Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 30:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – September 30, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – October 2, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

When will eu server will come to eu ?

  • Nazon_Katts
    Kingslayer wrote: »
    Hi, folks. As Game Director Matt Firor recently stated in this article, we still plan on moving the EU server, though we do not have an exact timeline to share. We are going to continue evaluating when the best time to migrate the servers is and will be sure to provide our players with an update when we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

    @ZOS_TristanK‌ Sorry but this is a subscription based mmo and this is not acceptable. I for one will refuse to pay for something long term that isn't even situated in our continent enough is enough. Stop trying to pass us off to with the same old speech the company has given us all since well 5 weeks a go. Send this game f2p and noone would care if it was in the US but to have it in the US and charge us Europeans for it. There has been no increase of performance for us. It still sucks.

    Sorry @ZOS_MattFiror‌ but we want a time line not the same jumbled speech you and other devs have given time and time again. Enough of the evaluation, Heres one to evaluate if you guys leave this too long their won't be an EU server left. Or maybe thats the aim?.

    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Jade1986
    A life with Lag- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fNp37zFn9Q

    Just to put in perspective, this is what we are experiencing right now.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 6, 2014 10:10PM
  • Starnes
    Hi, folks. As Game Director Matt Firor recently stated in this article, we still plan on moving the EU server, though we do not have an exact timeline to share. We are going to continue evaluating when the best time to migrate the servers is and will be sure to provide our players with an update when we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

    Thank you for responding in this thread Tristan, it was brave of you.

    We are past the point of caring about vague promises, we want something solid. The last beta without an EU server was a schocker, the next month of release game without an EU server was disgraceful, ZOS's placating may have bought another month's breathing room for some subscribers (though not all), but many of us are tired of this and cannot tolerate it any longer.

    Please stress to your colleagues the importance of getting this issue resolved as soon as possible.
    Edited by Starnes on May 6, 2014 10:18PM
  • GossiTheDog
    Wow. People swore at ZOS staff when they provided an update from the Game Director. No wonder they want to keep quiet, I would.
  • Akhratos
    Wow. People swore at ZOS staff when they provided an update from the Game Director. No wonder they want to keep quiet, I would.

    Yeah well, your paying customers are demanding something you promised but did not fulfill yet, so you better keep quiet. I hope you are not self-employed.

    Liked your name tho, fits you so well.
  • Jade1986
    Wow. People swore at ZOS staff when they provided an update from the Game Director. No wonder they want to keep quiet, I would.
    That wasn't an update, that was the same beating around the bush vague announcement we have gotten for the last 5 weeks.

  • KylarZ
    Update? UPDATE? It was in the bloody director's letter. This is not new information, this is not communication, this is just bullpooooo!
    VR7 Dragonknight
  • paradoxorganisationb16_ESO
    Hi, folks. As Game Director Matt Firor recently stated in this article, we still plan on moving the EU server, though we do not have an exact timeline to share. We are going to continue evaluating when the best time to migrate the servers is and will be sure to provide our players with an update when we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.
    Tbh without sounding too harsh that is a BS answer. Basicly the article says that's it's comming sometime in the future where 2014 is mentioned but also that it could be in the comming years.

    Basicly to answer that it's comming within the next couple of years...maybe is totally unacceptable for something that should have been there from launch.
  • Chryos
    They are still trying to smooth these out I would imagine before moving it. Wouldnt it be wise to be patient and have it right rather than rushed?
    If I am going to quote someone, it's going to be me.
  • paradoxorganisationb16_ESO
    Chryos wrote: »
    They are still trying to smooth these out I would imagine before moving it. Wouldnt it be wise to be patient and have it right rather than rushed?
    Wouldn't it be right to have an EU server actually be in EU from launch instead of false adverticing, poor planning and a BS safety net to test if it's worth for them to invest money in europe?

    We have payed/paying for something we did not get.

  • Mojomonkeyman
    Before I preordered, one of your selling points was, that the EU side of the game will be run on a server in Frankfurt, EU. Nothing to worry about. It was around the time of prerelease when I got informed you decided to not have EU servers for release. Things can go wrong, but the vague answers and still no server in Frankfurt is insulting.

    It should be your top priority to fulfill the promises you made while selling your product to me. Latency is indeed always a key point for me to consider before investing in a game. Five days left before the first monthly payment kicks in, I expect an ETA on the EU server issue, thank you very much.
    Koma Grey, Chocolate Thunder, Little Mojo, Dagoth Mojo & Mojomancy
  • Razzak
    Hi, folks. As Game Director Matt Firor recently stated in this article, we still plan on moving the EU server, though we do not have an exact timeline to share. We are going to continue evaluating when the best time to migrate the servers is and will be sure to provide our players with an update when we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

    I guess my hope of finally finding a game with a proper CS dept is finally shattered. Instead of communication, we get a PR statements that even politicians would be proud off.

    Edited by Razzak on May 7, 2014 6:24AM
  • Zolyok
    Razzak wrote: »
    Hi, folks. As Game Director Matt Firor recently stated in this article, we still plan on moving the EU server, though we do not have an exact timeline to share. We are going to continue evaluating when the best time to migrate the servers is and will be sure to provide our players with an update when we can. In the meantime, we appreciate your patience.

    I guess my hope of finally finding a game with a proper CS dept is finally shattered. Instead of communication, we get a PR statements that even politicians would be proud off.

    The art of saying something that make you think you got an answer, but in reality you didn't get a single information.

    Anyway, we still got Lag, delay, connection loose and other crap.What do you need to evaluate ?Just migrate the server now, in all the case doesn't matter when you transfer it you'll have problem.Just transfer it now that we can pass the problem.

    We're asking for real explanation here not for sensless speach.
    Wich problem prevent you to migrate the server ?
    When are you going to do it ? It's impossible you don't have any timeline for it.
    Why this is not your priority ?

    Those really make EU player feel they don't have any consideration from ZOS...

  • Hexi
    Maybe once people start unsubbing at the end of the first paid sub cycle, they'll wake the *** up. Sadly however, people that leave in the first 2 months *never* come back, because they feel like box price was a waste of money.

    The PvP campaigns on EU are already starting to empty out. There's 3 that are even full at prime time nowdays and PvP is a lagfest, completely unplayable, at least it was last night. Though the numbers might go back up now with the Vamp nerf, don'tknow.

    More and more it looks like ESO will be another MMO with promise that was managed to the ground by management that is completely detached from reality.
  • Jade1986
    Chryos wrote: »
    They are still trying to smooth these out I would imagine before moving it. Wouldnt it be wise to be patient and have it right rather than rushed?
    SWTOR did it right at launch, and they fixed the issues just fine. The excuse that ZoS is new at this doesn't cut it, because that was Biowares first MMO as well. Hell, they even launched with an Oceanic Server, it got shut down due to too few players, supposedly, but at least each region had their server AT LAUNCH. There was no delay between updates, all updates were released at the same time and on time. The distance thing is simply an excuse.

  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    I have a few days of sub left, but won't renew it untill the server is actually in Europe. Vote with your wallets.
  • Hexi
    I have a few days of sub left, but won't renew it untill the server is actually in Europe. Vote with your wallets.


    I for one am not going to give money to a company that treats it's customers like ***. Keep it up Zenimax, soon you can say that the population is too low to justify the server transfer and you only have yourself to blame for that.

  • Jade1986
    Hexi wrote: »
    I have a few days of sub left, but won't renew it untill the server is actually in Europe. Vote with your wallets.


    I for one am not going to give money to a company that treats it's customers like ***. Keep it up Zenimax, soon you can say that the population is too low to justify the server transfer and you only have yourself to blame for that.
    The thing is, even if they lose 50 percent of their EU population, it will still be on par with the US population. Allowing their EU population to diminish is a ridiculously huge business blunder.

  • Hexi
    laced wrote: »
    Hexi wrote: »
    I have a few days of sub left, but won't renew it untill the server is actually in Europe. Vote with your wallets.


    I for one am not going to give money to a company that treats it's customers like ***. Keep it up Zenimax, soon you can say that the population is too low to justify the server transfer and you only have yourself to blame for that.
    The thing is, even if they lose 50 percent of their EU population, it will still be on par with the US population. Allowing their EU population to diminish is a ridiculously huge business blunder.

    These monkeys in suits just keep staring at the metrics, not givng 2 *** about just how frustrated people are getting. The thing is that the latency doens't matter as much till you hit higher veteran levels. At 9, missing a block means you're dead and that just pisses people off.

  • Hodorius
    Imagine two scenarios:
    I do not know any numbers so I will invent some.

    1. EU server in EU
    You invest 10€ and earn 16€.
    Profit 6€.

    2. EU server in US
    You invest nothing and loose half of your subscriptions.
    Now you earn only 8€.
    Profit 8€.

    Capitalism is not about making a good game...
    I fear the second scenario is what will happen.

  • Jade1986
    Hodorius wrote: »
    Imagine two scenarios:
    I do not know any numbers so I will invent some.

    1. EU server in EU
    You invest 10€ and earn 16€.
    Profit 6€.

    2. EU server in US
    You invest nothing and loose half of your subscriptions.
    Now you earn only 8€.
    Profit 8€.

    Capitalism is not about making a good game...
    I fear the second scenario is what will happen.

    EU MMO population is DOUBLE that of the US, so they could potentially, if invested correctly, make at least 1.5 times the profit they make in the US.

  • GossiTheDog
    Look, I've tried to keep an even line but I want to highlight something about this. Zenimax keep getting death threat posts about this and broken quests. That is unacceptable. It's a video game. Verbally abusing the Community forum staff - who don't even have access to game accounts - won't change anything. It's just going to make them stop wanting to posting updates (and then people will go back to complaining about lack of updates).

    Here's the reality: the game under sold in volume. Go look at the retail estimates for Guild Wars 2 compared to Elder Scrolls Online at this time in the life cycle. It's significantly less. Pre-orders were significantly less than anticipated. Go look at PVP campaign numbers (press L in game) at peak times. None of the campaigns are full across factions, majority are empty. Go look at the Guild rosters to see how many people are online now. Remember those overflow servers Zenimax set up, where you'd get the option to leave the login queue and go to an overflow server instead? They haven't even used them because there's not enough people logging in to even need an overflow. Read the articles in Eurogamer about how 85% of support calls are about bots, and look at the forum for all those people stuck on main quests for a month with little support response and lack of GMs to progress quests or fix issues. Go read the mainstream reviews - Eurogamer 6/10, Edge 5/10, Polygon 6/10. Zenimax are firefighting huge launch issues here. EU server move has been pushed down the priority list very clearly, Craglorn hasn't launched in April blah blah. Why? Because they need to get the customers they have logged in, working properly, reduce the bot support calls, work on support systems etc etc. They're not "reviewing" the need to move the EU server to EU, as that's obvious (and they've said they will move it, pre-launch) -- they're "reviewing" when they can do this, as it needs staff investment they have deployed elsewhere.

    Should the EU server have been in EU for launch? Yes. Should the game have launched with some forms of bot protected? Yes. Should the.. There's lots of shoulds. I could list 20 essential things which should have been done which would have prevent situations like this. But hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it's very easy to pick holes from the outside as I've no idea of the budget issues etc facing the game and company. I think realistically the game launched early and they should have pushed it back a few months, and so we're stuck in the situation we're in now, and so are Zenimax.
  • Jade1986
    Look, I've tried to keep an even line but I want to highlight something about this. Zenimax keep getting death threat posts about this and broken quests. That is unacceptable. It's a video game. Verbally abusing the Community forum staff - who don't even have access to game accounts - won't change anything. It's just going to make them stop wanting to posting updates (and then people will go back to complaining about lack of updates).

    Here's the reality: the game under sold in volume. Go look at the retail estimates for Guild Wars 2 compared to Elder Scrolls Online at this time in the life cycle. It's significantly less. Pre-orders were significantly less than anticipated. Go look at PVP campaign numbers (press L in game) at peak times. None of the campaigns are full across factions, majority are empty. Go look at the Guild rosters to see how many people are online now. Remember those overflow servers Zenimax set up, where you'd get the option to leave the login queue and go to an overflow server instead? They haven't even used them because there's not enough people logging in to even need an overflow. Read the articles in Eurogamer about how 85% of support calls are about bots, and look at the forum for all those people stuck on main quests for a month with little support response and lack of GMs to progress quests or fix issues. Go read the mainstream reviews - Eurogamer 6/10, Edge 5/10, Polygon 6/10. Zenimax are firefighting huge launch issues here. EU server move has been pushed down the priority list very clearly, Craglorn hasn't launched in April blah blah. Why? Because they need to get the customers they have logged in, working properly, reduce the bot support calls, work on support systems etc etc. They're not "reviewing" the need to move the EU server to EU, as that's obvious (and they've said they will move it, pre-launch) -- they're "reviewing" when they can do this, as it needs staff investment they have deployed elsewhere.

    Should the EU server have been in EU for launch? Yes. Should the game have launched with some forms of bot protected? Yes. Should the.. There's lots of shoulds. I could list 20 essential things which should have been done which would have prevent situations like this. But hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it's very easy to pick holes from the outside as I've no idea of the budget issues etc facing the game and company. I think realistically the game launched early and they should have pushed it back a few months, and so we're stuck in the situation we're in now, and so are Zenimax.
    EU players are leaving BECAUSE of lack of EU servers. If they would have had them from launch, then they could have avoided the mass exodus. Again, there is no excuse not to have them at launch. None. If they want to retain their customer base the best thing to do now would be hire more GMs to constantly moderate dungeons and chat, AND MOVE the EU servers to their proper location. Now. Not in 3 months. Now. They can fix the bugs and glitches just fine when the EU servers are in he EU. Many of games at launch have proven this.

  • GossiTheDog
    They can't just move the EU server to EU "now". I think there's some people who think the megaserver is literally one server with a few cables. It isn't. Megaserver is a concept -- for a big, big cluster of infrastructure. Basically, I think it will likely move as announced - just not "now" or tomorrow or next week.
  • Hexi
    Look, I've tried to keep an even line but I want to highlight something about this. Zenimax keep getting death threat posts about this and broken quests. That is unacceptable. It's a video game. Verbally abusing the Community forum staff - who don't even have access to game accounts - won't change anything. It's just going to make them stop wanting to posting updates (and then people will go back to complaining about lack of updates).

    Here's the reality: the game under sold in volume. Go look at the retail estimates for Guild Wars 2 compared to Elder Scrolls Online at this time in the life cycle. It's significantly less. Pre-orders were significantly less than anticipated. Go look at PVP campaign numbers (press L in game) at peak times. None of the campaigns are full across factions, majority are empty. Go look at the Guild rosters to see how many people are online now. Remember those overflow servers Zenimax set up, where you'd get the option to leave the login queue and go to an overflow server instead? They haven't even used them because there's not enough people logging in to even need an overflow. Read the articles in Eurogamer about how 85% of support calls are about bots, and look at the forum for all those people stuck on main quests for a month with little support response and lack of GMs to progress quests or fix issues. Go read the mainstream reviews - Eurogamer 6/10, Edge 5/10, Polygon 6/10. Zenimax are firefighting huge launch issues here. EU server move has been pushed down the priority list very clearly, Craglorn hasn't launched in April blah blah. Why? Because they need to get the customers they have logged in, working properly, reduce the bot support calls, work on support systems etc etc. They're not "reviewing" the need to move the EU server to EU, as that's obvious (and they've said they will move it, pre-launch) -- they're "reviewing" when they can do this, as it needs staff investment they have deployed elsewhere.

    Should the EU server have been in EU for launch? Yes. Should the game have launched with some forms of bot protected? Yes. Should the.. There's lots of shoulds. I could list 20 essential things which should have been done which would have prevent situations like this. But hindsight is a wonderful thing, and it's very easy to pick holes from the outside as I've no idea of the budget issues etc facing the game and company. I think realistically the game launched early and they should have pushed it back a few months, and so we're stuck in the situation we're in now, and so are Zenimax.

    Bugs happen and MMO's always launch with a crapton of them because they run out of money and need to push the product out to start making some, this is acceptable at least to me.

    Botting happens, no MMO has ever been prepared for it because these people do it for a living and will constantly find new ways to abuse the code and/or the infrastructure of the game to turn a profit.

    The issue with the server, however... is inexcusable. Stupidity and short-sightedness is the only reason for it. You're also right, it is easy to look in from the outside, do you know why? Some of us have been playing MMO's for so long that we instantly regocnize the problems when we see them, instantly know when a company is doing something wrong because we've seen it happen time and again in other games. In fact, I bet I played my first MMO before some of the devs knew how to turn on a damn PC and I know I'm not alone in this.

    We're jaded because we actually KNOW BETTER.

    Edited by Hexi on May 7, 2014 11:34AM
  • Jade1986
    They can't just move the EU server to EU "now". I think there's some people who think the megaserver is literally one server with a few cables. It isn't. Megaserver is a concept -- for a big, big cluster of infrastructure. Basically, I think it will likely move as announced - just not "now" or tomorrow or next week.
    Then they need to make it priority number 1. I know plenty of people that refuse to play this game till the servers are where they should be. I am part of 5 guilds. 1 PVE guild w/300 members, 2 Trading guilds with 500, 1 RP guild w/100 and another pve w/100. And every single person that has left has said they left because of the consistent latency. And to put it in perspective.

    PVE guild 1 w/300 members- down to 12 on average.
    PVE guild 2 w /100 members - down to 6 on average.
    RP guild w/100 - down to 3 ON AVERAGE!
    BOTH Trading guilds w/500 members - down to 15 on average.

    This is all because of their vague comments about moving the EU servers. All. Almost all the glitches / bugs / lag spikes / packet loss is exacerbated by distance our information has to travel. Almost all that have left said they could deal with the glitches and having to relog. But the lack of support for EU players is flat out unacceptable, and the excuse that it is "easier" to update when its in the US is pure and utter nonsense. Again, SWTOR had EU located EU servers at launch, and updated just fine, and they even had Oceanic servers at launch, and updated just fine. Bioware is also a newcomer on the MMO scene, and they managed the updates just fine.

    Also, they had SIX YEARS to get the EU datacenter up and running, SIX years, I refuse to believe they didn't do ANYTHING to get them up and running and waited till the last second. I am pretty sure they are built, and all they have to do is migrate the servers, because they said there would be NO downtime, require NO updates, and would be seamless.

    Edited by Jade1986 on May 7, 2014 11:41AM
  • AlexDougherty
    Hodorius wrote: »
    Imagine two scenarios:
    I do not know any numbers so I will invent some.

    1. EU server in EU
    You invest 10€ and earn 16€.
    Profit 6€.

    2. EU server in US
    You invest nothing and loose half of your subscriptions.
    Now you earn only 8€.
    Profit 8€.

    Capitalism is not about making a good game...
    I fear the second scenario is what will happen.
    These Scenarios are only good for Short term predicition, at a guess the longer term would be.

    1. Eu server in EU
    You invest 10€
    First year you earn 16€
    Second Year You Earn 14€
    Third year you earn 12€
    First year Profit 8€
    Second Year Profit 14€
    Third Year Profit 12€

    2. EU server in US
    You invest nothing and loose half of your subscriptions.
    First Year Profit 8€.
    Second Year Profit 3€.
    Third Year Profit 0€.

    Admittedly my figures are just as made up, and assume a slight reduction overtime as leaving players outweigh incoming players (based on Swtor), but I think overall the profit would outweigh the costs. Plus once they have the servers installed, they can use them for future MMOs, increasing their profit margin even more.
    Edited by AlexDougherty on May 7, 2014 11:39AM
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Starnes
    They can't just move the EU server to EU "now". I think there's some people who think the megaserver is literally one server with a few cables. It isn't. Megaserver is a concept -- for a big, big cluster of infrastructure. Basically, I think it will likely move as announced - just not "now" or tomorrow or next week.

    This should not now be an issue. They should have been prepared for this before launch, the EU server should have been tested and tried during beta phase (you know when testing for stuff like this happens).

    This US based EU server is a farce, shame on you for not seeing that.
  • GossiTheDog
    Starnes wrote: »
    They can't just move the EU server to EU "now". I think there's some people who think the megaserver is literally one server with a few cables. It isn't. Megaserver is a concept -- for a big, big cluster of infrastructure. Basically, I think it will likely move as announced - just not "now" or tomorrow or next week.

    This should not now be an issue. They should have been prepared for this before launch, the EU server should have been tested and tried during beta phase (you know when testing for stuff like this happens).

    This US based EU server is a farce, shame on you for not seeing that.

    "should". I said in my post the servers should have been in EU for launch. They aren't. They should have pushed launch back to move it. They didn't. That's the reality.

    In terms of this being the #1 cause of unsubscriptions as claimed - go on the US megaserver and look at PVP campaign volumes at peak time. Hint: people aren't just leaving in EU. The US campaigns have the same problem. I've actually played the game while in the US on holiday. You know those hilarious 10 second delay spurts to mount, sneak, fire you get on EU? You get them on US too when near large zergs. Watch zone chat and laugh as the 'laaag' complaints happen there too.

    Moving EU megaserver is of course only going to help, but there are underlying -- serious -- technical issues at play here.
  • Jade1986
    Starnes wrote: »
    They can't just move the EU server to EU "now". I think there's some people who think the megaserver is literally one server with a few cables. It isn't. Megaserver is a concept -- for a big, big cluster of infrastructure. Basically, I think it will likely move as announced - just not "now" or tomorrow or next week.

    This should not now be an issue. They should have been prepared for this before launch, the EU server should have been tested and tried during beta phase (you know when testing for stuff like this happens).

    This US based EU server is a farce, shame on you for not seeing that.

    "should". I said in my post the servers should have been in EU for launch. They aren't. They should have pushed launch back to move it. They didn't. That's the reality.

    In terms of this being the #1 cause of unsubscriptions as claimed - go on the US megaserver and look at PVP campaign volumes at peak time. Hint: people aren't just leaving in EU. The US campaigns have the same problem. I've actually played the game while in the US on holiday. You know those hilarious 10 second delay spurts to mount, sneak, fire you get on EU? You get them on US too when near large zergs. Watch zone chat and laugh as the 'laaag' complaints happen there too.

    Moving EU megaserver is of course only going to help, but there are underlying -- serious -- technical issues at play here.
    We know they get the spikes, we know that, but we get the spikes AND consistent 150ms- 600 ms latency. Plus our spikes / packet loss issues are compounded by the servers being in the US. Imagine if the US servers were in the EU. They would burn ZoS to the ground.

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