Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Laughable Patchnotes

  • mutharex
    nyxnox wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »

    Waste of breath. Wowification has already started and it's obvious where the devs are going to bring the game. Shame

    You also, both of you are just being silly. Wowification over a nerfed level 8 mob. Upset that people having trouble with it. Claim that people must l2p.

    Prime example of what mmo community has turned out to be.

    You see, back in the old days. we did not judge people who could not do things like this. We helped them, we understood that player skill comes at all forms, and not every one is quick with the buttons, but still wants to enjoy the mmo and community.

    Now, it is L2p OMG making the game easier for others.

    Sad excuse for gamers.

    Wish I could find people like you in the game more often!! I ran a dungeon (my first time) with a guy that just yelled at everyone the whole time. It was the least fun I've ever had playing this game. I don't mind difficulty, but I am ultimately there to have fun, not become stressed out. A little help and sense of humor goes a long way.

    Look, just in case, no one is saying that people that 'aren't good' shouldn't play or any other stupid claim, I have said in this same thread that I am average at best and I don't have problems helping out others. The point of this 'reaction' is that there wasn't really any need for a nerf because Doshia wasn't hard, it was a test of observation and intelligence (I died 5-6 times before even realizing there were those healing globes, but it was a saturday and had been out drinking...)

    The problem is that you just don't nerf content (that you have already nerfed) 2 weeks after release... and together with other 'weird' choices, this is very worrying. One can only ask, what next??
  • psychounz
    mutharex wrote: »
    psychounz wrote: »
    Why does everyone assume the worst case scenario? Admittedly, I was surprised about Doshia. The first time I encountered her with my NB I didn't know what to expect, but the second time (again with a NB), I took her down pretty easily.

    But, to the original question, why is everyone assuming the worst?

    Why can't we just enjoy the game as it evolves (as it clearly will over the course of time)? Are there things I don't like now? Sure. Are there things I'd like to see implemented? Sure. Are there things I don't want changed? Sure. But if they decide to change something, whether that's for better or for worse for me as an individual, what they're doing is what they feel is the best for the community at large (not necessarily just those complaining that the game is too hard/easy/complicated/not complicated/etc.)

    I mean, well... I guess I'm just more easy going, maybe. Sure, I get frustrated when my character lags out and I suddenly my skill bar doesn't work in the middle of battle and I end up dying... but at the end of the day, who cares? It'll get fixed, and in the mean time, I'll revive and continue on my way. Or, if the server is down... I'll go do something else (another game, read, or, heck... I'll even try sunlight again).

    If you don't like it, don't play. If you like it, keep playing. Why doom and gloom into Oblivion guessing what they will or won't do? Just chill, sit back, and relax, It's not the end of Nirn.

    It's not this nerf in particular, it's just a trend that started with the tutorial islands, passed through the tragicomedy that was "The weapons Rack" in the tutorial (all of its incarnations), then Gutripper, then then then,..

    The devs have to clarify if they really want to stick to their vision OR to sell a few extra box turn this into some easy mode wowclone
    Because right now, that seems the direction

    I mean, I suppose I see that (I didn't like the change to choosing Coldharbor or the table of weapons), but... I don't know. I guess I don't have a fully formulated opinion on it, other than *shrug* I still like the game, even if there are bits and pieces that don't appeal to me, whether that was because the devs decided on their own or felt pressured by the community.

    Personally, I think the community needs to lighten up just a tad. Yes, there are things wrong that need to be fixed, but relax... really.

  • mutharex
    psychounz wrote: »
    mutharex wrote: »
    psychounz wrote: »
    Why does everyone assume the worst case scenario? Admittedly, I was surprised about Doshia. The first time I encountered her with my NB I didn't know what to expect, but the second time (again with a NB), I took her down pretty easily.

    But, to the original question, why is everyone assuming the worst?

    Why can't we just enjoy the game as it evolves (as it clearly will over the course of time)? Are there things I don't like now? Sure. Are there things I'd like to see implemented? Sure. Are there things I don't want changed? Sure. But if they decide to change something, whether that's for better or for worse for me as an individual, what they're doing is what they feel is the best for the community at large (not necessarily just those complaining that the game is too hard/easy/complicated/not complicated/etc.)

    I mean, well... I guess I'm just more easy going, maybe. Sure, I get frustrated when my character lags out and I suddenly my skill bar doesn't work in the middle of battle and I end up dying... but at the end of the day, who cares? It'll get fixed, and in the mean time, I'll revive and continue on my way. Or, if the server is down... I'll go do something else (another game, read, or, heck... I'll even try sunlight again).

    If you don't like it, don't play. If you like it, keep playing. Why doom and gloom into Oblivion guessing what they will or won't do? Just chill, sit back, and relax, It's not the end of Nirn.

    It's not this nerf in particular, it's just a trend that started with the tutorial islands, passed through the tragicomedy that was "The weapons Rack" in the tutorial (all of its incarnations), then Gutripper, then then then,..

    The devs have to clarify if they really want to stick to their vision OR to sell a few extra box turn this into some easy mode wowclone
    Because right now, that seems the direction

    I mean, I suppose I see that (I didn't like the change to choosing Coldharbor or the table of weapons), but... I don't know. I guess I don't have a fully formulated opinion on it, other than *shrug* I still like the game, even if there are bits and pieces that don't appeal to me, whether that was because the devs decided on their own or felt pressured by the community.

    Personally, I think the community needs to lighten up just a tad. Yes, there are things wrong that need to be fixed, but relax... really.

    I wish they spent more time fixing the (very few) problems than revisiting the difficulty of low level quests....
  • Sue_D_Nim
    The Doshia "fix" makes me sad. Possibly my best sense of accomplishment so far was when I came here to the forums for advice on skills and strategy for that fight, and then went back and stomped her snaky ass into the ground. I'm glad I fought her while she was still a real challenge.

    As for this bug:
    •Fixed an issue where you would get shot up into the air when walking over certain objects.
    I would have loved to see that!

    As for the puzzles, I've only come across a few, but so far they've been disappointingly simple. They give you clues right there in front of you; all you have to do is LOOK at your surrounding, or READ what's been given to you. They even tell you, "This journal is important to solving this quest. Read it."

    The last time I did a dungeon with a puzzle, I went and stood in a corner with my face to the wall while I read the journal with the clues, so that I couldn't see how the other players failed or succeeded.
    Edited by Sue_D_Nim on April 15, 2014 3:24PM
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • mutharex
    And it's not even the changes in themselves, it's more of an attitude:how many subs not renewed before they add a AH? Or they go the full wowclone route? I just don't have faith anymore
  • Elvent
    They wouldn't have to nerf anything if they would make this more of an MMO where forced solo content is OPTIONAL!!!!!!! Jesus.... Why not work on the grouping with friends system instead? This is an MMO I should be allowed to play with my friends or get help at all times even in story quests.
  • Trouvo
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    As for this bug:
    •Fixed an issue where you would get shot up into the air when walking over certain objects.
    I would have loved to see that!

    Yeah I was dissappointed they removed that bug, it was awesome jumping over the railing down to the docks in Daggerfall and landing past the boats in the ocean...i was like wtf? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • Beryl
    Even though I had no problems with Doshia on level, I see how this fight might be too hard for not well thought through builds. It is a very early level fight and most players at this level don't even know which skills they want to have, they are just experimenting with different abilities.

    There is nothing wrong with reducing the difficulty of the first Doshia-style creature, there are plenty of such bosses with healing spheres around later in the game.
  • Gremlis
    Make it to hard for casual gamers and they will leave and you are left with nothing but hardcore players. We seen how that worked out with SWTOR. We know they need to keeps subs up to make this successful. Hard core players alone are not enough income to support a game thru subs.
  • WraithAzraiel
    Great, the kids are whining about now getting their participation trophies and *** that this game keeps score - they're not used to this - everybody's supposed to be a winner!
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Trouvo
    Gremlis wrote: »
    Make it to hard for casual gamers and they will leave and you are left with nothing but hardcore players. We seen how that worked out with SWTOR. We know they need to keeps subs up to make this successful. Hard core players alone are not enough income to support a game thru subs.

    Yes, you are right, and unfortunately as SWTOR has proven those casual players are still subbing helping EA rake in 3million a month on average, which also includes cartel coin purchases...but business is business
    Bloodline|RP Guild|Ebonheart Pact
  • Loxy37

    Man I leveled when I beat Doshia each time I mean all you have to do is attack attack attack watch out for the lighting and then get healed by killing her orbs that's free heals how could you possibly not beat her I beat her in the soul shriven gear one dagger with only one skill(mage's fury)

    Now I can believe a lot, I beat her on my mage without 1 orb getting to her but I was geared in blues and level 8 but what I cannot believe is that you beat her in the starter gear. I mean who leaves cold harbour and gets to level 8 in the starter clothes? Are you a gold farming bot with the name "ghfghffdfh".

    Well if they have nerfed doshia then what next cause there are far worse mini bosses in the fighters/mages that people will surely struggle with. Soon it will be called HKO not ESO.

    Edit: just like to say to the people who say that people have different levels of skill and speed, not all are quick. Well its not really about skill its about using ones noggin. The first time I seen her heal in bets I was like WTH, I wiped 3 times but then it dawned on me about the orbs and after that I had her down the second try, haven't failed on 3 other characters. I would also like to add that I have MS so I am not the quickest player I might add.
    Edited by Loxy37 on April 15, 2014 3:43PM
  • mutharex
    Gremlis wrote: »
    Make it to hard for casual gamers and they will leave and you are left with nothing but hardcore players. We seen how that worked out with SWTOR. We know they need to keeps subs up to make this successful. Hard core players alone are not enough income to support a game thru subs.

    SWTOR was too hard?? I am pretty sure that wasn't the reason people left
  • Caran
    The problem is: You can see Doshia as a kind of test: is my build ok, have I learned to pay attention to the abilities of my enemies, can I work with a certain amount of buttons / movement?
    It definitely is a test I feel everybody would have been able to pass with a little bit of thinking.
    Zenimax has nerfed Doshia (a couple of times now), Balreth, Gutripper ... I feel this is the wrong direction to take (I have played lots of MMOs but never been a hard-core raider, so no, I'm not "über").
  • mutharex
    Great, the kids are whining about now getting their participation trophies and *** that this game keeps score - they're not used to this - everybody's supposed to be a winner!

    Yeah, once you had content for different tastes and abilities. Now everything has to be achievable by everyone.
  • Darzil
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    As for the puzzles, I've only come across a few, but so far they've been disappointingly simple. They give you clues right there in front of you; all you have to do is LOOK at your surrounding, or READ what's been given to you. They even tell you, "This journal is important to solving this quest. Read it."

    Oh gods, yes! The puzzles are so brainachingly simple in MMOs.

    On the nerf thing, please don't complain about every change, we don't want a community like that! It's a new MMO, there will be rebalancing of skills, monsters, encounters, races and classes. You shouldn't just buff everything, there will be buffs and nerfs and changes. The game devs much have far more information about what players are finding easy or hard than we do, and know which questlines/encounters they wish to be hard or easy.

    I'm looking forward to bigger changes, such as to make phasing less invasive in the group experience (the overt phasing of SWTOR is more in you face graphically, but has far less impact on gameplay), and something done about crafting, with the hideous inventory management, very basic crafting interface and limited purpose (hours more work, fewer skillpoints than a non-crafter, 100's of days to make everything, less money to buy stuff, more inventory management, so you can polish other people's swords at endgame! Of course, if that's all you want to do, you can skip most of those issues!). Crafting is such a disappointment in recent years.
  • Cutekhaos
    What is becoming a slippery slope is the OP derailment into other topics and domino effects that cannot accurately be predicted.

    They crunched the numbers and listened to the overall demand of the player base and made adjustments. They can always stealth change it back to avoid useless banter of how customers would do it better.

    To those people I say, go then create a game that only you would want to play. Find backers to bankroll your niche super hard mode look as me I am better than you game. See how long it lasts, if a level 8 boss that you already beat and have an achievement for gets an overhaul is so game-breaking for you then perhaps, just perhaps you are in the wrong game.
  • andrei_baruub17_ESO
    game was already super casual. 1-48 in 22 hours? Blow through every acheivement in VR 5 veteran dungeons in less than 20 minutes per instance with a group of vr 1's? Oh yeah.. world bosses that you can solo with infinite knockback? I dont see where you thought this game was ANYTHING BUT super casual.
  • andrei_baruub17_ESO
    Ekeiram wrote: »
    Lol seriously? Never had trouble in the beta with her or release, how hard is it to kill the orbs before they touch her.
    well if you cannot move , because one of her abilities , it is not possible to kill the orbs :)


    .. i laughed at this. Some of you are REALLY BAD.
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    The patch has some joy in it.
    Fixed an issue where the achievements Dreamslayer, Spirit Warden Champion and Azura’s Ally were not being awarded correctly.

    Finally, those blights in my achievement list will be gone.
  • Turial
    Lalai wrote: »
    Turial wrote: »
    In fairness, some builds are stronger than others, especially starting out as Doshia is a low level quest it can be overwhelming for some players who are still figuring out where to place skills, etc. Doshia mechanics are used later in the game too and much more difficult but by that time you have skill points in areas you want and a slightly better build, by that point players can focus on it. I personally had no problem with Doshia on my Templar but she wiped the floor with my Nightblade.

    I'm not really sure it had a whole lot to do with builds. I literally had no damage skills when I did her, a few heal over time skills and a lot in crafting. I still beat her with a resto staff. A lot of people just wanted to ignore her mechanics.. they're too use to the spam buttons to kill things, and heal through the things that normally should be dodged/interrupted type stuff.

    I am sad this fight got nerfed.. it was one of the early fights that basically taught you to watch for mechanics, and that interrupting is important. I even helped a friend's wife (who is completely new to MMOs) through the fight by explaining mechanics to her, and eventually she got it and won. Once you actually get the mechanics down it becomes a breeze, yeah it may take more deaths for some than others to get there.. but it is definitely a learning experience, which is what I thought was so great about it.

    Oh first time I did it on my Templar with a resto staff lol since I am quite quick when it comes to figuring out mechanics, not the first game I have played haha. When my nightblade got around to it though, I obviously knew the mechanics, but due to my set-up I could do minimal damage and I was having issues targeting bubbles. The wipes from her were definitely based on how I had set up my character.

    I see your point too though, just that this was on my build, not on my skill level. Sadly some people mistake those two, if it's too hard then their must be something wrong on the game side.... obviously lol.
    "Neither a 'Borrower nor a Lender' be."
    Never Forget

    I think you have not been on the internet long enough until you have been rick-rolled.
    Please check out Enchanting Alchemy - A Progression Guild
  • nudel
    Hmm, I'm in daggerfall covenant, and I don't remember Doshia at all.
    Is Doshia in another faction? Or maybe I was just lucky that people came and killed her the same time as me, I don't know.

    With all this story in ESO, it all kinda blurs together lol.

    The fact that you don't remember her is kinda the problem. Before all the nerfs, she was a very memorable and hard won fight. It was awesome. Successfully killing her usually meant dying a few times until you figured out the orbs and the aoe. It meant being frustrated but trying again. And most importantly it meant jumping up from your chair and cheering when you finally got her.

    The same used to be true of a lot of main story bosses. Now they are likewise not memorable...
  • Sarenia
    Ekeiram wrote: »
    yep it did ....
    but ... well since I am ranged...

    He I got her down, but it was not an easy fight, so I can understand they nerf it a little

    You were doing it wrong.

    Also did her as ranged. Light armor sorcerer with staff.

    The trick is to get in MELEE range of her anyway. She does little damage in melee range, as long as you dodge any major attacks, and it lets you much more easily kill her health globes.

    This was not a hard fight. It did not need a nerf. It needed some basic level of competency and common sense.

    I would love if the game wasn't geared around people who have an IQ of 95. There's plenty of games out there like that already.
  • lalfier
    Soul Shriven
    The patch has some joy in it.
    Fixed an issue where the achievements Dreamslayer, Spirit Warden Champion and Azura’s Ally were not being awarded correctly.

    Finally, those blights in my achievement list will be gone.

    Nothing about Forgotten Crypts Group Challenge achievement and Skill point! :'(
    "War, War never changes!"
  • Melian
    I'm just glad that I started playing early enough to experience pre-nerf Gutsripper and pre-nerf Doshia.

    Oh, and although devs never seem to realize this, some of us leave when a game gets too easy.
  • Sarenia
    Melian wrote: »
    I'm just glad that I started playing early enough to experience pre-nerf Gutsripper and pre-nerf Doshia.

    Oh, and although devs never seem to realize this, some of us leave when a game gets too easy.


    Too easy, along with having something like 70 buttons on my hotbars, was why I left EQ2. I bought the latest expansion and didn't even finish it. Everything is just so mindlessly easy, I end up just running around clicking in a daze.
  • Ted_Mosby_Architect
    This patch is pathetic. It didnt even address some other main story issues that blocks progress into veteran content. Extremely disappointed.
    Ted Mosby Architect - v16 magicka nb
    Arvalos Velorven - v16 magicka dk
    Riley Ashcroft - v16 magicka templar
    Marshall Eriksen Lawyer - v16 sorc
    Westinap - stam dk
  • matthewameluxenub17_ESO
    I've heard of the Doshia complaints, but can hardly recall the fight myself. Pretty sure Destructive Touch was applicable, so fight consisted of me smacking her around a few times, then moving on.

    My concern is that there is even discussion that the game is in any way "difficult" at all. This isn't about epeen waggling or bragging rights--don't care about any of that. I just truly, honestly, don't see how this is a complaint. How does it take "great skill" to sneak up to an enemy and click a single button to one-shot kill it? How does it take "great skill" to occasionally apply a stun/knockback in between regular attacks? I don't recall much, if any, solo bosses where you couldn't just stunlock to death.

    Again, this isn't about ego. If someone out there is struggling, I'm not trying to dismiss your concerns. It is just that in my experience the game has been extremely easy so I'm having difficulty understanding where these concerns are coming from.
    Edited by matthewameluxenub17_ESO on April 15, 2014 4:16PM
  • Ted_Mosby_Architect
    Hopefully this extra maintenance will address the issues.
    Edited by Ted_Mosby_Architect on April 15, 2014 4:22PM
    Ted Mosby Architect - v16 magicka nb
    Arvalos Velorven - v16 magicka dk
    Riley Ashcroft - v16 magicka templar
    Marshall Eriksen Lawyer - v16 sorc
    Westinap - stam dk
  • Elrian
    The patch has some joy in it.
    Fixed an issue where the achievements Dreamslayer, Spirit Warden Champion and Azura’s Ally were not being awarded correctly.

    Finally, those blights in my achievement list will be gone.

    Except apparently they are not awarded for those who already did the quests...

    Edited by Elrian on April 15, 2014 4:25PM
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