kingspade805 wrote: »
What about game launchers that won't even initiate the game itself! Can't even play and paid for digital imperial edditio!
Some may be upgrading bank slots again because they received an email from Support stating "We have recently pushed through some updates which we believe has resolved most of our customers’ current issues." with their issue marked "Status: Solved". I got one of those. Of course, I didn't believe it, not even for a nanosecond. It isn't resolved, addressed, or anything of the sort.
Long load times in cyrodill is a problem for a lot of people including me. It seems to be in the more crowded campaigns like auriles bow and Wabnajack.
Hopefully they work on fixing this issue somehow
silvestru_liviueb17_ESO wrote: »When Cyrodiil neverending-loading screen will be fixed? yesterday i was forced to create another character just to be able to play, because i couldn't log in to the main one since i got error in Cyrodiil. I observed this loading screen problem especially when the campaign is full or almost full.
If your "megaserver" can't deal with many people around now that's bad! very bad!
Oh, and one more thing: when the european server is actually coming to Europe? i understand now is still in the US and some terrile lag spikes still chilling the bones around...and disconnects of course...and crashes (from Cyrodiil only). Lag in PVE is a bit easier but STILL!
We'd like an update on what you're doing about the rampant hordes of gold spammers, and when we can expect the removal of the cap on the /ignore list that prevents us from being able to block them efficiently.
Not only is chat mostly useless now, they've taken to flooding our inboxes with this garbage.
Wow, I must be so out of touch with reality! I actually love the game and have spent many happy hours since launch playing. Yes there are a few bugs and yes those bugs can be frustrating, but I don't know of one software application that doesn't have flaws.
We're just a couple of weeks in kids, ease up.
atheistgodling wrote: »So much rage over things I'm sure they are working long, long hours to fix. I guess people don't realize how much goes into making online games... Every change that is made has a ripple effect across every race and class, every combination thereof, and effects every quest linked to that one, for every race and class combo, so forth and so on. Tracking bugs can be a pain. Fixing things retroactively is hard because when you rollback data, you lose some information about every character who was rolled back. Come on guys, be realistic. If making and keeping MMOs up and running was easy, lots more people would do it, they are definitely worth it from a financial standpoint.
Amsel_McKay wrote: »