In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • SinfulSoul
    Let's not forget about "A Valuable Distraction" please. The tent has a quest icon while it's burning so people keep interacting with the tent resetting the timer. Why the devs even coded it so that the tent is interactable while the tent is burning? And worst yet, why reset the timer every time someone clicks on it?!

    Make the tent non interactable while it's burning! And make the burning of the tent last only 30-60 seconds rather than the 20 minutes as of now. There's people that been stuck on this quest for several days.

    This needs to be fixed.
  • templar_von_midgard
    Please add the false positive auto-bans to the list, it's a very big issue right now!
  • LimeFox
    -The ignore list needs to be longer. I'm not even sure why it has a limit.

    -Instancing needs to be allowed for Main Story Quests. Currently, a player can go through literally levels 1-49 and never really have to learn boss mechanics, because for every other quest in the game aside from guild/main story quests, there are five other people there, killing the same boss as you are. Don't nerf anything, just allow grouping so we can help out people who are struggling with it. I totally get why people are frustrated with some of the quests such as Halls of Torment - the NPCs are bugged so they don't help in the fights, and for practically every other Harvester in the game aside from Doshia, you usually have multiple people fighting them. You don't learn tactics when something dies in five seconds. I had a wretched skill build on my Nightblade, yet never noticed until level 30 it was bad, because there was always SOMEONE else in my instance, killing things with me. I'm not against that, but it offers no learning curve, and I see guildmates raging and quitting in frustration.

    -The interactive "field" on the Keystones in the quest Striking at the Heart need to be fixed/made bigger. For some people, they don't appear, and for others, they only show up on an incredibly tiny area of the crystal, which you can only see if you're unstealthed and in first-person. A lot of people either can't do it, or thought it was bugged until they knew the trick.

    -Pressure Points as a skill passive does nothing.

    -Snipe is broken. Literally. It is constantly dark on my toolbar. Removing it and replacing it allows me to use it for one shot, then it goes permanently dark again. Worst waste of a Skill Point ever.

    -Still occasionally experiencing minor rollbacks of an hour and less in Greenshade.

    -Occasionally have massive latency spikes - have confirmed this isn't on my end. I seem to get it around the same times other people complain of it, no idea why.

    -Motes in the Moonlight has literally dozens of people just standing around trying to complete it. It looks like a scene out of Beta. Please fix this, people I know are ready to give up, and I'm apprehensive about my character in the Dominion getting stuck there when I hit it in a week or so.

    -Every now and then, the server drops me but doesn't let the game know until several minutes later, in which time I can't kill/interact with anything, and I usually log back in dead. I've wasted more repair money and soul gems on death by server than I'm willing to put up with much longer.

    -NPCs that are followers/fighters for a quest are really, seriously useless. They have the combat usefulness and survivability of Sven from Skyrim. At say, level 3. :(
  • Pyatra
    Yeah, Motes is still jacked up.
  • Spiritreaver_ESO
    C/P of my post in an Army of Meridia is bugged thread.
    I am suffering the same problem and am getting nothing from ZOS in the form of any real help other than

    My ticket number is 140421-043704 and even though the rep has it classified as 'Solved', it is far from that. My character is frozen in place by this quest in terms of progression. Can't get any vet exp, cant continue in the main quest, and can't explore any of the other alliance zones(which is the HUGE one for me as even through betas i stuck with one alliance so the others would be fresh when i got to them). I've done everything i can do on the client side short of a full reinstall and i'm not inclined to do that yet because of the absolute pain i know it will be.

    I've asked them to just move my character to the next leg at this point. I have all the pre-req quests done and my continuing in the main quest should not be hindered because of a silly bug like this. I plan to make at least one report a day until something get done.

    I can see bugs being a problem in side-quests and the like, and we are still in the first month, but i'll say it again-bugs like this in the main quest are just ridiculous. ZOS, hire some in-game GMs with the authority and capability to handle issues like this and get some ppl with MMO scenario scripting experience pronto.

  • Larkhil
    Soul Shriven
    Stuck on main story quest : I actually have NO main story quest whatsoever. I reached VR1 and I think I'm supposed to start the quest that leads to killing Molag Bal but ... no quest giving NPC spawn and nothing in the quest log. So I'm stuck at VR1 with not much to do, so I spent the last 4 days collecting lorebooks. Soon I think I'll start counting how many trees there is in Tamriel.
    Edited by Larkhil on April 24, 2014 5:29PM
  • Lord_Wrath
    This post hasn't been edited with updated info since April 8th, why are people cluttering this?
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • melodeath
    "In progress known issues"
    - Costumer Support not working.
    Edited by melodeath on April 23, 2014 6:25PM
  • monden1980b16_ESO
    Stuck on main story quest : I actually have NO main story quest whatsoever. I reached VR1 and I think I'm supposed to start the quest that leads to killing Molag Bal but ... no quest giver NPC spawn and nothing in the quest log. So I'm stuck at VR1 with not much to do, so I spent the last 4 days collecting lorebooks. Soon I think I'll start counting how many trees there is in Tamriel.

    Same for me... at the moment I'm collecting skyshards in Cyrodiil, but I'm stuck at VR1 without a main quest to continue as well.

    I heard, that many players have the same problem, but didn't find a solution/workaround anywhere?

    Already wrote a bug report and support ticket, but no response up to now.

    Please, address this soon!

  • Rhian-Skybladeb16_ESO
    Storming the Hall
    Vigrod Wraithbane cannot be talked to - he is bugged for many player, including me. Trying to finish that quest for days, now.

    The Weight of Three Crowns (Main Quest)
    The three rulers do not show up at the Isle Stirk...
    I relogged several times, but they simply do not appear
    I also try now for days to finish that part!

    Stomping Sinmur
    He simply does not spawn. I relogged several times and re-entered several times. Trying for days now - but no fix.
    I heard GMs can help spawning him?

    Those are my last three quests remaining for my main character :-(
    *sigh* and I am 47 now, so not much to do besides harvesting... and that is way too boring.
  • Chuggernaut
    I've been stuck on the army of meridia for 2 weeks now. My issue is that I've saved both the King and Vanus, but after saving Vanus and completing the mission he just stands outside the Mage guild and it's locked to me and the army of meridia quest says I still need to find him where his hologram was, but nothing is there. Can a in game rep just jump me past the forth gate or complete the quest for me?
    My comrades have returned. I erect the spine of gratitude. You are a hero today. - Bura-Natoo
  • randolphbenoit
    As of this current date (May 9, 2014) I can longer progress story wise as the following missions are bugged:

    The Weight of Three Crowns (Enter Portal to Stirk) - No leaders show up at Stirk

    Will of the Council - Cannot finish as sees-all-colors not click-able to speak with after all monsters killed

    The Army of Meridia (Enter the Chapel of Light) - only option speaking to king is 'Goodbye'

    The Parley - nothing happens after you get in strategic position

    Leki's Blade - Physical trainer not respond with try to speak to

    Bankgorai Garrision - Sir Gidric only option is 'Gooddbye'

    Epic Bosses/ World Bosses

    Summoner's Camp - Rarely does the summoner actually summon Wather Tyrant and no reward

    Daedroth Larder - No reward no matter if all 3 are kiled are not

    Please fix most of these as it preventing many from finishing storyline
    Edited by randolphbenoit on May 9, 2014 12:16PM
    the NeXus Guild (NA-DC-Crafters) contact @randolphbenoit - Currently Allies to Fairy Tail of Tamriel (Social) and Brave Kore (DC PvP).

    Saltrice - (Salt tolerant rice) Saltrice, pronounced just like it looks is, in fact, a kind of rice that can grow in paddies of either fresh or brackish water.
  • WingZer0
    1st Bug:

    Reaper's March - Arenthia town bugged. I have cleared the town and drove out the Colovians, however once I enter the town they are back and all the stores are unusable. See

    2nd Bug:

    The Daedroth Larder (burned out house) in central Coldharbour, just northwest of the Court of Contempt is bugged. Killing the three daedroth named Nolagha, Keggagiha, and Rsolignah rdoes not unlock it.
  • Creaper
    KazinM wrote: »
    What about "Unknown Error Occurred"? I can't even play the game due to not being able to progress at loading screens (changing environments)

    I had this same issue for awhile. Turned out to be an add on.
  • Parsifal
    Creaper wrote: »

    I had this same issue for awhile. Turned out to be an add on.

    For many, if not most of us, it has nothing to do with add-ons. I have never installed an add-on and I get kicked by this error once every 5 to 30 minutes.

  • ludvique
    Soul Shriven
    I have decided to edit my reply, and in that making it a far more positive one. The quest "The Army of Meridia" was reported seriously bugged 7. April. That it still remains bugged to this date is not good. However, the bug is not a very serious one. It just appears so.

    Ignore that you "can't progress", and instead focus on doing everything in Coldharbour west of the Chasm, and east of it. These areas are unaffected by whatever status you have in this quest. When you have done 100% of these flanks your quest "The Army of Meridia" will be updated, and you will be able to progress normally. The quest will show up as completed. Joy! :D
    Edited by ludvique on June 1, 2014 11:30AM
    "Oh, let me guess: someone stole your sweetroll?"
  • Jeremy
    Not sure if this is a known issue or not. But lately I've been having these weird issues with my skill hotbars. They seem to gray out randomly and prevent me from being able to use them. I usually have to dance my character around a bit to make them available again.

    It's annoying.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 29, 2014 6:35PM
  • ludvique
    Soul Shriven
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Not sure if this is a known issue or not. But lately I've been having these weird issues with my skill hotbars. They seem to gray out randomly and prevent me from being able to use them. I usually have to dance my character around a bit to make them available again. It's annoying.

    Check your settings. Sometimes there can be changes in settings that you did not vouch for. Pretty sure you are referring to one such.

    "Oh, let me guess: someone stole your sweetroll?"
  • fyrefenix
    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Spamming]
    Edited by ZOS_ShannonM on May 30, 2014 1:36AM
    Natjur ✭✭✭
    There is currently only two classes in this game, DK and Sorcs.
    Templar's and NB are just 'extras' that have not been removed yet.
  • tragikzombie
    "To Velyn Harbor: talk to someone in charge"

    This quest is bugged if you used the wayshrine to enter the harbor and completed the first quest around the smithing station. If you complete it and go north to find the NPC... they will not be there as they appeared to have moved on. Please find a fix for this pretty please as it stops Queen Ayrenn's questline. Thanks !

    Same problem!
  • Catman14
    There's still the problem with lockpicking. Sometimes the mouse buttons don't work and you can't press down the pins. Relogging or /reloadui are work arounds but it's mightily annoying all the same.

    And before you ask I don't think it's to do with addons, I think it was something you introduced with the fix to clicks not working when in combat.
  • Auldjohn
    Re: ESO Forums new avatars added notice :

    My issue concerns the ESO Forums notice:
    "Maintenance on the avatar system has ended, and several new avatars have been added! You can change your avatar by editing your profile, selecting your favorite avatar from the pool, and then clicking the “save avatar” button on the bottom:"

    Unable to maintain avatar image selection using IE11 on Win 8.1 x64

    When I use the link then try to select one of the new avatar images , the highlighted image selection does not persist. As soon as I move the mouse to navigate to save avatar the mouse hover/ mouse click selection is lost so that no avatar is selected.

    This may be browser related. My browser: Internet Explorer 11 (v11.0.9600.17126) on Windows 8.1 x64 Desktop Mode. The same issue occurred previously using an earlier build of IE11.

    In a previous instance I was able to use Firefox to successfully select and save an ESO Forums avatar. This morning (21 Jun 2014 ~02:00 PDT) When I try to log in to the ESO Forums using Firefox 28 as a browser, using the same User ID and password as my successful logins on IE11, with FF28 the log in does not complete.

    There is no error message, but the screen does not refresh after I enter my username/password and submit the login. I cannot access the ESO Forums at all tonight using Firefox.

    This is not a high priority bug by any means, but it seemed worth reporting in this Topic.
    @AuldjohnThe Elder Sages' GuildMaster Sage &
    "Old gamers never die; they just respawn and game on!" • Our Slogan: Have Fun!!

    Moot Envoy • Tamriel Foundry Adept • Steam ID Auldjohn
    YouTube auldjohnmastersage • Twitch AuldjohnPCGamer• Steam Group TESGs
  • Rhoric
    You do realize there is a new one of these topics pinned at the top
  • kurstein
    Auldjohn wrote: »
    Re: ESO Forums new avatars added notice :

    My issue concerns the ESO Forums notice:

    Unable to maintain avatar image selection using IE11 on Win 8.1 x64

    When I use the link then try to select one of the new avatar images , the highlighted image selection does not persist. As soon as I move the mouse to navigate to save avatar the mouse hover/ mouse click selection is lost so that no avatar is selected.

    This may be browser related. My browser: Internet Explorer 11 (v11.0.9600.17126) on Windows 8.1 x64 Desktop Mode. The same issue occurred previously using an earlier build of IE11.

    In a previous instance I was able to use Firefox to successfully select and save an ESO Forums avatar. This morning (21 Jun 2014 ~02:00 PDT) When I try to log in to the ESO Forums using Firefox 28 as a browser, using the same User ID and password as my successful logins on IE11, with FF28 the log in does not complete.

    There is no error message, but the screen does not refresh after I enter my username/password and submit the login. I cannot access the ESO Forums at all tonight using Firefox.

    This is not a high priority bug by any means, but it seemed worth reporting in this Topic.

    same problem on ie11 on win7 ult 64bit

    but logged in on google chrome and no problem save the pic. and now I can see if use IE. you got ie 11 error please fix
    "Sweet Mother, sweet Mother, send your child unto me, for the sins of the unworthy must be baptized in blood and fear" all hail the night mother
  • Elf_Boy
    Vlas wrote: »

    @Mission can you do me a personal favor (out of curiosity), can you enter your address in Yahoo and copy/paste what it has there?

    The reason I ask is that companies use address verification services, Yahoo's is free to a point. If it is different even by a character, it might be the reason (although it shouldnt be that simplistic).

    Just curious if this will work.

    I have worked retail (Cashier Supervisor) 13 years and banking customer service supervisor, debit card fraud/non fraud claims 5 years. I have taken Visa certified classes (cost the bank $500 per person too)

    Call your bank. Have them verify you and then (I know it sounds silly) read them your address 1 digit at a time, zip and everything, BACKWARDS. If a screen or field somewhere has some digits transposed or old data it is really easy to read though transposed digits and not see the error. Reading it backwards avoids this.

    Dont ask them to read you what they have, they cant (or really shouldn't - that's how people get info stolen)

    The biggest things to make sure of, put your name on website X, exactly letter for letter how it is printed on the card, including middle initial if preset. Make sure the zip, 5 or 9 is typed exactly like the bank has it.

    Not all web merchants employ safety checks on card sales, (or the same checks, the better ones cost more per transaction) just because it works some places doesn't mean anything.

    If that doesn't clear it up, CALL (dont go in person waste of time - unless you have small bank or credit union) your bank customer service and ask them to look for the authorization. If they can see one they can likely tell you what specific thing caused the problem. If they cant see one then either the merchants systems glitched OR MORE LIKELY Visa/MC (whatever they all operate close to the same) is losing the data in transit (rare but it defiantly happens). Lost transactions are usually stuck in the Bermuda triangle forever, occasionally, like the flying Dutchman, they appear on your statement, weeks, months (and I have seen with my own eyes) years later.

    Thats a good lesson for everyone who read this far to ALWAYS read your statement. The bank may not even know it is accidentally stealing your money. Funds do (specifically around Christmas, Easter, etc and power outages) disappear into the visa void never to be seen again. (Most of the time visa or your bank will eventually find it -- soem times they dont know to look unless you ask).

    While I am no longer in the retail/banking industry I do have a good memory (for msot thing not imvolving speeling).

    Any questions, please ask.



    Killed a few typos,

    AND all important, IF (more like when) you run across an error/discrepancy or whatever on your card/statement. Dont bother or irritate the poor merchant. (at least in the US, dont know about other countries) US law mandates your BANK is the party responsible for researching and filing a claim. You bank does the paperwork, They DO NOT make the decision. The deadlines are set both by LAW and CONTRACT. If you dont file in time, and/or return the paperwork in time, the reason does not matter. Even if God himself throws lighting bolts at all 17 copies you mailed/faxed/sent by llama, and the dog ate it, the cat shredded it, the ground opened up and swallowed it, you took it into a bank by hand and asked someone to fax it to the claims department, if you are 1 day over the time limit, nothing anyone (except God) can do about it. Dont make that poor person on the phone regret ever trying to help you or even saying 'Hi.'

    I guess I kinda got on a roll. Hope this helps with the credit card payment issue. (and any other credit card issue you or anyone who ever reads this might have.

    I've been in another industry for a few years now. The basics are set by law, its a good idea to look up the time limits for your country/state etc.
    Edited by Elf_Boy on June 22, 2014 10:56AM
    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
  • Elf_Boy
    Now on to my personal and most important and favorite issue :) I know these are not game breaking and lower priority, however, random black voids for doors and FOV and custom Aspect Ratios. Please, pretty please?
    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
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