Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Rollback yes or no

  • Bluntski
    Why does everyone one assume that they would have to roll back an entire server? They can do it on a character to character basis.
  • DoctorBear
    Bluntski wrote: »
    There absolutely should be a roll back. There are people in full legendary and have full stacks of all tempers. It is possible to only roll back select people. Rift did this when people exploited experience and prestige points.

    There is absolutely NO reason why theses people shouldn't be rolled back.

    More than a rollback, i believe an outright ban should be issued. They broke TOS, they should be punished accordingly. A rollback is like a slap on the wrist, it won't send the proper message.
  • Big_Bob
    What exploit? I've yet to reach lvl 40 nor the veteran rank so I have no clue what this is all about
  • satconcookb14_ESO
    There have been so many exploits in MMOs that lead to similar actions, and there were never mass rollbacks. Go back to even a simple game of The Sims Online when there was a massively published dupe bug. Thousands got banned, some that felt they were innocent lost some money, cause it was duped, but the rest were left untouched, just had a long maintenance to wait for.

    The only times rollbacks happen are when fatal server crashes happen, and then it is max a few hours.
    Edited by satconcookb14_ESO on April 18, 2014 3:07PM
  • Bluntski
    Never mass roll backs? Rift rolled back a *** ton of people that were exploiting PvP rifits.
  • Aci
    I wouldnt feel punished that much or at all. Too much fun playing this game at whichever level. As long this would help to fix the game it d be ok for me.
  • Arctirium
    It pains me to say this, but even RuneScape has a system in place to rollback specific accounts that meet certain conditions... Surely to GOD they had enough foresight to implement a system like this...? I hope...

  • faluciousub17_ESO
    I've played one of my characters for 96 hours, four full days. As somebody else said, the economy will work itself out. As new players join and more characters hit the level cap, the exploited items will be used, sold, and deconstructed to the point of no longer existing in game. Ban the accounts of the cheaters and fix the exploits but if we get a complete rollback I will quit this game.
    Our sugar is yours, friend.
  • zeuseason
    No rollbacks but they have to ban the accounts and remove any items left from the dupe from the game.
  • Mufasa
    Aci wrote: »
    I wouldnt feel punished that much or at all. Too much fun playing this game at whichever level. As long this would help to fix the game it d be ok for me.

    I have invested 10 days of game time, as have many of my friends. You would lose a ton of people. Unless they want to pay me for my time, at my current hourly rate of $34.25.
    Edited by Mufasa on April 18, 2014 3:12PM
  • Vyshan
    Honestly, in order for a duplication glitch to affect people and the economy.. there would have to be an economy, to begin with.

    But we don't have auction houses, so... yeah. No real impact on a good number of people.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Adlerson wrote: »
    Hehe, I like the idea of nullifying the advantage the dupers have gotten by giving the rest of us the same stuff for free. Then get a fix in place, THEN moving forward ZOS can start implementing more 'rare rewards' again.

    This notion that many have gotten such a huge advantage by cheating, and little is being done about it, will be poison for the morale of the game.


    If they don't ban the people, or at MINIMUM wipe their accounts fully (delete all characters), who duped they will be essentially saying "go ahead and use exploits, the worst that happens is you lose a few minutes' time, the upside is you might have hundreds of times or more the amount of stuff anyone who is an honest player has".

    They need to come down hard on the dupers with permanent bans.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on April 18, 2014 3:14PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • stylernaku
    Hang on, woooooahh woah woah. Roll back feck no! You kidding me. Getting ww and vamp has been a pain in the arse never mind the quests after wards and grinding the levels. If I have all that to do again i'm walking away right away no way am I doing all that again. I know there's a mess here and people have exploited, but rip them out of the game and their gold, problem solved. Don't punish those of us who have been logging in and playing unawares of the usual BS from kids who cannot just play a damn game the way it was made! So sick of this crap!
    Edited by stylernaku on April 18, 2014 5:06PM
  • ebunts14_ESO
    I have seen only 1 major rollback in a MMO. Most other rollbacks generally was an hour or two or maybe to the beginning of the day . And those rollbacks was for tech. reasons.

    The only real rollback, as the type being discussed happened in UO. A hacker hacked into the UO servers and caused every house in game to decay. Items in the house when it decays becomes free loot. Now imagine the entire landscape with nothing but gold, chests, furniture, weapons and other stuff laying all over the place. Even this was rolled back to an earlier save, before the hack.

    I never heard of but maybe im wrong of a rollback of several days. Its not going to happen.
  • Bluntski
    For the 100th time:

    Edited by Bluntski on April 18, 2014 3:17PM
  • Evergreen
    Vyshan wrote: »
    Honestly, in order for a duplication glitch to affect people and the economy.. there would have to be an economy, to begin with.

    But we don't have auction houses, so... yeah. No real impact on a good number of people.

    You left out the unfair advantage unlimited legendary mats and heaps of gold would give in pvp.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Evergreen wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    Honestly, in order for a duplication glitch to affect people and the economy.. there would have to be an economy, to begin with.

    But we don't have auction houses, so... yeah. No real impact on a good number of people.

    You left out the unfair advantage unlimited legendary mats and heaps of gold would give in pvp.

    And that the vast majority of good gear is bind on equip or doesn't bind at all, for veteran ranks.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Tetrasoli
    Bluntski wrote: »
    For the 100th time:


    Why waste time doing that when you can ban the account?

    Edited by Tetrasoli on April 18, 2014 3:18PM
  • Bluntski
    Oh I agree @Tetrasoli, I 'm just seeing people saying no rollback/ban because they think it would affect everyone.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Tetrasoli wrote: »
    Bluntski wrote: »
    For the 100th time:


    Why waste time doing that when you can ban the account?

    Agreed. Also why tell people "go ahead and try any exploit you see, worst that happens is you lose the ill-gotten gains"? Permanent bans need to be handed out for this kind of severe exploit.
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Uncle_Bob
    Banning accounts is the only thing that makes sense. A rollback would do nothing but roll back a small part of the economy which would essentially balance itself over time. The banned accounts and everything on that account (gear/gold wise) would be removed from the game anyway.

    They really need a handle on the source of the problem first, which is the bug itself and focus heavily on gold sellers (and buyers). Dual wielding banhammers!
  • Katkon
    A very loud NO! to across-the-board rollbacks. I did not cheat or otherwise exploit, and do not want to be punished for the actions of a bunch of idiots.

    Also, why on earth would you suggest a rollback? Who the heck knows what Zenimax do and don't know, can and can't do? The action should CLEARLY be targeted at those that cheated/exploited. Leave the rest of us alone.

    I have a hypothesis that the majority of those asking for a rollback are those that DID cheat/exploit and inherently competitive. As a result a rollback en masses is in their/the cheaters' best interest as everyone is reset and all ill-gotten (and non ill-gotten gains) lost, which gives them a chance to rise the top quickly as they won't be at a disadvantage to those that did not cheat/exploit.

    Again - NO! To me, free play time would not be relevant as a compensator. In spent a lot of time/effort getting to 38 and earning my gear legitimately, I would not want to lose all that and have very little interest in re-earning all that stuff and/or replaying the same content.
  • Rhetoric
    Soul Shriven
    If now is the time for anything, the Ban Hammer needs to swing. And swing hard. If Zenimax just means to go in and fix the exploit only, then I will have lost all faith in this game. That's basically turning a blind eye to the community as a whole and is just doing this as a "for profit" market scheme. Sorry to say, but without a loyal fanbase, this game will have to resort to alternate means of capital income (and I reference how Rift and Star Wars: The Old Republic are now as examples). I don't mind the long maintenances as long as they are fixing these bugs and exploits as a means to have a smoother gaming experience, but not punishing those that abuse the system and basically telling everyone else "Tough luck. You should have been smarter and got it while the getting was good." will make me not only quit, but make me tell everyone that I know that the game isn't worth the money. At all. And I hate to break it to you, but without subscribers, you're as good as done.
  • wean
    I would think the best option would be to query the users and compare those have unnatural amounts to the general population. Weed them out and ban them. Let them come to Zen individually and state their case and work from that point. It would be better to harm a smaller population (with some innocent bystanders) than to harm everyone as a whole with rollbacks. I don't think they would recover from the damage of a rollback at this point due to the fact that everyday their credibility dwindles and it is getting closer to the end of the 30 day free period. People will speak with their wallets...and many won't be creating the "I'm Leaving" thread. Of course this is all my 2 cents.
  • Bluntski

    They can rollback individual characters...
  • Korereactor
    Mufasa wrote: »
    Thralgaf wrote: »
    Doooommmm. DOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM! THE GAME IS TOAST IF WE DON'T ROLLBACK. DOOOOOOMMM. First, they aren't going to rollback squat. Second, the economy can and will work itself out without a rollback. Neverwinter Online had a similar issue at release and it worked itself out within a month. Let's give it a whirl before we start hurling outselves out of 10 story windows, shall we?

    This lol.

    I'm surprised there's no class action lawsuit in the works yet. LOL.
  • lorddarcek
    You people all missing the point here.
    There are problems here,sever problems.
    People sploiting,gold spammers owning chat etc..
    So lets say you rollback to zero..what now? they will just do it all over again..
    This will be like applying antibiotics to a dead man.
    First they have to identify and isolate the sploits,the way gold spammers took over etc etc whatever is wrong.. Then they need to find a solution to prevent that,ever happening again.
    Only then solutions like Rollbacks,bans etc would have any real meaning.
    Originally Posted by Cephus at AOUniverse
    I look at WoW as the crap-filter of the MMO world. It attracts all the idiots and lets the rest of us play in relative peace.
  • Mufasa
    wean wrote: »
    I would think the best option would be to query the users and compare those have unnatural amounts to the general population. Weed them out and ban them. Let them come to Zen individually and state their case and work from that point. It would be better to harm a smaller population (with some innocent bystanders) than to harm everyone as a whole with rollbacks. I don't think they would recover from the damage of a rollback at this point due to the fact that everyday their credibility dwindles and it is getting closer to the end of the 30 day free period. People will speak with their wallets...and many won't be creating the "I'm Leaving" thread. Of course this is all my 2 cents.

    Can you imagine the man power that will take? Now imagine the cost of those employees to deal with all of that on top of the current CS issues.

  • Tetrasoli
    Bluntski wrote: »

    They can rollback individual characters...

    There is another reason to ban players who exploited. Some were selling the in-game currency made from the dupe bug to gold sellers for real cash. So they will be enriched, regardless of a roll back or not. They must be banned. No rollbacks.

  • Attorneyatlawl
    lorddarcek wrote: »
    You people all missing the point here.
    There are problems here,sever problems.
    People sploiting,gold spammers owning chat etc..
    So lets say you rollback to zero..what now? they will just do it all over again..
    This will be like applying antibiotics to a dead man.
    First they have to identify and isolate the sploits,the way gold spammers took over etc etc whatever is wrong.. Then they need to find a solution to prevent that,ever happening again.
    Only then solutions like Rollbacks,bans etc would have any real meaning.

    They already know the problems now. However, that has nothing to do with punishment for those who already have taken advantage of exploits and duping bugs now being fixed: they unequivocally need action taken against them.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on April 18, 2014 3:33PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
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