able to cc them? you have plenty cc as sorcerer, you also have a couple abilities to increase your armour, one of which increases your movement speed.

    No one is saying BE needs to be removed, but being able to spam it 10-20 times is ridiculous.

    I am v10 and over magicka soft cap. I can spam it exactly 8 times before needing to wait on magicka or pop pots... that's if I'm at 100% and do no offensive attacks.

    Exaggerate much?

    Equilibrium in the mages guilld tree.

    You're right.. I could use equilibrium for 1.5 more teleports while dropping over 500 health. I can also stand there and channel for 4 seconds to regain magicka at the cost of stamina. Great escape strategies indeed.
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