Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

When will eu server will come to eu ?

  • Jade1986
    Here in the Netherlands it also gets unplayable at certain times. I've got such lag spikes sometimes when I'm playing in a group that the mobs are just warping over my screen instead of walking due to these spikes, Furthermore skills won't work also as I have to push the button 2/3 times before it responds, same with mouse click attacks..

    Another thing I've noticed is that the lag is very irregular, sometimes it responds almost directly, other times I've got a delay of 2 seconds. If the lag was at a constant rate say 200/300ms you could plan your attacks in forward.

    This is really frustrating because you want to play on your best in group play, but I'm not able to because due to these huge lag spikes.

    Furthermore to straighten this out there is nothing wrong with my connection as I've have one of the stablest and fastest connections available in my country (15~20ms on Battlefield servers), and as far as I know the Netherlands do got one of the biggest internet exchange points of the EU, so it doesn't get any better when trying to play on a overseas server.. And PC specs wise framerate is around 50 to 60fps on ultra (lower in crowded cities), so that shouldn't be a problem / related to the latency/delays I'm experiencing.

    So for me it isn't about if they place an EU server in the EU, but about when as I can't play in large group battles decently in this current state. Let alone be able to play the adventure zones with trials.. My group would fail because I'll die too often because of the lag spikes instead of my incompetence.. Doesn't seem like fun to me, and it wouldn't engage me to keep subbed if it really plays out this way in the end.
    My sentiments exactly. I really hope they are on top of this. While bug fixes are important, this game is near unplayable at times due to the latency issue. Their promise that we in the EU could play with the servers in the US with no lag was just a flat out lie. There is no way to overcome the distance between us and the datacenter being located in Texas. Unless, they develop worm hole connections, but that isn't happening as of now =P.

  • Jade1986
    Well, the gold sellers so far are gone, but the lag is REALLY bad for the EU servers today.....really hope by "initial launch" time they mean the first month, because with the higher level enemies doing more damage, the frustration level from dying or nearly dying is getting higher as well....
  • weresloth
    To all trolls saying that latency is a myth and so forth and so on: please refrain from commenting on things you don't fully understand.

    Any MMO is a client-server software. Each time you issue a command, the client sends IP packets to the server, which then reacts to your command and sends other packets, which carry the instructions on how to display the outcome, back to the client.

    Compared to North-America, we European players have thrice as much hops and an extra oceanic undersea cable in the middle, so there is no way on Earth our gaming experience can be as snappy as theirs. The difference in latency isn't constant, either, since having all those hops in the middle increases the probability of routing problems (and therefore lag spikes) exponentially.

    Some aspects of the game, specifically PVP and healing in group dungeons, are largely dependent on player reactivity. The game director and all the trolls here can repeat that this game isn't sensitive to lag until they are blue in the face, but that isn't going to change reality and the specifics of how physics, network software and the internet work.

    So please, stop acting like European players weren't kept in a lesser league compared to NA, as far as latency is concerned. That's a fact.

    And, unless ZOS moves the EU megaserver where it belongs before the first month of included game-time is over, the loss of a lot of European players due to a perceived combat unresponsiveness will also be a fact.
  • Jade1986
    weresloth wrote: »
    To all trolls saying that latency is a myth and so forth and so on: please refrain from commenting on things you don't fully understand.

    Any MMO is a client-server software. Each time you issue a command, the client sends IP packets to the server, which then reacts to your command and sends other packets, which carry the instructions on how to display the outcome, back to the client.

    Compared to North-America, we European players have thrice as much hops and an extra oceanic undersea cable in the middle, so there is no way on Earth our gaming experience can be as snappy as theirs. The difference in latency isn't constant, either, since having all those hops in the middle increases the probability of routing problems (and therefore lag spikes) exponentially.

    Some aspects of the game, specifically PVP and healing in group dungeons, are largely dependent on player reactivity. The game director and all the trolls here can repeat that this game isn't sensitive to lag until they are blue in the face, but that isn't going to change reality and the specifics of how physics, network software and the internet work.

    So please, stop acting like European players weren't kept in a lesser league compared to NA, as far as latency is concerned. That's a fact.

    And, unless ZOS moves the EU megaserver where it belongs before the first month of included game-time is over, the loss of a lot of European players due to a perceived combat unresponsiveness will also be a fact.
    Amen, I had a huge fight in gen chat about this with someone that INSISTED latency wasn't a problem, or in fact didn't even exist.... -_-

  • Zolyok
    Not the slightest info on the eu server in the Mat Firor state of game
    Edited by Zolyok on April 23, 2014 7:24AM
  • Essa
    Soul Shriven
    Still no reply from Zenimax regarding this? :'(
  • Etchesketch
    All I can say is.... these guys have said a lot of things.

    Don't hold your breath is my advice.
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Zolyok
    @kenrikgren81b16_ESO The only reply we had is : We're working on it
  • Wizzo91
    I'm located in Germany and have NO lag issues and I don't even have the best connection.

    Wizzo - Stamina DK - 50 - DC
    Wizzox - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Vilest Wizz - Magicka Sorc - 50 - DC
    Wiser Wizz - Magicka NB - 50 - DC
    Wizzo X - Magicka NB - 50 - AD
    In Rainbows - Stam Sorc - 50 - AD
    Fake Plastic Tree - Stamplar - 50 - EP

    6XX CP

  • wrlifeboil
    I'm located in Germany and have NO lag issues and I don't even have the best connection.

    Post your traceroute to the ESO server?
  • Jade1986
    wrlifeboil wrote: »
    I'm located in Germany and have NO lag issues and I don't even have the best connection.

    Post your traceroute to the ESO server?
    He wont, because then he will look silly.
    All I can say is.... these guys have said a lot of things.

    Don't hold your breath is my advice.
    Then they can look forward to losing half of more than half of their player base.

  • BaKaNoOB
    yep indeed, that lag sometimes is really annoying.
    and for example i didn't have this in any other game(except ME 3) even WoW and Guild Wars 2
  • Jade1986
    BaKaNoOB wrote: »
    yep indeed, that lag sometimes is really annoying.
    and for example i didn't have this in any other game(except ME 3) even WoW and Guild Wars 2
    Exactly, I am almost constantly nearly dying now at lvl 16 areas because of this, or flat out getting murdered because my attacks don't count, the enemies stop moving, and bam my health is gone :/.

  • BaKaNoOB
    Same as laced in most cases :( when lag happens (which is often so i care to not engage more than 2 enemies)
    Edited by BaKaNoOB on April 23, 2014 9:41AM
  • Sanspoof
    Yeah, I sometimes find myself swinging a sword without it seemingly having any effect only to see the mob dead on the floor 2 seconds later. Takes the fun out of fighting. This game's combat system doesn't mix well with lag at all.
    Edited by Sanspoof on April 23, 2014 10:07AM
  • chlaengleb16_ESO
    Just wanna let Zenimax know, that i have cancled my subscription right now because of the bad Latency for EU players.

    I pay around 2 dollars more a month then our friends in the USA to get handled like a 2nd class customer and have to play with a latency from 200-300 at the prime time?

    I think companies like you, only are able to respont fast to such a issue when we hit you where it really hurts you - lower volumne of sales.
  • weresloth
    I'm located in Germany and have NO lag issues and I don't even have the best connection.

    Good for you.

    But I don't see how this remark is going to help the present thread.

    The "net" in "internet" means that there are interconnected nodes, and multiple routes packets can take over several hops.

    Routing depends on a lot of things that change continuously and are difficult to quantify and predict.

    But one thing is for sure: the probability routing problems occur and one experiences lag spikes, increases exponentially with distance.

    Probability, not certainty.

    You are having an optimal experience in a greatly sub-optimal situation, but that can hardly be a valid point against moving the EU megaserver to EU.

    It's like saying that crossing a road with a blindfold on your eyes is a smart thing to do, just because your grandpa did it his whole life without ever being hit by a car.
  • Gisgo
    Guys lets be real... the game is a mess.
    Lets give them a good month to fix everything, and then we can start a petition, im gonna be the first to sign up.
  • Jade1986
    Gisgo wrote: »
    Guys lets be real... the game is a mess.
    Lets give them a good month to fix everything, and then we can start a petition, im gonna be the first to sign up.
    Problem is, a lot of the problems we are getting on the EU server are due to the fact that we are using the US side data centers. If they would move them we could see whether or not the problems we are getting were server related or not. It is simply ludicrous not to have EU servers in the EU.

  • Kalston
    Just cancelled my sub because of the lack of response on this and all the other issues (animation skipping, massive game breaking exploits being found every day etc) Game ain't worth my money for now (pvp point of view, pve wise I can see it being playable and enjoyable for some people).
  • Gisgo
    laced wrote: »
    Problem is, a lot of the problems we are getting on the EU server are due to the fact that we are using the US side data centers. If they would move them we could see whether or not the problems we are getting were server related or not. It is simply ludicrous not to have EU servers in the EU.

    Im afraid we would just get delayed patches if the move the server to EU now.
    They have to do it soon or later though.

  • Arawn
    Zolyok wrote: »
    During beta Zeni promised that for eu player there will be a server who will be located in eu ( germany was prononced )
    Actually this point is completely forgotten.
    Eu player suffering lag, freeze, deconnection are waiting for the data-center to move in EU.
    So when about it ? Can wa have news for it ?
    Are you planning to let the Eu server in US ?

    Prolly in one, two months if all runs stable, i guess.
    But on official site they say they have no setten public date.
    Hope it helps.

    Edited by Arawn on April 23, 2014 4:39PM
  • Left_Hand
    They wont do it until if the revenues are not as expected, if the game subscribers start to plummet or dont rise at all past the first month, zenimax corporate wont authorize the massive funding needed for a new european data centre and support staff.

    Personally i dont see it happening and i'm expecting a *** excuse to come up after the first month is done, as to not hurt european subscriber numbers.

    And this is the main reason i wont be resubbing unless Zenimax gives a firm timeframe before this first month is up. As a european player the current situation with the server is unacceptable.
  • Sinoby
    Gisgo wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    Problem is, a lot of the problems we are getting on the EU server are due to the fact that we are using the US side data centers. If they would move them we could see whether or not the problems we are getting were server related or not. It is simply ludicrous not to have EU servers in the EU.

    Im afraid we would just get delayed patches if the move the server to EU now.
    They have to do it soon or later though.

    Why shall we get delayed patches?

    I do not see any correlation between distance to server from ZOS office and patching the server. Maybe something is done differently in gaming server infrastructure (I have no experience with it), but in normal circumstances server-side work is executed remotely anyway. it is not like your programmers need access to the physical server itself to apply some changes to code.

    And other companies manage to do just fine with patching servers over the ocean regularly, it is not like something that has never been done before.
  • Gisgo
    laced wrote: »
    Why shall we get delayed patches?

    Because of the first Murphy's law. And im totally serious.
    Having an eu team working in eu is just one more problem to manage for an already oberated (sorry i made this word up) team.

    I know it has done before, and i think it should be a given that the EU server is in Europe... sounds logic to me.

    But in the gaming world odd things happen, like the EU server of FFXIV being in Montreal.

    Edited by Gisgo on April 23, 2014 4:52PM
  • Kalston
    They don't need a team there, just a couple techies to check that the hardware is running smooth, everything else is done remotely in 99% of companies nowadays. Heck even I control my home PC remotely all the time from my phone or work's PC, it doesn't even cost money and is extremely simple to setup.
  • Gisgo
    Nah i dont even think the hamsters running the servers are compatible between EU and US, its not that easy.
  • Dimillian
  • Zolyok
    And the game is getting more and more laggy.
    As @louisrabierb16_ESO say material problem must have been set.For software problem they can do that remotly.
    So there is no real reason to keep the server in US
  • Hexagar
    Zeni doesnt even bother to comment in this thread? They may dont know exact day but they could at least say a word to all european players.. at the moment pvp is barely playable with the high latency.
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