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When will eu server will come to eu ?

  • Jade1986
    Gisgo wrote: »
    laced wrote: »
    In FF14 quick responses are not required, it is your typical tab targeting mmo.

    You gotta be joking lol. Google for Titan extreme and see for yourself.
    That game is all about ping, reflexes and memory... and yeah it sucks.
    That doesn't change the fact that FF14 is tab targeting.....and it also doesn't change the fact that ESO isn't. Which is why the latency is much more noticeable.
  • Jade1986
    Moonraker wrote: »
    Just to give some context to this here is what has been posted about the Europe Megaserver (and other related information):
    We have constructed large datacenters in North America and in Europe to support this game. North America is fully operational and our European datacenter will be soon, but we have found during our beta tests that the location of these servers is not going to affect the gameplay experience. Our testing has now confirmed that millions of players from Europe (and beyond) can play on our North American server and experience ESO as it was designed—without latency or lag problems. (Please note that users in our last scale test had lag issues, especially in Cyrodiil, but this was a game bug, not a location issue – all players, no matter where, experienced that particular problem). So, regardless of a player’s location or the datacenter being used, the confirmed efficiency of our platform architecture will prevent anyone from enjoying a gameplay advantage. And as both datacenters become fully operational, we will continue to add capacity to meet the demands of gamers worldwide.

    We will make sure that no matter where you live, every player in North America, Europe, Oceania and many places beyond, will have a polished, lag-free launch experience. Based on the existing number of our beta signups and because we anticipate that the ESO community will continue to grow after launch, we plan to add capacity to keep up with demand in both our North American and European datacenters. The North American and European megaservers will first be hosted in North America. This gives us a more efficient way to address any platform issues that may arise at launch. After the initial launch phase is over, we will move the European megaserver to the European datacenter – but this will be a seamless migration for users, without additional downloads, logins or action required.
    source: ESO Road Ahead - posted 03.14.2014

    What the official Support FAQ has on it;
    When I pick the North American and European Megaserver, is that a permanent choice?
    At launch, game accounts will have access to both the North American and the European Megaservers, but individual characters will be bound to the server on which players create them. Accounts can maintain a total of eight characters per server, so players could have a total of 16 characters if they play on both servers. Players will also have to download the game client a second time if they wish to play on both megaservers.

    The North American and European Megaservers for The Elder Scrolls Online are both currently housed in our North American datacenter, but they operate independently of one another. We will transfer the European Megaserver to our European Datacenter soon.

    From the Reddit AMA with ESO staff;
    3. persian_23

    Hi, I really appreciate the fact that you are taking your time to answer or questions so here is mine: as you wrote in the article “ESO – the road ahead”, the EU-server will be stationed in North-America at launch. Will it be possible to transfer characters to the other server? I’m from EU and if the server is in NA anyway I’d rather play on the same as tamrielfoundry shoddycast ect. but I’m afraid I’d miss out on a better connection I could have had later on even though you said that latency won’t be an issue. Anyway thank you for going through so many questions and keep up the good work!

    As soon as the dust settles from launch, we’ll get to work on migrating the EU megaserver over to it’s permanent home in the EU. We’ll have lots more info about this when it happens.

    From the above there 'should' be some news on the migration to the EU data centre soon.

    It's clear really from forum posts and comments elsewhere that they have not achieved the "polished, lag-free launch experience" especially in PvP where it appears that most issues are server-side especially in peak times under high load. In PVE generally the experience has been better overall but not polished.

    When they do migrate the Europe Megaserver I don't personally see it resolving overnight the latency and lag issues especially in PvP. The way the game works the difference between say 20ms and 200ms ping is marginal (though when you climb higher it does and the longer the route to the game server the more likelihood of network issues)

    Much of which is down to how TCP works over the network and also how the game server compensates for latency.

    Check out this blog post which explains nicely just how and why a game would 'hide' latency, especially in an MMO;
    ....So why does World of Warcraft (and other games) work with these delays?

    It’s simply because they’re able to hide the latency.

    In the case of World of Warcraft, there are no player-to-player collisions: such collisions can’t be handled reliably predicted – but player-to-environment can, so the latter works fine with TCP.

    Looking at combat in WoW, it’s easy to realize that commands sent to the servers are really something along the lines of attack_entity(entity_id) or cast_spell(entity_id, spell_id) - in other words, targeting is position independent. Furthermore, things like starting the attack motion or spell effect can be allowed to start without first getting confirmation from the server by showing a “fizzle” effect if the server response differs from the client prediction.

    Starting an action before confirmation is a typical latency/lag hiding technique.

    A few years back I wrote the client for a card game called Five Card Jazz. It was http based – which latency-wise is a lot worse than a plain persistent TCP connection.

    We used the simple card draw and flip up animation to hide latency so that delays were only apparent in the case of very poor connections. The method was typical: send the request and start the animation drawing cards from the deck, but wait with the final flip up to reveal the cards until the server response arrived. WoW’s battle effects work in a similar manner.

    This means that the choice of TCP vs UDP should basically be: “Can we hide latency or not?”

    I am as keen to see the Europe megaserver move to an EU data centre as anyone as I live here ;) And I was somewhat concerned when Matt Firor talked about "Our testing has now confirmed that millions of players from Europe (and beyond) can play on our North American server and experience ESO as it was designed—without latency or lag problems." Because it really would be slipping back from the position of having the Europe megaserver based in Europe.

    It does matter that we have comparable pings to our US compatriots over the longer term as game latency is reduced within the game/ server through optimisation and the ongoing development.

    But I don't doubt that this will happen. I am more concerned that they address the launch period issues in the best way they see fit. If it means locating the Europe megaserver in the USA then so be it for the short term.

    I look forward to reading news on the migration soon™.
    Yeah when I saw that statement about "the lag free experience" I was just laughing and dying a little inside because it is complete BS. Considering they have the datacenters already built in Frankfurt I really hope they move them SOON. I am getting pretty tired of attacking, having it not count, and coming out of a battle with an enemy 5 levels lower than me in pve barely alive because of lag.

  • AlexDougherty
    laced wrote: »
    Another reason I am baffled why there was no Asian server :neutral_face:
    Little demand I imagine, like with SWTOR the Asian market is probably too small to justify the set-up and running of an Asian server.
    (which is why they discontinued the Oceanic servers)
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Jade1986
    laced wrote: »
    Another reason I am baffled why there was no Asian server :neutral_face:
    Little demand I imagine, like with SWTOR the Asian market is probably too small to justify the set-up and running of an Asian server.
    (which is why they discontinued the Oceanic servers)
    Did you not read the post from another user not even half a page up? The APAC region has the most MMO players.

    Also, by no means is the demand too small, the APAC region has over half the earths population!

    Edited by Jade1986 on April 24, 2014 5:45PM
  • raglau
    Yes, I just downloaded that whole report and APAC is THE growth area, EU and US are saturated. One would have thought these guys would have their eye on the emerging market especially as APAC spend far higher on P2P than F2P.

    Given the server is likely a load-balanced instance in Azure\AWS, it makes no sense to not give APAC that comfy feeling of localised service.
    laced wrote: »
    [/quote]Another reason I am baffled why there was no Asian server :neutral_face:


    Edited by raglau on April 24, 2014 5:46PM
  • raglau
    Nope, I read the whole report and the Asian market is not only the leading player of MMO but it's THE growth area by miles over the next few years. EU and US are in decline if anything.
    Little demand I imagine, like with SWTOR the Asian market is probably too small to justify the set-up and running of an Asian server.
    (which is why they discontinued the Oceanic servers)

    Edited by raglau on April 24, 2014 5:48PM
  • Jade1986
    squicker wrote: »
    Yes, I just downloaded that whole report and APAC is THE growth area, EU and US are saturated. One would have thought these guys would have their eye on the emerging market especially as APAC spend far higher on P2P than F2P.

    Given the server is likely a load-balanced instance in Azure\AWS, it makes no sense to not give APAC that comfy feeling of localised service.
    laced wrote: »
    Another reason I am baffled why there was no Asian server :neutral_face:


    [/quote]Again, baffled I am >_<

  • AlexDougherty
    laced wrote: »
    Did you not read the post from another user not even half a page up? The APAC region has the most MMO players.

    Also, by no means is the demand too small, the APAC region has over half the earths population!
    Can't find the thread.
    However, Yes the APAC region has the most MMO players, but most of them play games designed for that Market, much smaller market for western MMOs there.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Jade1986
    laced wrote: »
    Did you not read the post from another user not even half a page up? The APAC region has the most MMO players.

    Also, by no means is the demand too small, the APAC region has over half the earths population!
    Can't find the thread.
    However, Yes the APAC region has the most MMO players, but most of them play games designed for that Market, much smaller market for western MMOs there.
    omg its in this thread, go one page back. There is a reason why a lot of people in the APAC region play WoW, and its because they KNOW they are supported. Regions that are constantly and consistently ignored or neglected by certain companies are OF COURSE going to stop playing their games. And again, this is why blizzard games are HUGE in the APAC region.

  • Zolyok
    laced wrote: »
    Did you not read the post from another user not even half a page up? The APAC region has the most MMO players.

    Also, by no means is the demand too small, the APAC region has over half the earths population!
    Can't find the thread.
    However, Yes the APAC region has the most MMO players, but most of them play games designed for that Market, much smaller market for western MMOs there.


  • Jade1986
    Edit : I don't want to get too far off topic, so edit, yep edit.

    To bring us back on topic, I hope the European servers get up soon. B)

    Edited by Jade1986 on April 24, 2014 5:56PM
  • JaKi1977
    It is horrible !! They should re-locate it asap. Sometimes fighting mobs, I notice the terrible connection and the mobs freeze, 1 second later im dead and while im dead the mobs run away while i did not see them hitting or fighting me.

    I am used playing games with a 10 / 50 ms, not with 150/999.
    re-locate EU to EU asap please.
  • Felyae
    Well, APAC may be a huge market, but there is a reason why some western MMOs close their servers there, and it's not because they refuse to get wealthier...
  • murklor007neb18_ESO
    laced wrote: »
    Another reason I am baffled why there was no Asian server :neutral_face:
    Baffled? Why? Have you seen the Asian MMOs? Completely different design from Western MMOs.

    Personally I just cant stand the design. Yes, I hate Asian MMOs. Not because they're poor games or ugly, because they certainly arent. Many of them are beautiful. But its just something about their overall design and game mechanics that I cannot bring myself to like and no, its not just the loli characters lol. Its quite annoying not being able to put your finger on it.

    The feeling seem to be mutual from the Asian side. The answer is simply the fact that the game probably wont have an audience over there.

    Bah I'm probably get shot down for this post lol.

    On a side note, subscription starts in ~10 days. I signed up for 180 days just because hey, I'm hooked from the start. But if we dont hear anything about the EU move next week... Lets just say those 180 days is going to shrink down in size. Considerably. The latency issues is just soooo annoying and you notice it every single evening when the US start to wake up and log on.
    Edited by murklor007neb18_ESO on April 25, 2014 5:15AM
  • Zolyok
    Stop it with the off-topic plz
  • Wolfshead
    Sorry but as long as the game is that buggy im kind of happy that the servers are in the US where they have better access to them to fix bugs.

    I total agree with you until all know bug are fix it is better that server is in US and i think most people know about blizzard way to fix bug EU have wait extra day until we get in EU which sucks sometime

    If you find yourself alone, riding in green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled; for you are in Elysium, and you're already dead
    What we do in life, echoes in eternity
  • Zolyok
    How come some ppl still believe that you need to be physically close to a server to work on its software ?
    How come ppl think there won't be a team located in EU for monitoring
  • BaKaNoOB
    Zolyok wrote: »
    How come some ppl still believe that you need to be physically close to a server to work on its software ?
    How come ppl think there won't be a team located in EU for monitoring

    That is not true, closer proximity -less hops trough routers - less latency issues
  • Razzak
    Could distance to server be responsible for delayed actions I encounter from time to time? Meaning that when I press a skill button nothing happens and it requires one or two more presses or some time before my skill activates.
    It's specially disturbing with weapon swap but it happens with weapon and class skills as well.
  • bob_jeko
    BaKaNoOB wrote: »
    Zolyok wrote: »
    How come some ppl still believe that you need to be physically close to a server to work on its software ?
    How come ppl think there won't be a team located in EU for monitoring

    That is not true, closer proximity -less hops trough routers - less latency issues

    Oh.. you mean.. like.. the latency issues that "does not exist" for EU players?



  • Aenra
    what is the problem..

    there never was a specific timeline for this..just a statement that eventually there would be a migration. Being only two weeks after launch..again, what is the problem..

    i have a 1MB/sec connection. Bad provider service. And i live in Greece, which is far east as possible without going outside the EU. And yet i have zero, ever, a lag. So again, what is the problem..

    Don't they have enough real issues to deal with? Why do you press them on..details? Because in terms of import, when compared to everything else, this -is- a detail. Ease off :)
    Pride, honour and purity
  • raglau
    Wolfshead wrote: »
    Sorry but as long as the game is that buggy im kind of happy that the servers are in the US where they have better access to them to fix bugs.

    You do realise that for over a decade people have never needed to be physically near a server to patch it right? And you also realise that these servers will near definitely be auto-scaling instances in AWS\Azure or something, not physical?
  • Zolyok
    Aenra wrote: »
    what is the problem..

    there never was a specific timeline for this..just a statement that eventually there would be a migration. Being only two weeks after launch..again, what is the problem..

    i have a 1MB/sec connection. Bad provider service. And i live in Greece, which is far east as possible without going outside the EU. And yet i have zero, ever, a lag. So again, what is the problem..

    Don't they have enough real issues to deal with? Why do you press them on..details? Because in terms of import, when compared to everything else, this -is- a detail. Ease off :)

    What is the problem ?The problem is that most of the EU player suffring form lag - latency spike - delayed action - skill not even activate sometimes
    It's not because there is few ppl who don't have problem that problem don't exist
    There never was a specific timeline ? You must be joking right since a year this was annonced that the game will be launched with the serveur located in EU and at the last beta ( 15 days before the release ) they changed to >> later

    And saying that this is a simple detail really show that you don't have those problem but for the others it's not just a detail.
    Do you think there is only one team working on teso right now ?
    They've multiple team working on multiple problem that are really important too.

    Edited by Zolyok on April 25, 2014 7:35AM
  • kynopoulosb16_ESO
    Ill be honest. I dont realy want to pay a monthly fee when ZOE cant even get their *** together and provide a decent service. I have canceled my sub until I read that they migrated to EU.

    Now that I read that ZOE has the opinion that it makes no difference in "gameplay experience" if the servers are EU or NA located makes me outright angry.

    In dungeon you get it from boss abilitys even through you were clearly out of the damage zone, you get killed by mobs due to lag, attacks often dont hit etc.
  • Left_Hand
    I just canceled my sub, the silence on Zenimax's part on this and many other issues is deafening. When and if they move the server and fix the issues with the game, ill return, until then... goodluck.
  • soalrism
    laced wrote: »
    The APAC region has the most MMO players.

    Also, by no means is the demand too small, the APAC region has over half the earths population!

    yes but they prefer a different style of mmo-games.

    @ topic the german cm wrote they still plan to move the servers, but they will give no timeframe for that

    Edited by soalrism on April 25, 2014 9:19AM
  • Starnes
    Zolyok wrote: »
    If they don't move the server they'll loose at least 80% of the EU player

    I know they'll lose me that's for sure.

    They have to give us a timetable, reassurances, something.
  • Kalston
    They suck at communicating so far. I also don't like how lightly they seem to take major issues such as item duping, animation skipping etc (or the servers location).

    And well, the fact that they said US servers have no impact on the gameplay experience for EU players just makes me sick.

    If at least the servers were on the East Coast (NY, NJ, I can get 90-100ms there at least...) but no they have to be in Dallas, meaning europeans have to deal with EU routing + Atlantic crossing + US routing. This increases the potential for issues so much it's not even funny.

    So yep, unsubbed till I hear from Zeni.
  • michael.albertsenb16_ESO
    I just cancelled my 3-month subscription.

    I decided that I'm not going to accept paying for a game with servers located in the US only.

    I'm what you might call lag-sensitive, and I have absolutely no doubt that the delays in combat and inconsistent responsiveness are related to server location.

    Their casual way of announcing this just before release was bad enough - but their continued silence on the matter is not acceptable. There are other issues with the game, for sure, but I still like it quite a bit overall.

    But there's a limit to what I'll accept.

    If they announce something soon and relocate the EU megaserver to the EU datacenter within a month or so, I'll probably come back. If not, I'll consider it one more MMO that I'm not going to play.

    Too bad, but sometimes you have to set your foot down.
  • Jade1986
    I will let my 3 month run out, and if by 2 and a half months I don't see any news on them moving the servers. I will be outtie. To give people some perspective. I am part of 4 guilds atm. 2 of which are Trade / pve guilds who have 500 members. 2 weeks ago their numbers averaged 300 - 450 online at peak hours. Now, they are at 10-15 MAX. Then I am part of 2 PvE guilds who have around 300 members, their numbers averaged at 200 at peak times 2 weeks ago. Ever since the game has been getting buggier and laggier and the latency is become much more apparent with higher level gameplay BECAUSE of the servers being in the US, they have dwindled to FIVE PEOPLE AVERAGE AT PEAK! This is a huge problem, and ZoS will lose an INCREDIBLE portion of their EU player base if this is not addressed ASAP. When they said the servers will be moved to the ALREADY EXISTING EU datacenters after the initial launch, I expect ONE MONTH at max. Not more. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and use my whole 3 month sub, but that's it, my patients have a limit.

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