Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

When will eu server will come to eu ?

  • Zolyok
    And still no intervention
  • GossiTheDog
    They posted on the German forum saying the server isn't moving at this time. There's additionally, like, 30 articles about this on now.
  • Jade1986
    They posted on the German forum saying the server isn't moving at this time. There's additionally, like, 30 articles about this on now.
    I read the german article. It said there is no timeframe as of right now, which is simply unacceptable. This is the most viewed forum so we should be getting some input HERE, not everyone can read german, and not everyone can read French, MOST people have a small grasp of English though.

    Edited by Jade1986 on April 25, 2014 10:47AM
  • GossiTheDog
    I agree they need to communicate this stuff better.

    That said, if they came here and said 'Not going to happen at this time', it would just stoke the complaining I suspect. They should probably wait until they have an update.
  • Jade1986
    I agree they need to communicate this stuff better.

    That said, if they came here and said 'Not going to happen at this time', it would just stoke the complaining I suspect. They should probably wait until they have an update.
    The complaints are justified, they need to fire their whole PR team and hire one that knows what they are doing. That being said, they stated that the server will be moved to the already existing EU datacenters after the initial launch. Well, initial launch does not mean half a year, it means 1 -3 months tops, and we as paying customers are entitled to a little transparency.

  • GossiTheDog
    To give this some context - it's been speculated online that the game is hosted on Amazon Web Services cloud. It isn't. The launcher downloads are, but the US and EU megaserver are at an actual datacenter in Dallas, Texas. If you look up Zenimax Online Studios on LinkedIn, then filter by Texas, you'll find a whole load of employees who purely work on this element of the game. I think some people believe "megaserver" is just a couple of servers. It ain't. It's a huge piece of infrastructure, with things like networking, backups, power, UPS, cooling etc.

    Moving it is going to be a huge task for Zenimax, involving an entire boat load of employees, with huge amounts of physical hardware too. To put this into perspective Zenimax Online Studios - whose sole game is Elder Scrolls Online - has near 600 employees on Linked In. And those are just the people who happen to have LinkedIn Accounts.

    Should it have been setup before launch? Yes.

    Have Zenimax communicated this terribly? Yes.

    Is that the situation? Yes.
    Edited by GossiTheDog on April 25, 2014 10:55AM
  • Jade1986
    To give this some context - it's been speculated online that the game is hosted on Amazon Web Services cloud. It isn't. The launcher downloads are, but the US and EU megaserver are at an actual datacenter in Dallas, Texas. If you look up Zenimax Online Studios on LinkedIn, then filter by Texas, you'll find a whole load of employees who purely work on this element of the game. I think some people believe "megaserver" is just a couple of servers. It ain't. It's a huge piece of infrastructure, with things like networking, backups, power, UPS, cooling etc.

    Moving it is going to be a huge task for Zenimax, involving an entire boat load of employees, with huge amounts of physical hardware too.

    Should it have been setup before launch? Yes.

    Have Zenimax communicated this terribly? Yes.

    Is that the situation? Yes.
    The thing is they stated that the datacenters in the EU were already there. They just are using the ones in the US for now. According to them it will be a seamless thing, and we wont experience any downtime.

  • GossiTheDog
    It's true, they have an entire setup in Germany. You can find those employees on LinkedIn too. However, that doesn't mean they just need to flick a switch and everything seemlessly moves. It's not just a datacenter you need - you need the racks, the servers, the storage, OSes installing on everything, everything setting up, backups tested etc etc.

    As customers, we don't have to do anything for things to move. We just open the game one day.
  • saki
    They are waiting to earn on cosoles. We are guinea pigs for consoles. I bet when game come out for consoles that all bugs will be fixed.
  • Devast8nDiscoDave
    Soul Shriven
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Zolyok wrote: »
    The 'internet latency' issue is largely myth and urban legend it seems to me.

    HAHA are you serious? LATENCY is a myth???? The stupidity is strong with this one.
  • Cepeza
    It's true, they have an entire setup in Germany. You can find those employees on LinkedIn too. However, that doesn't mean they just need to flick a switch and everything seemlessly moves. It's not just a datacenter you need - you need the racks, the servers, the storage, OSes installing on everything, everything setting up, backups tested etc etc.

    As customers, we don't have to do anything for things to move. We just open the game one day.

    As a customer I do not care about company's struggle to accomlish a product they offer. I am just buying in for a product that satisfies my expectations, otherwise I am not a customer. I personally expected the product I bought to be worth the money I spent, but in ESO's current state it is just not the case. So I am not a customer anymore... until it the game will match my personal expectations. It can be after next patch, it can be never. That solely depends on the personal expectations of each single potential customer.
    Edited by Cepeza on April 25, 2014 11:35AM
  • GossiTheDog
    @Cepeza, I don't disagree with you. I was just talking about what we need to do to get the game to work after the megaserver moves - nothing.

    As far as I'm concerned, I am paying the monthly fee in part so they can maintain the servers (which includes moving EU geographically) and so they can provide support and content. At the moment you can't even respond to support tickets as the ticket system is broke (and has been for approaching 4 days). I find many elements unacceptable and I am also reviewing my subscription.
  • Cherryblossom
    I think this will depend on how many Europeans sign up, if they don't have the numbers it's unlikely they will go to the expense of re-locating the server.
  • Jade1986
    I think this will depend on how many Europeans sign up, if they don't have the numbers it's unlikely they will go to the expense of re-locating the server.
    The EU datacenter is already built, and they already have staff, that's the thing, they will move it, but we are hoping they don't take forever, because atm, this game is ridiculous to play with the latency. Again, if we go by population, the mmo community in Europe is potentially double the size of the potential US customer base. EU population 713mil, US 300mil approx.

    Edited by Jade1986 on April 25, 2014 12:00PM
  • GossiTheDog
    To be fair, I've also played in the US and seen 15 seconds to sneak, fire weapon etc on regular basis. There's all manner of issues which need fixing. But moving can only help.
  • Zeeed
    +1 +2 +*** 50
    I am on virgin media 60mb and next month i should have 100mb
    Every game i play i get from 14 to 30 ms. On prime time Sunday evening i get max up to 50ms.

    Here on *** weekdays i have 120ms as LOW value and from 7pm to 11pm i am playing with *** 220-400ms !!!

    I got killed more by skill lag than actual NPCs its so bad .....
  • saki
    I dont understand how is that every mmo at launch had EU server located in EU and this game have only promise that it will be moved but when that is question. Answer even devs dont know. It is just unaccetable for as they call it AAA game.

    I will pay for next month but if things dont change upon ending that second month I will be forced to quit. Feels like I am funding some amateur company and giving them feedback about whats wrong with game.

    But you see even people in US playing on US servers have lag. Something is baaaaaad with this game. They wanted much but could not deliver.

    When you ride your horse you can hear that horse gallop and sound of gallop are not in sync. Lag everywhere.
    Edited by saki on April 25, 2014 12:14PM
  • AlexDougherty
    saki wrote: »
    I dont understand how is that every mmo at launch had EU server located in EU and this game have only promise that it will be moved but when that is question. Answer even devs dont know. It is just unaccetable for as they call it AAA game.
    Triple A rating has nothing to do with quality, it has to do with budget for development, marketing and running the game, and this game had that budget.

    But they do need to start fixing the bugs, and move the EU server Europe. Not had any lag yet, but it still needs to be done.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • saki
    Well I must say lag for me is little better when game launched which is normal but still it can lag big time in fights, dont show animation, blocks, not reacting to button press. It happens but not so frequently.
  • BaKaNoOB
    @GossiTheDog sorry no ofece is meant but.. I'm IT systems administrator and Moving datacenter does not include moving racks and hardware, you use existing pre-build hardware you just move your software over it for example:
    when you run Hyper-V virtual server(1) with 16 processors and 128 GB ram, on a server(2) with 128 processors and 2 TB ram

    You can add more server (1) virtual servers on same physical server and make cluster

    datacenter is cluster from many server(2)s which allow to menage many server(1) types
    As far as i can explain in my bad english

    so it doesnt nave anything with moving hardware
    Edited by BaKaNoOB on April 25, 2014 12:35PM
  • neocomab16_ESO
    Saerydoth wrote: »
    The EU server is being moved to Frankfurt as soon as they get the datacenter there up and running. It's a rather large project, this isn't something like 2 guys throwing a computer in a truck and moving it.

    Basically, they had 2 choices, and I think they picked the best one.

    1) They could have delayed the launch of the EU server until the datacenter in Frankfurt was ready. They could've said "You can play on the NA server until then, but you won't be able to play those characters on the EU server when we launch it"

    2) What they actually did - they launched the EU server at the same time by temporarily locating it in the US datacenter, said the latency will be a bit worse, but you can play now, and when we get the Frankfurt datacenter up and running, you can still play all your characters.

    I think they made the right decision. They let the EU people play without having to wait, AND they get to keep their characters once everything is moved. Getting a datacenter up and running in another country is NOT an easy project, especially for a company that doesn't have offices all over the world.
    are you kidding me? the game is in development for 6 years and you really think they were not able to get the datacenter in frankfurt done before they launch?

    like 2 weeks before launch someone drops the phrase EU-rope and then *** gets real, right? totally forgot us, eh?
  • GossiTheDog
    BaKaNoOB wrote: »
    @GossiTheDog sorry no ofece is meant but.. I'm IT systems administrator and Moving datacenter does not include moving racks and hardware, you use existing pre-build hardware you just move your software over...

    Keep in mind Zenimax are building from 0. They don't have any pre-built hardware. It's all Linux, also, so they need to build the software setup.
  • Kalston
    It won't magically solve everything, but it WILL help (and not just a little) to have local EU servers. It is obvious that not all the lags are due to the servers' location, but when you cut the overall latency by 100+ms for everyone I can assure you it makes things a whole lot better with the type of gameplay ESO offers.

    Oh and to the guys who said latency is a myth/placebo etc., you are oh so wrong. Even for just web browsing latency is CRITICAL. this is a simplified explanation.
    The same story easily applies to a game (better feeling and responsiveness > happier customers > more $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$)
    Edited by Kalston on April 25, 2014 1:42PM
  • Zolyok
    BaKaNoOB wrote: »
    @GossiTheDog sorry no ofece is meant but.. I'm IT systems administrator and Moving datacenter does not include moving racks and hardware, you use existing pre-build hardware you just move your software over...

    Keep in mind Zenimax are building from 0. They don't have any pre-built hardware. It's all Linux, also, so they need to build the software setup.

    So zenimax didn't have time to build the EU data center since all the months they announced it ?
  • GossiTheDog
    Zolyok wrote: »
    BaKaNoOB wrote: »
    @GossiTheDog sorry no ofece is meant but.. I'm IT systems administrator and Moving datacenter does not include moving racks and hardware, you use existing pre-build hardware you just move your software over...

    Keep in mind Zenimax are building from 0. They don't have any pre-built hardware. It's all Linux, also, so they need to build the software setup.

    So zenimax didn't have time to build the EU data center since all the months they announced it ?

    They've built up a datacenter they say. It depends what state it's in. I visited an empty datacenter once - it had power, UPS, generator, cooling etc but most of it looked like this:


    The long story short, anyway, is that Zenimark aren't ready yet to move to Europe. They'll get there.
  • BaKaNoOB
    ^^ that rack is smaller than our server room(only 4 servers in rack), hope that are not HP(Have a Problem) made servers :):)
    @GossiTheDog too bad they use lunix that means -postgres or mysql databases , maybe even oracle :(
    Moving datacenter over windows is much smooter just sharpshoot, restore over the other Hyper-V server and make lan settings - ready to go :)
    Edited by BaKaNoOB on April 25, 2014 1:50PM
  • GossiTheDog
    Team Linux, VMware and MySQL here :)
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    Everyone seems to just come with excuses for it not being ready and forget the purpose of having them both in the US.

    The datacentre should already be complete since a long time. They kept them in one location to quickly fix any issues popping up on release - not because it wasnt ready! Their explanation meant you assumed it would be days, maybe a week at most.

    Did zenimax lie to us? Is there even a EU datacentre or is it all smoke and mirrors? After all, people that buy the game now and log on dont know about it. Cheaper that way.
  • BaKaNoOB
    Team Linux, VMware and MySQL here :)

    No offence friend but im team Windows , Hyper-V, MSSQL, postgers for windows <3
    i don't like mysql

    Edited by BaKaNoOB on April 25, 2014 1:55PM
  • saki
    Nothing is true; everything is permitted ;)
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