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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Laughable Patchnotes

  • rager82b14_ESO

    Look, I dunno if you are having troubles understanding what we are saying or you are just playing dumb to troll this thread:

    I understand what you are saying just fine.
    So telling people l2p because they had a hard time with some thing is not about player skill?
    This is about a mob that was put there to test intelligence and reactions from players. It had a simple mechanic that once understood would resolve the fight in seconds. BUT lazy or not so bright people couldn't do it (let's not delve in the concept of "Not all content is for everyone" eh?) so they cried till they made the battle pointless. This is a trend in modern MMOs: appealing to the lowest of lowest. Another dangerous trend is listening to feedback from vocal trolls.

    The battle is not pointless, I enjoyed it, and will enjoy it even if it was easy. Not all content has to be omg hard. Omg i got to be think to be enjoyed by players.
    The fact that you are upset people had trouble with it and toned it down is just being silly and selfish. You accuse people of being dumb and lazy, yet you can't looked pass your own damn world to see not every one is as good as the game as others. That it takes them time to get better, and the skill gap was a huge jump for that mob.

    Yet, you make a out cry about it being nerfed because it makes the game "easier" SO WHAT? A level 8 mob is easier now. *twirls finger* That is the most dumbest thing to get upset about.

    What has this brought till now?

    - starting experience butchered
    - all-round nerfing of what passed for 'slightly harder content'
    - welfare epics mentality:I have the right to do everything even if I am not good at it
    - pretty soon probably AH, followed by all the other stuff wowkiddies are asking for

    If you can only insult people who are angry with this change, please start your own thread where you gloat together with the other "not so good" players for another game turned into a brainless wowclone

    And now you are over reacting, and the fact you seem to not understand what a wow clone is.
  • mutharex
    Carde wrote: »
    Carde wrote: »

    Doshia is not a real boss. She was a Daedric Harvester which is a normal enemy in the game later on, found in many places. If you can't handle Doshia then you are seriously screwed later.

    They will have more skills and more levels by that time. The skill gap went from easy to hard for players and that was the problem tougher content should roll in slowly not jump like it did.Reason I gave the feedback telling it should get toned down some.

    They're still going to stun you and summon orbs.

    Those orbs will fully heal them if you lack the reflexes or the situational awareness to spin in 4 directions and one shot them all before they reach the Harvester.

    None of these "difficult" mechanics are changing.

    Nah. They'll whine and troll till all of the game can be done by them.Or trained monkeys
  • Yasha
    Hawke wrote: »
    Here is the video... Level 6 (Doshia is level 8) and no morphed skills, only the 3 basic class skills, and Shield weapon (no weapon skills, no racial skills, nothing).

    I took her down after the orb bug stopped bugging out.


    She is not impossible, you just have to use interrupt, or go ranged on her. And you do not need aoe!

    Great video. I like how you really make the most of the combat system.

    I honestly find the scamps more difficult than the boss (there is three in a group in AD), because like you show Dosh doesn't do much damage and the orbs heal you.

  • qwertyburnsb16_ESO
    I remember in beta I had a real hard time with her, but had a bad build and didn't get the orb thing. Since launch I have sliced through her and her orbs with melee characters like butter. My archer did it second time around, but it took a while. Haven't done with my mage as yet though.

    It seems it didn't need to be nerfed. Perhaps only more of an obvious clue about the orbs maybe.
  • Hawke
    mutharex wrote: »

    You seem to be one that confuses not being good at anything with the game being complicated. Overtuned... god this game is gonna turn into another dumb wowclone thanks to people like you.Enjoy

    People are really blind when it comes to simple things.

    Point is, it was a cheese boss, some people or builds had trouble with it. It is a boss that does not matter in the overall view of things.

    I do hope they keep on fine tuning the game. This game will keep getting better because they go back and do things like this.

    I have read your posts @rager82b14_ESO , and the irony is your Pros and Cons post about TESO was one good thing, Combat. And like 10 bad things.

    You can't have a "build" at level 8. You are only gonna have around 10 skill points to spend, there is no build you can make. It's just using the tools the developers gave for the combat system. Is it perfect? No. Does it work here, yes.

    Please do not come at people (well the go to wow guy is ok) in the holier than thou manner because you are just talking to the Kettle when you do that.

    An analogy. For a driving test in some states in the US you are required to parellel park in front of a tester. If you cannot perform the task, you may not pass the driver's test. In the middle of a country town, it is not important to know how to parellel park, but if you live in a city, it is very important.

    Should we do away with the requirement because some people are having trouble with it? No.

    You practice until you get the hang of it.

    Another analogy...

    Most people cannot drive a standard transmission nowadays, it's all automatic. A person applies to a driver job.. gets the job and is given the vehicle. He ignores the fact that the job description mentions a manual transmission and discovers he cannot operate that vehicle... does the new employer just buy him a new vehicle?


    People have to learn. When 3D mmos came out, you could jump places. And people who learned that skill had an advantage over others in combat. Did Asheron's Call nerf jumping? No. Did Anarchy Online? No. It was something people had to learn.

    I would suggest to Zenimax and Bethesda, dont make any changes until a month or so after launch. They should be focusing on bugs (like the invisible orbs).
  • Hawke
    Yasha wrote: »
    Hawke wrote: »
    Here is the video... Level 6 (Doshia is level 8) and no morphed skills, only the 3 basic class skills, and Shield weapon (no weapon skills, no racial skills, nothing).

    I took her down after the orb bug stopped bugging out.


    She is not impossible, you just have to use interrupt, or go ranged on her. And you do not need aoe!

    Great video. I like how you really make the most of the combat system.

    I honestly find the scamps more difficult than the boss (there is three in a group in AD), because like you show Dosh doesn't do much damage and the orbs heal you.

    @Yasha thank you for taking the time to watch it. I am truly glad it was helpful. The people who bash it, I doubt took the time to watch it and listen to the commentary.

    Honestly, thank you *bows slightly*
  • Vyshan
    mutharex wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    How would any of those three things equate to a game dying?

    Do you know of any post wow game that has added those things (or anything that wowkiddies DEMANDED) and has not gone F2P? No? Thought so...

    While I'm sure you believed adding "Thought so..." made you look clever, it's actually a bit foolish.

    What game has needed to add nameplates, minimaps, and player-markets after launch? These are features that mainstream/western MMOs have, to begin with, from Day One.

    Further, the "wowkiddies" comment is also a bit foolish. Certainly, you realize these are MMORPG features that pre-date WoW by a fair number of years. WoW was not the first MMORPG, you know?
  • mutharex
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    How would any of those three things equate to a game dying?

    Do you know of any post wow game that has added those things (or anything that wowkiddies DEMANDED) and has not gone F2P? No? Thought so...

    While I'm sure you believed adding "Thought so..." made you look clever, it's actually a bit foolish.

    What game has needed to add nameplates, minimaps, and player-markets after launch? These are features that mainstream/western MMOs have, to begin with, from Day One.

    Further, the "wowkiddies" comment is also a bit foolish. Certainly, you realize these are MMORPG features that pre-date WoW by a fair number of years. WoW was not the first MMORPG, you know?

    So in short, NO GAME

    Thank you

    PS Thanks for self discrediting yourself by proving you know NOTHING of pre-wow MMORPGS
    Edited by mutharex on April 15, 2014 12:34PM
  • rager82b14_ESO
    I have read your posts @rager82b14_ESO , and the irony is your Pros and Cons post about TESO was one good thing, Combat. And like 10 bad things.
    That is because the things i like about the game are amazing. I did not want to give great details of what I liked. But the things that could change did more. Just because it had more bad does not mean cancel out the good. The game is amazing. :)
    You can't have a "build" at level 8. You are only gonna have around 10 skill points to spend, there is no build you can make. It's just using the tools the developers gave for the combat system. Is it perfect? No. Does it work here, yes.

    It does, but at the same time what the problem is that the game was easy at the time very relaxed and it just jumped to WTF. A good way to handle tougher content is to slowly work its way up to it. Not a huge jump to take players off guard. Some players don't learn as fast as others.
    Please do not come at people (well the go to wow guy is ok) in the holier than thou manner because you are just talking to the Kettle when you do that.

    That is fine, I don't mind the kettle is black. I don't mind acting holier than thou. I'm not the one getting upset over a nerf change. I'm not the one claiming that the game is turning into wow, or people l2p. So if i'm coming off holier than thou to them. Good.
    An analogy. For a driving test in some states in the US you are required to parellel park in front of a tester. If you cannot perform the task, you may not pass the driver's test. In the middle of a country town, it is not important to know how to parellel park, but if you live in a city, it is very important.

    Should we do away with the requirement because some people are having trouble with it? No.

    You practice until you get the hang of it.

    Another analogy...

    Most people cannot drive a standard transmission nowadays, it's all automatic. A person applies to a driver job.. gets the job and is given the vehicle. He ignores the fact that the job description mentions a manual transmission and discovers he cannot operate that vehicle... does the new employer just buy him a new vehicle?


    People have to learn. When 3D mmos came out, you could jump places. And people who learned that skill had an advantage over others in combat. Did Asheron's Call nerf jumping? No. Did Anarchy Online? No. It was something people had to learn.

    Them analogy are bad for on for two you can't compare the past to the games of now. More people game besides the hardcore. Games have changed, and for a mmo to live wow got the one thing right that is content for all players. Tough, Easy, and wtf. That is how a mmo comes out on top. That is why wow is still amazing and is living strong after what 8 years? Gaming is not about getting better, and MMOS are not always about tough content. It is a rpg world, filled with a community, and people to enjoy. Getting better will slowly come to players who keep playing, not omg get good tough boss incoming. On a game that has a pretty bad grouping system.
    I would suggest to Zenimax and Bethesda, dont make any changes until a month or so after launch. They should be focusing on bugs (like the invisible orbs).

    That is dumb, the game needs change and balance before people get so use to it, or before it hurts the system. Nerfs are ok, People don't like them, but most people accept and move on. So them nerfing at the start is fine, hearing feedback and changing is fine.
    Edited by rager82b14_ESO on April 15, 2014 12:37PM
  • BrierTOG
    I am sorry but if you keep dying to a mob not like one or two times but hours at end, i think they should look at it. I know i have had this happen with a few mobs. It does get better when you get more skills. But it will always be about balance, which skills to pick and when.
  • Judge_Mental_One
    I don't really care either way but the nerf wasn't needed. I am at best an average player, and I have fought and killed doisha twice. The first time was in beta as DC and I was lvl 12 and she never transformed, was too busy laying on the ground being filled full of silver bolts and arrows from my bow.

    2nd time was in live as pact and I was only lvl 9 with quite a couple of skill points in crafting. Didn't have silver bolts, no morphs on my skills but still manadged to down her first go though it was dicey at one point (magma armor saved me).

    Playing a DK archer both times. I understand melee would probably have a harder time of her but still I would say all you really need if your having trouble is to go get a skill point and take silver bolts.

    Yes she makes it so you cant move and then the orbs appear but unless your bugged out once the orbs start moving you can too.

  • Vyshan
    mutharex wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    How would any of those three things equate to a game dying?

    Do you know of any post wow game that has added those things (or anything that wowkiddies DEMANDED) and has not gone F2P? No? Thought so...

    While I'm sure you believed adding "Thought so..." made you look clever, it's actually a bit foolish.

    What game has needed to add nameplates, minimaps, and player-markets after launch? These are features that mainstream/western MMOs have, to begin with, from Day One.

    Further, the "wowkiddies" comment is also a bit foolish. Certainly, you realize these are MMORPG features that pre-date WoW by a fair number of years. WoW was not the first MMORPG, you know?

    So in short, NO GAME

    Thank you

    PS Thanks for self discrediting yourself by proving you know NOTHING of pre-wow MMORPGS

  • Holmes
    If you didn't go out in the middle of nowhere and rushed head first into Doshia, and instead did the quests progressively as you moved out of the main city, you would have already been overlevelled by the time you reached Doshia. I was, since I was working my way upwards from Glenumbra, doing all the quests as I went along. Ended up fighting Doshia at level 13, without planning it out that way.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • nerevarine1138
    BrierTOG wrote: »
    I am sorry but if you keep dying to a mob not like one or two times but hours at end, i think they should look at it. I know i have had this happen with a few mobs. It does get better when you get more skills. But it will always be about balance, which skills to pick and when.

    If you kept dying to Doshia, it was because you didn't understand the mechanics of the fight, not because you didn't have enough skill points. And I have to agree that I don't like seeing fun boss encounters take hits this early on. These encounters are supposed to train you for dungeons and later encounters which are actually hard. Doshia trains you for BC and for future harvester encounters where the "Feast" mechanic comes into play.
  • Yasha
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    How would any of those three things equate to a game dying?

    What he means is that eso will lose some of its unique flavour if these kind of typical mmo items are incorporated into the game.

    For example dark souls is an extremely challenging game. If the content was nerfed and you didn't lose your progress when killed or you could spawn right at boss fights when you lost etc, etc, I would probably be able to clear the game, but it would also likely lose the cult following which has set it apart as one of the most acclaimed action rpgs ever.

    People are rightly concerned that trend of content being nerfed and the game gradually being turned into a "wow clone" , will ultimately water down the experience and risks destroying a great game.
  • luckyjoemcb14_ESO
    Yasha wrote: »
    Vyshan wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    How would any of those three things equate to a game dying?

    What he means is that eso will lose some of its unique flavour if these kind of typical mmo items are incorporated into the game.

    For example dark souls is an extremely challenging game. If the content was nerfed and you didn't lose your progress when killed or you could spawn right at boss fights when you lost etc, etc, I would probably be able to clear the game, but it would also likely lose the cult following which has set it apart as one of the most acclaimed action rpgs ever.

    People are rightly concerned that trend of content being nerfed and the game gradually being turned into a "wow clone" , will ultimately water down the experience and risks destroying a great game.


    The MMO community clamors for something new and fresh, then immediately vomits bile on anything new or fresh. The community howls for challenge , then crys tears of anguish when they cannot easily faceroll anything they see.

    Honestly why any company even bothers to make MMO's any more is beyond me. The community at large is so toxic, and vile that I think sometimes the developers are masochists .
  • Januk
    Didn't bother reading it all (Cause there were too much of the same thing really) but seriously they nerfed Doshia? Even my 13 year old sister beat her... Well I will admit tho she's very smart for her age only thing she had issues with was what the red n yellow indicators meant.
  • Srugzal
    Hmm, I'm in daggerfall covenant, and I don't remember Doshia at all.
    Is Doshia in another faction? Or maybe I was just lucky that people came and killed her the same time as me, I don't know.

    With all this story in ESO, it all kinda blurs together lol.

    A fighter's guild quest, so it's in every faction. And it's solo only.
  • Hawke
    @rager82b14_ESO we only have 9 buttons to push to include the potion hotbar and ultimate. Oh and the WASD keys and sprint so 14 buttons in total.

    Other games, not to include GW2 (mmos) have like 30 buttons just on the hotbars themselves. SWTOR I had 3 hotbars that I had mapped and an extra hotbar for "other" utilities. That's 48 buttons, plus the WASD, F key for smuggler/operative for a whopping 53 buttons!

    53 vs 14 is far less complicated to run through.

    I am sorry man, but this game's combat system is already "simple". The community needs to use the tools they are given, otherwise this game is not what was originally intended.
  • Srugzal
    Ekeiram wrote: »
    Lol seriously? Never had trouble in the beta with her or release, how hard is it to kill the orbs before they touch her.
    well if you cannot move , because one of her abilities , it is not possible to kill the orbs :)

    Not true. You just need to touch them, or else fire an AoE when you hear the bong. In the beta they were little and you had to actually target them.
  • Willow
    Man some of you are so full of yourselves.


  • Srugzal
    Ekeiram wrote: »
    If you have no interupts in you spec ( yes that happens ) she heals herself when you are down ;)

    Wrong. It's the healing spheres, man. They heal her when she touches them; they heal you when you touch them.
  • Cutekhaos
    Tuning is something they have been actively working on for a while, sometimes it is hard to get a clear fix on the issue when there are limited numbers involved. People complaining about a quest that was difficult when they completed it and then tuned it to a more acceptable level is just silly.

    So it wasn't difficult for you, congrats I am proud of you for mastering that level 8 boss. For some people she was over tuned, knowing how harvesters work made for easy encounter. This is knowledge I had, but many others in zone and guilds did not. Having such a roadblock in these early stages makes people not want to progress or play on when these bosses are still hard but you have more effective tools to handle them.

    What ultimately made this harvester more difficult than others is locale, she is in a very small area comparatively to the other harvesters you will face. The next memorable harvester (Disclaimer: My personal experience, yours is likely to be different.) isn't until Coldharbour when skill points aren't an issue. There is also a lot more leg room.

    Instead of be belittling people try to help them. Take comfort that you beat a "tough" boss. Put that trophy on your inner I am better that you wall and chuckle to yourself as needed. Preen those feathers as "noobs" come to you the Master for help. Don't be an elitist jerk about a starting zone boss, they have Craglorn waiting just for you.
  • mutharex
    Srugzal wrote: »
    Ekeiram wrote: »
    Lol seriously? Never had trouble in the beta with her or release, how hard is it to kill the orbs before they touch her.
    well if you cannot move , because one of her abilities , it is not possible to kill the orbs :)

    Not true. You just need to touch them, or else fire an AoE when you hear the bong. In the beta they were little and you had to actually target them.

    Hell, if there was a bong in the battle, I doubt she would have put up much of a fight :)
  • Srugzal
    Rosebloome wrote: »
    Hodorius wrote: »
    This mob was never about skill!
    It was about looking and thinking.

    I kinda thought the entire point of the game was look and think.

    I mean, alot of the quests were even puzzles. Not super HARD puzzles mind you, but place all these things in order kind of things.

    Reminds me of this one quest. Big braziers burning with color fires above unlit ones. Like, green, red, green. Pretty obvious. light the ones under to match. Then I read in zone chat, " How do I do this quest. " Which was one with the colored burning bonfires. /sigh

    Quests that require more than just the fire button are out of reach for some people, apparently.
  • Xenrae
    I am a skilled player, and Doshia was OP for level 8. Some people will look for any reason to call everybody else a loser. This was a good call.

    Now it's a slippery slope to WoW clone? Because the developers are paying attention? Because the developers don't want a brand new player, level 8, to be over powered out of finding out about the rest of the game?

    An auction house would ruin your game how? Get all of the WTS spam out of chat?

    Good call, Zeni. I'm having a ball, and figure you guys know more about game development than the average face roller. Keep up the good work.
  • commandline
    mutharex wrote: »
    A lot of the 'bosses' have been nerfed since beta. Whiney kids whine, awesome game starts to die. next: nameplates, minimap and global AH

    Oh boy :'(
  • Supersomething
    Low level content was nerfed so clearly the sky is falling and the entire game will be face roll soon. I'm sorry but why does leveling content need to be challenging?

    Most of the people who are complaining about the low level content being nerfed probably have not reached Vet ranks where you will have challenges to your hearts content. Leveling has never proved how great or bad you are in a game. Just that you are able to kill an outrageous amount of creatures and do a vast number of quests for lazy NPC's who can do nothing for themselves. Fun fact too, there are exact clones of that boss as a mob in various higher level zones, who are already easier than her to kill.

    This game does not actually begin in terms of progression until you reach the VR content.
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • lyfeenz
    This boss was fun, died twice till I learned what those orbs were then it was ez peezy. It was that oh snap moment when I realized the mechanics, that made it fun.
  • nerevarine1138
    lyfeenz wrote: »
    This boss was fun, died twice till I learned what those orbs were then it was ez peezy. It was that oh snap moment when I realized the mechanics, that made it fun.


    This wasn't an issue of a boss doing too much damage, or a boss being overpowered for their level. It was about players not being willing to pay attention to the fight and figure out that the floaty orbs may have something to do with the boss healing to full every time they touch her.
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