In-Progress Known Issues

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • Drekor
    Army of meridia fixed...... TOO BAD THE VERY NEXT PART IS BUGGED.
    Yep finally was able to get passed it just for crossing the chasm to bug out for everyone.

    Zeni you guys should seriously have customer service here autocompleting the quests for people this is an unbelievably huge problem since it is stopping people from doing veteran content(the main part of the game).


  • Reinmard
    I dont know anything about programming, but is it really that hard to fix an npc?
    I mean, its obvious they want to fix this right now, everyone is pissed off and they are giving a bad image, but its been a week already!
  • Tigger62077
    Requielle wrote: »
    I presume those of us who already submitted tickets in-game regarding our missing banks are grandfathered into your list of people with problems to fix? Or do we need to re-submit through the website?

    I did both, just to be safe. Friend said they get back to us quicker here, so...yeah. Ensuing panic at my bank losing 2 upgrades!
  • colbydotcom
    I am getting repeated client crashes and/or never ending loading screens in Cyrodill. It is happens almost every time when I am in the middle of a large-scale PVP battle. Small skirmishes are fine, but a couple minutes into a siege, and my client either freezes or crashes completely. Then, every time (no exaggeration) I reload after that happens, I am met with a never ending loading screen, forcing me to alt+F4 and reload the client. After that, it generally works until the next large battle is started. It is incredibly frustrating.
  • richard_michael31b16_ESO
  • Tigger62077
    Requielle wrote: »

    There are a bunch of folks who would gladly get out their virtual torches and pitchforks and chase you down for saying that, but their banks were deleted and they have no pitchforks.

    This cracked me up so much that I made my spouse come read it.
  • Tigger62077
    Which one? All of them? This is CS you're talking to, not the devs. You don't want the CS people in there mucking with the code, you just don't. And they're WORKING on fixing the stuff but seriously, coding isn't as easy as you might think it is.

  • qcell
    What's the ETA?? When are you fixing these bugs? Is it going to be a 4hour downtime???

    Rushing crazy hours to get into veteran content and now... I'm stuck! Who's giving the time back? I could have played less hours every day and would be at the same point..
  • GhoaTse
    Drekor wrote: »
    Yep finally was able to get passed it just for crossing the chasm to bug out for everyone.

    Zeni you guys should seriously have customer service here autocompleting the quests for people this is an unbelievably huge problem since it is stopping people from doing veteran content(the main part of the game).


  • Kevinmon
    What about Banished Cells?
  • Maldamus
    colbydotcom ✭
    April 10
    I am getting repeated client crashes and/or never ending loading screens in Cyrodill. It is happens almost every time when I am in the middle of a large-scale PVP battle. Small skirmishes are fine, but a couple minutes into a siege, and my client either freezes or crashes completely. Then, every time (no exaggeration) I reload after that happens, I am met with a never ending loading screen, forcing me to alt+F4 and reload the client. After that, it generally works until the next large battle is started. It is incredibly frustrating.

    Your not on your own there, it adds insult to injury, unknown errors constantly, until i ran via vpn, that fixes it somewhat, major quests in zones bugged, then army of meridia bugged to kingdom come, quest blocking all veteran content. Leaves you absolutely next to nothing to do in the game except pvp and then you get this ***. Seriously guys the game is great, WHEN it works as intended, which for me has been probably in january 10th beta, since then its gotten worse and worse with more problems every step forward. Add to this that i took time of work (yes i really am that sad) and 50% of that time that was put aside for this game has resulted in it been unplaybale in one form or another.

    Also army is still bugged for me and many others on eu, just looking around at the npc there are still people repeatedly trying to progress.
    Edited by Maldamus on April 10, 2014 11:15PM
  • Reinmard
    I guess those conspiranoic theories about they trying to improve the veteran content coz it was buggy and disappointing by blocking the progress may be true.
    Edited by Reinmard on April 10, 2014 11:21PM
  • supernickx
    It's confusing why they aren't adding a temporary measure. Allow people to skip the entire quest line for now and come back later.

    Sitting there "trying to figure out/working on it" while thousands are stuck being unable to continue with their character is utterly bizarre to me.

    It can't be that hard to code a temporary measure where you add an NPC in the main city of Coldharbour which grants you the FINAL story quest to unlock VR content.

    I realise the bug may be more complex than "fix an NPC" but man do SOMETHING for people. Assign one GM to advance everyone who comes in, have him sit there and advance their quest. Create the temporary NPC. Disable the entire quest line. Disable the gating to VR content.. and on and on. Yet all we get is "we're looking into it"?
  • Toojacked
    The very next section Crossing the Chasm is now bugged. Nobody can close the West and East portals because they don't spawn.
  • Maldamus
    The whole damn thing is just bloody ridiculous...not a lot more can be said tbh.
  • nuclear808
    It will spawn, it just takes awhile. You will have to stand there and wait. It worked for me.
  • Toojacked
    I was so blissfully happy when I saw i could talk to the groundskeeper, just to be tossed in the dirt after 6 days of not being able to lvl my vet.
  • Leeroyjk
    Soul Shriven
    How about people who haven't been able to log into the game, ever, and has been smacked by error's 301, 200, 203,108,
    Your support is a joke.
    "Have you tried turning off your firewall?" Don't you dare ask me that again. Or "Have you opened ports?"
    Edited by Leeroyjk on April 10, 2014 11:56PM
  • Lothire
    Interesting. There was no hotfix, patch or update that I downloaded, yet my issue with The Groundskeeper was fixed. She was targetable, which let me pick up my quest to save the two individuals. Since I already did that part before dropping the quest, it auto completed and let me move onto the Army quest. I managed that part, now I'm on Closing The Chasm.

    Unfortunately, another bug with the first (west) portal has it not showing up. Looks like everyone is stuck on this part, lot of people hanging around. But hey, progress.

    *Correction: appears both portals suffer from the not-showing-up bug.
    Edited by Lothire on April 11, 2014 1:26AM
  • Redwaller66
    How about spindle clutch and banished cells quests not working?
  • Pltchaosub17_ESO
    Fix the Portals in crossing The Chasm please. This is a bad joke you Dev's are playing on us paying players.
  • Toojacked

    GhoaTse wrote: »

  • jaytrill11ub17_ESO
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom‌ thank you for creating this thread, I would like to add Liberation of Northspire on the Daggerfall Covenent, this effectively blocks the normal storyline in Rivenspire.

    BUMP.....good thing I am a man of patience because being stuck in rivenspire is no fun
  • Arulus
    Still having endless "Requesting Character load" Loop...
    They outnumber us 100 to 1, this will take all day killing those ***.
  • Vladish
    I am starting to think Zeni isn't even paying attention to forums no more. They occasionally throw in smoke & mirrors comment that leads nowhere and solves nothing to make it appear like they are doing something other than scratching their butts. Either that or too many idiots in charge are too preoccupied panicking instead of getting their *** together.
  • drizzintahl
    Notification, you received the THREAD DELETED Badge, worth 10 points!
  • Toojacked
    Maybe its the end game content thats over loaded, and they are letting people just trickle in. And then we found out.... we were all really aliens.
    Edited by Toojacked on April 11, 2014 4:47AM
  • kingandrewmub17_ESO
    I'm 99% sure I've had two helmets (both equipped at the time) disappear from off of me after blacksmithing. I know for a fact that I lost one because it just happened five minutes ago and when I finished with the screen my helmet did not come back on and it was not in my inventory. While neither of those losses is a big deal I am concerned with a potential bug that could take away other items in my inventory.
  • JaeGuan
    My bank got rolled back from 100 something spaces to 60 spaces. All of my items were shoved into my inventory (causing many to not appear anymore) as well as 30k gold that I deposited. All gone. I have been trying to get a hold of customer service for the past 24 hours. Nothing. Submitted a report like I was advised to and everything. I feel like I'm just going to be told that Zenimax cannot do anything about this and just try to drag my problem on to the point when I just choose to leave the game and unsubscribe -making me and my problems go away. I am so disappointed in this game right now.
  • Phinix1
    The Forgotten Souls quest in Grahtwood where you have to click the Welkynd stone after attuning the three is still bugged and cannot be completed.

    Also, I am really hoping to hear there is a strategy and timetable in place to deal with the terrible terrible lag in public dungeons. I have been unable to play any public dungeon since launch due to this. My character will literally stop responding to any ability other than block for 20 seconds at a time, or snap/freeze every time an ability is activated while things go rubber banding around the screen or stop animating.

    My connection is excellent: 6mb broadband cable, and every other game as well as outdoor play in this one work fine. Something is broken with the phasing servers, probably due to no diminishing returns on loot drops from killing the same mobs over and over that gold farmers have been exploiting with no apparent plan to do anything about it.

    At this point as a paying customer I would just like to hear that you are aware of this problem as well and plan to do something about it over the next weeks. Otherwise I think there should be some sort of refund path available.
    Edited by Phinix1 on April 11, 2014 5:41AM
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