In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • james_tim
    cheeser123 wrote: »

    I lol'ed. You talk like you're a grizzled 55 year old combat-wounded veteran with a mean streak, and you're just one of the people at the high end of the entitlement generation yourself. This is the customer support forum. It's full of people reporting bugs and other complaints. That's the purpose of the forum. This is a pay-to-play game, which means game time in a bugged, broken, beta-worthy game is costing every single customer money.

    Obviously it will never be perfect, nothing is, but if you don't want to hear people complain about bugs that were detected in the early betas and are still here, now about two weeks after the servers opened up, then stay off the customer service forum. That's what this forum is for.

    This is the most polished MMO I've ever played at release. So him saying entitled kids? I think he's right. This is a complicated system with a megaserver to boot. They've already fixed a lot of issues that were bugged in beta. Obviously not all are going to be fixed. Let it be and hope to god you don't have my issue. Where your FPS drops to the floor and you can't do anything. After a patch is put in post launch.
    Edited by james_tim on April 11, 2014 4:57PM
  • cheeser123
    james_tim wrote: »
    Let it be and hope to god you don't have my issue.

    Is your brain broken??? This is the customer support forum. This forum is for exactly the people who do have issues, and this is where they are supposed to express their complaints, bugs, problems, errors, etc.
  • Toojacked
    Dont you get it Zenimax? If you guys wouldn't let us post 8 pages with no reply from you, we might be more understanding and patient with some kind of not BS update from you.
  • simonperezukb16_ESO
    Motes in the Moonlight completely bugged no one can progress to Coldharbour quests on the EU Megaserver just so you are aware
  • philroberts79b16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    this is a joke why was this not fixed when the server was taken down, its the main quest line! I have been stuck for 5 days at the gate keeper and no looks like all weekend for this, its really not fair you need to stop paving the way for the press and there you tube videos, and think about your paying customers that have sub for 3 months but looks like at this rate will be cancelling,
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Sandhya wrote: »
    A week from official release and people already concluded so much about this MMO. A week. By the way, it was also a week with hardly any downtime, the vast majority of the players playing the game, and having fun. A game in which most of the reported beta bugs and stuck quests were ironed out. But some still existed. All in all, for your average MMO a very solid launch.

    Point out any other MMO where thousands of players had their banks reset causing them to lose up to 50 slots worth of mats and thousands of gold. And if they got past that mentally and decided to let that issue slide they then couldn't do anything with their character for 6+ days because the game completely blocks all content behind a quest the developers cannot fix. Some of these affected players are also suffering a bug which is blocking them from entering cyrodil, effectively rendering their characters useless for the last week.

    I get that not everyone is affected by these issues and that's awesome, if everything is so perfect then I guess you have no need to be on the customer support forum, so you can leave those of us who are suffering from what we believe to be an unstable launch to work with the developers in resolving these issues (or at least attempt to work with them).

    There are only so many straws a camel's back can hold, and the aforementioned bugs are wooden beams to alot of players. Meanwhile I tried levelling an alt and noticed alot of the zones are extremely quiet, meaning everyone is coming up to the coldharbor bug (in which case hell will literally unleash) or the lack of software updates are starting to chase people out.

    I myself have wasted enough time camping npc's hoping for a miracle cure. I'll get on with my life doing something outside the game and check the forums once in a while. If by some miracle something changes I will see if the amazing fun I had levelling is enough to pull me back. The longer a fix takes however, the less likely it is that myself or anyone else who has been forced into this position will come back.
    Edited by l-wilson-1986b16_ESO on April 11, 2014 5:25PM
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
    Fix The PORTALS!

    Edited by richard_michael31b16_ESO on April 11, 2014 5:39PM
  • Zeifnblaseb16_ESO
    Fix da Portals NOW! ; (
  • Rainingblood
    I was hoping to see a comment on the situation of guild stores in Cyrodiil. @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ is there any information on the status of them being accessible by the public? They aren't working.

    @ZOS_BrianWheeler‌ said in an interview with Elitest Jerks:
    "Guild stores in Keeps (and resources) are available when a guild claims a keep or resource (farm, lumbermill, mine). The Quartermaster will then show the Guild Store to anyone that interacts with him/her and players can purchase whatever the guild that owns the claim has posted in their Guild Store."

    I'd love to hear an update on this. Selling goods only within ones guild doesn't bode well for a good in-game economy.
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Daethz
    Crossing the Chasm – The West Portal is not spawning.
    • The East Portal is also not spawning.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • WhiteQueen
    Junk tag bug. Can we get a fix on that? It seems a simple enough bit of code.
  • Drazhar14
    Fix The PORTALS!


    Where did you get this screen shot of my Khajiit Sorcerer?

    I hope the update they had today fixed the bank resetting issue. Waiting on those patch notes!
  • escobarjr
    Fix The PORTALS!


    Best pic EVER
  • Crimson
    Edited by Crimson on April 11, 2014 6:16PM
  • Dragi
    Edited by Dragi on April 11, 2014 6:23PM
    Heiler schreibt man mit i
  • Angier
    darkact wrote: »
    I am sure you guys are already aware, but if not.....
    In Eastmarch a part of the Lifeline quest, when going to the Dreamwhisper, you cannot complete the quest Our Poor Town due to the npc Asmalah disappearing so you cannot confront him. This blocks the overall main story line progression.

    Quoted for seriousness!
  • james_tim
    cheeser123 wrote: »

    Is your brain broken??? This is the customer support forum. This forum is for exactly the people who do have issues, and this is where they are supposed to express their complaints, bugs, problems, errors, etc.

    I was just saying people want everything to be so polished and not have any problems. Their is always going to be problems with a system this complicated. That's all I was getting at, and then I went on to saying at least most people aren't having my problem. Where the game was running smooth as hell. Except for the bugged quest here and there. Then, they did a patch to fix some bugged quest and my game goes to ***. That's all I was saying.
  • Sandhya
    james_tim wrote: »

    I was just saying people want everything to be so polished and not have any problems. Their is always going to be problems with a system this complicated. That's all I was getting at, and then I went on to saying at least most people aren't having my problem. Where the game was running smooth as hell. Except for the bugged quest here and there. Then, they did a patch to fix some bugged quest and my game goes to ***. That's all I was saying.

    Look, I'm all for good customer support and fixing the bugs that are in the game now ASAP. I think we all are, and all just want to play the game. We invested in it in many ways.

    Continuously repeating that you have an issue, like 3 times per day, is not going to help anyone - in fact it IS making it harder to really pick up on the biggest issues and filter out the ones that really matter and are really affecting a large player base. In addition, repeated complaints and requests about the same issue will only bog down support in solving and addressing new issues that ALSO need attention.

    The bottom line: try to be reasonable, consider what you are actually asking and also consider that there are thousands of others waiting with similar issues. And, that it is in everyone's interest that all issues get solved. It's simply a different mindset from what I am seeing and was responding to in the first place.
  • daniel.koehler24_ESO
    We need a god damn fix to Crossing the Chasm,
  • daniel.koehler24_ESO
    I get an email notification about Comment Badges? But, my main story quest line doesn't work, Great Job Zenimax, I see where your priorities are.
  • robertlive2014
    What going on please? How come it's taking so long to fix this?
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
    people standing on bridge waiting. east portal still bugged
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
    What going on please? How come it's taking so long to fix this?

    yess tell us ZENI

  • Mahalin1012
    Sandhya wrote: »

    Look, I'm all for good customer support and fixing the bugs that are in the game now ASAP. I think we all are, and all just want to play the game. We invested in it in many ways.

    Continuously repeating that you have an issue, like 3 times per day, is not going to help anyone - in fact it IS making it harder to really pick up on the biggest issues and filter out the ones that really matter and are really affecting a large player base. In addition, repeated complaints and requests about the same issue will only bog down support in solving and addressing new issues that ALSO need attention.

    The bottom line: try to be reasonable, consider what you are actually asking and also consider that there are thousands of others waiting with similar issues. And, that it is in everyone's interest that all issues get solved. It's simply a different mindset from what I am seeing and was responding to in the first place.

    I completely agree, however keep in mind that a lot of people have already paid for this game. If you've ever worked in the service industry you cannot just expect your customers to be okay with not being able to use a product they just paid for, regardless of how unreasonable the customer is being.
  • ZombieSniper
    The amount of people waiting at one place is the entire reason the east and west portals get bugged, they did actually fix that quest when the servers came back up, but when you encounter that many players trying to do the exact same quest at the same time, problems are bound to happen.. What they should do is have more megaservers or instances
  • jc110886
    Crossing the Chasm – The West Portal is not spawning. And there is billions of people wait for this for 6 days
  • brokerxxx4eb17_ESO
    it is not start i cant play 5 days!
    I have already bought the Digital Imperial Edition for 80 EUR
    Code /login/ passvord/ invalid, support don't help, Zenimax steals money
  • rayvn03b14_ESO
    As much as I reeeeeeeally want to play, seeing all the bugs and their lack of updates means I'm holding out until the first month after release. By then at least some of the bugs will be gone. Just three more weeks to wait! :P
  • dajanksta
    Dominion wrote: »

    Agreed id like to know if this is even on the ZOS radar. I see alot of Mac replies but nothing for PC, its not just a Mac problem!

    This. I didn't have one crash until the last patch. Now I crash ALL the time and there isn't anything in particular that I'm doing. Sometimes I'm walking, reading, making armor, it's pretty random and happens A LOT.
  • bloodyrezon
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